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God created the whole universe in 6 days.

The 7th day, He rests
There is a pattern: 1) Then God said: ”Let there be….”
2) ....and so it happened
3)... and he saw it was good
4) Evening came, morning followed, the….day
From the Bible we read “Then God said: ‘Let there be…’, which means
→ Before God’s saying there is nothing → God created everything out of nothing
God created by His Word → God the Son was there → Jesus was there
Day of the Hebrew starts at the evening before (Gn 1:5) → all major big celebration of the Catholic start on
the evening before, like Christmas, Easter, and all Sundays.
God rest on 7th day: Shabbath = seven = covenant.
Shabbath is the sign of the covenant of God with all creation. And “God blessed the Shabbath” so it became
holy. We human must keep it holy by going to worship God on Shabbath/Sunday.

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6  “controllers”

The Sun, moon, and stars Birds & fishes Animals & Human

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3  Realms

Light Sky & Sea Land & Plants

• God formed Adam with dirt and blowed His Spirit into Adam. Adam named the animals. Just like
parents name their children. Naming meanshaving authority over them. But having authority means
that the parents have to take care of them. Adam / human has to take care of plants and animals and
the earth, …

→ Gn 2: God created the human 1st

➔ Gn 1: God created animal first
→ Gn 1: God made human by His Word → Word=Jesus, Sound(Breath)=Holy Spirit. When God created the
world, the Holy Trinity was there all three Persons.
→ Gn 2: God made human from the dust by His Hands → Jesus, Holy Spirit. When God created the world, the
Holy Trinity was there all three Persons.

• God took out a rib from Adam to make Eve

Creation relates everything together: human to each other, to animals, plants
Eve from the side of Adam, so he cares for Eve as very close to him, EQUAL to him, not under (not from feet),
not over (not from head)
• Adam and Eve / woman and man - love each other and work side by side.

Oct. 2 – we celebrate the Guardian Angels. Each person, each family, and each nation has a Guardian Angel
different from everyone else. God gives us the Guardian Angel to keep us safe and teach us to be “good” so
we can go to heaven. Our guardian angels constantly look on to God so they can know what God wants for
each of us.
Sept. 29 – we celebrate the ArchAngels- we know only three names of the ArchAngels in the Bible: Michael,
Gabriel, and Raphael.

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