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Protecting the prostate

THE prostate has an important job
within the male reproductive
system – producing sufficient
nutrition for healthy sperm. The
prostate gland is not very big,
about the size of a walnut;
however, its location just below
the bladder and in front of the
rectum causes problems if
something goes amiss.
According to Subang Jaya
Medical Centre consultant urologist
Dr Lee Boon Cheok, the prostate
tends to grow larger as men age,
which is a condition known as
benign prostatic hyperplasia. The
condition is not cancerous, but
should the prostate grow too large,
it can lead to other health issues –
both cancerous and not.

Ageing symptoms
“As life expectancy has increased
and men are living well into their
70s, 80s and 90s, they may have Dr Lee Boon Cheok.
some bother from the prostate,”
says Dr Lee. The prostate gland there are various treatment
wraps around the upper part of options – either medical, or
the urethra, which is the tube that surgical. The typical method of
carries urine from the bladder out treatment is conservative, meaning
of the body. This basically means that mild symptoms are treated
that the prostate can cause issues with lifestyle modifications first
that affect both urination and before proceeding to medical
sexual function. therapy and surgical options
Generally, if individuals present following that.
with symptoms such as having to “For medical therapy, we have
use the washroom more times several medications that will help
than usual during the daytime or to solve prostate issues by either Benign prostatic hyperplasia is not cancerous, but should the prostate grow too large, it can lead to other health
several times during the night, Dr relaxing, or shrinking the prostate. issues.
Lee urges them to consult their There is also a medication on the
family doctor or a urologist. The market that has been approved by prostate disease. For benign urinate, or even painful
doctor can then take steps to the United States FDA (Food and prostate enlargement, the ejaculations. Depending on the
determine the cause of the issue Drug Administration) that treats urologist will remove part of the cause, prostatitis can affect patients
by doing the proper assessment prostate symptoms like lower prostate that causes the obstruction gradually or suddenly. It may According to the World
and advising them accordingly
about their treatment options.
urinary tract symptoms, alongside
overcoming erectile disfunction –
and this will overcome the
symptoms. Only for prostate
improve quickly as well either on
its own, or with medication.
Health Organization
which is a good thing because cancer does the whole gland need Although some types of prostatitis data regarding
Solving the problem older men tend to develop both at
the same time,” says Dr Lee.
to be surgically removed.”
Dr Lee notes that a common
can last for months,
if it is chronic prostatitis, it can
prostate cancer deaths
Lower urinary tract symptoms In cases where conservative misconception among younger keep recurring. published in 2018,
are known to affect older men,
however, it’s an issue that men do
methods and medications do not
yield the desired results, patients
men who experience problems
with urine flow is that they
For those experiencing
symptoms that prevent normal
Malaysia is ranked
not have to live with for the rest of will have to undergo surgical could have prostate problems. sexual or urinating functions, Dr 160th in the world
their lives.
“For benign prostate issues,
treatment. Dr Lee elaborates,
“It will depend on the type of
Benign prostatic hyperplasia only
affects older men, hence, cases
Lee’s advice is to consult their
doctor. Prostate examinations
with a death rate of
involving younger men are usually are required, especially after the 5.77 per 100,000.
related to prostatitis, which is age of 55 and older. Depending While not as high as
another disease caused by on the history and risk factors,
bacterial infection that leads to an individual may only need a compared to western
inflammation of the prostate gland. single assessment every few years countries, men need
Prostatitis can affect men of all or, if indicated by his doctor,
ages, but tends to be more common annual assessments. to take precautions,
amongst men aged 50 or younger. According to the World Health especially high-risk
Some of the symptoms could be Organization data regarding
blood in the urine, a painful or prostate cancer deaths published men.
burning sensation when urinating, in 2018, Malaysia is ranked 160th
frequent urination and an urge to in the world with a death rate of
5.77 per 100,000. While not as
high as compared to western
Warning signs of ageing countries, men need to take
precautions, especially high-risk
Also known as prostate gland men – those with a family
enlargement, benign prostate history of prostate cancer should
hyperplasia is a common start screening earlier from age
condition that men get as they 50 onwards.
age. An enlarged prostate gland Dr Lee restates, “As men age,
may cause uncomfortable the prostate naturally enlarges.
urinary symptoms, as well as out urine involuntarily. For some men, excess prostate
bladder, urinary tract or l Nocturia – A need to use tissue can gradually impinge the
kidney issues. the restroom several times urethra and block the normal
Symptoms may include: during the night flow of urine. The problem is,
l Urinary frequency – l Hesitancy to urinate – An most men think that because this
Having to use the restroom more individual feels as though they is an ageing issue, they must
than usual have to urinate, yet the flow accept it. However, that is not the
l Urinary urgency – A does not start immediately. case; they don’t have to continue
sudden or compelling urge to l Urine flow that starts and suffering with these issues
empty the bladder stops because most of the time,
l Urge incontinence – A l Straining to start or doctors can find a cause and it
sudden and uncontrollable urge continue urination can be treated.”
to urinate. In these instances, the l Leakage or dribbling after
Although it is part of ageing, patients don’t have to live with lower bladder contracts and squeezes urination n For more information, call
urinary tract symptoms. 03-5639 1212.
2 Your Health THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2020

Vitamin C of choice
for today’s lifestyle
VITAMIN C – also known by its scientific
name, ascorbic acid – is an important
nutrient for good health. Human bodies
need it for immune function, bone structure, In this era, many individuals
iron absorption and healthy skin. Vitamin C
is also known to be a strong antioxidant that
do not get enough vitamin
can protect tissues against oxidative damage C from their daily diets due
caused by free radicals, and helps prevent or
reverse cellular damage.
to modern-day farming
In a study published this year titled Effects methods and unhealthy
of High Dose Vitamin C Supplementation on
Severe COVID-19 Patients In The ICU: A
eating habits.
Retrospective Analysis, researchers found
that high doses of vitamin C may have the
propensity to mitigate severe oxidative stress vitamin C does not contain other components
to keep lung injury minimal besides normally focused with it in food (such as
preventing other organ failures. Patients proteins, fats and carbohydrates).
who received high-dose vitamin C Science has proven that vitamin C is not
treatment resulted in the improvement of absorbed as a pure, isolated compound.
respiratory function. Protein, fat and carbohydrate carriers are Re-Natured Vitamin C can be taken anytime convenient either before, or after a meal.
According to a 2019 study titled Vitamin C necessary to help the absorption of vitamins
Can Shorten the Length of Stay in the ICU: A and minerals within the body. For this the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Grow Company Inc to enhance the
Meta-Analysis, high-dose vitamin C therapy reason, synthetic formulations are not titled Comparative bioavailability to humans bioavailability of vitamin C in the body by
can benefit individuals admitted to intensive absorbed very well by the body and the of ascorbic acid alone or in a citrus extract synthesising the nutrient into a food matrix.
care units (ICUs) for critical diseases by nutrients cannot be transported efficiently to showed that Re-Natured Vitamin C was 35% In the manufacturing process, vitamin C is
decreasing the period of ICU stay by 8% and the targeted cells. Hence, they are usually more bioavailable than its synthetic form of fed back into food and naturally
shortening the time of mechanical manufactured in mega doses in the hope that vitamin C. re-integrated with all the other food
ventilation by 18.2%. a small fraction will be absorbed by the body. The benefits of Re-Natured Vitamin C components – such as natural citrus extract –
Vitamin C can be obtained from daily compared to other synthetic formulations in which aid its absorption in the body.
intakes of food, especially fruits and the market include higher bioavailability Vitamin C is an important nutrient that
vegetables. However, in this era, many
What makes Re-Natured Vitamin and better distribution of vitamins to the keeps immune systems functioning properly.
individuals do not get enough vitamin C C so special? targeted body tissues. Therefore, it is not Be a wise consumer and choose Re-Natured
from their daily diets due to modern-day necessary to take in very high doses to exert as the choice of vitamin C supplement for a
farming methods and unhealthy eating Re-Natured Vitamin C is molecularly the desired health benefits. Due to the form healthier life.
habits. Hence, many people turn to bonded into a concentrated food complex – of Re-Natured Vitamin C which is similar to
supplements to meet their needs. just as it is found in natural food. In other the vitamin C in natural food, it can be This article is brought to you by Biogrow.
However, most vitamin C supplements words, Re-Natured Vitamin C is presented to taken anytime convenient either before, or
available on the market today are the body the way vitamin C is normally found after a meal. n For more information, call 03-7956 2220
synthetically manufactured formulations in food for better absorption, retention and Re-Natured technology is an exclusive (Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 5pm) or email
and, in this isolated chemical form, the utilisation by the body. A study published in patented technology from the United States’
4 Your Health THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2020

Gentle bath care for babies’

hair and sensitive skin
INFANTS’ skin plays a vital role in providing
a barrier that prevents infection, water loss
from the body and penetration of irritants
and allergens. In view of the characteristics Good skin hygiene is
of infant skin such as a thinner epidermis essential to the maintenance
and stratum corneum, the skin is more
prone to damage caused by harmful of barrier functions and
environmental elements. Therefore, good overall skin health.
skin hygiene is essential to the maintenance
of barrier functions and overall skin health.
The principles of infant skin care
emphasise on gentle cleansing, adequate Pureen Natural-H Baby Head
hydration and moisturisation, as well as
protection from irritants. The Pureen
To Toe Wash
Natural-H range is specially formulated to Safely and gently cleanses babies’ body
safely and gently cleanse babies’ delicate and hair:
skin and hair, while protecting them. These l Contains natural portulaca, organic
products also contain excellent moisturising aloe vera extracts and conditioning wheat
and soothing properties to nourish babies protein to nourish babies’ body and hair
from head to toe. l A tear-free formula that does not
These are among the benefits of the irritate babies’ eyes
Pureen Natural-H range:
l Formulated with natural origin The Pureen Natural-H range is specially formulated to safely and gently cleanse babies’
ingredients – Free of potential irritants and delicate skin and hair, while protecting them. Pureen Natural-H Baby
harmful ingredients Shampoo
l Sirim Eco-Label-certified – In wheat protein (for Baby Shampoo and pleasant and refreshing scent without
compliance with Sirim Bhd’s Eco-Labelling Head to Toe Wash) – Does not irritate eyes; irritating skin Safely and gently cleanses babies’
criteria for products that are biodegradable, wheat protein helps to smoothen and l Halal-certified – The range conforms delicate scalp and hair:
eco-friendly and made of natural origin protect hair, while soothing irritated skin to halal standards l Contains natural portulaca, organic aloe
ingredients and scalp vera extracts and conditioning wheat protein
l Hypoallergenic and dermatologically- l pH-balanced and soap-free – Protects to protect and care for babies’ scalp and hair
tested – Clinically proven not to induce skin and cares for babies’ delicate and sensitive
Pureen Natural-H Baby Bath l A tear-free formula that does not irritate
irritation and allergic reactions even for skin Safely and gently cleanses babies’ babies’ eyes
sensitive skin l Free of parabens, alcohol, SLS delicate skin:
l Fortified with natural portulaca and (sodium lauryl sulfate), colourants and l Maintains the skin’s natural moisture This article is brought to you by Summit
organic aloe vera extracts – With natural other potential irritants – Gentle on hair to protect it from dryness and irritation Company (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
conditioning and soothing properties to and skin without causing dryness and l Contains natural portulaca and
nourish hair and skin irritation organic aloe vera extracts with soothing n For more information, visit www.pureen.
l Tear-free formula and fortified with l Allergen-free fragrance – Exudes a and hydrating effects for optimal care
THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2020 Your Health 5

A healthy body begins

OVER the past months, the world has
grappled with Covid-19 with over 56 million
people infected and 1.3 million succumbing
to the disease, according to the World

with a healthy blood flow

Health Organization. The most common
symptoms of Covid-19 include fevers,
coughing and shortness of breath. There are
emerging data showing that Covid-19 not
only causes respiratory illness, but is also
associated with neurologic complications
such as stroke.
What do all these symptoms have in
common? Impaired blood circulation. In
fact, several retrospective clinical studies Poor blood circulation
have shown that Covid-19 is prone to
attack the lining of blood vessels all over
is reflected in restricted
the body, deteriorating the body’s defence or blocked blood flow to
system and forming blood clots in the blood
vessels which can ultimately lead to poor
various parts of the body
blood circulation. and vital organs such as
Poor blood circulation is reflected in
restricted or blocked blood flow to various
the brain, usually due to
parts of the body and vital organs such blockage of the blood vessel
as the brain, usually due to blockage of
the blood vessel caused by blood clots
caused by blood clots from
from platelet clumping (platelet platelet clumping (platelet
aggregation). Subsequently, the lack of
oxygen and nutrients supplied to the organs
may lead to:
l Fatigue
l Numbness and tingling sensations in l Natural health supplements for
the hands and feet improving blood circulation
l Cold hands and feet
l Life-threatening diseases (such as
stroke) – A stroke can occur when the brain
Discovering the scientifically Fruitflow natural water-soluble tomato extract consists of a number of bioactive compounds
is deprived of blood supply, and brain tissue proven natural ingredient to with antiplatelet properties which have been clinically tested to improve blood circulation.
will die in the absence of oxygen
improve blood circulation according to a July 2010 article titled (ischaemic stroke).
Maintaining healthy blood circulation is Fruitflow natural water-soluble tomato Scientific Opinion on the modification of the While strengthening immunity to fight
important for a healthy life as it warrants extract is the first natural, scientifically authorisation of a health claim related to against Covid-19 is important now,
the smooth flow of blood that carries oxygen proven ingredient for healthy blood water-soluble tomato concentrate and maintaining healthy blood circulation is also
and nutrients throughout the body – circulation. It consists of a number of helps to maintain a healthy blood flow and vital to reduce the risk of a stroke.
allowing vital organs such as the brain to bioactive compounds with antiplatelet benefits circulation pursuant to Article
function properly, as well as ensuring the properties such as nucleosides, polyphenols 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 This article is brought to you by Biogrow.
efficient transport of immune cells around and flavonoids which have been clinically following a request in accordance with
the body. Below are the tips to improve tested to improve blood circulation. Article 19 of the Regulation (EC) No n For more information, visit www.biogrow.
blood circulation: A daily dose of just 150mg Fruitflow 1924/2006 published in EFSA Journal. or call 03-7956 2220 (Mondays to
l Regular exercise natural water-soluble tomato extract can Subsequently, this may help to avoid Fridays, 9am to 5pm). Like the official
l Massages help to improve blood circulation by unwanted blood clot formation which is Facebook page at
l Staying hydrated maintaining a normal platelet aggregation, the primary cause of clot stroke BiogrowMY/
6 Your Health THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2020

Understanding inguinal hernia

HERNIA is a condition where part examinations. When the diagnosis l Maintain a healthy body
of the abdominal content bulges is doubtful, then medical imaging weight: Obesity is a potential
through a weak point on the is required, with ultrasonography hazard as it can impose extra
abdominal wall. It can occur near Inguinal hernia is being the first choice. pressure on the abdomen. Regular
the groin, around the belly button,
or through a past surgical scar. a condition where Surgery is the primary
treatment for inguinal hernias.
exercise and a good healthy
lifestyle are important to
Inguinal hernia is a condition abdominal fat It is a common operation and a maintaining good body weight.
where abdominal fat (omentum) or
part of the intestines bulges
(omentum) or part of highly successful procedure
when performed by a well-trained
l Be careful while exercising:
Some exercises such as squats can
through a weak point on the the intestines bulges surgeon. put undue strain on the abdominal
abdominal wall near the groin
through a weak point Surgical options are either an
open inguinal herniorrhaphy or a
wall. Exercises involving fast
movements or high-intensity
According to MSU Medical on the abdominal wall laparoscopic inguinal workouts also increase your
Centre medical consultant general
and colorectal surgeon Dr Mohd
near the groin area. herniorrhaphy. In open inguinal
herniorrhaphy, a 5cm-long
risk of developing hernia. Use
proper gear and attire during
Zailani Mat Hassan, “Men are 25 incision is made over the abdominal exercises.
times more likely than women to abdomen near the groin. In l Avoid lifting heavy weights:
be present with inguinal hernia. l Chronic urinary bladder outlet laparoscopic inguinal Heavy weight lifting puts unneeded
Adult males over 40 are much obstruction, e.g., benign prostate herniorrhaphy, multiple smaller pressure on the abdominal
more likely than females to Dr Mohd Zailani Mat Hassan. hyperplasia abdominal incisions are made muscles. If it is still required,
develop direct inguinal hernias.” l Premature birth (at least three, approximately consider bending down at the
There are two types of inguinal intestinal content of fat is trapped l Previous history of inguinal 1cm each). knees rather than lifting from the
hernias: inside the “hernial sac” or the hernia The goal of either surgical waist up to distribute the weight.
l Indirect inguinal hernia, scrotum. This is called irreducible, l Occupation-related – heavy approach is to return the internal l Eat fibre-rich foods:
which is caused by a defect in the obstructed, or even strangulated weight lifting abdominal tissue(s) back into the Constipation can put undue strain
abdominal wall through an inguinal hernia, in which stage the Two possible serious abdominal cavity and repair the on the abdomen during bowel
inguinal ring relating to a birth patient will experience persistent complications if hernia is left abdominal wall defect. Mesh is movement and thus increase
defect bulging in the groin or scrotal area, untreated are: commonly placed to reinforce the hernia risk. Eating fibrous foods
l Direct inguinal hernia, which severe pain and vomiting. l Incarcerated inguinal hernia, abdominal wall. such as whole grains, fresh fruits
occurs in adult males and is owed which happens when tissue There are advantages and (bananas, apples, oranges),
to a weakness in the abdominal becomes stuck in the groin and is disadvantages of both techniques. vegetables, and nuts can help
wall muscles; it may develop over
Causes and risk factors not reducible – it cannot be pushed Patient factors, surgical expertise, regulate bowel movements. Staying
time or be caused by straining or of inguinal hernia back into place and cost incurred will determine well-hydrated is essential to
heavy weight lifting over time l Strangulated inguinal hernia, the selection criteria. preventing constipation.
A weakened abdominal muscle a life-threatening condition that l Consult your doctor if you
at the affected areas may be a requires emergency medical care; experience difficulty when
Signs and symptoms major predisposing factor. Some this is when the intestine in an
Prevention of inguinal urinating: Urination difficulties,
Usually patients have bulges in risk factors that can increase the incarcerated hernia has its blood hernia increased urination frequency
the groin area. At an early stage, chances of getting inguinal hernia flow cut off, which may lead to especially at night, or feelings of
bulging occurs only during include: intestinal gangrene (“dead” tissue). As inguinal hernia relates to incomplete emptying may indicate
coughing or straining, and l Gender (men are more abdominal wall muscles and an enlarged prostate, particularly
spontaneously disappears. This predisposed than women) inguinal ring birth defect, among men aged 50 years and
condition is called reducible l Obesity Diagnosis and treatment reducing abdominal pressure may above. These symptoms can
inguinal hernia. l Chronic constipation In most cases, diagnosis is made substantially prevent inguinal increase pressure on the abdomen
As the hernia advances, an l Chronic cough from history and clinical hernia from occurring. by causing strain during urination.
THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2020 Your Health 7

Providing a safe
and easy wash
PARENTS usually use normal
dishwashing liquid detergents to
clean baby accessories such as
drinking cups, feeding bowls, Parents can rest
spoons and toys. However, if these
products are not thoroughly rinsed
assured knowing
with clean water, babies would end that Pureen Liquid
up ingesting the lingering residue
of dishwashing liquid detergents
Cleanser is effective
which are harmful and can affect in washing away milk
their health.
Pureen Liquid Cleanser has been
fats and stains on
carefully formulated with plant- baby accessories,
based surfactants which are safe,
mild and gentle. Parents can rest
as it’s easily rinsed
assured knowing that Pureen off without leaving
Liquid Cleanser is effective in
washing away milk fats and stains
harmful residue.
on baby accessories, as it’s easily
rinsed off without leaving harmful
residue. The formulation is so vegetables. Just mix a quarter
gentle that it protects hands against teaspoon of Pureen Liquid
dryness and chapping, which may Cleanser into five litres of water,
happen if normal dishwashing immerse for about five minutes,
liquid detergents are used. Just add then rinse with clean water.
half a teaspoon of Pureen Liquid Pureen Liquid Cleanser is a mild
Cleanser into one litre of water, and gentle formulation ideal for
immerse the accessories into the cleaning baby accessories, fruits
solution, then rinse thoroughly and vegetables. The product comes
with clean water. in three variants – No Flavour,
Besides that, the pesticides found Orange Flavour and Mint Flavour –
on fresh vegetables and fruits can and is also available in 600ml refill
also cause adverse health effects to packs. Pureen Liquid Cleanser is
humans. Consumers can thus use available in leading hypermarkets,
Pureen Liquid Cleanser to remove supermarkets, departmental stores,
the chemical residue as it has been medical halls and pharmacies.
tested to be effective in removing
more than 99% of pesticides n For more information, visit Pureen Liquid Cleanser is a mild and gentle formulation ideal for cleaning baby accessories, fruits and
commonly found on fruits and vegetables. It is available in 750ml bottles and 600ml refill packs.
8 Your Health THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2020

Prioritising and improving

safety for the elderly at home
MALAYSIA is on its way to becoming an However, what if there is nobody at home for Otolift Stairlift from the Netherlands. The encounters an obstacle during travel, it will
ageing nation. The Statistics Department or available to provide the necessary support company has 20 years of experience in the safely come to a stop. The stairlift is also
estimates that more than 7% of the country’s up and down the stairs? What if there is no stairlift industry. Upstairs Sdn Bhd provides battery operated, which means you can still
population is aged 65 and above this year. available room downstairs or if the senior the full range of services in owning a stairlift use it even if your residence experiences a
With this knowledge in mind, the public member of the household insists on staying for your home. The one-stop service includes power cut.
needs to pay careful attention to the needs on the upper floor? the supply, installation, maintenance and The stairlift also comes with remote
of this golden generation. Adequate repair of stairlifts. control units at the top and bottom of the
preparation and precautionary steps must The stairlift can be tailor-made to fit any stairs. It is used to call your lift and to send
be taken in order for older folks to enjoy
Safe home for our loved ones staircase, whether it is curved or straight. it to a parking point when not in use.
leading a more comfortable lifestyle. This The solution to the problem would be to The stairlift is fitted onto your staircase and Safety is paramount when it comes to
begins with having a safe home to live in as install a stairlift so that older family not your wall, allowing the lift to be installed the elderly. That is why every stairlift is
they retire. members can easily make their way up and quickly, easily and with minimal disruption certified safe and adheres to international
For many, home furnishings and interior down the stairs without any hassle. to your home. safety standards.
design usually revolve around aesthetic and There is also no hassle in packing all the You do not need to be afraid of
functionality. Less focused is placed on furniture and moving them between the experiencing any accidents with the stairlift. n For more information, call 016-206
safety. However, it would be foolish not to floors. By installing a stairlift, there is no During travel, a comfortable seat belt keeps 0408/014-938 8528 or visit www.upstairs.
place safety as the main priority when it moving of furniture involved. Everything you secure in the seat. If the stairlift
comes to the elderly. remains as they were and everyone can
As people get older, there is a high maintain their current lifestyle without
tendency for more health complications to making big lifestyle adjustments.
arise as well. The most prominent one Quite a lot of people believe that climbing
would be osteoarthritis, where the cartilage up and down the stairs can be a form of
in the knees deteriorate with use and age. exercise. While this is true, it is only
This can make even what was previously applicable for those who are younger and
deemed as small or effortless activities, such fitter. Once you hit the age of 50 or start
as walking, becoming excruciatingly painful. living with various health conditions,
Some seniors may also lose strength in their walking up and down the stairs is not the
legs and require the help of a walking stick most viable form of exercise as there is a
or walker. It becomes especially difficult and high risk of falling.
dangerous for those living in a double-story Senior citizens who fall risk fracturing
house, where getting up and down the stairs their bones. For someone with osteoporosis,
is a daily occurrence. this can lead to a very serious injury that
For some families, the decision may be require hospitalisation, incurring an
made to live with a compromise. This may expensive medical fee. This can be a pain
be to always have someone assisting the and heavy burden for both patient and
senior member up and down the stairs. family members. The most practical solution
Other families may choose to renovate a is to install a stairlift so you can avoid
room downstairs for the older family accidents or falls.
member to move into. Upstairs Sdn Bhd is an authorised dealer

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