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Are social network good in our society?

Chapter 1

I. Introduction
Social media can be very influential on society in both positive and negative
ways. It gives people a way to stay in touch with people who live far away. It lets
people share fun, interesting and informative content. It gives businesses a way to
engage with customers. In today's society, the use of social media has become a
necessary daily activity. Social media is typically used for social interaction and
access to news and information, and decision making. However, multiple studies
have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for
depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. Social
media may promote negative experiences such as: Inadequacy about your life or

Social media helps people establish better relationships with their family and
friends, and now the networking sites also show their significance for apps.
Mobile devices are gaining more and more space amongst people when
compared to other ways of internet access. Social media has exponentially
increased the resources for mental health information and support. Research
shows that people who get support from peers (those struggling with the same
problems) have better health outcomes, whether they have a physical condition
like diabetes or a psychological one like depression. It is a valuable
communication tool with others locally and worldwide, as well as to share, create,
and spread information.

II. Background of the Study

A social network is a prevalent structure composed of a set of social performers

(such as individuals or organizations), dyadic connection sets, and social
relationships of other actors. The social network perspective provides a number
of methods for analysing the structure of whole social systems as well as a variety
of concepts describing the trends identified in those systems. These buildings '
study use of social network theory to identify local and global trends, identify
significant entities, and evaluate the structure of the network. Social networks
and their analysis have emerged from social psychology, sociology, statistics, and
graph theory as an inherently interdisciplinary academic field. Georg Simmel
writes early organizational theories in sociology highlighting the subtleties of
triads and "group affiliation web." Jacob Moreno is credited with creating the first
interpersonal relationships sociograms in the 1930s. These approaches were
formalized mathematically in the 1950s and social network theories and
methods became omnipresent in the social and behavioural sciences in the 1980s.

III. Related and Literature Study

Social networking is a web based communication media, which allows users to have
conversations, share information and create contents. There are numerous social media sites
like blogs, social networking sites, instant messaging, photo-sharing sites, video-sharing sites
and more. Billions and billions of people across the world use social networking sites to share
and make connections on a personal level. As an introduction to social networking sites people
use social media to communicate with friends, family and to learn new things which interests
them and which is entertaining. Business houses use social media to have conversation with
their target audience, get feedback from customers, promote, and elevate their brand.
Professionals also use social media to increase their knowledge in their respective fields and
build a network of professionals from similar industry.

With new social networking sites being introduced every year, deciding which one is right for
your business, professional use or personal use is an overwhelming affair. So it becomes
imperative that you have to be aware which social media sites will fit into your requirements
and communication strategy. Using too many social networking sites to convey your message
could dilute the entire social media strategy and your entire planning and effort will be
ineffective. (Reference :

Literature and Studies-Social media is not always an online distraction or procrastination

platform. While some may be addicted to their social media networks, it is one of the best ways
to stay informed. Major news outlets, corporations and persons of interest use social media to
deliver messages to the masses. With items posting immediately, the public stays informed.
Some issues cause controversy, but social media does more good than harm in retrospect.
News Alert Distribution with so much of the global community being nearly constantly
connected to social media, delivering news alerts on social media channels reaches more
people faster. News outlets can share breaking stories, alerts and other important bits of news
instantly with their followers. When more people are aware of a situation, those working to
secure locations and ensure the safety of the general public can perform their job duties more
efficiently. (Reference :

IV. Recommendation

Social media includes networks used for having online conversations and for
sharing content. Hendrix College uses social media to promote its academic
mission, student and faculty achievements, campus events, and to engage with
alumni, community members, and prospective students and families. Many
faculty and staff members use social media for both personal and professional
purposes. To protect your personal and professional reputation, as well as the
College’s reputation, Hendrix faculty and staff members should remember these
guidelines: Be accurate and honest, be aware of your audience and be respectful
and sensitive about the content you create or share. Academic freedom and free
speech are fully respected at Hendrix, but faculty/staff/students should avoid
creating or sharing content (or engaging in an online conversation) in a manner
that would compromise campus safety, exhibit malicious intent, or violate College

Be confidential. Don't publish private or proprietary information about Hendrix,

its students, its alumni, or its employees. Use good judgment and follow College
policies and federal requirements.

Be effective. In addition to using social media, contact the Office of Marketing

Communications for event publicity support and to share good news about the

Be transparent. When appropriate, indicate that your opinions are personal.

Avoid conflicts of interest. If you are compensated for writing a blog post or
creating social media content, see the FTC's website on blogger compensation
and disclosure.
Submitted By :

John Michael B. Aribbay

11 - HUMSS

Submitted To :

Mr. Mark Padernal

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