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Synthetic Metals 194 (2014) 52–58

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Enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption performances of Co3 O4

nanocube/reduced graphene oxide composite
Xiubing Li a , Siwei Yang a , Jing Sun a , Peng He a , Xipeng Pu b , Guqiao Ding a,∗
State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Shanghai 200050, People’s Republic of China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059, People’s Republic of China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Co3 O4 nanocube/reduced graphene oxide (Co3 O4 /RGO) composite paper has been firstly fabricated
Received 24 December 2013 via a simple process. Several analytical techniques including X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spec-
Received in revised form 8 April 2014 troscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron
Accepted 13 April 2014
microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have been employed to characterize the
Co3 O4 /RGO composite. The results indicated that the Co3 O4 nanocubes attached to the RGO sheets, and
that the average edge length of Co3 O4 nanocubes is about 200 nm. The obtained composite exhibited a
Co3 O4
maximum reflection loss of −32.3 dB at 12.4 GHz with a coating layer thickness of 2.5 mm, and the effec-
Reduced graphene oxide
tive absorption bandwidth with reflection loss less than −10 dB is up to 10.5 GHz (from 5.5 to 16.0 GHz)
Electromagnetic absorption when an appropriate absorber thickness between 2 and 5 mm is chosen. Such high microwave absorp-
tion composite can be used as promising candidate for the new type of electromagnetic wave absorptive
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction exceptional properties, including high thermal stability and light

weight [13–16].
Electromagnetic (EM) wave absorption materials in the giga- As a rising carbon material, graphene is attractive of its extraor-
hertz (GHz) range have attracted much attention because of their dinary thermal, electrical and mechanical properties, coming from
potential applications in electronic devices and telecommunica- its unique two-dimensional one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp2 -
tions [1,2]. Recently, extensive efforts have been done to develop hybridized carbon atoms [17]. Due to their unique structures and
high performance EM wave absorption materials with wide absorp- superior properties, graphene-based composite materials are uti-
tion frequency range, small thickness, light weight and strong lized for supercapacitors [18,19], lithium ion batteries [20,21], field
absorption characteristics [3–5]. According to the EM energy con- effect transistors [22] and sensors [23,24]. Recently, chemically
version principle, the reflection and attenuation characteristics of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and their composites are expected
EM absorption materials mainly depend on dielectric loss and mag- to be promising EM wave absorption materials because of their high
netic loss [6,7]. Traditional EM wave absorption materials such as surface area, good electric conductivity, and excellent mechanical
magnetic metal oxides [8,9] and magnetic metal powders [10,11] stability [25,26]. Some reports demonstrated that the combina-
produced large magnetic loss due to their high complex perme- tion of RGO with magnetic particles would enhance its EM wave
ability. However, the magnetic absorbers have relatively larger absorption property [27–30]. Co3 O4 is one of the most intriguing
densities and can only be produced with large thickness, which magnetic p-type semiconductors, and has found use in applications
restrains their practical application [12]. Therefore, it is urgent to in many fields, such as heterogeneous catalysts, electrochromic
synthesize lightweight and stable EM wave absorption materials devices, and solid-state sensors [31–33]. Recently, composites of
for meeting the actual application. Carbon itself is very light, and Co3 O4 with graphene were successfully prepared by liquid phase
carbon based EM wave absorption materials have high complex and microwave-assisted methods and greatly improved electro-
permittivity values. In addition, carbon materials exhibit several chemical performance and gas sensing properties [34–38]. For
example, Lian et al. reported an electro-static spray deposition
method to synthesize a Co3 O4 -graphene composite coating was
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 21 62511070. uniformly deposited on current collectors, which enables fast
E-mail addresses:, (G. Ding). ion transport during the charge and discharge processes and
0379-6779/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Li et al. / Synthetic Metals 194 (2014) 52–58 53

accommodates the large volume expansion of Co3 O4 when Li+ the filter. RGO was obtained from GO via a similar process without
inserts or extracts into its lattice [34]. Li et al. adopted a hydro- the presence of Co(CH3 COO)2 .
thermal method to prepare Co3 O4 intercalated RGO based thick film
semiconductor sensors. The sensor showed an enhanced response
2.3. Characterizations
to NO2 and excellent response and recovery to methanol [35].
Qiu and coworkers reported a hydrothermal method to synthesize
FT-IR spectra were recorded using FT-IR NICOLET-4700 in the
the composite of Co3 O4 /RGO, and the composite exhibit excel-
range 500–4000 cm−1 . X-ray diffraction (XRD) powder patterns
lent electrochemical performance for supercapacitors [36]. More
were taken on a Rigaku X-ray diffractometer with Cu-K␣ irradi-
recently, Huang et al. fabricated polyaniline/RGO/Co3 O4 nanocom-
ation. Raman spectra were recorded on a Thermo Fisher DXR using
posite by a three-step method and RGO/Co3 O4 nanocomposite by
an Ar+ laser (wavelength 532 nm, 2 mW) with 1 ␮m laser spot
hydrothermal method [39,40]. The results show that small Co3 O4
equipped with an optical microscopy. Thermogravimetric analy-
nanoparticles with the sizes in the range of 5–20 nm are anchored
sis (TGA) was conducted by a TA Q5000IR with a heating rate of
on the surface of polyaniline/RGO. The simulation results show
5 ◦ C min−1 from room temperature to 800 ◦ C under flowing air.
that the polyaniline/RGO/Co3 O4 nanocomposite exhibits high val-
The X-ray photoelectron spectrum (XPS) was conducted on an X-
ues of reflection loss (<−10 dB) over a wide frequency range of
ray photoelectron spectrometer using an Mg-K␣ radiation exciting
3.4–11.8 and 12.9–18 GHz and the maximum loss is −32.6 dB at
source (AXIS ULTRA DLD, Kratos). The atomic force microscope
6.3 GHz with a thickness of 3 mm. For the RGO/Co3 O4 compos-
(AFM, SPM-9600) was employed to evaluate the morphology of
ite, the microwave adsorption properties show that the maximum
GO sheet, with a special emphasis on estimating its thickness.
reflection loss of RGO/Co3 O4 is up to −42.7 dB at 13.8 GHz and
The structure and morphology of the sample were investigated by
the absorption bandwidth with the reflection loss below −10 dB
scanning electron microscope (SEM) (FEI Sirion-F250) and trans-
is 4.6 GHz with a thickness of 3.3 mm. Shi et al. [28] synthesized
mission electron microscope (TEM) (FEI Tecnai G2 20 STWIN). The
Fe3 O4 /RGO composite through a facile method, exhibiting a vari-
composites used for EM absorption measurements were prepared
ety of good electrochemical characteristics. However, the EM wave
by mixing 10, 20 and 30 wt% of the Co3 O4 /RGO composite sam-
absorption properties of Co3 O4 /RGO composite have not been ade-
ple with a paraffin matrix. The mixtures were then pressed into
quately studied [39–41]. Herein, we tried to supported Co3 O4
toroidal-shaped samples (˚out = 7.00 mm and ˚in = 3.04 mm). The
nanocubes on the RGO sheet surface, which were expected to
complex permittivity and permeability values were measured in
exhibit lightweight, wide-frequency and strong microwave absorp-
the 1–18 GHz range with an Agilent 8722ES vector network ana-
tion performance.
lyzer by using the transmission/reflection coaxial wire method.
In this work, we fabricated a free-standing Co3 O4 /RGO com-
posite paper by simple filtration combined with a hydrothermal
reduction process. Several analytical techniques, including XRD, 3. Results and discussions
XPS, TGA, SEM and TEM, have been employed to characterize
the resulting composite. Moreover, the Co3 O4 /RGO composite Fig. 1a shows the typical XRD patterns of pristine natural
exhibits excellent EM absorption properties. The maximum reflec- graphite, GO, RGO and Co3 O4 /RGO sample. The natural graphite
tion loss (RL) of the as-prepared composite is −32.3 dB at 12.4 GHz displays a characteristic peak at 2 = 26.6◦ indicating an interlayer
with a thickness of 2.5 mm, and the absorption bandwidth with spacing of 0.34 nm with an index of (0 0 2). After oxidation, the
the reflection loss below −10 dB is up to 10.5 GHz (from 5.5 to characteristic graphite peak disappeared and was replaced by a
16.0 GHz) with a thickness in the range of 2–5 mm, which demon- well-defined peak at 2 = 12.1◦ corresponds to the (0 0 1) reflection
strate an enhanced EM absorption property and wide absorption of GO, and the interlayer spacing (0.73 nm) is much larger than that
bandwidth. of natural graphite. The increased d-spacing of GO is ascribed to
the presence of copious oxygen-containing functional groups. For
RGO, there is a characteristic broad peak of graphene at 23.9◦ , rep-
2. Materials and methods
resenting an interplanar spacing of 0.37 nm with an index of (0 0 2),
which is slightly higher than that of natural graphite. Whereas,
2.1. Materials
for Co3 O4 /RGO composite, the diffraction peak for C (0 0 2) is rel-
atively low indicating that significant orderedly staked graphene
Co(CH3 COO)2 ·4H2 O was purchased from Sinopharm Chemical
sheets are absent due to the introduction of Co3 O4 nanocubes on
Reagent Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China). All chemicals were of analytical
both sides of graphene sheets and the presence of a small amount
grade and used as received without further purification. Ultrapure
of oxygen-containing functional groups. All the other characteris-
water (18 M cm) was used for all experiments.
tic (1 1 1), (2 2 0), (3 1 1), (4 0 0), (5 1 1) and (4 4 0) peaks are well
observed, reflecting the presence of Co3 O4 phase (JCPDS card no.
2.2. Preparation of Co3 O4 /RGO composite paper 43-1467) in the composite [43]. Fig. 1b shows the Raman spectrum
of GO and Co3 O4 /RGO composite. In the Raman of GO, there are two
Graphene oxide (GO) was synthesized by acid oxidation of nat- broad peaks centered at 1346 and 1598 cm−1 , assigning to sp3 (D
ural graphite flakes according to a modified Hummers’s method band) and sp2 (G band) hybridization carbon atoms, respectively.
[42]. GO solution was achieved by ultrasonication in anhydrous The Raman spectrum of the composite also contains both peaks at
ethanol for 2 h and the concentration of the final GO ethanol about 1350 and 1594 cm−1 , which are attributed the D and G bands
suspension was about 0.3 mg/ml. The Co3 O4 /RGO composite was of RGO. The intensity ratio of the D band to the G band (ID /IG ) of RGO
synthesized via a simple process. In a typical synthesis, firstly, (0.83) is low than that of GO (0.96), which confirms the reduction
0.5 ml of 0.2 mol/L Co(CH3 COO)2 aqueous solution was added to of GO [44]. The signals located at approximately 189, 470, 516, and
20 ml of GO ethanol suspension. The reaction was stirred for 15 h 676 cm−1 correspond to the Eg , F2g 1 , F2g 2 and A1g vibration modes of
at 80 ◦ C. Secondly, the reaction mixture was transferred to a 50 ml the Co3 O4 , respectively [45]. These XRD and Raman results demon-
autoclave for hydrothermal reaction at 180 ◦ C for 3 h. Free-standing strate the existence of both RGO and well-crystallized Co3 O4 . TGA
Co3 O4 /RGO composite paper was prepared by filtrating the above was carried out in an air flow of 50 mL/min to quantify the amount
mixture through a 0.2 ␮m polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) mem- of graphene and Co3 O4 in the Co3 O4 /RGO composite. As shown in
brane filter, followed by washing, air drying, and peeling off from Fig. 1c, TGA-DTA curves of Co3 O4 /RGO clarify the weight ratio of
54 X. Li et al. / Synthetic Metals 194 (2014) 52–58

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of natural graphite, GO, RGO and Co3 O4 /RGO composite (a), Raman spectra of GO and Co3 O4 /RGO composite (b), and (c) TGA-DTA curves of the Co3 O4 /RGO

Co3 O4 nanocubes in the composite. The mass loss between 15 and C OH stretching (epoxyl groups) and C O stretching vibrations
100 ◦ C and 222–340 ◦ C can be attributed to the loss of adsorbed (alkoxy groups), respectively. In comparison with GO, the char-
water and the pyrolysis of graphene, respectively. According to the acteristic bonds of oxygen-based functionalities on the spectra
changes in weight, the percentage of RGO in the composite was of Co3 O4 /RGO composite have disappeared, and the intensities
found to be about 25%, and the residual weight corresponds to the of all peaks are weaker. This result proves that the GO has been
loading of Co3 O4 nanocubes depositing onto graphene sheets of the chemically reduced into RGO after the preparation of Co3 O4 /RGO
Co3 O4 /RGO composite is estimated to be 68%. composite.
Fig. 2 shows FT-IR spectra of GO and Co3 O4 /RGO composite. The chemical states of elements in GO and Co3 O4 /RGO compos-
For GO, the broad peak at 3407 cm−1 can be ascribed to the defor- ite were further provided by XPS measurements in the region of
mation vibration of hydroxyl groups and the stretching vibration 0–1250 eV, are presented in Fig. 3. The survey spectra of GO and as-
of adsorbed water molecules. The C O H deformation of car- prepared Co3 O4 /RGO composite are shown in Fig. 3a, and it is clear
boxyl groups was observed at 1733 cm−1 . The skeletal vibrations that C, O, and Co elements coexist in the as-prepared composite.
of C C bonds were observed around 1635 cm−1 [46]. The peaks The C 1s spectrum of GO can be deconvoluted into four com-
at 1406, 1223 and 1069 cm−1 correspond to C O H deformation, ponents that correspond to carbon atoms in different functional
groups: the aromatic carbon (284.6 eV), the carbon in C O bonds of
epoxy and alkoxy (285.3 eV), the carbonyl carbon (287.2 eV) and the
carboxylate carbon (288.7 eV). Although the C 1s spectrum of the
Co3 O4 /RGO composite exhibit the same oxygen-containing func-
tionalites, the peak intensities of all C 1s peaks of the carbon binding
to oxygen are much smaller than those in GO, confirming that most
of the oxygen-containing functional groups are removed (Fig. 3b.)
[47,48]. Compared to that of GO, the XPS spectrum of Co3 O4 /RGO
composite exhibits a low O 1s peak and an additional Co 2p peaks.
The Co 2p XPS spectrum of the composite exhibits two major peaks
with binding energies at 780.5 and 796.3 eV, corresponding to the
Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2 spin-orbit peaks of Co3 O4 , respectively, and
two shake-up satellite peaks located at approximately 6 eV above
the main peaks, which is characteristic of a Co3 O4 phase and in good
agreement with the reported data (Fig. 3c.) [49,50]. The deconvo-
luted O 1s spectrum in Fig. 3d displays two peaks centered at 530.0
and 531.7 eV, respectively, which can be assigned to the lattice oxy-
Fig. 2. FT-IR spectra of GO and Co3 O4 /RGO composite. gen in the Co O phase and the oxygen of the hydroxide ions [51].
X. Li et al. / Synthetic Metals 194 (2014) 52–58 55

Fig. 3. XPS survey spectra of GO and Co3 O4 /RGO composite (a), C 1s XPS spectra of GO and Co3 O4 /RGO composite (b), Co 2p XPS spectrum of Co3 O4 /RGO composite (c), and
(d) O 1s XPS spectrum of Co3 O4 /RGO composite.

The binding energy component observed at 533.2 eV is attributed permeability have been measured for three samples composed of
to the residual oxygen-containing groups in RGO [52]. 10, 20, and 30 wt% Co3 O4 /RGO composite with wax in the fre-
The morphologies of the GO and Co3 O4 /RGO composite were quency range of 1–18 GHz. It can be found that the ε of 10, 20, and
examined by AFM, TEM and SEM. Fig. 4a and c present the AFM 30 wt% Co3 O4 /RGO decreased gradually with increasing frequency
and TEM images of GO. The height profile image clearly shows from 3.65 to 3.50, 6.81 to 5.10, and 12.87 to 7.29, respectively,
0.83 nm thickness of pure GO sheet (Fig. 4b), suggesting that single- with several small fluctuations over 1–18 GHz, demonstrating a
layered GO is obtained [53]. Fig. 4d and e shows the top-view SEM frequency-dependent dielectric response (Fig. 6a). As shown in
images of Co3 O4 /RGO composite paper. It is clearly observed that Fig. 6b, for 10, 20, and 30 wt% Co3 O4 /RGO, the values of ε are in the
a large number of Co3 O4 nanocubes covered on the surface of the range of 0.27–0.47, 1.15–1.41, and 3.06–2.32, respectively. Differ-
curved planar graphene sheets, forming Co3 O4 /RGO composite. The ent to the real part, for 10 and 20 wt% Co3 O4 /RGO, the ε value
inset in Fig. 4d shows Co3 O4 /RGO paper with diameter of approx- negligibly increases with increasing frequency in the 1–18 GHz
imately 40 mm. As observed from a representative TEM image of range, and the ε value of the 30 wt% Co3 O4 /RGO fluctuates between
the Co3 O4 /RGO composite shown in Fig. 5a, the planar graphene 2.5 and 4.4. The sample with higher Co3 O4 /RGO ratios shows higher
sheets are covered with Co3 O4 nanocubes. The average edge length values of ε and ε over the frequency range 1–18 GHz. This can be
of Co3 O4 nanocubes is about 200 nm and randomly located on the explained by the fact that the RGO sheets are a kind of conduc-
RGO sheet surface. A higher resolution TEM image of a single Co3 O4 tor material, which may lead to the increasing conductivity of the
nanocube is shown in Fig. 5b, revealing that the nanocube is not a Co3 O4 /RGO composite. According to the free electron theory, high
singe crystal, but consists of a cluster of tiny Co3 O4 particles with conductivity would result in high permittivity [15,27]. In terms of
a diameter about 10 nm. The SAED pattern from the area focus- EM theory, Co3 O4 nanocubes with a large size may be helpful in
ing on the as-prepared Co3 O4 nanocubes is illutrated in the inset of absorbing EM waves due to multidomain walls in the Co3 O4 bulk.
Fig. 5b, indicating the presence of bright diffraction spots along with In addition, the anisotropic energy of Co3 O4 is largely related to its
diffraction rings. The presence of such rings further confirms that morphology, and thereby, the large size Co3 O4 nanocubes are likely
each Co3 O4 nanocube is a polycrystalline. Fig. 5c shows the atomic to have an important effect on the magnetic loss for EM waves [54].
resolution HR-TEM image of the Co3 O4 /RGO composite, focusing Such improved EM absorption characteristics of the Co3 O4 /RGO
on the Co3 O4 nanocubes. It is clearly shown that there is an obvi- composite are mainly attributed to the shape anisotropy of Co3 O4
ous interlayer distance of 0.24 nm, confirming the presence of the nanocubes and the conductivity of RGO.
(1 1 1) plane of the Co3 O4 fcc crystals. As presented in Fig. 6c and d, for 10, 20, and 30 wt% Co3 O4 /RGO
To understand the possible EM wave absorption mechanisms, composites, the values of  are in the range of 1.11–1.05,
the real (ε ) and imaginary (ε ) parts of the complex permittiv- 1.10–1.06, and 1.07–1.11, respectively, in the frequency range of
ity, and the real ( ) and imaginary ( ) parts of the complex 1–18 GHz and the values of  for 10, 20, and 30 wt% Co3 O4 /RGO
56 X. Li et al. / Synthetic Metals 194 (2014) 52–58

Fig. 4. Morphologies of GO nanosheets and Co3 O4 /RGO composite: AFM (a), the corresponding height profile of the GO used (b), TEM (c) image of GO, and (d and e) SEM
images of Co3 O4 /RGO composite, the inset in d is a digital photograph of Co3 O4 /RGO composite paper with diameter of approximately 40 mm.

Fig. 5. TEM images of Co3 O4 /RGO composite with low and high magnifications (a and b). HR-TEM image focusing on cobalt oxide nanocube in Co3 O4 /RGO composite, showing
the lattice fingers (c). The inset of (b) shows SAED pattern of Co3 O4 /RGO composite focusing on cobalt oxide nanocube.
X. Li et al. / Synthetic Metals 194 (2014) 52–58 57

Fig. 6. Frequency of dependence of relative complex permittivity: real part (a) and imaginary part (b), and relative complex permeability: real part (c) and imaginary part (d),
of various amounts of Co3 O4 /RGO composites mixed with wax, the loss tangent (e–g) with different loadings and the reflection loss (h) of the Co3 O4 /RGO-wax composites
with a loading of 20 wt% at different thickness from 2 to 5 mm.

composites are in the range of 0.07–(−0.01), 0.09–(−0.01), and consists of both dielectric loss and magnetic loss [3]. From Fig. 6e, f
0.04–0.08, respectively. In additional, it should be noted that the and g, for 10, 20, and 30 wt% Co3 O4 /RGO, we can see that the values
value of  is negative in part of the frequency region, which is of the dielectric loss (tan ıE ) are higher than magnetic loss (tan ıM ),
similar to the result for pristine RGO [15]. This is suggested that suggesting that the reflection of the composite is mainly dependent
the EM wave absorption mechanism of the Co3 O4 /RGO composite on the dielectric loss [40].
58 X. Li et al. / Synthetic Metals 194 (2014) 52–58

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