Ielts Vocab & Notes

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I. Vocabulary:
_ Quintuple = four times; four-fold
_ Overtake + something = Outnumber = Supersede
_ , at over <statistics>,
_ Revenues = Incomes = Earnings = Salary
_ Reach a similar level
_ Fall/Drop by ….% to…
_ It is noticeable that export revenues in all but one of the five product
categories rose over the period shown.
_ While petroleum products were the highest earning exports in both years, the
textile industry saw the most significant growth in earnings.
_ It is predicted that … = It is projected that … = It is expected that …
_ The predictions for … = The projections for … = Estimates …
_ … should see the most significant change, with a projected increase from …
to… (future)
_ With regards to = Regarding = Speaking of = As for = When it comes to …
_ But = Prior to = Before (in some cases)
_ For example: The figure increased significantly to 100% prior to its decrease
of 10% in the next year = The figure increased significantly to 100%, but
decreased slightly to 90% in the next year.
_ Similar increase can be seen in …. = There are similar increases for … > <
Opposing trend can be seen in … = … shows an opposing trend
_ Minor fluctuation < Fluctuation < Major fluctuation
_ To grow with time / To decrease with time
_ To reach the highest point in … = To take the lead in …
_ It is noticeable that … = It is notable that … = It is interesting to note that …
_ Difference = Discrepancy
_ Increase = Advance
_ The most = The maximum = The highest
_ To lose popularity # To gain popularity
_ Urbanite = people who live in city and urban areas
_ Cent-percent = 100%
_ Similarly = Likewise
_ Proximity = Propinquity
_ Something is a staple = Something is very important
_ To opine that = To have an opinion that
_ To be directly proportional to/To be in direct proportion to = Tỷ lệ thuận
_ To be inversely proportional to/ To be in inverse proportion to = Tỷ lệ nghịch
II. Notes
Instead of finding synonyms for Paraphrasing, we can use collocations:
+ Poverty
Collocations with the word poverty:
_ Poverty rates
_ Levels of poverty
_ Below the poverty line
Collocations with the adjective (poor) instead of the noun (poverty):
_ Poor people
_ People who were classed as poor
_ Poorer individuals

Age groups:
_ The over 65s
_ The 45 to 54 years old
_ The 16 and 24 years
_ Those between 61 and 75 years of age
_ The 25-44 group
_ The 76+ age group


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