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Universidad Cristiana de Honduras


Examen II Unidad


Ingles II


Sonia Espinal


1. Oscar Santos
2. Raquel Rivera.
3. Reina Quiroz
4. Seily Velasques
5. Tania Martinez
6. Viviana Palacio

Comayagua 3 de noviembre del año 2020.

Oscar: Hello guys, thank you all for helping me organize this surprise. I
appreciate what you are doing for me.
Viviana: Don't worry Oscar, what a thrill, I'm nervous but do you guys think that
she accepts?
(She laughs, because everyone looks worry and says…)
of course I'm just kidding.
Seyli: Vivi! don't joke about that right now, let's focus on what we have to do… I
know she’ll says yes.
Tania: This has to be a very special day for our friends.
Oscar: Well, everything is ready, right?
Viviana: Yes, the decoration, the dinner, and the ring obviously the most
important thing.
Seyli: No the most important, is the girlfriend and I'll take care of bring her right
now, I'll be back in 5 minutes.
(Tania looking a little stress and nervous says to others…)
Tania: Okay guys, listen up! Before they come, turn off the light, and when they
get here, turn on the light and instantly play the music.
(5 minutes later…)
Everyone: SURPRISE!
(Oscar put on his knees and ask her the big question)
Oscar: My dear Odalis, will you marry me?
(He is so nervous that his voice sounds shaky. She looks surprised and about to
cry, she jumps of joy and answers…)
Odalis: Yes, I will!
(He put the shining ring in her ring finger, hugs and kiss her, both start to cry and
everyone is very happy because everything is going well)
Tania: I knew that this would be amazing.
(She hugs them)
Viviana: I wish you guys the best in the world, that God bless you so much.
(She hugs them too and give them a present)
Seyli: We did this with love and I know you are enjoying this beautiful moment.
(She is so excited that is crying of happiness, Seyli hug them and give a beautiful
bouquet of roses to Odalis)
Oscar tells to Odalis…)
Oscar: Do you want to say something my beautiful fiancée?
(Odalis still nervous and happy about what just happened says)
Odalis: Oh my God I can’t believe that I am engaged now, (She shows her big
ring) I just want to say how thankful I am with God for gave me such an amazing
man that loves me unconditionally and have been always with me, supporting me
and giving me strength to keep forward.
(She hugs Oscar again… and holds his hand)
Thank you guys for be here, in this special moment for me. I will always remember
this day; I’ll keep this moment save in the deepest of my heart.
(She laughs and says…)
Of course, you guys will help us to organize the wedding soon, I can’t wait to
marry this handsome man.
(Oscar says…)
Oscar: Thanks to everyone for come and help me to prepare this awesome
moment, I know I’ll always remember this moment as one of the best is my life.
(He kiss her and says…)
I love you with all my life my pretty and beautiful future wife.
(They start to take pictures, to make memories of this emotive moment, and this
is how ends this story).

Narradora: Raquel Rivera

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