Actividad # 16 Inglés Iii

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Presentado por: Camila Saenz

Id: 432155

have to, don't have to, can, can't

a) Look at the information about flights to New York on two airlines - BAC and GONE!!
airlines - and complete the sentences with have to, don't have to, can or can't.

The british Airline Company GONE!!

Ticket price 1st class return ticket: 1,500 Standby ticket:

Check - in time 1 hour before be at the airport 3 hours

Before the flight special VIP lounge
wait in Departure
Food and drink yes- free
Lounge only
In - flight film yes
Buy sandwiches and drinks
Seats seat numbers on plane

Duty - free goods yes no

no seat numbers


On BAC airlines:

1. You have to check in one hour before.

2.You have to wait in the VIP lounge
3. You have to pay for your food and drinks
4. You have to watch an in flight film.
5.You have to sit in a particular seat
6. You have to buy duty-free goods

On GONE!! airlines:

7. You have to arrive at the airport three hours before

8. You can use the VIP lounge
9.You don’t have to pay for your food and drinks
10.You can watch an in-flight film
11. You can sit where you want
12. You have to buy duty-free goods
b) Listen to the sentences on the recording. Practise saying them


Town facilities

4.Here is a list of places that Janos wants to visit while he is in Branton. Use the
words in the box to answer the questions.

The park
the art gallery
the beach
the square
the sports stadium
the river
the museum
the shopping centre

Where can he:

a. sit with a coffee and watch people walk past?

the square

b. ¿See paintings?
the art gallery

c. watch an athletics meeting?

the sports stadium

d. go shopping?
the shopping center

e. see interesting old objects and learn about history?

the museum

f. sunbathe and go swimming?

the beach

g. sit and relax in a place with grass and trees?

the park

h. go on a boat trip?
the river

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