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Presentado por: Camila Saenz

Id: 432155

Match the sentence beginnings (1-5) with the endings (a-e)

1. I want a photo of us in front of the Eiffel Tower. Can you take (b.your camera with you
on holiday?)

2. We're late for our flight.Let's take (e. a taxi to the airport. It's faster)

3.I'm so tired of working.It's time to take (f. a very long holiday)

4.You're wet! Why didn't you take (c.your umbrella?)

5.We don't speak Spanish so we should take ( d. a phrase book)

6.The only way to the Antarctic is to take (a. a cruise)

a. a cruise
b. your camera with you on holiday?
c. your umbrella?
d. a phrase book
e. a taxi to the airport. It's faster
f. a very long holiday

Grammar should / shouldn't

5. Choose the correct options to complete these sentences

1. You should / shouldn't buy them!

2. You should / shouldn't stay there
3. You should / shouldn't go home
4. You should / shouldn't come here on holiday
5. You should / shouldn't watch TV all day!
6. You should / shouldn't take a photo

6. Correct the mistake in each sentence

1. You should to book a hotel room ( You should to hotel room)

2. He doesn't should work late ( He shouldn't work late)

3.Do we should buy a ticket here? (We should buy a ticket here?)

4. She shoulds check in her bag (She should check in her bag)

5.You don't should rent a car ( You shouldn’t rent a car)

6.What should we eat? (Should we to eat)

Writing email advice to a friend

7 You have received this email from a friend Underlinethe advice he asks for


I've booked my tickets and I'm arriving on the 21st! Before I arrive at your house, I'm going to
travel around the country. Should I rent a car or go by public transport, do you think?
Also I'm going to spend some time inthe capital. What should I see there? And should I
book my hotel in advance? Can you give me any advice? Oh! And what's the weather
like? Is it cold? Should I bring lots of clothes?
See you soon!

8. Write a reply to Mike.Complete this email

Dear Mike

I'm really happy that you are coming to my country

Here is my advice:
When you travel around the country. you should I rent a car
In my capital city, you should visit the museums
For hotels, I think you should book in advance
At the moment the weather is very cold, so you should bring lots of clothes

See you soon!

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