Bilney Tech Paper

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Technology Planning Paper

Kristen Bilney

Loyola University of Maryland



Wellwood International Elementary School is an International Baccalaureate Candidate

school located in Pikesville, Maryland. Currently we have about 500 students and we represent

children from over thirty different countries. Our current mission statement at Wellwood is to

develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring students in an engaging, rigorous and multi-

cultural environment to instill inter-cultural understanding and respect. We strive to

integrate inquiry-based programs that engage students in learning and help them make sense

of the world around us through first hand experiences and independent observations.

Educators and students are encouraged to use technology as a daily tool to enhance learning

experiences. Each classroom in our school is equipped with either a smart board or

promethean board and an Elmo or Aver Vision Document Camera. Students in grades 1-5

are given their own student device and kindergarten students are given 6 for the whole class

to share, regardless of the number of students in the class.

The broad vision for technology use at my school is that teachers and students will

continue to use technology as a tool to expand their learning. Specifically, teachers will use

OneDrive to maximize their sharing, creating, and collaborating abilities. The narrow vision I

have for technology use at my school is geared towards educators. At Wellwood, I would like to

promote the use of Office 365, specifically OneDrive.

OneDrive is an internet based storage program that ensures safe and secure ways to save,

share, edit, and create documents. Anybody can create a OneDrive account, however for my

innovation it would be presented to only teachers at Wellwood International. I chose this specific

innovation with the intent to help coworkers become more collaborative with sharing and

creating documents, and to ensure files are secure. Many teachers use flash drives or simply save

files on their desktop which aren’t entirely secure. Flash drives can easily be misplaced, and

computers crash or need to be reimaged more than we’d like. When using OneDrive, all

documents and files are saved directly to the site and can be accessed on any device where

internet is available. I want to help my coworkers understand all the benefits of OneDrive, and

all the different uses.

Analysis of Current Situation

Perceived Attributes

The innovation I would like to teach staff members more about is OneDrive. After

analyzing the five different perceived attributes, I have a better understanding of how the

innovation may be perceived by others. There were attributes I found advantageous regarding the

implementation of my innovation, such as compatibility and trialability. OneDrive is consistent

with our schools existing values. Last school year, all teachers were required to create accounts

and learned the basics of it. Whenever we receive emails regarding our teacher devices, our tech

liaison often reminds/encourages us to save files to OneDrive. It is also easily accessible through

our new Learning Management system and can be accessed through any browser, on any device

that can access the internet. That feature allows users to access and experiment with it anywhere,

not just in a school setting.

The complexity of OneDrive is worry some to me. OneDrive is not the easiest or quickest

way to access Microsoft tools or to save files, as there are multiple steps in the process. This is

not a relative advantage for this innovation either. I know there will be people who do not want

to take the extra time to complete the steps to access OneDrive. Because it is not a convenient

way to save, create or share files, it makes OneDrive seem less advantageous than their current


Finally, observability has advantages and disadvantages related to my innovation. While

other staff members nor students have access to someone’s personal OneDrive account, seeing

other staff members utilizing it may be an incentive to learn more about it and use it more

frequently. Many people in our school also share files through OneDrive frequently. If staff

members continue to utilize OneDrive and others can observe it in use, it may again influence

their decision to try it out again.

Ely’s Eight Conditions

When comparing Ely’s Eight Conditions to my school, I was able to determine which

conditions have already been and are continuously met. As well as conditions that we as a staff

can continue to improve upon. At Wellwood, I feel as if there is not a dissatisfaction with the

status quo. Nobody is required to use OneDrive, and I strongly feel as if many staff members do

not use it because they do not think it is better or more beneficial than their current ways of

accessing Microsoft tools or saving documents. This condition will need work because I will

have to show people, and then convince them that using OneDrive is a better and safer option.

However, the knowledge of OneDrive is there. All staff members at Wellwood have access to

OneDrive and already have accounts made. Last school year we were given a short introduction

about it where we created accounts and explored a little bit. Not many people got any further

training after that. So, while people have knowledge of OneDrive, they do not utilize the tools or

really understand the benefits of it.


Another condition that I believe works in favor for my innovation is the fact that

resources are available. Not only are technological resources available, but staff members are

also a good resource available if there are any further questions. Because all teachers were given

HP Laptops, we can access OneDrive anywhere we can connect to the internet. By accessing it,

they can use Microsoft applications, share documents with others, and saves files securely. Other

staff members in our building can be used as a resource as well. There are often opportunities to

meet with our STAT teacher to discuss things and/or questions about a topic of their choice. She

would be a fantastic resource to use if there were further questions after I presented my

information about OneDrive. I see our STAT teacher as one of the leaders in our school, and I

am confident I would have her support, as well as the support from others, in taking on this role.

I think she and others would help with the planning and preparation and show their support by

helping me present and/or meet with others.

With the resources available and the leadership evident I think those who commit to

learning more about OneDrive will stay committed to using it. Those who are already committed

and are using OneDrive daily will most likely show their support throughout the implementation

of this innovation because they understand the benefits of it. Although it is not a requirement that

staff members use OneDrive, it is often strongly encouraged by our school’s technology liaison,

another person I view as a leader in our school. Again, though, the reason I don’t think many

people utilize it is because they don’t understand the benefits.

Last, two of Ely’s conditions that I think we are missing is time available to implement

new innovations and rewards and incentives. Many teachers already have more than they can

handle on their plate. It may be difficult for teachers to find time to learn more about my

innovation if they are unable to find time for themselves and their personal live. Also, for this

specific innovation, I would not be able to offer any physical rewards or incentives for attending,

other then maybe candy. However, intrinsic rewards are more plausible. The incentive for people

to use OneDrive is to ensure files will be safe regardless of a computer crash or something. I

understand that I will be taking more time away, personal time most likely, and they will not be

receiving a stipend or anything else for the extra time they put in.

To get participation from other staff members, there are a couple different things I will

try to do. First, throughout the process of implementing the innovation, I will continue to

emphasize the importance of using OneDrive and the ways it can be extremely helpful in the

long run. Next, I would like to make myself available at different times and days to

accommodate those who were interested. I am a person that gets to school early and stays late,

and I will offer individual and small meetings before and/or after school. I want to be flexible, so

anyone interested could learn more. Lastly, I would use food as an incentive/reward for attending

a session, whether its breakfast in the morning or a meal after school.


At Wellwood International, I believe we as a whole fall into the adaptation phase. With

all teachers having access to and utilizing technology daily with their laptops, document

cameras, smartboards, and/or promethean boards, they are using it more to assign projects and

tasks to students as opposed to pencil and paper assignments. This will not impact the

implementation of my innovation, if anything it benefit me. With staff members already getting

used to the new learning management system, and already having knowledge of OneDrive, I will

just be educating them of the tools and benefits.


While I think my school is in the adaptation phase, I feel the individual teachers vary on

where they fall in the ACOT model. At the entry level, I think there may be one or two people

who fall into this category. These teachers prefer lecturing their students then assigning seatwork

and using textbooks as their main source of information. These teachers have also been teaching

for many years, and are comfortable with their old ways. I think it will be difficult to get these

teachers to participate in learning more about my innovation. With not using technology

frequently, they do not have much to document and save on their computers, so they may think

of my innovation as useless.

At the adoption level, I think there are about 10 teachers that fall into this category. Many

of these teachers still like to lecture to their students, but will use their smartboard or promethean

board to provide visual aids. I notice that teachers who fall into this category are often asking

questions about the tools available and are interested in utilizing technology more, but don’t

follow through due to a lack of planning and/or time to learn and implement. Out of the 10

people that fall into this category, I think about 5 of them would be interested in my innovation.

However, because my innovation does not impact direct instruction they may not see it as


There are about 16 teachers that fall into the adaptation stage of the ACOT model. These

teachers are familiar with technological tools to keep students engaged during instruction. They

also allow students to utilize their devices for classroom assignments. Teachers in the adaptation

phase understand how to use Schoology for assignments and tests and don’t use paper and pencil

nearly as much as those in the entry and adoption stages. Some of these teachers also use

OneDrive as their primary way to save, create, share and edit files. Others use it primarily when

someone else has shared a document or instructed them exactly what to do or where to go on the

site. I think these teachers would be interested in my innovation and would want to learn more

about how to use OneDrive daily.

At the appropriation stage, there are about 12-15 teachers that lie here. They are aware of

the technology that is available, know how to use it, and use if often with their students to better

their instruction. They are mindful of ways technology can enhance, differentiate, and/or provide

choice for children. Many of these people are utilizing OneDrive often and while my innovation

might not be necessary for them, I think they would all be interested to learn more and to see if

there are parts of it they aren’t fully utilizing.

There are also about 2-3 teachers who are at the invention stage. These are the teachers

who have a greater understanding of the International Baccalaureate program we are applying

for, and I think have a greater understanding of how technology can be used during

interdisciplinary learning activities. The teacher at the invention stage are already using

OneDrive daily. These teachers are those I would most likely reach out to for support on

implementing this innovation. With already having a strong technology background, they might

have a greater understanding of the tool and the importance of making sure all fires are secure. In

the coming year when we receive more training on our IB program, I think teachers will continue

to make their way up the ACOT ladder.


There are many people in my school that I believe would be valuable assets to help move

Wellwood forward with my innovation. With a strong support system and an overall

collaborative environment, I do not think it will be difficult to recruit a small group of people to

work with me to implement this innovation. My stakeholders make up only staff members at

Wellwood; my innovation is to benefit teachers. The main people I would want to work with for

this innovation would be the Principal and Assistant Principal, our STAT (students and teachers

accessing tomorrow) teacher, the tech liaison and of course all staff members. I feel as if this is a

strong group that would assist in leading me, and the rest of the school in the right direction

regarding my innovation. I know these people are strong believers in OneDrive and use it daily,

so that is also a plus.

The principal and assistant principal would be crucial member of this process. As the

leaders of Wellwood, their support and involvement with this innovation could possibly be a

motivator for others to get involved. Even though I can not say participation is required, it could

be encouraged, for reasons that our administration would like staff members to learn more. If

their leadership was evident throughout the process, I think that would positively influence the

decisions of others in the building to learn more. I would keep them involved throughout the

process of implementation by updating them often about the steps we have taken, and run my

planning ideas with them before executing.

Next, our STAT teacher is someone I would seek advice and planning tools from. At

Wellwood and all Baltimore County Public Schools, we have STAT teachers. STAT teacher

stands for “students and teachers accessing tomorrow.” Last year, I thought of the STAT teacher

as my mentor teacher because all the help she provided me throughout the year with planning,

creating, and implementing effective lessons. Our STAT teacher is always willing to meet with

teachers at Wellwood about any concerns or questions they have. She often plans and runs

meetings about specific topics that are available for anyone in the school to attend. I think she

would be a great person to guide me in the planning process before implementing my innovation.

I think she would guide me in the right direction in how to gain the attention and interest of

many staff members, and the best way to implement the innovation. I would keep her involved

throughout implementation by seeking advice as necessary. Potentially for ways to plan more

specific sessions about OneDrive and creating follow up resources about what the sessions were

about. I would like to meet with her after the session to discuss the important details of each

session, and providing a “cheat sheet” based off of the session.

Finally, although I feel like I am good with computers, I would like to include the tech

liaison in this innovation because I know she is an avid user, and the one who helped implement

it last year when we all had a brief lesson on it. My innovation is really a follow up from the

introduction that we received. She can provide me with the tools and tips when using OneDrive,

because I know there are a lot that I am unaware of. She often reminds/encourages staff members

to save files to OneDrive so I think she would be grateful that I am going to provide an

opportunity for people to dive deeper and learn more about the tool. I will keep her involved

through the implementation by following up with her about any unanswered questions about

OneDrive. If a lot of people are asking the same question, I could inform her and she could send

an email to all staff, addressing the question, incase many others who did not attend the session

have the same one.

Plan of Action

For my specific innovation, I think my vision and mission statement could be very

similar. Because my innovation is for educators only, I think our vision and mission could be the

following: As educators at Wellwood International Elementary School, our mission is to utilize


technological resources, such as OneDrive to create, edit, save, and share files securely with

other members in the Baltimore County Public School System.

The purpose of implementing this innovation is so teachers will use OneDrive to

maximize their sharing, creating, and collaborating abilities while ensuring all files are secure

and safe. The use of OneDrive will resolve issues such as computer crashes and lost files,

misplaced or stolen flash drives, and the inability to access certain documents on other devices.

OneDrive is available to anybody with an account and access to the internet. Wherever they are

and whatever device they are using, as long as there is internet they can access files they have

previously saved to OneDrive.

The first step in planning my innovation would be to schedule meetings with the

stakeholders I would like to involve; administrators, STAT teacher, and the tech liaison. The

initial meeting with my administrators would be to share the idea of my innovation and the

purpose for it and get the okay from them to continue. I would also discuss my plans for

including the STAT teacher and tech liaison and why I think they would be important throughout

this whole process. During this meeting, I would be open to any and all suggestions regarding

my innovation.

The planning and preparation of this innovation would definitely take some time. I think

the entire planning and preparation would take about 2-3 weeks. My administrators are very

good about meeting with staff members in a timely manner, so I would meet with them as soon

as possible. Following that meeting and getting the okay to continue with this innovation, within

1-2 days I would schedule a meeting with my STAT teacher and tech liaison to discuss this

opportunity more in depth. The STAT teacher and tech liaison would both have different roles

during the implementation. I would talk to the STAT teacher more about planning for meetings

or professional developments and the best way to get the information across to the staff. The tech

liaison would be used more for the actual tech stuff, like answering my specific questions about

OneDrive before teaching it to other staff members. However, the initial meeting with them both

would just be to bounce some ideas off of them and get their input. If they were willing to help

me throughout the implementation, we would be meeting more than one time and potentially

working with each other until the professional developments and/or meetings are completed.

The next steps in implementation would be to begin planning. Prior to planning the actual

sessions though, I would meet with the STAT teacher and tech liaison to discuss ideas for a

survey to send out to all staff members at Wellwood. Sending out a survey about concerns and

current levels of understand about the uses of OneDrive would give us a good starting point. It

could help me plan for more specific sessions and give me an idea of the number of sessions it

would take. Doing this, and then planning for the meetings afterwards would consume majority

of the planning time. I would want to give ample time for all to review the purpose of my

innovation and understand why I find it so beneficial to all, as well as give everyone time to

complete. The initial email to all would include the purpose of the innovation, what to expect

from it, and then a survey to determine their current understanding of OneDrive and the tools

available on it. Ideally, I would send this out on a Sunday night in hopes that when they open

their email Monday morning its available to them. For time purposes, I would have the survey

open until Friday afternoon, sending one reminder during the week. Luckily, for my innovation

there are no resources needed besides computers, so there is not much to plan for in that area.

Teachers will just need to come prepared either with their school device or personal laptop.

Following the survey, it would be beneficial to view the results with the STAT teacher to

determine the areas of OneDrive people need the most information on. I would also include the

tech liaison for this part, because if there were any areas of concern amongst staff members that I

was not knowledgeable in, she could assist me in learning them before I was going to start

helping others. This would lead us in to planning specific sessions and determine the best way to

hold them. I would have to plan accordingly to provide teachers who replied to my survey with

purposeful professional developments and/or more specific meetings before school, after school,

or during planning times. Ideally, I would like to hold it prior to the end of this current school

year. Doing this would ensure those who are interested in OneDrive would be able to securely

save their files before summer break. This gives members of the school opportunities to

understand how OneDrive can be accessed through the summer break without having their

school assigned computer with them daily.

To plan for teaching this innovation to others, I would need to determine how many

separate sessions addressing different topics there would be, the total number of attendees, and

the best times to do them. For my own sanity and for the sake of time, I would like to split into

two different groups (depending on how many people are interested) and offering 2-3 sessions

total. The sessions would be before or after school, and then I would free up some planning

sessions or ask for coverage if anybody needed to meet with me individually about follow up

questions or concerns.

The expected outcomes are that those who attended the sessions to learn more about

OneDrive can use it with ease. They will continue to use it as their primary way of creating,

editing, sharing, and saving files. Unfortunately, one negative aspect of this innovation is that I

will not be able to assess others understand of it after the meetings/professional developments

have ended. I would not have access to their accounts and I do not want to continuously nag

others about it. I’m sure our tech liaison will continue to remind people to save to OneDrive in

her emails, but that is about the only way I would be able to assess the effectiveness of my



As the use of technology continues to expand in school settings, I want educators to be

cautious of their documents and their ways of saving and organizing. OneDrive is an internet

based storage program that ensures safe and secure ways to save, share, edit, and create

documents that can be accessed anywhere internet is available. With computers crashing and

flash drives being lost, stolen or broken, OneDrive is the safest way for educators to save files

securely. I want to give educators at Wellwood International another opportunity to learn all of

the benefits of OneDrive and use it as their primary tool for saving, sharing, creating, and editing


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