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Executive Summary:

Human resource management is the process of managing human as resources for the organization.
It is an important concept for most of the business organization. HR management of Esquire
company is about managing the employees in the organization as effectively as possible for the
good of the company, workers and also the society. This report suggested to give a clear picture of
HR functions are practiced in a company like Esquire Company Ltd. First, a clear idea given how a
company adapt with different organization strategies through HR planning. In this part the to HR
plan successful the company train the employees to make them more skillful and cope up with the
environment of the organization and assuring the employees with the safety and security of both
their job and health and make them comfortable with the workplace environment.
HR Planning:
Human resource department of Esquire Sweaters Ltd do HR planning in order to achieve
organizations most valuable asset i.e. quality employees. It is a continuous systematic process
that ensure the best fit employees for the job and gaining organization strategic goals. The
company try to forecast the human resource requirements of the organization besides they also
determine how the existing human resource can fulfill this requirement. The company HR
planning shows clear vision of future need of the organization human resource with appropriate
supply of employees which in term helps the management of the organization.

Main purpose of HR planning in Esquire company is the best possible way to development
human resource, making them more skillful by providing them appropriate training program.
Beside they also have initiated some plans for the employees with safety issues, to make familiar
with factory rules and regulations, schedule of working, personal protection of workers, ensuring
their health insurance, motivational training by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, orientational
training to give a historical background about the company, knowledge about factory
environment to make them easy to get cope up. All this are done so that the fresher employees
get family environment in the workplace and get their job done by taking it as their own job. Due
to this the company’s high output is achieved; besides the company try to provides employees a
clean and comfortable environment so that they work from the core of their heart and make
themselves feel secure with their job and also with their health.

The company does this planning to achieve their organization goals. They always try to aims at
achieving a fixed percentage of growth within a certain time period of their company through the
development of employees. For this they establish a work schedule for the employees and train
them according to the work agenda and assign task to the employees. These are the steps that
helps the company to get their target goals achieved. The main motive of this work agenda is to
gearing up the company than those of their competitors by pursuing every step of it.

The HR department of Esquire Ltd has prosperous relatedness with other departments of the
organization. They usually have a great one to one connection with other departments head. They
all together set their target to reduce cost and maximization of output which leads them to
achieve their overall organization target.

The Esquire company’s HR department provides the company a comprehensive HR assessment

and planning to meet its future requirement for human resource in the most cost effective and
timely manner. Hence, a properly conducted process of HR Planning by the Esquire Firm helps
the organization in meeting its goals and objectives in timely manner with the right HR strength
in action.

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