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Figure 1: 3D Truss

1.(25% total) The truss shown in Figure 1, consist of six members and is supported by a short link at A,
two short links at B, and a ball and socket at D.

(a)(10 %) For the given loading, determine the forces in each of the members, as wells as the truss
(b)(15 %) Using MATLAB, plot a schematic three-dimensional representation of the truss (utilize
red color for members under compression, blue color for members under tension, and black
color for external loads.)

Figure 2: A industrial furnace

2.(25% total) A large industrial furnace is supported on a long column of fireclay brick, which is 1
m on a side. During steady-state operation, one surfaces of the column is maintained at 500 K,
another surfaces of the column is maintained at 700 K, one surface varies its temperature as a
T = 200[1
Figure 2. Fireclay 0.5)2], and istheκ remaining
(y conductivity = 1 W/m K.surface is exposed to an airstream, as illustrated in
− −
(a)(20 %) Using ∆x
(temperature = ∆ynode)
in each = 0.25inm, thedetermine
column. the two-dimensional temperature distribution
(b)((20 %) Using MATLAB, plot the steady-state two-dimensional temperature distribution of the

Note: Use information in equation (1) and Figure 3 to calculate temperatures at nodes 10, 11, and 12.
2 h∆ x −2. + 2Σ
m−1, )+ T∞ m,
n κ κ n
(2T + Tm,n+1 + Tm,n−1 =0 (1)

Figure 3: Node at plane surface with convection

Figure 4: Local coordinates of the pieces of a puzzle

(25% results in a rectangular
total) Local coordinatesshape
and of length L =of10
dimensions along
five pieces xA aaxis
the of and are
puzzle height H =in25Figure
shown along 3.
Puzzle the yA axis in the global frame {A}. Answer the following questions

(a)(15%) With one corner of the rectangular shape of the puzzle solution in the origin of the global
frame {A}, determine the vectors APB ori , APC ori , APD ori , APE ori , and APE ori as well as
g g g g g
the rotation matrices AR, AR, A R, AR, and AR.
(b)(5%) Find the position (vectors) and orientation (rotation matrices) of frames {B}, {C}, {D}, and
{F} with respect to frame {E}.
(c)(5%) Using MATLAB, illustrate each piece of the puzzle in its local coordinate system, as well
as in the global coordinate system {A} showing the puzzle solution.
Figure 5: An electrical circuit

4.(25% total) In the circuit depicted in Figure 5, determine the values of each of its loop currents.
Figure 6: Plane truss system

elements, theand load
the stresses
P = in50each
kN,element. E = 210stiffness
Let spring
and the 10−4 mkN/m.
GPa and kA == 5 1000 2
for all truss
total) For the plane trusses supported by the spring at node 1 in Figure 6, determine
× the nodal
Figure 7: Mass-spring system

6.(25% total)A three-dof mass-spring system with masses m1, m2, and m3 is illustrated in Figure 7. All
displacements are measured from the equilibrium configuration, with respect to an inertial co-
ordinates. The system is displaced with static forces F1, F2, F3, and F4. Assume no friction at all
k3 = 800surfaces.
N/m, k4 The parameters
= 1000 N/m, k5 of the components
= 960 of the
N/m, k6 = 640 N/m,system k1 = 750
are: N/m,
k7 = 800 k8 =N/m, k2 = 480
450 N/m, andN/m,
k9 =
750 N/m

Determine all nodal displacements of the system due to a static force of f = [1300, 1500, 2300, 1800]T


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