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Religion as defined in several aspects

The world is composed of different religions, each has its own definition. Depending on
the medium from which the religion was transferred and made known to people. Such is related
to the common study of theology as incorporated to our definition of religion and the subsequent
learning of respective religions. The evolution of theology is most visible upon the adjustment of
humans’ way of life after they had incorporated such study and analysis to their lives. According
to a known Jesuit priest, educator, and researcher, contemporary theology has three styles which
is manifested when performed by the followers of God.

Origins of Religion

Religion is different from person to person. Its origin stemmed from places and relations of birth
and was passed down through oral and non-oral traditions. Sacred texts as part of origin. One
known experience is the Pentecost that gives stress to the communication of the Spirit and birth
of the Church. One known perception in theology is that of Luke’s where he described Pentecost
as the most crucial point in history of the Holy Spirit carrying with it the history of early
Christian churches. Luke provided for the distinguishing characteristics of the People of God. (a)
Cause, (b) Head, (c) Members, (d) Condition, (e) Law), (f) Mission, (g) Destiny. The
discernment deliberated here applied heavily to the present doctrine and practice of Christian
church therefore, completed the necessary step in giving enlightenment as to the start or origin of

History and Population

a. As countries have their own dominant religion, the population of members ultimately
varies depending on the place, especially in areas which have colonial origins.
b. Beliefs of people in accordance to their religion.
c. Holidays form part of such beliefs.
d. Common practices and cultural traditions.
e. Celebration of significant dates from a particular religion (emphasized in Roman
Notable people of Religions

Religious traditions include basis from various sources such as texts, oral tradition,
documents, and practices. The spread of such belief in every religion has their own proponents.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is deemed the turning point of affirmation. As He rose from
the dead, people who had doubts of believing His majesty were eventually given a concrete proof
of such divinity. The inhibitions that people held before were ascertained resulting to the full
acceptance of the Word of God and His son. Said affirmation brought understanding why a
church must be built. Given that Jesus Christ had followers even before the miracle, the Apostles
made it their mission to continue and spread the story of Jesus and the definite course to preach
the Word of God as the weight of evidence brought them inspiration to do so.

The establishment of church ultimately led to the creation of religion solely believing God.
The declaration of Jesus Christ that He was the son of God and was the anointed one to bring
Israel to its climax, had one of His early followers, Paul, to believe that Jesus is indeed heavenly.
Although Paul was not interested in establishing a religion, his belief of Jesus urged him to
deliberately implement the achievements of Jesus from which he had soon built a foundation.
Parts of said implementations, were the participation and application of Jesus’ teachings onto
cultural contexts to various places. As Paul understood both the realness and divinity of Christ,
he had manifested these realizations into gospel that was spread and formed part of Christian
theology and in due course became a universal religion recognized by more and more

The Church being comprised of several teachings, differ as time goes by. Certain
denominations of Christianity although adhered to the principal Word of God, were subsequently
formed through the additions of Christian versions promulgated by different places. The Roman
Catholic is deemed as universal and inclusive, embraced the factions divided by the whole of
Christianity. Said official division of Christianity included reasons of Heresy, Apostacy, and
Schism which became rampant upon the widespread repudiation of people to Christianity.
Roman Catholic Church as one of said denominations of Christianity, vary in terms of the
authority by which members follow. The teachings of Christ were placed on the shoulder of a
Pope who leads the Catholic Church and is believed to lead the people towards the right path to
Jesus. The creation of churches was followed by the formation of Christological Councils which
uphold the belief that Jesus is both Divine and Human, He is the Lord and God. This is one of
the examples of ecumenical councils that intends to restore unity among denominations of
churches in the early years. In relation to the present time, said councils continue their vision and
mission while also mediating the differences of churches.

As the creation of sacred assembly became so known and widespread, monasteries were
definitely carried by the growth of such and by the 6th century, these monasteries were mostly
owned and governed by the Benedictine Order, founded by Benedict. As time progressed,
Benedictine Order was reformed and thus, rules and the way of living were incorporated
adhering to the primary goal of Benedict: labor and self-sufficiency. Considering the
modernization of our world, it is apparent that Benedictine Order has been long incorporated into
our way of life. This is inclusive in countries, churches, education, values, and many instances
which prove that such order is indeed embedded in our lives.

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