Q05 - Religion Notes 78

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God created the whole universe in 6 days.

The 7th day, He rests
There is a pattern: 1) Then God said: ”Let there be….”
2) ....and so it happened
3)... and he saw it was good
4) Evening came, morning followed, the….day
The pattern is typical writing of Priestly Source
There are 2 versions of creation: Yahwist & Priestly
From the Bible, we read “Then God said: ‘Let there be…’, which means
→ Before God’s saying there is nothing → God created everything out of nothing
And so the expression of creation in Latin is -ex nihilo-
God created by His Word → God the Son was there → Jesus was there
Genesis ← Greek: generate = Genesis means Creation! Not Beginning
“In the beginning”= Hebrew is “Bereshit”

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 ← “controllers”

The Sun, moon, and stars Birds & fishes Animals & Human

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 ← Realms

Light Sky & Sea Land & Plants

Creation pt. 2
• God formed Adam with dirt and blowed His Spirit into Adam
Adam named the animals
→ Gn 2: God created the human 1st
(Gn 1: animal first)
→ Gn 1: God made human by His Word → Js, HS
→ Gn 2: God made human from the dust by His Hands → Js, HS
• God took out a rib from Adam to make Eve
Creation relates everything together: human to each other, to animals, plants
woman ← man
(Ishsa) (ish)
Seraphim angels → six wings and usually painted red
Other angels → 2 wings and usually painted white

Angels / Fallen Angels

Angels → 1-time choice (fast) → serve God or not serve him

angels= servants = messengers

Lucifer =light because of the sin pride has become Satan=adversary

Pride’s daughter is disobedience
angels - 9 choirs + Devil - 3 (choirs) group/bunches
People are made in the image of God
Like God
Pride → Disobedience → Jealous → Lying →
shameful/ afraid because God is Truth-Good-Beauty

Covenant is all about relationship

Sin breaks all the relationships enmity=enemy

*with God ___ afraid

*with self ___ shameful
*with others _ reject - obstacle
*with other creatures - abusive

Creation part 2
Day of the Hebrew starts at the evening before (Gn 1:5)
Gn 3:15- Proto-Evangelium
First Good News

Souls → plants- vegitated soul

→ animals- sensitive soul
→ human- rational soul
Plants have vegetative souls that allow them to live, grow, and reproduce,
Animals have sensitive souls that allow them to feel and (usually) move from place to place,
Humans have rational souls that allow us to have rational thought.
**Each entity only has one soul, which is the substantial form of the body. Therefore, it’s not that animals have
two souls and humans have three. Each soul type includes the functions of lower types.
In God’s image and his likeness mean that we human has - free will (=you can choose
the GOOD =not the ability to choose things randomly); and – rational soul
Before after
Gift of eternal life death
No pain – only happiness SIN suffering/pain
Integrity= not tend to sin concupiscence
Gift of knowledge learn
That is why God had Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden and also stationed the
Cherubim with Fiery revolving sword to guard it. Because human now have sin→ if we eat
the Fruit of the Tree of Life and live forever, we would be living eternally in pain.
Human being must wait to be saved first, before they can eat The Fruit of the Tree of

Gn 3:15
Evangelium Jesus
=1st Good News
=The promise of our

Jn 3:15 –
“Whoever believes in
me will have eternal

The Tree of Life is the crucifix

Jn 3:15
Gn 3:15
The Fruit of the Tree of Life is Jesus. We now can eat the Fruit in the form of the Holy
Eucharist. Therefore, if we have sin, the venial-make an act of contrition before receiving
Eucharist, the mortal-not receiving Holy Communion before going to confession first, because
we do not want eternal pain/suffering.

The consequences of sin are: • No heaven/ no happiness

• Curses • Pain
• Death • Jealousy
• Hard labor (work) • Tendency to sin = concupiscence
• Alienations • Violence -- Murder

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