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Going Shopping
Ten lessons to raise students’ confidence in
everyday activities

This 2012 edition of Going Shopping is based

on previous books of the same name first
published in 2004 and based on the work
of Rosemary Anderson, Patricia MacCabe
and Janice Arnold and subequently by the
ANGLICARE writers team in 2006.

Going Shopping is one of the most popular

ANGLICARE English teaching resources.

The 2012 edition has been updated with more

student worksheets and additional material. It
provides alternative ideas based on teachers’

Each lesson includes a Bible lesson, with

an adapted Bible text related to the topic.
Teachers are encouraged to include the Bible
section of the lesson.

We pray that this updated resource continues

to be helpful to teachers in the preparation
of their lessons. We praise the Lord for our
teachers’ dedication to their students and their
willingness to serve the Lord in this way.

Cathryn Thew
April 2012

Anglicare Going Shopping 1

Revised and updated by Cathryn Thew

Judith Mathews


ANGLICARE, Diocese of Sydney

English as a Second Language (ESL) Ministry
PO Box 1016
Ph: 02 9895 8000

Copyright Notice

All rights reserved.

Teacher instructions and student worksheets used for the purpose of conducting a
lesson for students in your ESL class may be photocopied without permission.

Scripture Quotations are from the Contemporary English Version

CEV © American Bible Society 1991, 1995

Biblical graphics © Global Recordings Network Australia. Used by permission.

2 Going Shopping Anglicare

Going Shopping - Contents

1 Food 4

2 At the Supermarket 11

3 Toys 19

4A Shoes 26

4B Shoes 31

5A Clothes 39

5B Clothes 45

6 The Chemist Shop 51

7 Shopping in the 21st Century 58

8 At the Post Office 63

9 Going to a Café 69

10 In the Shopping Centre 77

Anglicare Going Shopping 3

To revise/learn food vocabulary.
To revise/learn terms of quantity.
To use the auxiliary verb ‘did’ in short answers to questions.

Target Language
Food items e.g. noodles, rice, eggs, fish, etc.
Quantities a packet of rice, a tin of fish, a carton of eggs, a jar of … etc.
Short Answers Yes I did. No I didn’t.

Cut out the picture cards from pg 9. Cut the words from the pictures. (If you wish to keep the cards
it is a good idea to laminate them.) Each pair of students should have at least 6 cards so you
might need to copy more than one set.

Bring packages of food with as many different quantity items as possible – e.g. a packet of rice, a
jar of honey, a bottle of vinegar etc.

Photocopy worksheets.

Ask students in pairs to make a list of all the food that is in their cupboard at home.
Ask each pair to count the number of items on their list.
Ask the class which pair has the most items on their list and which pair has the least.
Ask the class which pair they think may have been shopping recently and which pair may need to go
shopping soon!

Give out the picture cards with the words cut separately from the pictures. Give each pair of
students 5-6 cards of food pictures and another 5-6 cards with the corresponding words. Ask
students to match the picture to the words.

When each pair has completed this activity, choose a picture card and show it to the class. Ask a
student to give the appropriate vocabulary word.
Model and drill the word. Repeat this process for as many words as is appropriate.

Divide the whiteboard into 3 columns. Now test the whole class with the names of the items again.
As you do so, write the names of the items in the third column.

Introduce the actual items you have brought. Hold up each item and tell the class what it is,
e.g. a packet of rice, a jar of honey, a block of chocolate.
Write in the first and second columns on the board.
Your board should look like this.

4 Going Shopping Anglicare

a packet of rice
a jar honey
a block chocolate

Complete the table till all the vocabulary from the word cards and all the items you have brought to
class are written on the table with the appropriate quantity term.

Model and drill the words on the board. Test quickly by showing an item you have brought to class
and asking the students to say the correct quantity term.

Practice 1
Give out Student Worksheet 1.
Tell students to match the food item and the correct quantity term.
Answers: 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b 5f, 6e, 7h, 8g 9j, 10l, 11i, 12k
Note that there may be alternative answers.

Game – I went shopping.

Group the students around a table.
Put all the picture cards in one pile face down in the centre of the table.
Pick up the top card (e.g. showing some rice) and say:
e.g. I went shopping and I bought a packet of rice.
Drill each sentence.

Ask a helper to pick up the next card (of another food item) and say:
e.g. I went shopping and I bought a packet of rice and a bottle of juice.
Drill these sentences.

Now ask students in turn to pick up a card, repeat the previous sentences and then add the item on
their card, as in the game ‘I went shopping’.
e.g. Student 1 says I went shopping and I bought a packet of rice.
Student 2 says I went shopping and I bought a packet of rice and a bottle of juice.
Repeat this until 5-6 items are named.
Reshuffle the cards and repeat the activity.
Note: If the group is too large to play together, divide it so each smaller group is of a manageable

Presentation 2
Ask a helper: Did you buy a packet of rice this week?
Helper should answer Yes I did or No I didn’t.
Drill this dialogue as a class with emphasis on the correct intonation.

Practice 2
Look at the second activity on the worksheet. Students should use the dialogue above to ask 3 other
students if they bought the items in the previous week. Students should answer Yes I did or
No I didn’t.

Anglicare Going Shopping 5

Give out Student Worksheet 2.

Tell students that they have to prepare a meal for 20 people. Ask them to discuss in pairs what
they will cook for their guests. Emphasise that this is not a party but rather a simple meal.

Tell students to write what they need to buy from the supermarket. They should write their
shopping list on the worksheet.
e.g. 6 500gm packets of noodles

Take feedback from the class and see which pair has a realistic shopping list!

Bible Lesson
Give the Bible Worksheet to the students.
Draw students’ attention to the picture on their worksheet.
Ask questions about the picture to check that the students know the vocabulary.
Examples for questions could be
What is this? (Point to the water, rock etc.)
Who is this? (Moses the leader)
What is coming out of the rock? (water)
What is the woman doing? (collecting food)

Give students time to read the text quietly.

Read the text to the students as they follow.
Complete the activities.
Answers: 1c, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5a
Take feedback from the class.

6 Going Shopping Anglicare

Student Worksheet 1 1
1 Match the packaging names below with the right food.

1 carton of a rice

2 packet of b milk

3 punnet of c eggs

4 carton of d strawberries

5 tray of e soup

6 tin of f meat

7 block of g potatoes

8 bag of h chocolate

9 bottle of i cereal

10 bag of j juice

11 box of k butter

12 tub of l onions

2 Ask your friends Did you buy a ....................... of .................... last week?
Answer: Yes I did or No I didn’t.

Name Name Name

a jar of jam

a carton of eggs

a bottle of juice

a bag of oranges

Anglicare Going Shopping 7

Student Worksheet 2 1
A meal for 20
You and your partner have to cook a simple meal for 20 people. Decide what you will cook and then write
out your shopping list.

Our menu

Our Shopping List

Number Quantity term Item


8 Going Shopping Anglicare

Food - Picture cards

potatoes eggs grapes

milk coffee fish

juice bread jam

tomatoes margarine cereal

Anglicare Going Shopping 9

Bible Worksheet

God Gives Food to his People
Look at the picture of the Bible Story.

Read the Bible story.

God’s people were in the desert. They had no water

to drink or food to eat. They complained to their
leader Moses.

‘We had lots of food where we used to live,’ they said.

‘Why did you bring us into the desert where we have
no food or water?’

Moses prayed to God. In the morning the ground was covered with pieces of food.
The food was good to eat. God sent enough food for the people to eat every day.

The people complained to Moses that they had no water. Moses prayed to God

God told Moses to hit a rock at the mountain. Water came out of the rock. The people
could drink.

God gave food and drink to the people. He cared for them.

from Exodus 16 and17

1 Write these words in your language.

a desert ..................................... c to pray ..........................................

b to complain ................................. d to hit ..........................................

2 Put these sentences in the right order.

a God gave the people food and drink. .........................

b The people had no food or drink. ............................

c The people were in the desert. ...............................

d Moses prayed to God. ..........................................

e The people complained to their leader. ......................

10 Going Shopping Anglicare

At the Supermarket
To learn how to ask politely for directions.
To learn know how to give directions in a supermarket.
To learn further vocabulary of the articles found in the supermarket.

Target Language
Supermarket products included in various categories e.g. electrical, baking needs etc.
Could you please tell me............ Polite question forms.
Thanks, You’re welcome. Polite responses.

Photocopy the student worksheet, pair activity, aisle signs and food items.
Bring some publicity material from a Supermarket or

Bring real articles (other than food) that are bought in a supermarket. e.g. toothpaste, washing

powder etc.

Bring the picture cards from lesson 1.

For each pair of students
photocopy the supermarket plan on pg. 17
prepare an envelope containing the set of aisle signs and food items individually cut up from
prepare the party shopping pair activity.

Presentation 1
Revise last week’s lesson by showing the students the picture cards. Check that they know the
names of the items and their quantities.

Ask students: Where do you buy this food?

If they mention supermarket or the name of a supermarket e.g. IGA, Woolworths, repeat the word
supermarket and write it on the board.
Quickly check that students know the meaning of supermarket by asking students to tell you the
name of a supermarket in their suburb.

Ask students to tell you what other items can be bought at a supermarket. You could do this by
giving each pair of students a publicity leaflet of a local supermarket and asking students to find
items for sale that are not food.
If you do not have the publicity material show the items you have brought to class.

Practice 1
Give out the Student Worksheet.
Tell students to look at the words with a partner. Ask students to find the one odd word in each line.
For the second activity students should categorise the words given into the 4 categories. They
should then have the opportunity to put other words they know into those categories.
Check as a class.

Anglicare Going Shopping 11

Tell students that they are having a party and need to go shopping to buy things for it. They will be
given a list of things to buy and they need to find which supermarket would be better for each item.

Give each pair of students either Shopping list A or Shopping List B on page 15. They should not
look at each other’s list but ask questions to find out where to go for the item.

Check the list as a class.

Presentation 2
Write these supermarket aisle signs on the board.







Ask students to give an example of food for each category. Write their answers on the board.
e.g. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES apples, oranges …….
TEA & COFFEE green tea, coffee, bonox

Practice 2
Distribute the set of aisle signs and an envelope of individual items to each pair of students.
Ask students to match the items to the aisle sign.
Check as a class by asking each pair to tell you the items that come in different categories. Note that
not all categories mentioned above are given in the examples.

Presentation 3
Give out the diagram of the supermarket on page 17. Say the names of the categories of items in
the supermarket and ask students to point to that word. Ask students to tell you what item you could
get from that section of the supermarket.
Ask the class: You are in a supermarket and you don’t know where things are. What will you do?
Tell the class that we will learn what to ask in this situation.

Model the dialogues below with a helper. Emphasise the words that need to be stressed and the
correct intonation.

Drill the dialogues with the students till most of the students can repeat the words. To ensure
intonation start to drill phrases at the end of the sentences.

Customer Excuse me, can you tell me where the coffee is?
Supermarket employee It’s in Aisle 5.
Customer Thank you.
Supermarket employee You’re welcome.

12 Going Shopping Anglicare

Customer Could you tell me where the soy sauce is please?
Supermarket employee It’s in Aisle 3 opposite the meat.
Customer Pardon?
Supermarket employee It’s in aisle 3, opposite the meat.
Customer Thank you.
Supermarket employee You’re welcome.

Practice 3
If you think that students need help to practise the dialogue you may like to give them a handout but
encourage them to try to remember the dialogue and not read it.

Students should ask their own questions to their partner based on the dialogue models and the
supermarket plan. They should use words learned in the previous activity.

Bible Lesson
Jesus feeds 5000 people.
Give the Bible Worksheet to the students.
Draw students’ attention to the picture on their worksheet.
Ask questions about the picture to check that the students know the vocabulary.

Examples for questions could be
Where is the boy in the picture?
Where is the grass?
Point to the basket.
Who is Jesus? What is he doing?

Give students time to read the text quietly.
Read the text to the students as they follow.
Complete the activities.
Answers: a 5000, b 1, c 5, d 2, e12
Take feedback from the class. Give some students the opportunity to answer the last question and,
according to the ability of your class, either dictate an answer or ask students to write their own

Anglicare Going Shopping 13

At the Supermarket
Student Worksheet 2
1 Look at the words below with a partner. Which is the odd word out in each line? The first one has
been done for you.

toothpaste soap bread shampoo

butter cheese yoghurt bananas

soup batteries eggs rice

pear mango potato apple

tub calculator carton bottle

deodorant clock hand cream perfume

jam punnet margarine coffee

Weetbix cornflakes muesli peach

2 a With your partner organise the words under these headings. Four have been done for you.

Food Toiletries Electrical Containers

bread toothpaste batteries tub

b Can you add other words to these lists?

14 Going Shopping Anglicare

At the Supermarket - Pair Activity
Student A
Weekly Sp

Student B

Anglicare Going Shopping 15

At the Supermarket - Aisle Signs & Food Items



Self Raising Flour Salt Cake mix

Icing sugar Vanilla Essence Cinnamon

Ginger Beer Coca Cola Lemonade

Orange juice Cheese Cream

Skim milk Margarine Yoghurt

Custard Lettuce Carrots

Potatoes Tomatoes Apples

Oranges Bok choi Oatmeal

Cornflakes Rice Bubbles Coco Pops

Weetbix Nutri-grain Pork chops

T-bone steak Lamb roast Butterflied pork

Sausages Wiener schnitzel Hamburger Mince

16 Going Shopping Anglicare

At the Supermarket - Supermarket Plan
















Anglicare Going Shopping 17

At the Supermarket
Bible Worksheet 2
Jesus Feeds the Crowd
1 Look at the picture of the Bible Story.

Read the Bible Story.

There were more than 5000

people with Jesus.

Jesus asked his disciples

‘Where will we get enough food
to feed all these people?’ But
Jesus knew what to do!

A boy had five small loaves of bread and two small fish. He gave
the bread and fish to Jesus.

Jesus took the bread and fish and gave thanks to God. He then
gave the fish and bread to all the people. Everyone had plenty to

There were 12 large baskets of food left over!

from John 6:1-14

2 Answer these questions with numbers.

a How many people were with Jesus? ........

b How many people gave food to Jesus? ........

c How many loaves of bread did the boy give to Jesus? ........

d How many fish did the boy give to Jesus? ........

e How many baskets of food were left over? ........

3 Answer this question.

What does this Bible story teach us about Jesus?....................................................................


18 Going Shopping Anglicare

To learn words for family relationships.
To revise ways to ask for help and answer questions in a shopping situation.

Target language
Names of toys such as a ball, a baby’s rattle, building blocks, a doll, a doll’s pram, cricket/tennis/golf
set, marbles, jigsaw puzzle, (or any other toys brought to show students).
Family names and relationships.

Bring some toys (or pictures of them) such as those listed in Target Language above. Make sure
something suitable for both boys and girls and babies is included.
Bring two different coloured markers/chalks to link toys belonging to girls and boys.
Photocopy student worksheets 1, 2 and 3 and the Bible worksheet to give to each student.
Make a large copy (A3) on paper or OHP transparency of the family chart with pictures of
Grandparents: Mr and Mrs Lee Parents: Jim and Jane Young
Aunt: Amy Lee Uncle: John Lee
Grandchildren: Sue and Ben

Presentation 1
Put toys on display and ask students: Did you play with toys when you were a child? What sort
of toys did you play with? Are these like the toys you played with?
Accept two or three answers. Get students to tell you or a helper about their favourite toy as a child.
Hold up toys one by one and ask students to name them. Write the words on the board.
Model and drill the words as necessary.
Decide which of the listed toys are usually for a girl and which are usually for a boy.
Mark the toys with a different colour markers/chalk for boys and girls.
Those toys suitable for boys and girls should be marked with both colours.

Practice 1
Give out Student Worksheet 1 and ask students in pairs to name the toys. Write the names of
unknown toys on the board. Students write these under the appropriate picture. Students should
then decide in pairs which gifts would be suitable for a boy, which for a girl, for both boys and girls
and which gifts would be suitable for a baby.
Take feedback.

Presentation 2
Family Chart
Show the family chart, either attach an A3 version to the board or on the OHP, introducing questions
on relationships of each person to Sue or Ben.
Say: Family members like to give children toys. Look at the names of this family. Here are
Sue and Ben. What would they call Jim Young?
Elicit: Father, Dad, Daddy
What is the name of Sue and Ben’s aunt?
Elicit: Amy Lee
Amy Lee had a baby boy last week. He was born last Wednesday.

Anglicare Going Shopping 19

Draw a line under Amy and John Lee and a downwards line to

Write on board or OHP: Amy Lee had a baby boy last week. He was born last Wednesday.
(You might like to ask the students to give the baby a name…and take a vote on the most popular

Choosing suitable gifts for children: Ask: What’s a celebration where people give gifts to
children? (Christmas, Chinese New Year)
Say: Everyone in this family wants to buy presents for Sue and Ben and the new baby.
Who is Mr. Jim Young?
Elicit: Sue and Ben’s father and the baby’s uncle.
Who are Sue and Ben to Amy and John Lee? (niece and nephew)
The students take turns coming to the board to write the correct word/words in the spaces of the
enlarged Worksheet 2. Students then complete their own copy.
What could Mr. Young buy for his daughter Sue?
Refer to the listed toys on the board and ask students to suggest a suitable toy for Sue.
Now ask students to decide Ben’s age and to choose a toy for him.
Ask students to suggest a gift for the new baby.

Practice 2
Distribute the survey on Student Worksheet 3.
Ask students to write their own answers to these questions. They then ask two other students the
questions and then fill in their answers.
Ask students for their answers and write the names of family mentioned, including such words as
Father/Daddy/Dad etc.

Presentation 3
Shopping for toys
Act out this dialogue with a helper. Make it as realistic as you can. Use real articles if possible. Make
sure students know that you are ‘in’ a toy shop.

Shop Assistant Can I help you?
Customer Yes, please. I want to buy a toy for my nephew. Do you have
any ideas?
Shop Assistant Well boys like toy cars. We have some here.
Customer How much is this one?
Shop Assistant Only $20.
Customer Thanks. I’ll take it.
Shop Assistant Card or cash?
Customer Cash please.

Model and drill each line of the dialogue with the class. Then divide the class in half; model and drill
with each half being both Shop Assistant and Customer. Get students to repeat the dialogue without
teacher input. Ensure that students can repeat the model dialogue before they practise the dialogue
in pairs.

Practice 3
Ask students to practise the dialogue in pairs, substituting different words and prices for the bolded
Allow some students to act out the dialogue for the class.

20 Going Shopping Anglicare

Bible Lesson
Ask students who are parents Why do you give toys to your children? If you know that your
children really want something and it will be good for them, what will you do?

Give out the Bible Worksheet for students to read and to do the activities.
Check answers as a class.
Answers: 2a yes, b no, c yes, d no, e yes, f yes

Anglicare Going Shopping 21

Student Worksheet 1 3
Write the names under each toy. Underline those suitable for a boy. Circle those suitable for a girl.
Underline and circle those toys suitable for boys and girls. Place a tick beside those suitable for a baby.

22 Going Shopping Anglicare

Student Worksheet 2 3

Mr and Mrs Lee

Amy Lee John Lee Jane Young Jim Young

Sue Young Ben Young

Anglicare Going Shopping 23

Student Worksheet 3 3
Question Me Student 1 Student 2

What was your favourite toy when you

were a small child?

Who gave you that toy?

What was your brother’s favourite toy?

Who gave him that toy?

What was your sister’s favourite toy?

Who gave her that toy?

What was your friend’s favourite toy?


Question Me Student 1 Student 2

What was your favourite toy when you

were a small child?

Who gave you that toy?

What was your brother’s favourite toy?

Who gave him that toy?

What was your sister’s favourite toy?

Who gave her that toy?

What was you friend’s favourite toy?

24 Going Shopping Anglicare

Bible Worksheet 3
Jesus said that God is our Heavenly Father. He wants to give good things to us his children just like
parents want to give good things to their children.

Read this text from the Bible.

Jesus said:

Would any of you give your hungry child a stone if the child asked for
some bread? Would you give your child a snake if the child asked for
a fish? As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your
children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good
things to people who ask.
from Matthew 7: 9-11

1 Write the names of these things under the pictures.

2 Answer Yes or No to these sentences.

a Do parents want to give good things to their children? .................

b Would you give a hungry child a stone? .................

c Would you give a hungry child some bread? .................

d Would you give a child a snake if he wanted a fish? .................

e Would you give your child a fish if they want one? .................

f Does God our Heavenly Father want to give us good things? .................

Anglicare Going Shopping 25

To introduce vocabulary of different types of shoes.
To give practice in the use of the present simple and present continuous tenses.

Bring a shoe box containing a pair of shoes.
Bring as many different types of shoes as possible.
Photocopy worksheets.

Introduction - Revision
Show the shoe box with a pair of shoes.
Ask students: Where can I buy these?
Elicit: department store, shoe shop etc.
Say to students, I am in Myers or Big W and I don’t know where the shoe department is.
What will I ask?
Some students may remember the dialogue learned in lesson 2.
Excuse me, where is the ................ Model and drill this sentence briefly.
Excuse me, where is the shoe department?
Could you please tell me where the shoe department is?

Ask students to tell the class what type of shoes they are wearing.
Ensure all students see the shoes others are wearing and then write the names of these types of
shoes on the board.
Show examples/pictures of the types of shoes the students have not mentioned and write these on
the board.
Model and drill the words. Include school shoes, sandals, boots, slippers, high heels, joggers,
thongs, court shoes, ballet shoes, bootees.

Give out Student Worksheet 1. Ask students to write the name of the types of shoes under the
Check answers.

Present Continuous Tense and Present Simple Tense contrasted

Model the sentence for students. Today I am wearing sandals. (Make it a true sentence). Drill this
Get individual students to repeat a similar true sentence.
e.g. Today I am wearing boots.
Ask students to make sentences to describe what the other students and helpers are wearing.
e.g. Mary is wearing joggers. Peter is wearing thongs.
Tell the students that we are talking about things that are happening at the moment we speak.

Look at the list on the board. Model sentences like the following.
Today I am wearing ______. Sometimes I wear ______. When I play sport I wear ________.
Ask a helper or capable student to make another sentence in this pattern.
Explain to students that we use the present simple tense for things that happen again and again.

26 Going Shopping Anglicare

Encourage individual students to make their own sentences in this pattern using the different words
for shoes.
Model questions in the Present Simple Tense with helper.
e.g. What shoes do you wear when you are in your home?
I wear slippers.
Model questions in the Present Continuous Tense with helper.
What shoes are you wearing now? I am wearing boots.

Draw diagrams on the board to show how to ask questions in these two tenses.

Diagram 1 for Present Simple Tense.

What do I
When you, we, they verb
How does he, she, it

Give out Student Worksheet 2.

Write the example of question 1 from Student Worksheet 2 on the board.
e.g. What shoes / your children / wear / to school?
Help students construct the question. Help students to realise that this is a habit or an action that
is often repeated and so the sentence uses the present simple tense.

Diagram 2 for Present Continuous Tense
What am I
When are you, they verb+ing
Why is he, she it

Write an example of the questions from Student Worksheet 2 numbers 5, 6 and 7,on the board.
e.g. What shoes / I /wear / now?
Help students to construct the sentence. Help students to realise that the meaning is something
that is happening at the moment so the sentence uses the present continuous tense.

Draw students’ attention again to Worksheet 2.
Ask students to make questions from the prompts given using the correct verb form.
e.g. What shoes do your children wear to school?
When students are confident in forming questions ask them to work in pairs and ask each other
the questions on the worksheet.
Get class feedback. Ask students to tell about their partner.
e.g. Mary’s children wear joggers to school.

Bible Lesson
Give out the Bible worksheet and draw students’ attention to the picture. Ask some students to tell
you something about the picture.
Tell students to read the text silently and then listen as an English speaker reads the text to
Do the vocabulary exercise and check.
Answers: 1b, 2c, 3e, 4d, 5a
Discuss the questions as a class orally and then ask students to write the answer. You might
need to dictate the answer to the students or get them to copy it from the board.
You might also need to discuss with the class why John said that he was not worthy to untie
Jesus’ sandals. Don’t mention Jesus’ name till students have answered question 3.

Anglicare Going Shopping 27

Student Worksheet 1 4A
Write the names of these shoes under the pictures.
school shoes, sandals, boots, slippers, high heels, joggers, thongs, court shoes, ballet
shoes, skates, football boots, bootees

28 Going Shopping Anglicare

Student Worksheet 2 4A
Make questions from the following and then ask your partner.

1 What shoes/your children/wear/ to school? ..................................

2 What shoes/you/wear/when you go on a long walk in the bush?.............................

3 What shoes /you/ wear/when you are inside your house? ......................................

4 What shoes/you/wear/ when you are dressed in your best clothes?........................

5 What shoes/you/wear/now?.......................................

6 What shoes/I/ wear/now?.............................................

7 What shoes/ your daughter/ wear / now?....................................

Shoes 4A
Student Worksheet 2

Make questions from the following and then ask your partner.

1 What shoes/your children/wear/ to school? ....................................

2 What shoes/you/wear/when you go on a long walk in the bush? ............................

3 What shoes /you/ wear/when you are inside your house? .......................................

4 What shoes/you/wear/ when you are dressed in your best clothes? ........................

5 What shoes/you/wear/now? ........................................

6 What shoes/I/ wear/now? .............................................

7 What shoes/ your daughter/ wear / now? ...............................

Anglicare Going Shopping 29

Bible Worksheet 4A
1 Read this story from the Bible.

John teaches in the desert

John taught in the desert near the Jordan
River. He wore clothes made from camel
hair and he ate locusts and wild honey. Many
people came out to listen to him. John told
the people, ‘Turn back to God.’

Many people asked John, ‘Who are you? Are

you the One God promised he will send?’

John told the people ‘No I am not the One God promised he will send. Someone more
powerful is going to come. I am not good enough to bend down and untie his sandals.’
from Mark 1:2-8

2 Draw a line from the word to its meaning.

1 desert a very strong and able to do anything

2 camel b a very dry place usually covered with sand. Not much can grow there.

3 locusts c a large animal with one or two humps on its back

4 to promise d to say that you will do something

5 powerful e an insect like a grasshopper

3 Answer these questions.

a What did John tell the people who came out to the desert?

b What does John think about the person that God promised he will send?

c Who do you think this person is?

30 Going Shopping Anglicare

To revise shoe vocabulary.
To give practice in the use of too.

Target Language
too small, too big, too tight, too loose

Bring the shoes in the box from last week and as many pairs of shoes as possible .
Photocopy foot outlines to attach to board from pp 34-35.
Photocopy worksheets.
Bring props for dialogues.

Show students the different types of shoes that you have brought. Ask them to tell you the names of
those shoes.
Tell the class what shoes you are wearing now.
e.g. Today I am wearing___________.
Ask some of the students to tell what shoes they are wearing today.
Now use the present simple tense as you point to different pairs of shoes. Make sentences such as
the following:
I wear joggers when I play sport.
I wear high heel shoes when I go to a wedding.
Get some students to repeat true sentences in this model.

Presentation 1
Ask students
When you see shoes in the shop, how do you know which pair will fit you?
Elicit: The numbers show the size.
Where do you see the numbers? Hold up box with shoes inside.
Elicit: On the box / under the shoe/ inside the shoe/on the shelf or table.
Show a pair of shoes that obviously would not fit a member of the class.
Ask students Would these shoes fit ......................?

Elicit the reasons.

e.g. The shoes are too small.
The shoes are too big.
Model and drill these sentences and then write them on the board.
Explain that too does not mean very. It means more than is necessary.
You could write this on the board. too ≠ very

Say Sometimes shoes have a number and a letter. (Show students)

A,B,C,D,E. What does the letter mean?
Elicit: how wide the shoe is - its width.

Anglicare Going Shopping 31

Write width at the top of the board and then write wide and narrow, underneath.
Now attach the drawings of the two feet to the board.
Ask: Which is the wide foot? Which is the narrow foot?
Ask students about their feet.
Are your feet narrow or wide?
What size shoe do you wear?
Tell the students about your shoe size as the following sentence.
e.g. I have a wide foot. I can’t wear size A shoes because they are too narrow.
I have a narrow foot. I can’t wear size E shoes because they are too wide.

Give out Student Work Sheet 1 with examples of too. Help students complete the worksheet. Take
answers and check.
Ask students to then tell you about Mary’s terrible day buying shoes.
Suggested Answers. Others are possible.
a It was too far. b It was too crowded. c They were too busy. d They were too high.
e The shoes were too expensive. f The shoes were too dark. g It was too hot. h She was too tired.
Students could then tell others in the group about their experiences buying shoes.

Presentation 2
Demonstrate loose and tight either with your shoes or by drawing a line around the outline of the feet
on the board. Draw a line in close to illustrate tight and a line at a distance to illustrate loose.
To demonstrate uncomfortable change your shoes and grimace to show the students that the shoes
are not comfortable.
Ask: What is my problem?
Elicit: Your shoes are uncomfortable.
Write uncomfortable.
Ask: What makes shoes uncomfortable?
Elicit suggestions such as the following:
They are too tight. They are too small. They are too loose. etc.

Set up the front of your class like a shoe shop and have two helpers model the dialogue for the
students. You might need to change the description of the shoes in the dialogue to fit in with your

You could also draw two stick figures on the whiteboard of a shoe store assistant and a customer
and then point to the relevant figure as you say the relevant part of the dialogue. Make this as
realistic as possible with props etc.
Model the dialogue at least three times for the students.

Drill the dialogue by dividing the class in two and ask them to repeat each sentence after you. Half
the class should be the customer and the other half should be the shop assistant, and then swap.
Do this several times till the students have an idea of the dialogue.
Get individual students to repeat the dialogue for the class.

Encourage the students to practise the dialogue with their partner. You could put a few words from
the dialogue as prompts on the board if necessary. Students should not be given their worksheet at
this point. Keep drilling the dialogue till students can say the dialogue reasonably well.

32 Going Shopping Anglicare

Give out Student Worksheet 2.
Draw students’ attention to the underlined words in the printed dialogue. Tell them to say the
dialogue to each other but to substitute the words underlined with other words. Mingle and check
that students are performing the task.

Bible Lesson
Give students the Bible Worksheet.
Get students feedback from the discussion question. This might involve a lot of discussion or very
little according to your class. Elicit that taking off shoes is a cultural way of showing respect.
Give time for the students to read the text silently and to check on any words that they do not know.
Ask a helper to read the text to the students.
Complete the activities and check.
3a sheep, goats, 3b mountain, 3c bush, 3d sandals, 3e suffering, 3f Moses
4a 1, 4b 2.

Anglicare Going Shopping 33

Foot outline A to attach to board 4B

34 Going Shopping Anglicare

Foot outline B to attach to board 4B

Anglicare Going Shopping 35

Student Worksheet 1 4B
Mary has been shopping for shoes. She had a terrible time. Tell what happened to Mary by finishing the
sentences with too and these words.

far busy high crowded hot expensive dark tired

e.g. a She couldn’t go to the shop she wanted.

It was too far.

b She couldn’t find a space to park.

It .........................................................................................................................................

c She could not get an assistant to serve her.

They ...................................................................................................................................

d She could not find any comfortable shoes.

They ...................................................................................................................................

e She did not have enough money.

The shoes...........................................................................................................................

f She could not find the right matching colour.

The shoes ..........................................................................................................................

g She could not drink the coffee in the restaurant.

It .........................................................................................................................................

h She could not stay for very long.

She .....................................................................................................................................

36 Going Shopping Anglicare

Student Worksheet 2 4B
Practise this dialogue and take turns being the salesperson or the assistant. Give other words for the
names of shoes, sizes and colours underlined and say why the shoes are not comfortable or suitable.

Shop Assistant Can I help you?

Customer Yes please. I want a pair of comfortable shoes.
Shop Assistant Do you want joggers?
Customer No. I want a pair of leather shoes.
Shop Assistant Would you like a pair like these? [Shows a pair of shoes.]
Customer Yes. They look comfortable.
Shop Assistant What size do you take?
Customer I take 7B.
Shop Assistant What colour would you like?
Customer Black, please.
Shop Assistant We don’t have any black ones. Would you like to try on these navy ones?
Customer (Tries shoes on.) Oh no. These are too tight and the heel is too high.
Shop Assistant I’ll bring you a pair with a lower heel in a larger size.
Customer Thank you.
Shop Assistant Here you are.
Customer Yes they look good. Let me try them on. Oh yes. They feel comfortable.
How much are they?
Shop Assistant They are $74.95
Customer Thank you. I’ll take them.

Anglicare Going Shopping 37

Bible Worksheet 1 4B
1 Discuss this question.

Why do some people take off their shoes before they go into a religious place?

2 Read this story from the Bible.

Moses was a shepherd. He was taking care

of some sheep and goats. He took his sheep
to Mount Sinai. There God spoke to him from
a burning bush. Moses saw that the bush was
on fire but it was not burning up. Moses was
surprised. He went closer to the bush.
God spoke to Moses. He said, ‘Take off your
sandals – the ground where you are standing
is holy. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have seen how my people are
suffering. Moses, I want you to go and rescue them.’
from Exodus 3:1-7

3 Complete these sentences using these words.

sheep Moses goats mountain suffering bush sandals

a Moses cared for his ................. and his ...........................
b God spoke to Moses on the ...................................
c God spoke to Moses from a ....................... that was burning.
d God told Moses to take off his ..................................
e God had seen the ............................ of his people.
f God said that he would send .................................. to rescue his people.

4 Choose the answer/s you think is/are best.

a Why did Moses take off his sandals?
1 because he had sore feet
2 because he wanted to obey what God said
3 because he wanted to honour God
b Why did the bush not burn up?
1 because there was water near the bush
2 because God used the bush as a sign for Moses
3 because some bushes do not burn

38 Going Shopping Anglicare

To revise/introduce vocabulary for clothing.
To understand labels on clothing.

Target Language
1 a pair of (trousers, pants, slacks, shorts, shoes, gloves, stockings, socks), a skirt, a blouse,
a shirt, a slip, a jumper, a coat, a hat.
2 washing instructions.

Bring examples of different items of clothing (about 5) with washing/care labels attached.
Number them (1-5) and place them in different areas around the room.
Photocopy worksheets for each student. Bring a thermometer.

Presentation 1
Divide students into groups of 3-4. Ask them to list as many items of clothing as possible in 2-3
Ask the group that names the most items to read their list to the class.
Write on the board some of the articles of clothing, which have different ways of cleaning, from the
student’s list.
e.g. undies, coat, jacket, cardigan, suit, blouse
Ask students:
What do you think about when buying clothes?
Elicit: price, size, colour, type of material, ways to wash
As each student answers, ask a question relating to that word,
e.g. What price would you pay for a pair of trousers?
What colours do you choose?
What material do you like?

When a student mentions ways to wash/clean clothing ask:

What ways are there to clean clothes?
Elicit: dry-cleaning, machine washing, hand washing
Write these words on the board.
Point to the list of clothing articles that you have written on the board.
Ask students: How would you clean this/these?
Draw a line from the article of clothing to dry-cleaning, machine washing or hand washing as
students answer.

Practice 1
Give out Student Worksheet 1 and ask students to complete Question 1 putting the words in
the appropriate column. They might need to check the meaning of some of the words in their
dictionaries. Check as a class.

Anglicare Going Shopping 39

Price: $95.95, $19.95
Colour: navy, black,
Material: pure new wool, acrylic, genuine leather, all cotton, synthetic
Size: 12, M, XXL,
Cleaning Instructions: dry clean only, dry in shade, machine washable, cool iron

Presentation 2
Ask students: Where can you find out how clothing is to be cleaned?
Elicit: on the label
Ask: Where is the label?
If appropriate, ask students to find the washing label on an article of their clothing and describe
where it is.
e.g. on the neck/back of the collar, or side seam

Introduce meaning by showing the class the thermometer you have brought.
Ask: What does the thermometer measure?
Elicit: temperature
Check by asking: If the water is hot what temperature might it be?

Draw a large circle on the board. As you draw the circle say,
I start here and finish here. I do the full cycle.
Say: Washing machines have different cycles. What type of cycles do they have?
Elicit: gentle, normal, superwash
You could show the meanings of these words by different arm movements.

Practice 2
Draw attention to Worksheet 1 Question 2.
Have students complete the exercise and then check the work as a class.
Temperature warm, hot, cool
Washing Cycle normal, gentle, permanent press, superwash
Ways to dry tumble, in shade, spin, in sun,

Show the students the clothing that has been numbered and placed around the room.
Check that students know the names of the article of clothing e.g. a pair of trousers.
Give each student or pair of students a copy of Worksheet 2 to complete.
Tell each student or pair of students to begin with a different item of clothing when completing the
worksheet. Tell students that article No. 6 is the label on the back of a classmate’s collar.
Give students practice in saying May I look at your label, please?
Tell students that if the information is not mentioned on the clothing label, they should draw a line in
that place.
When students have completed the information on each of the 6 articles, they should check with
their classmates. If answers are different they should go back and re-check the label.
Check the clothing labels as a class.

40 Going Shopping Anglicare

Bible Lesson
To introduce the Bible Lesson you could ask students who they think has the most beautiful clothes.
You could then comment that King Solomon in the Bible was very rich and had beautiful clothes.
Jesus used King Solomon and the flowers to teach his followers that God would look after them if
they put God first. Jesus’ followers should not worry about anything.
Give out work sheet and do activities.

Give students time to read the text quietly. Read the text to the students as they follow.
Complete the activities.
Answers: 2a followers, 2b worry, 2c rich, 2d, beautiful
3a not mentioned, 3b false, 3c true, 3d true, 3e true, 3f, true, 3g false

Anglicare Going Shopping 41

Student Worksheet 1 5A
1 Here are some words about clothes. Put them in the right column.

$95.95 all cotton navy 12 dry clean only

pure new wool M XXL $19.95 genuine leather acrylic
machine washable black dry in shade cool iron synthetic

Price Colour Material Size Instructions

2 Here are some words about the way to clean clothes. Put them in the right column.

tumble in shade warm normal gentle permanent press

hot spin in sun cool superwash

Temperature Washing Cycle Ways to dry

42 Going Shopping Anglicare

Student Worksheet 2 5A
No .1 is a ................................................................. No 2 is a .................................................................

What material is it? ................................................... What material is it? ...................................................

How do you clean it? ................................................ How do you clean it? ................................................

What is the temperature for washing? ...................... What is the temperature for washing? ......................

What is the cycle for machine washing? ................... What is the cycle for machine washing? ...................

How do you dry it? ..................................................... How do you dry it? .....................................................

What is the temperature for ironing? ......................... What is the temperature for ironing? .........................

No 3 is a ................................................................. No 4 is a .................................................................

What material is it? ................................................... What material is it? ...................................................

How do you clean it? ................................................ How do you clean it? ................................................

What is the temperature for washing? ...................... What is the temperature for washing? ......................

What is the cycle for machine washing? ................... What is the cycle for machine washing? ...................

How do you dry it? ..................................................... How do you dry it? .....................................................

What is the temperature for ironing? ......................... What is the temperature for ironing? .........................

No 5 is a ................................................................. No 6 is a .................................................................

What material is it? .................................................... What material is it? ..................................................

How do you clean it? ................................................ How do you clean it? ................................................

What is the temperature for washing? ...................... What is the temperature for washing? ......................

What is the cycle for machine washing? ................... What is the cycle for machine washing? ...................

How do you dry it? ..................................................... How do you dry it? .....................................................

What is the temperature for ironing? ......................... What is the temperature for ironing? .........................

Anglicare Going Shopping 43

Bible Worksheet 5A
1 Read what Jesus said about people who worry.

Jesus taught his followers that they should

not worry.

He said, ‘Don’t worry about having nothing

to eat or nothing to drink or wear. Can worry
make you live longer? Look at the beautiful
flowers. They don’t work hard to make
clothes. But even King Solomon who was a
very rich king was not as well clothed as the flowers.

God has made all the flowers in the fields beautiful. God will look after you.

Only people who don’t know God always worry about things like this. God knows what you
need. Put God’s work first and do what he wants.
from Matthew 6:25-33

2 Find words in the text that mean.....

a people who try to live like and obey their teacher f..........................................
b unhappy because you think something bad will happen w...................................
c having a lot of money or things r......................................
d very nice or pretty to see b..........................................

3 Write true, false or not mentioned.

a Jesus taught his followers on the mountain.
b Worry will make you live longer.
c King Solomon had beautiful clothes to wear.
d God made the flowers beautiful.
e People who don’t know God often worry.
f Jesus told us not to worry.
g Jesus followers are not important to God.

44 Going Shopping Anglicare

To revise clothing vocabulary.
To revise vocabulary used in washing instructions.
To listen for specific details.

Photocopy worksheets. (If you don’t have a colour photocopier -colour squares on Worksheet 1 with
coloured pencils)
Cut Worksheet 3 into strips as shown.
Bring props to make the dialogue as realistic as possible.

Quickly revise vocabulary for different types of clothing, especially the articles which are used in the
plural. You could bring actual clothes or pictures of clothing.
e.g. pair of trousers, slacks, pants, stockings, shoes, tights, socks, gloves, glasses, shorts

Give out Student Worksheet 1 and ask students to complete questions 1 and 2.
Students should put the letter/s (a,b,c,d,) showing method of washing next to the item of clothing.
Suggested Answers: 1b, 2a, 3a, 4d, 5a, 6c, 7b

Introduce or revise words for colour. Point to different parts of the room and ask students to name
the colours. You could also draw attention to clothes the students are wearing to show different
Refer to question 3 on Student worksheet 1. If you do not have access to a colour photocopier you
could colour the squares with pencils.
Divide students into groups of 3-4 and give them about 5 minutes to discuss their answers to the
discussion questions (question 4) on Student Worksheet 1.
Ask for some feedback from different groups.

Tell students to listen to the conversation between a person buying clothes and a sales person.
With a helper act out the dialogue once or twice, for the students to answer questions 1 and 2 on
Student Worksheet 2.
Buyer: I want to buy a pair of trousers for a small boy.
Salesperson: What size is he?
Buyer: He is about five years old but he is tall for his age.
Salesperson: What colour do you want?
Buyer: A dark colour would probably be best.
Salesperson: What type of material do you want?
Buyer: Something that is easily washable like polyester.
He gets very dirty.
Salesperson: (Show pair of trousers) Do you like these?
Buyer: They look good. Can I machine wash them?
Salesperson: Oh no! The label says: “Dry clean only.”
Buyer: No, I don’t want that. I need to be able to wash them easily.
Salesperson: (Show another pair of trousers) What about this pair?
They are very fashionable and you can wash them.
Buyer: Thank you. I’ll take those.

Anglicare Going Shopping 45

Act out the dialogue again for the students to answer question 3.
Allow students to check their work with their partner.
Complete question 4.
Check the answers to the questions with the whole class.

Model and drill each line of the dialogue for good pronunciation
Give students the dialogue of Worksheet 3 cut into strips. With their partner they need to reconstruct
the dialogue that they have just heard in the correct order. Ask students to practise the dialogue with
their partner
Check each pair when complete and then ask students to substitute the words in the box for the
underlined words.
Discourage students from reading the whole dialogue but they can use the script for a prompt.

Encourage students to make their own dialogue based on the given dialogue.
Let as many students as possible act out their role play in front of the class.

Extra Activity
Students follow one another in this game, using the following pattern:
A Jack bought a shirt.
B Jack bought a white shirt.
C Jack bought a white shirt with seven buttons.
D “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ and Jane bought a skirt.
E Jane bought a skirt with a belt.
A Jane bought a skirt with a belt. It had to be dry-cleaned.
B “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ and Jim …
[and so on, with a new item introduced every fourth person.]
[Words students might suggest: colours, size, quality, washing,
shoes, slippers, thongs, sandals, socks, pants, jeans, slacks, trousers (a pair of), skirts, blouses,
T-shirts, shirts, ties, underwear, nightwear, buttons, zips, belts]

Bible Lesson
The woman who touched Jesus’ clothes. Mark 5:25-34
2a bleeding, 2b shaking with fear, 2c faith, 2d healed
3 g1, c2, d3, f4, b5, a6, e7

46 Going Shopping Anglicare

Student Worksheet 1 5B
1 Write the correct word under the picture. All these articles use ‘a pair of’

2 Caring for clothes

Choose the best way to clean these clothes from the methods below. Some clothes may have
several possible ways of cleaning.

a normal wash
1 underwear
2 a pair of trousers
b gentle wash
3 a pair of socks
4 a woollen jumper
c dry clean
5 a cotton skirt
6 a leather jacket
d hand wash
7 an acrylic cardigan

3 What colours do you know? Point to some things in the room and tell your partner what colour they are.
Match the colours with their names.
a yellow
b red
c blue
d black
e brown
f green

light and dark

Sometimes we use dark and light with colours.
Which is blue? Which is light blue? Which is dark blue?

4 Discuss the following questions in your groups.

Where do you go to buy clothes for yourself and your children?

What things are important when choosing clothes for yourself and your children?

Anglicare Going Shopping 47

Student Worksheet 2 5B
Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct answer.

1 What does the lady want to buy?

 A pair of trousers for herself.
 A pair of slacks for herself.
 A pair of trousers for a ten year old.
 A pair of trousers for a five year old boy.

2 Why does she want a pair of trousers from material like polyester?
 They are easily washable.
 She likes the feel of the material.
 Polyester trousers are cheap.
 Polyester is cool.

3 Why does the buyer not like the first pair of trousers?
 They are the wrong colour.
 They are too big.
 The material is not good.
 They have to be dry cleaned.

4 Listen to the dialogue again and write true or false.

a The little boy is taller than most children his age. ................

b White would be a good colour for the trousers. ................

c Polyester is difficult to wash. ................

d The shopper is happy to dry clean the trousers. ................

e The shopper likes the second pair of trousers. ................

48 Going Shopping Anglicare

Student Worksheet 3 5B
Practise the dialogue with your partner and then substitute the words underlined for the alternatives below.
BUYER: I want to buy a (a)pair of trousers for a small boy.
SALESPERSON: What size is he?
BUYER: He is about five years old but he is tall for his age.
SALESPERSON: What colour do you want?
BUYER: A (b)dark colour would probably be best.
SALESPERSON: What type of material do you want?
BUYER: Something that is easily washable like (c)polyester.
He gets very dirty.
SALESPERSON: (Show pair of trousers) Do you like these?
BUYER: They look good. Can I machine wash them?
SALESPERSON: Oh no! The label says: “Dry clean only.”
BUYER: No, I don’t want that. I need to be able to wash them easily.
SALESPERSON: (Show another pair of trousers) What about this pair?
They are very (e)fashionable and you can wash them.
BUYER: Thank you. I’ll take those.

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

a shorts school pants good trousers
b light navy medium dark
c cotton a knitted material wool and acrylic
d He plays very roughly He is always outside. He is very adventurous.
e attractive comfortable serviceable

Anglicare Going Shopping 49

Bible Worksheet 5B
1 Read this story from the Bible.

In the time that Jesus lived there was a woman

who had been bleeding for twelve years. She
had gone to many doctors, but they could not
help her. She had paid them all the money she
had. But instead of getting better, she only got

The woman heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him and touched his
clothes. She said to herself, ‘If I can just touch his clothes, I will get well. As
soon as she touched Jesus’ clothes, her bleeding stopped, and she knew she
was well.

Jesus said to the people, ‘Who touched my clothes?’

His followers said to him, “There are so many people here! How can you ask
who touched you?’  But Jesus turned to see who had touched him.

The woman knew what had happened to her. She came shaking with fear and
knelt down in front of Jesus. Then she told him the whole story.

Jesus said to the woman, “You are now well because of your faith. May God
give you peace! You are healed, and you will no longer be in pain.”

from Mark 5:25-34

2 Find words in the text that mean......

a losing blood ................................... b moving because of being afraid ..................................
c trust and belief .............................. d to become well again ....................................................

3 Put these sentences in the right order.

........ a The woman was healed.
........ b The woman touched Jesus’ clothes.
........ c The woman was sick for 12 years.
........ d The woman went to many doctors.
........ e Jesus told the woman that her faith in Jesus had healed her.
........ f The woman believed Jesus could heal her.
........ g The woman got sick.

50 Going Shopping Anglicare

The Chemist Shop
To provide students with vocabulary for products found at a pharmacy.
To give practice in reading medicine labels.
To give practice in the use of so... and .... because

Empty your medicine cabinet and bring whatever examples you have of different bottles, packets,
tubes, boxes etc. of medicine with instructions on them, a prescription, bandages/bandaids, a
thermometer, etc.
Photocopy Student Worksheets. Cut Student Worksheet 3 in half.

Display the items that you have brought and ask
Which shop sells these?
Elicit: chemist, pharmacy
Why do people go to the chemist/pharmacy?
Elicit: to buy medicine, get prescriptions etc.
Ask students the names of the articles that you have brought to class. Drill and write the words on
the board and revise.
Give out Student Worksheet 1 to revise the pharmacy vocabulary.

Show some of the medicine that you have brought to class. Ask students where you can find how
much medicine to take.
Elicit: The instruction on the packet.
Give out Student Worksheet 2, show students the medicine label and read the questions.
Students should read the questions and then scan the text for the answer.
They should not read the text first as this is the way that the instructions are normally read.
Check answers as a class.
1a no, no, yes, yes, b no, c yes, d no, e yes, no
2 1c, 2e, 3a, 4b, 5d,

Tell students that they will be working in pairs to find the missing information on medicine labels.
Pair students and assign each one an A or B role. Explain to students that they will each have
medicine labels with some information missing.
Distribute half of Student Worksheet 3. Point out that the missing information is on the student’s
partner’s medicine labels. Tell students that they will take turns asking for and giving information in
order to complete the activity.

Refer again to the articles that you have brought to class. Ask students why they might need these
Ask: If you have a cough, what does the chemist give you?
Elicit: Cough medicine

Anglicare Going Shopping 51

Distribute Student Worksheet 4. Ask students to fold the paper on the dotted line above the grammar
section before doing this activity.
Demonstrate how to draw a line from cough to cough medicine.
Now tell students to draw a line from the problem on each line to what the chemist suggests.
When students have completed this activity, suggest that they check their answers with other

With a helper demonstrate a role play using the sentences on Student Worksheet 3.
e.g. This is my problem. I have a cough.
You need cough medicine.
Now ask students to practise this dialogue.
Each time they should begin with the words: This is my problem… or You need.

Tell the students to unfold the grammar section. Model and drill the sentences.
I have a cold, and so I bought some cough medicine.
I bought some cough medicine, because I have a cold.
Tell students to complete the sentences. Check that they know when to use because and when to
use so.

Bible Lesson
Introduce the lesson by telling the students that the people in Jesus’ time who had faith in him did
not need to have medicine to make them better. This story tells how Jesus used something like
medicine to heal a blind man. It was not the medicine that made the blind man better but Jesus’
As usual give the students time to read the text themselves and then let them hear it read by an
English speaker.
Encourage the students to read the full story in the Bible.

52 Going Shopping Anglicare

The Chemist Shop
Student Worksheet 1 6
Write these names under the medicine and other things you find at a pharmacy.

capsules tablets medicine bottle eye drops ointment tube

prescription First aid kit syringe thermometer bandaids medicine glass

Anglicare Going Shopping 53

The Chemist Shop
Student Worksheet 2 6
Read this medicine label from the back of a medicine container.

‘Heartease’ brings soothing, fast and long lasting

relief from the pain and discomfort of heartburn
(gastric reflux) and indigestion. ‘Heartease’ quickly
soothes that burning feeling and helps to keep
digestive acid in the stomach.

How to take ‘Heartease’ tablets

Adults and children over 12 years: 2-4 tablets
Children 6-12 years: 1-2 tablets
Not recommended for children under 6 years.
Take as required after meals and before going
to bed, up to 4 times a day or as your doctor
Chew tablets well before swallowing and then
drink water if desired.

See your doctor if symptoms persist.

‘Heartease’ is a preparation for the relief of temporary
and minor conditions only. Use strictly as directed.
Prolonged use without medical supervision could be

1 Answer the questions. Tick the correct answer.

a Should ‘Heartease’ be used for the following health problems?

Flu Yes ...... No ......

Back Pain Yes ...... No ......
Indigestion Yes ...... No ......
Heartburn Yes ...... No ......
b Should ‘Heartease’ be given to a baby? Yes ...... No ......
c Can adults take 4 tablets at the one time? Yes ...... No ......
d Should people take ‘Heartease’ for more than two weeks? Yes ...... No ......
e If ‘Heartease’ does not make you feel better what should you do?
Go to your doctor? Yes ...... No ......
Keep taking the medicine? Yes ...... No ......

2 a Underline these words in the text: relief, symptoms, persist, preparation, chew.
b Match these words with their meanings.
1 relief a go on for a long time
2 symptoms b medicine
3 persist c less pain
4 preparation d crush food into little bits in your mouth
5 chew e signs of illness

54 Going Shopping Anglicare

The Chemist Shop
Student Worksheet 3 6
Look at the medicine labels below. Take turns asking your partner these kinds of questions.
Why do you take this medicine?
What is the dosage for this medicine?
When do you throw away this medicine?
Write in the missing information.
Chew ____ tablets
___ times a day for stomachache

Expires 3-2014

Care Paracetamol
every ______ hours
Apply once every 2-4 hours on
for _______
Expires 6-2013 ____ for relief of itching
Expires _________


The Chemist Shop

Student Worksheet 3
Look at the medicine labels below. Take turns asking your partner these kinds of questions.
Why do you take this medicine?
What is the dosage for this medicine?
When do you throw away this medicine?
Write in the missing information.

Chew 2-3 tablets
3 times a day for _____________
Expires _________

Care Paracetamol
Take ___ capsules
every 3-4 hours Apply ____ every ___ hours
for pain on rash for relief of itching
Expires ________

Expires 3-2016

Anglicare Going Shopping 55

The Chemist Shop
Student Worksheet 4 6
Draw a line from the problem to what you need to buy.

You say . . . The Chemist says. . .

‘This is my problem:’ ‘You need…’

1 I have a cough. a ear drops

2 I cut my finger. b cough medicine

3 An insect bit me. c bandaids

4 I have an earache. d ointment

5 I have a headache. e a box of tissues

6 My eyes are red. f a thermometer

7 My teeth need cleaning. g eye drops

8 I can’t stop sneezing. h some pain killer medicine

9 I think I have a fever. i toothpaste


Read these sentences.

‘I have a cough, so I bought some cough medicine.’
‘I bought some cough medicine, because I have a cough.’

Complete these sentences using one of the models above.

I have a fever ...................................................................................................................

I have indigestion .....................................................................................................................

I bought some bandages ..........................................................................................................

I bought Mary some tissues ........................................................................................................

We bought some ointment for the children ...............................................................................

Peter has a bad earache ...........................................................................................................

The children have sunburn ........................................................................................................

56 Going Shopping Anglicare

The Chemist Shop
Bible Worksheet 6
1 Read this story from the Bible.

Jesus saw a man who had been blind since

he was a baby. His followers asked Jesus
‘Why was this man born blind? Did he or his
mother and father do bad things?’
‘No,’ said Jesus. ‘You will see God work a
miracle for this man because he is blind.’

Jesus made some mud in the ground and

then put it on the man’s eyes. Then he told the man to go and wash his eyes
in the Pool of Siloam.

When the man washed his eyes he could see!

None of the crowd could understand why the man could now see! They did
not understand who Jesus was.
from John 9:1-41

2 Find a word in the text that means...

a not able to see b.......................................
b a wonderful thing that happens that you can’t explain m........................................

c a small amount of water in the ground p....................................................

d to feel sure that something is true or right. b..............................................

2 Answer yes or no to the following sentences.

a The man had been blind for about two years. ..........

b The man was blind because his mother and father had done bad things. ..........

c Jesus made some mud to put in the man’s eyes..........

d He told the man to keep the mud on his eyes for a long time. ..........

e The man washed his eyes in the pool. .........

f The mud made the man see. ..........

g Jesus’ power made the man see. ..........

3 You can read the whole story in the Bible.

Anglicare Going Shopping 57

Shopping in the 21st Century
To discuss the new ways of shopping in the 21st century.
To introduce/revise time adverbs.

Bring examples of these items to class - a catalogue, an order form from a catalogue, a credit card
Photocopy worksheets.

Talk about the shops in your suburb. Ask your students these questions.
Where do you shop for food?
Where do you shop for clothes for children?
Do you ever go to Sydney (or the largest nearby city) for shopping? Why?

Ask students
Do you ever shop at home by telephone or online?
Take students comments. Say to students that these days more and more people are shopping at
home by telephone, catalogues or using their computer.
Show students the items you have bought.
Model and drill the words: catalogue, order form, credit card.

Divide your class into three groups and give out a section of Student Worksheet 1.
Each group should read about one person on the worksheet and answer the questions for their
section on the worksheet.

A representative from each group should then tell the class about the person they have read about.
Encourage students to speak about ‘their’ person, not read the text. Get students to turn their
worksheets over.

Divide the students into groups or let them work with a partner to discuss these questions. The
questions are written on Student Worksheet 2.

Why do you think Alice, Lena and Robert like to shop at home?
What are the good things about shopping at home?
What are the difficult things about shopping at home?

Draw students’ attention to #2 on Student Worksheet 2.
Ask some helpers or good students the questions. When you think students are confident about
answering the the questions have them fill in the table for themselves. Then, in pairs, students ask
each other the questions, then fill in the table for their partner.
Take feedback as a class.

Read the questions at #3 on Student Worksheet 2. Ask students to repeat the questions after you.
Now read the answers. Ask students what answer goes with each question.
Have students complete the matching activity.

58 Going Shopping Anglicare

Check as a class.

Expand the activity on Student Worksheet 2 by asking each pair of students to make up a telephone
conversation between Alice and a customer service representative. Let each pair present
their role play to the class.

Survey 100% always

Draw a perpendicular line on the board. At the bottom of the line write 0% and never.
At the top of the line write 100% and always.
Ask some students to place these words on the cline (line): often, sometimes, rarely.
Draw students’ attention to activity # 4 on Student Worksheet 2. Tell students to ask
three people in the class the questions. They should tabulate the answers and
then report to the class.
0% never
Extension Activity
Suggest that students watch the home shopping channel on television. What items are being sold?
Ask the students to report to the class next week.

Bible Lesson
A Rich Fool Luke 12:15-21

Ask students Why do you think some people love shopping? Is it because they like getting
more and more things?

Introduce the story using the sentence below.
Jesus tells a story of a man who just wanted more and more things. Jesus said he was a
Give students time to read the story. Read the story to them so they can hear the pronunciation of
different words.
Complete the activities in pairs. Check as a class.

2 1b, 2a,3e, 4d, 5c
3 a things, b farmer, c fit, d old, e worry, f fool, g obey.

Anglicare Going Shopping 59

Shopping in the 21st Century
Student Worksheet 1 7
Alice likes to do her shopping at home. She watches the home shopping channel on the television. Last
week she bought a chair to relax in. She saw the picture on the television, rang the number and then paid
for the chair with her credit card.
Her chair arrived by post about one week later. Alice was very pleased!


1 Where did Alice see the chair? ................................................

2 How did Alice pay for the chair? ..............................................

3 When did the chair arrive? .......................................................

Lena likes to do her shopping at home. She gets lots of catalogues in the mail. She looks at the catalogues
and chooses the things she likes. She has bought curtains, clothes, gifts, furniture and toys from
catalogues. She fills in the order form in the catalogue and sends a cheque to the supplier. The supplier
sends her the goods by courier after three weeks.


1 Where does Lena see the things she likes? .............................................

2 What has Lena bought from catalogues? ................................................

3 How does Lena pay for the things she buys?............................................

Robert likes to shop on the internet. When he needs to buy something he searches for it on the internet
on his computer. He compares prices from the different suppliers. Sometimes Robert buys things from
Australia and sometimes he buys things from overseas. He pays by credit card. Last week he ordered
some books from England. They arrived at his house three weeks later.


1 Where does Robert see the things he likes?...........................................

2 How does Robert pay for the things he buys?.........................................

3 What did he buy last week? ....................................................................

60 Going Shopping Anglicare

Shopping in the 21st Century
Student Worksheet 2 7
1 Discuss these questions in your group.
Why do you think Alice, Lena and Robert like to shop at home?
What are the good things about shopping at home?
What are the difficult things about shopping at home?

2 Answer these questions about yourself and then ask your partner.

You Your partner

1 Do you shop online?
What do you buy?
2 Do you watch television to
go shopping?
3 Do you look at catalogues?
Which ones?
4 How do you pay for your
purchases at home?
5 What’s your favourite way
to shop?

3 Match the questions with the answers.

1 Can I help you? a 4609 5822 2891 9464

2 What is the number of the item? b Yes please, I’d like to place an order.
3 What colour do you want? c Brown
4 How would you like to pay? d with a credit card
5 What’s the credit card number? e Number 77853F
6 What’s the expiry date? f 14th February 2016

4 Ask and answer the questions. Count the answers and report to the class.
How often do you... Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
watch the home-shopping

use a credit card on-line?

give your credit card number over

the phone?

buy clothing from catalogues?

compare prices before you buy


Anglicare Going Shopping 61

Shopping in the 21st Century
Bible Worksheet 7
1 Read this story from the Bible.

Jesus said to the people ‘Don’t be greedy! Owning a

lot of things won’t make you happy forever.’
Jesus told them this story:
A rich man’s farm had a big crop. He said to himself,
‘What can I do? I don’t have a place big enough to
store everything.’
So he said ‘I know what I’ll do. I’ll pull down my barns
and build bigger ones, where I can store all my grain and other things. Then I will
say, ‘I have enough things. I am very rich. I will eat, drink, and enjoy myself.’
But God said to him, ‘You fool! Tonight you will die. Then who will get what you have
stored up?’
This is what happens to people who store up everything for themselves, but are poor
in the sight of God.
from Luke 12:15-21

2 Read these words from the text and join a line to their meaning.

1 greedy a all the plants that a farmer grows at the same time

2 crop b wanting more things that you need

3 to store c a person with no sense

4 barns d large buildings on a farm where you keep crops or animals

5 fool e to keep things to use later

3 Put these words in the right place.

obey worry fool old things fit farmer
Jesus told people a story because he did not want them to think that having lots of
.......................... would make people happy forever. He told them a story about a rich
..................... who had a very big crop. He had so much crop that it would not all c....................
into his barns. So the farmer thought that he would pull down his d....................... barns and build
much bigger ones. He thought that then he could just live happily and not e.......................... about
anything. God was not pleased. God called the farmer a f.................... because he only wanted lots
of things. He did not g.................................. God.

62 Going Shopping Anglicare

At the Post Office
To use appropriate vocabulary when buying Post Office items.
To write a postcard.
To address an envelope correctly.
To fill in a customs label.

Bring the following to class:
a book of stamps, a sheet of stamps, an air letter, a postcard, an envelope
a small parcel ready to post, a customs label, a set of scales (if possible)
an envelope and post card (or Worksheet 2) for students to address.
a customs label/ photocopy for each student
Write the Dialogue on OHP/whiteboard and cover till needed.
Provide a class copy of an addressed envelope on OHP/whiteboard/butchers paper.
Provide a class copy of a customs label on OHP/whiteboard/butchers paper.
Check the current Post Office prices to make the lesson more realistic.
A map showing the New Testament churches would be useful.

Presentation 1
Show as many post office articles as possible and ask students to name them.
Model and drill as necessary.
Ask students where they can buy these articles.

Show students a parcel ready for posting but without stamps.
Say to students I want to post this parcel but I don’t know how much it will cost. What
should I do?
Elicit: Ask the assistant at the Post Office.
Set up the class like a post office with counter, scales etc. and act out Dialogue A with helper in
as realistic a way as possible two or three times.
If there is no helper in your class draw two figures at the post office on the board and act out the
dialogue pointing to each figure in the appropriate place.

Dialogue Text A
Postal Officer Can I help you?
Customer How much does it cost to send this?
Postal Officer Where do you want to send it?
Customer (Give the name of a place known to your students in Australia)
Postal Officer I’ll weigh it. (weigh parcel)This parcel is more than 250 grams. That
will be $4.00. (or whatever is the current price!)
Customer Can I pay by credit card?
Postal Officer Sorry. It is under $5.00. You must pay cash.
Customer Oh. Here you are. (Get out cash.)
Postal Officer Thank you. (Put stamps on parcel.)
Customer Thank You.

Anglicare Going Shopping 63

Check understanding
How much will it cost me?
Elicit: $4.00 (or current price)
Hold up credit card. Can I use this?
Elicit: no
If necessary, repeat the dialogue and ask the questions again.

Divide the class in two and as the dialogue is acted again, get half the class to repeat the dialogue
after the postal officer and the other to repeat the dialogue after the customer. Then alternate roles.

Disappearing Dictation
Uncover the written dialogue and add the city used in the dialogue. Ask a student to erase one or
two words from the dialogue. The class should then repeat the dialogue saying the missing words.
Now ask a student to erase more words and do as before. Continue in this way until the class can
repeat the dialogue with confidence.
Ask one or two pairs of the more capable students to act out the dialogue for the class.
Encourage students to practise the dialogue in pairs, alternating roles. Leave some of the dialogue
on the board if your students are still unsure.

Presentation 2
Filling out a Customs Label
Show students the parcel again.
Say: I want to send this parcel to my friend in China. It is a book which is a gift for her birthday. It
cost me $29. I am going to take it to the post office to post it.

With a helper act out Dialogue B as realistically as possible 2 or 3 times.

Dialogue Text B
Postal Officer Can I help you?
Customer How much does it cost to send this?
Postal Officer Where do you want to send it?
Customer China
Postal Officer I’ll weigh it. (weigh parcel) This parcel is more than 250 grams. That
will be $18.00. However you need to fill in a customs declaration.
Customer Oh, where do I get one from?
Postal Officer On the counter over there.
Customer Thanks. I’ll go and get one.

Check understanding.
Show the small customs form to students and say This is what I have to fill in to send my book
to China.
What’s it called? (Write first letters of ‘customs declaration’ on board)
Why do I have to fill in one of these? (going overseas)
Now show the enlarged customs form and fill in the form step by step with the whole class.

Tell students to think about a gift they could send to a friend in another country. In pairs tell each
other what it is. Distribute a customs form (or photocopy Student Worksheet 1) to each student and
have them fill it in appropriately.
Check as a class.

64 Going Shopping Anglicare

Presentation 3
Addressing postcards.
Show a postcard that was addressed to you and ask students:
What is this? Why do you think it was sent to me?
Acknowledge student responses.
When do you think people like to send short messages on post cards?
Elicit: when they are on holidays.

Draw an outline of a postcard on the board or on the OHP with lines for the address as on Student
Worksheet 2.
Show students how to write:
The person’s name on the first line.
The house number, street name, road/avenue/street on the second line.
The suburb/town/place on the third line.
The post code and country if necessary at the bottom of the card.

Practice 3
Give each student a post card, or Student Worksheet 2. Ask the students to address their post card
to a friend.

Presentation 4
Addressing Envelopes
Show students an envelope and ask:
What is this? When do you use an envelope?
Elicit: when you want to send something through the mail and you want it to be private.
What do you put on an envelope if you want to send a letter to your friend?
Elicit: name, address, stamp
Show an addressed envelope drawn on board or on large paper.
Show students how to address the envelope:
Start in the middle of the envelope and write the person’s name.
Underneath that make a second line and write the house number, street name, road/avenue/
Underneath that make a third line and write the suburb/town.
Underneath that at the bottom of the envelope write the state and country if necessary.
Write the postcode in the boxes.

Practice 4
Give each student an envelope or a copy of one (Student Worksheet 2). Ask the students to address
their envelope to a friend.

Bible Lesson
Tell students that there are many letters in the Bible. Give out the Bible Worksheet and complete the
activities. Check as a class.
As an extension activity look at the class Bibles and check the indexes to see how many letters the
apostles wrote and find these places on a map.

Answers: a Paul Peter James John, b a servant of Jesus Christ, c to preach the good news d an
apostle of Jesus Christ, e God’s people who were scattered, f a servant of God and our Lord Jesus
Christ, g his friends, No, he did not.

Anglicare Going Shopping 65

At the Post Office
Student Worksheet 1 8

66 Going Shopping Anglicare

At the Post Office
Student Worksheet 2 8

Anglicare Going Shopping 67

At the Post Office
Bible Worksheet 8
The New Testament part of the Bible has many letters. They were written to the first Christians in different
places by some of Jesus’ followers.

Paul, Peter, James and John wrote some of the letters.

1 Read some verses in these letters.

From Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ. God chose me to preach

the good news ..
from Romans 1:1

From Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to God’s people who

are scattered like foreigners…
from 1 Peter 1:1

From James, a servant of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, Greetings ….
from James 1:1;

From John
My dear friends, I am not writing to give you a new commandment ….it is the
message you heard.
from 1 John 2:7

2 Answer these questions.

a Who are some of the writers of the letters? ...........................................................................

b What did Paul call himself? ...............................................

c What did God choose Paul to do? ……………………………………

d What did Peter call himself? …………………………………………..

e Who did Peter write to? ……………………………………………….

f What did James call himself? …………………………………………..

g Who did John write to? ……………………… Did he give them a new message? .................

68 Going Shopping Anglicare

Going to a Café
To be confident in ordering from a menu.
To use say, tell and ask correctly. Note Many students add to after tell and ask.

Photocopy the dialogue for each student.
Photocopy Student Worksheets for each student.
Bring as many examples of morning tea food items from page 73 as possible and practical but
include tea bags and a cup of coffee.
Set up the classroom as a café so that students can role-play being waiters or customers in a
café. (Perhaps you could have a special morning or afternoon tea with some of the items you have
Photocopy enough copies of the menu for each group of 2-3 students.

Show your students a cup of coffee.
Ask: Where can you buy a cup of coffee?
Elicit: café, coffee shop, restaurant, dispensing machine.
Say: This coffee is instant coffee. What other types of coffee can you buy?
Elicit: cappuccino, flat white, latté, black.
Write coffee on the board and write the different types of coffee under the heading.

Show students different tea bags. Name the tea bags as you show them to the class. Write tea on
the board and write the different types of tea under the heading.
Ask: What food do you like to eat with your coffee or tea?
Elicit different types of morning/afternoon tea snack food from the students. If you have brought that
item to class show the item to the students.

Erase the board and give out Student Worksheet 1 to the students.
Ask students to complete question #1 by putting the vocabulary items into the correct column. Then
ask students to check their work with their partner.
Check the students work, as a class.

Put students and helpers into groups of 2-3. Give a copy of the Snack Menu to each student. Ask
students in their groups to look at the menu to discuss the words on the menu that they do not
know. It is not important that the students know every word.

Pretend to be the waiter and ask a helper: What would you like to order?
Model and drill the helper’s reply. e.g. I’d like a cappuccino and some fruit toast please.
Complete Activity 2 on Student Worksheet 1.
Using the form of the sentences just drilled ask students to be a waiter and customers and to role
play taking and giving an order from the other students. They should write the student’s name and
their order in the appropriate columns.

Anglicare Going Shopping 69

Optional Extra Activity
Tell students to hand their paper to another student from whom they have not taken an order. Each
student should then go to the people written on the survey worksheet and ask: Is this what you
If that person says No, the student should then check with the person whose name is written on the
top of the paper. All surveys should then be returned to their owners.

Say to students:
Sometimes coffee shops, cafés and restaurants do not have everything that is written on the
menu. Then the waiter might say:
We’re out of it, or It’s all gone or it’s out of stock.
Ask students to tell the class if they have had an experience like this.
Repeat these sentences again for the students and write on the board if necessary so that they will
recognise them if they are in a café.

Tell students that they are going to listen to a dialogue in a café where one of the customers cannot
hear very well.
With two helpers act out the dialogue as realistically as possible. If you have no English speaking
helpers, make a tape or draw stick figures on the board and point to the appropriate figures as you
act out the drama. Do not let the students read the dialogue at this point.
Ask the students to listen for the answer to this question.
What does Mr. Young want to drink?
Note: Be sensitive about Mr. Young’s hearing problem. Some may be offended if it is treated as a

Mrs Young Let’s have morning tea in this Café.
Mr Young I can’t hear what you are saying to me. Speak louder.
Mrs Young Come in here and have morning tea. (They go inside)
Waiter You may sit at this table.
Mrs Young Thank you.
Mr Young What did he tell you?
Mrs Young He told us we can sit here.
Waiter Here is the menu…what would you like to order?
Mr Young What did he ask you?
Mrs Young What would you like to drink?
Mr Young I’d like to have a pot of jasmine tea.
Waiter I’m sorry, we don’t have any jasmine tea in stock.
Mr Young (to Mrs. Young): What’s the matter?
Mrs Young They’re out of jasmine tea. Would you prefer green tea?
Waiter I’m sorry, we’re out of green tea too.
Mr Young Doesn’t he have any green tea or jasmine tea? Let’s go home and have a
good morning tea.

Now give Student Worksheet 2 to the students. Ask them to listen to and read the text of the
dialogue as it is acted out again. Tell students to fill in any missing words and cross out any words
not included.
Act out the dialogue as many times as necessary for the students to complete the exercise.
Get students to compare their answers with a partner.

70 Going Shopping Anglicare

Mrs Young Let’s have morning tea in this Café.
Mr Young I can’t hear what you are saying to me. Speak louder.
Mrs Young Come in here and have morning tea. (They go inside)
Waiter You may sit at this table.
Mrs Young Thank you.
Mr Young What did he tell (to) you?
Mrs Young He told us we can sit here.
Waiter Here is the menu…what would you like to order?
Mr Young What did he ask (to) you?
Mrs Young What would you like to drink?
Mr Young I’d like to have a pot of jasmine tea.
Waiter I’m sorry, we don’t have jasmine tea in stock.
Mr Young (to Mrs. Young): What’s the matter?
Mrs Young They’re out of jasmine tea. Would you prefer green tea?
Waiter I’m sorry, we’re out of green tea too.
Mr Young Doesn’t he have any green tea or jasmine tea? Let’s go home and have a
good morning tea.

Now ask different pairs to read each corrected sentence aloud. Write the correct form on the board
for students to check.
With tell we do not use to e.g. I told her the answer.
With ask we do not use to e.g. I asked her the answer.
With said we can use to. e.g. ‘Tell me the answer’ I said to her.

Ask students to complete Question 2 on Worksheet 2 to check if they understand the correct use of
tell, say and ask.

Answers: a He asked me to go to the dance.

b She told her to go to the doctor.
c ‘Go to school.’ she said to her brother.
d ‘I am not going,’ I told her.
e She asked me ‘Are you cold?’
Note: Said is sometimes used without to, but tell and ask never use to.

Role Play: Serve morning/afternoon tea with students acting as waiters and customers taking and
giving orders. Use the given menu and tell the ‘customers’ that items are out of stock etc. if they are

Extension Activity
Yes/No Game
Model the game with a helper and then play in small groups. Appoint a leader who decides on the
items from the menu he/she wants to order. The item needs to be specific not general, i.e. fruit cake,
not cake. The others have to guess what that is. They take turns in asking questions which need
a Yes or No answer. The leader cannot give any other answer. When the item has been guessed,
another student becomes the leader. The ‘winner’ is the one who was asked the most questions.

Anglicare Going Shopping 71

Example: Student 1: Is it sweet?
Leader: Yes
Student 2: Can you drink it?
Leader: No.
Student 3: Is it a cake?
Leader: Yes.
Student 4: Is it a mud cake?
Leader: No.

Extra Activity
Finish this lesson in style with an excursion to a ‘real’ café.

Bible Lesson
Paying Taxes from Luke 20:20-25
Say that all people in Australia who earn money such as café owners have to pay taxes. People
asked Jesus about paying taxes and he gave them a wise answer.
Complete the Bible Worksheet and check as a class. Give the students time to read the text
Answers: a yes, b yes, c no, d no, e yes, f no, g maybe

Optional: Get students to underline any form of the verbs to tell, to ask and to say, in the text.

72 Going Shopping Anglicare

Going to a Café
Student Worksheet 1 9
1 Put these words in the right column. Some words may fit in two columns.

Darjeeling, cappuccino, donut, biscuit, jasmine, green, latté, instant, herbal, fruit juice, raisin
toast, pancake, pecan slice, black, white, croissant, scone, lemonade, Ceylon, crepe

Coffee Tea Food Other Drinks

2 Ask other people in your class what they would like to order from Grandma’s Café.

Name Order

Anglicare Going Shopping 73

Going to a Café
Menu 9
Grandma’s Café Grandma’s Café
Menu Menu
Peanut Butter $2.50 Peanut Butter $2.50
Honey / Jam $2.50 Honey / Jam $2.50
Ham $5.30 Ham $5.30
Ham & Cheese $6.00 Ham & Cheese $6.00
Cheese & Tomato $5.50 Cheese & Tomato $5.50
Chicken and Avocado $7.25 Chicken and Avocado $7.25
Salad $5.50 Salad $5.50
*Toasted - add 50 cents *Toasted - add 50 cents

Plain $3.25 Plain $3.25
Ham & Cheese $5.50 Ham & Cheese $5.50
Cheese & Tomato $5.00 Cheese & Tomato $5.00

Banana $3.50 Banana $3.50
Carrot $4.00 Carrot $4.00
Chocolate $3.80 Chocolate $3.80
Cupcake $2.50 Cupcake $2.50

Raspberry $2.50 Raspberry $2.50
Poppyseed $2.50 Poppyseed $2.50

Coffee (cup or mug) Coffee (cup or mug)
Cappuccino $3.80 Cappuccino $3.80
Flat White $3.00 Flat White $3.00
Latté $3.00 Latté $3.00
Black $2.80 Black $2.80

Tea (pot or cup) Tea (pot or cup)

Ceylon $2.25 Ceylon $2.25
Jasmine $2.25 Jasmine $2.25
Green $2.25 Green $2.25
Herbal $2.50 Herbal $2.50

74 Going Shopping Anglicare

Going to a Café
Student Worksheet 2 9
1 Mr and Mrs Young are in a café. Mr Young does not hear very well. Sometimes he does not
hear what people say.
Listen to the dialogue. Cross out any words that are wrong and fill in words that are left out.

Mrs Young Let’s have morning tea ………….. this Café.

Mr Young I can’t hear what you are saying …………. me. Speak louder.
Mrs Young Come in here and have morning tea. (They go inside)
Waiter You may sit …………………… this table.
Mrs Young Thank you.
Mr Young What did he tell to you?
Mrs Young He said we can sit here.
Waiter Here is the menu…what would you like ……… order?
Mr Young What did he ask to you?
Mrs Young What would you like ………… drink?
Mr Young I’d like to have a pot of jasmine tea.
Waiter I’m sorry, we don’t have any jasmine tea in stock.
Mr Young (to Mrs. Young): What’s the matter?
Mrs Young They’re out ……… jasmine tea. Would you prefer green tea?
Waiter I’m sorry, we’re out of green tea too.
Mr Young Doesn’t he have any green tea …..… jasmine tea? Let’s go home and have a good
morning tea.

2 Use of ask, say and tell.

Put to in the sentence if necessary.

a He asked me to go to the dance.
b She told her to go to the doctor.
c ‘Go to school.’ she said her brother.
d. ‘I am not going,’ I told her.
e She asked me ‘Are you cold?’

Anglicare Going Shopping 75

Going to a Café
Bible Worksheet 9
The leaders of the people in Jesus’ day wanted to trick Jesus to say something against the Government.
The leaders did not like Jesus because many of the people followed Jesus and listened to what he taught

1 Read this story from the Bible.

Jesus' enemies wanted to hand Jesus over to the

governor. So they sent some men who tried to catch
Jesus saying something wrong. They said to Jesus,
‘Teacher, we know that you teach the truth about what
God wants people to do. And you treat everyone the
same, no matter who they are. Tell us, should we pay
taxes to Caesar or not?’
Jesus knew that they were trying to trick him. So he told
them, ‘Show me a coin.’
Then he asked, ‘Whose picture and name are on it?’
‘Caesar’s’ they answered.
Then he told them, ‘Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give God what
belongs to God.’
from Luke 20:20-25

2 Find words in the text that mean….

a people who want to hurt you ………………………………..
b money that you have to pay the government …………………..
c to try to make somebody do or say something they do not want to do or say ……………….
d a round piece of money made from metal ………………….
e the name given to a man who was in charge of many countries in Jesus’ time ………………..

3 Write yes or no or maybe for these sentences.

a Some leaders of the people did not like Jesus ………
b The leaders of the people wanted Jesus to say something against the government ………
c The men who came to Jesus showed him two coins ………
d Augustus’ photo was on the coin ………
e Caesar’s photo was on the coin ………
f Jesus said we do not have to pay taxes ………
g The men were happy with Jesus’ answer. ………

76 Going Shopping Anglicare

In the Shopping Centre
To revise some material from previous lessons.
To introduce vocabulary of signs in shopping centres.
To write a recount.
To learn the Bible story of the Pearl of Great Price.

Photocopy Student Worksheets.
Bring jewellery/ pictures for use in lesson.

Presentation 1
Ask students the following question and then list vertically the students’ replies on the board:
Tell me as many different types of shops as you can.
Elicit: supermarkets, department stores, pharmacies, shoe shops, toy shops, post offices,
cafés, newsagents etc.
Indicate each shop in turn and ask students:
What can we buy in this shop?
Write some of the students’ answers beside the appropriate shop.
Give out Student Worksheet 1 and help students complete the activities 1 and 2 in groups or pairs.

Reading Shopping Signs

Refer students again to Student Worksheet 1. Talk about the meaning of the words in activity 3.
Ask students to give you examples of when they have seen any of these words. Give students
time to discuss the questions in activity 4 and then get feedback as a class.

Consumer Rights
Ask students have they ever bought something from a shop that did not work when they brought it
home? Tell them to listen to the dialogue. It is two friends talking.
Ask students How is Carol feeling?
Read the dialogue with a helper. If you do not have a helper draw two stick figures on the board
and point to the appropriate figure as you act out the dialogue.
Give out Student Worksheet 2 and ask students to answer the questions.
Model the dialogue as many times as necessary.
Answers 1a, 2c, 3a, 4a and b
Dialogue Text
Carol Oh hi June. How are you?
June Fine thanks. How are you?
Carol Not too bad. Actually, I am a bit cranky. The iron that I bought last week doesn’t
June Oh! How annoying. Why don’t you take it back to the shop?
Carol It was cheap. It doesn’t have a guarantee.
June That doesn’t matter. They have to give you an iron that works or give you your
money back!

Discuss the answers to the questions in activity 2.

Activity 3 is an opportunity for students to practise writing a recount. Begin by getting students to

Anglicare Going Shopping 77

write answers to the questions. They can do this in pairs if students don’t have their own story, or
you can do it as a class. Ask students to suggest answers to questions when they have heard the
story. As a class make correct sentences and then have students copy the answers.

Presentation 2
Show items of jewellery or pictures of the same.
Ask students for the names of the items and write these on the board. e.g. ring, necklace, watch,
bracelet/bangle, beads, earrings, brooch, diamond, jade, emerald, pearl.
Note: Pearl ring, earrings or necklace need to be included.
Ask students: Where can you buy these things?
Elicit: a jewellery shop.

Practice 2
Hand out Student Worksheet 3. Ask students to write the words and complete the sentences.

Optional: Ask students: Let’s see if there is a student here who is not wearing any jewellery.
Ask students to all stand up.
Then say, Sit down if you’re wearing a necklace. (Students sit down.)
Sit down if you’re wearing a ring. (Students sit down.)
Repeat with different items of jewellery until one student is left standing.
Alternatively, get students to give the commands, choosing an item of jewellery.

Bible Lesson.
From Matthew 13:45
Ask students: When you just want to look at the things in the shop and not buy things what do
you call this?
Elicit: window shopping.
Write the words window shopping on the board.
Ask students the following questions one at a time and allow time for responses.
When you go window shopping and you look in the window of the jewellery shop, what do
you see?
What would you like to buy from a jewellery shop?
If you see a pearl (necklace or ring) that is very expensive, and if you want it more than
anything else, what would you do?
Would you sell your other jewellery, your car, your home…?

A Story Jesus told

Here is a story Jesus told about a man who wanted to buy a beautiful pearl.
Hand out the Bible Worksheet and allow 1-2 minutes for students to read the story. Read the text
twice as students follow.

Ask students to complete the written questions only on the worksheet. Check the answers as a

Refer again to the Bible Worksheet. Allow students to discuss the questions which follow the text.

78 Going Shopping Anglicare

In the Shopping Centre
Student Worksheet 1 10
You are in a shopping centre. Where can you buy these things?

1 Write the thing under the right shop.

earrings sausages birthday cards dresses jeans newspapers
postcards necklace screwdriver CDs paint

Butchers Hardware Boutique Music Jewellery Newsagent

2 What other things are in these shops? Write some more things in the columns.

3 Can you read these signs? What do they mean? Tell your partner.



BARGAINS GALORE up to 75% off

4 Talk with your partner. Discuss these questions.

a Do you believe the signs you see in shops? Why or why not?

b When do shops have sales?

c Why do shops have sales?

d Have you ever got a bargain? What was it? Where did you buy it? How much money did you


Anglicare Going Shopping 79

In the Shopping Centre
Student Worksheet 2 10
1 Listen to the text and choose the right answer.
1 What did Carol buy? ............................... a an iron, b a fan, c a radio.

2 What was the problem? .......................... a It was too big. b It was dirty. c It did not work.

3 What did June tell her to do? .................. a Take it back to the shop. b Get it fixed.
c Buy another iron.

4 Why did Carol think she could not a The iron was cheap. b The iron had no
take it back? guarantee. c The shop had closed.

2 Discuss these questions with your partner.

a What should Carol say to the shop assistant?
b What is a guarantee or warranty?

3 Have you ever bought something from a shop that did not work?
Write the answers to these questions below.
a What did you buy that did not work? .......................................................................................


b Where did you buy it? ………………………………………………………………………………

c How much did it cost? ………………………………………………………………..……


d Did you do anything to fix the problem? …………………………………………………...…….



80 Going Shopping Anglicare

In the Shopping Centre
Student Worksheet 3 10
Write the names of each of the pieces of jewellery under the picture.
Complete the sentences.

People wear …………….. on their fingers.

People wear ………………… on their wrists to tell the time.

People wear …………………. on their wrists.

People wear ……………….. around their necks.

I like …………………………. best.

Anglicare Going Shopping 81

In the Shopping Centre
Bible Worksheet 10
Jesus told a story about a man who wanted something so much that he sold everything he had to buy it.

1 Read the story from the Bible.

Jesus said
‘The Kingdom of Heaven is like this. A shop owner
looks for the best pearls that money can buy. One
day he finds the most beautiful pearl in the world. He
wants to buy the pearl so he goes and sells everything
he has! He wants to buy that beautiful pearl.’
from Matthew 13:45.

2 Answer these questions.

a What is the man looking for? …………………………………..

b What does the man find? ………………………………………..

c How does the man get enough money to buy the pearl? …………………………….

3 Discuss these questions.

a What is the most important thing you could buy?

b What would you give up so that you could buy it?

c What is an important thing that money cannot buy?

82 Going Shopping Anglicare


Among the many books, etc., that contain ideas and suggestions about Shopping, the following may
be useful:

Nicholson, P., Butterworth A., 2000, Listening To Australia – Beginner –

N.S.W. A.M.E.S., Surry Hills
This book provides listening material for several types of shopping.

Butterworth A., Nicholson P., 2001 Listening To Australia – Post Beginner

N.S.W.A.M.E.S. Surry Hills
This book provides listening material for buying whitegoods and a car.

Carver T.K. and Fotinos S.D. 1994, A Conversation Book 1; English in Everyday Life, Third Edition
Prentice Hall Regents, New Jersey
This book provides conversation material about the supermarket, food, a pharmacy, whitegoods,
shoes, toys, clothes and a cafe

Joyce H., Lukin A., 2002, Certificate II in Spoken and Written English
N.S.W.A.M.E.S. Surry Hills
This book has listening material for supermarket announcements

Nunan D., Lockwood J.,1992 An Australian English Course 1

Cambridge University Press Oakleigh
This book has a whole unit on shopping

Nery C. et al, 1996 English –Have a Go ( with videos)

Oxford University Press Melbourne
This book also has a unit based on shopping.

Molinsky S. Bliss B., 1996 Foundations

Prentice Hall Regents New York
This book has beginner dialogues and other activities for ordering in a café, and buying clothing.

Leras C.,1997 Everyday Reading Skills- Intermediate

Oxford University Press, Melbourne
This book give practise in skills needed for writing a post card.

Anglicare Going Shopping 83

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