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In a dark world

Raven and the chief.

The chief didn't want to share the ball of light with other people.

Raven used magic to turn into a leaf.

No, never.
Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, Ayar
brothers, the crying girl

I heard children's stories such as The Little Red Riding Hood.

Yes, in movies. There were some variations in the story and even in the name of it.
characteristics *
traditions *
extraordinary *

clever X
human *
task X
plot *
The lecture was about the common
characteristics of folktales. First, these
stories change based on storytellers'
place, traditions and culture. The second
point mentioned is that folktales have
similar and ordinary characters who do
extraordinary things, and they also have
one or two important characteristics. For
instance, they can be animals with human
qualities. The last point mentioned is that
folktales have an exciting plot. These
stories usually begin with "a long time ago"
and then continue quickly with the
problem. To sum up, there are three
essential points when talking about
folktales: they began in an oral tradition,
they have similar characters, and they The Sleeping Beauty-shaped hill
contain an exciting plot.
In the Incas' time
Tingo María, Huánuco

Cuynac and princess Nunash.

They were attacked by a snake who was the father of princess Amaru.

Cuynac used magic to turn himself into a stone and Nunash into a butterfly.
A long, long time ago

In the sky and in the land/ground.

The sky god Nyame, an old spider Anansi and its wife Aso.

People had no stories because Nyame hid them all in the sky.

Nyame told Anansi he could have the stories if he brought 3 things:

a snake, a leopard and bees.
Anansi used schemes to catch the animals and brought the stories back
to the people.








I'll do anything if you give us the stories.

Bring me three things: a snake, a leopard, and bees. Then I will give you the stories.

I'm sorry, Snake. You are not the longest thing anymore.This stick is longer than you are.

Anansi used his web to quickly tie him up. He took Leopard to Nyame.

Raven noticed that people lived in the darkness because an old,

self-centered chief kept the great ball of light hiddden from them.
The Raven gave light to people as he believed that no one should
live in the darkness.

The baby turned back into a Raven after he got the light.

Animals have
human qualities.
Mixture of natural and
supernatural elements.
The Raven used Characters get
magic. something a god is Anansi used tricks.
The Sleeping Beauty

Incas' time

Tingo María, Huánuco

The young man, Cuynac

Princess Nunash
Father Amaru

Amaru didn't accept their relationship and attacked them.

Nunash and Cuynac fell deeply in love.

They were attacked by the princess's father.
Nunash turned into a butterfly, and Cuynac turned into a rock using magic.
They beat the father.
They stay together for all eternity converted in a hill.

Cuynac turned into a rock, and Nunash into a butterfly using magic.

Finally, both stay together in the shape of a hill.

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