Q04 - Religion Notes 6

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The Light of Christ

• Our call to holiness (i.e. to be saints) is a vocation given to us by Jesus himself.

• Something is holy by being related to God. (virtue)
• A mark of holiness is to let Christ’s light shine through our lives.

Martyr means Witness

2 types of Martyrs:
→ red martyrs are the one who were killed because of being witness
→ white martyrs are witnesses without being dead.

September 8- Mary’s birthday
“In haste”- 1) Elizabeth was old & needed help 2) Mary wants to bring Jesus to them
J.B. was free of Original Sin when Mary came to his house.
2 people were born without Original Sin: John the Baptist and Mary
Only Mary was conceived without Original Sin. *December 8*
Beloved daughter of Israel/Bride of the Lamb Daugther of the Church
Anawim= the Poor of God = Who rely totally on God

The 12 Principal Virtues of Mary

1. Most Pure (Mt. 1:18, 20, 23; Lk. 1:27, 34)
2. Most Pruden (Lk 2:19, 51)
3. Most Humble (Lk 1:48)
4. Most Faithful (Lk 1:45; Jn 2:5)
5. Most Hopeful (Jn 2:1-5; Acts 1:12-14)
6. Most Charitable (Lk 1:1-56)
7. Most Devout (Lk 2:19, 51; Acts 1:14)
8. Most Obedient (Lk 1:38; 2:21-27)
9. Most Poor (Lk 2:7)
10. Most Patient (Jn 19:25)
11. Most Gentle and Meek (Mt 1: 18-24)
12. Most Modest (Lk 1:34)
Biblical inspiration is a divine action or supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit on the scared
written, moving and impelling them to write in such a manner that they
• First rightly understood
• And fully express
*in apt words
*with the infallible truth
**all the things
**and those only, which He orders
The Virtue of Hope in lives of Sts Louis and Zelie Martin
Saints Louis and Zelie Martin are parents of St. Theresa of Lisieux, the Little Flower. They are
models of Hope because they trust in God, still thanking God and trying to live a peaceful life
even in the midst of all sufferings: the death in infancy of four children, the mother, Zelie’s
incurable cancer, the up-bringing of the five girls who all enter religious life in monasteries, one
of them has emotional illness.

Sister Nun
Convent Monastery <- Mono
Active Solitary
Apostolic Works Silent - Praying

St. Therese became Doctor of the Church by her teaching of The Little Way. She herself
practiced it: she endured all difficulties and pains with a smile and offered those to God as
sacrifices to pray for the Missionaries. And so even she never stepped out of the monastery,
she was placed as Patron Saint of all the Missionaries.
The Little Way- we can take anything God puts in our hands, give thanks, do it gladly and lovingly
with intention to do it for God and he’ll accept our offering and give us grace to become
saints! Example: picking up trash, studying well, helping parents, helping brothers and sisters, ...

Peter Matthew P M
Andrew Thomas A T
James James J J
John Jude-Thaddeus J J
Philip Simon the Zealot P S
Bartholomew Judas Mathias B JM
St. Jude is The apostle of the impossible.

The Apostles' Creed has 12 articles

1) I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,

2) and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

3) who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

4) suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried;

5) he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead;

6) he ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;

7) from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

8) I believe in the Holy Spirit,

9) the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,

10) the forgiveness of sins,

11) the resurrection of the body,

12) and life everlasting. Amen.

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