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Reflection Questions

How much did I know about the I believe I know what it was, what the
subject before we started? idea is about but I didn’t know it in a
big picture, like the classification.

How do I feel about this presentation? I like everything about because

What parts of it do I particularly like? everything is so understandable and
dislike? Why? relatable.

What were some of the most I learned what kind of conflicts arise in
interesting things I learned during the the workplace, I already knew some
presentation? but the others surprised me such as
how different work styles can cause
conflict. I also didn’t know that you
have to be open minded because I feel
like doing too much of that is bad too.
What is the most important thing I I learned that emotional conflict can
learned personally? help avoid conflict with other people.
Emotional agility is important
because it allows people to understand
the emotions of the people around
them and their own as well. Being

What did I learn were my greatest I learned that my biggest strength is

strengths? My biggest area for communication and good team work
improvement? because I had no problem with those
before. My biggest area for
improvement is stress management
and problem solving because
sometimes I can’t control myself but to
be angry and show it indirectly and
also I am very indecisive when making
decisions which is not a good attribute
of a leader.

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