Class Rules 2

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Class Rules


● Assigned Seating

● On group work days you will be allowed to move about

● Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class

● Raise your hand to be called on

● Do not interrupt your fellow students

● Be respectful and courteous of others, always!

● No stress! I will always work with you and adjust due dates as needed

Late Work/Missed Days

● Each student will be given 2 “no questions asked” passes at the beginning of the
year. I know that life happens, so when you turn in one of these in place of an
assignment, you will get an A on that assignment. Be responsible with these; If
you lose them, you lose them! If you still have them left over at the end of the
year you will get a surprise.

● Missed tests/assignments:

○ Assignments: Must be handed in the next time that you are in class.

○ Tests: Must be made up within a week. (If the original test has already
been handed back to your classmates, your test will have different
questions on it).

● If you are in class and don’t have an assignment, 10% will be deducted every day
that it is late.

Syllabus/Class Schedule
● All due dates will be in the syllabus so you are aware of them. (Subject to change
but you will be given a heads up).
● Our weekly class schedule will be written on the board every Monday so you
know what to expect throughout the week.

● If you need to use the restroom, just ask (on test days do your best to go before
we start the test)

● Music will be played during group work days, if you have something you want to
play, let me know! (no explicit songs)

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