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State Workshop on "State Campaign on
Homoeopathy for Mother & Child Care "

With a special focus on health status of women & children, various

initiatives had been taken by the govt of India . National Health Policy
2002 acknowledge the role of AYUSH ( Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha
& Homeopathy )systems in the health scenario of the country. The
National Rural Health Mission also advocated mainstreaming of
AYUSH systems of medicines in the health sector of the country.

Homeopathy has been chosen for its role in Mother & Child Care . There
are many areas where Homeopathy has potential role & can deliver its
services for promotion of Mother & Child Health Care.

With this aim , AYUSH, ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of
India has entrusted to state governments to coordinate the programme
of State Campaign on Homeopathy for mother & Child Care. On 17th &
18th march 2008 a two days State Workshop on "Homoeopathy for
Healthy Mother & Happy Child " was conducted at Scientific
Convention Center of Chhatrapati Sahuji Maharaj Medical University ,

Homeopathic Silica - The Gardener's Friend

Which homeopathic remedy has the power to:

• Strengthen weak and spindly plants

• Turn deserts into fertile fields,
• Kill weeds
• Convert water repelling soils into moisture loving ones
• and more?

No other remedy does so much, at so little cost, for so many plant and
soil problems. Silica, known within homeopathy by its Latin name of
Silicea, should have pride of place in everyone’s garden shed because
once tried, no farmer or gardener wants to be without it. Let’s find out

How it Began.

Homoeopathic silica has long been used for human and animal health
problems but knowledge of its ability to treat plant and soil sickness is
relatively new. In people (and animals) it is used for: lack of confidence,
dry skin, weakness, fatigue, delayed development, slow healing of
wounds, infections and abscesses, and failure to thrive. When
homoeopaths realised these symptoms seemed to also occur closer to
the ground in plant form, they began to wonder if Silicea could have a
wider use. It was not long before its important role in horticultural and
agricultural problems when used for Silicea-like symtoms was

Silicea for Strong and Healthy Plants.

Without the presence of naturally occurring silica in the soil, plants

would be unable to stand upright or even grow. It acts on every cell and
tissue, giving strength and ‘grit’. It regulates all cellular processes,
including reproduction, and brings a healthy resilience to brittle growth.
When silica is missing from the soil, or when plants have trouble using
it, homoeopathic silica makes a world of difference - puny plants with
weak and straggly growth, or those prone to fungal attacks, grow strong
and vigorous within days of being sprayed.

Silicea as a Soil Tonic

Silica is difficult to add to soil as either a nutrient or supplement, and in

truth it is rarely missing from it - but when it is, a spraying of
homoeopathic silica improves plant health, helping them to absorb the
little that is there. On top of this, homeopathic silica changes the
ionisation of soil particles so they are capable of absorbing and
retaining moisture (more on this later).

Silicea Prevents Transplant and Other Shocks

Plants that are in shock will stop growing, wilt in the sun, drop their
leaves, and be at risk of dying. Shock mainly happens with
transplantation but also occurs from things such as damage to the root
ball or extreme changes in temperature. A single spray of Silicea, before
or after transplant, will strengthen the plant, relieve stress and prevent

Silicea Strengthens Plants against Pests and Diseases

Homoeopathic silica helps plants protect themselves against fungi,

moulds, mildews, root sliminess, and some forms of rust. It also
strengthens plants against pests such as aphids, budworm, citrus mite
and dried fruit beetle. But be careful - one spray is all that's needed.

In his book, Homeopathy for Farm and Garden, Kaviraj recounts one
instance of a sapling being affected by dieback. It only had one quarter
of its bark left and even that was loose and drying out. Within a day of
being given a dose of Silicea the bark was reattaching itself to the
cambium (the layer of cells lying between the wood and bark from
which new bark and wood cells are produced), and after one week the
top branches were growing new shoots and leaves. With dieback being
such a problem in many countries of the world, a method of preventing
or treating this disease is welcome news indeed.

Silicea Stimulates Seed Germination.

A single dose of Silicea is usually sufficient to help germinate the seeds

of perennials and biannuals so they lead healthy lives right from the
moment they are sown. Just soak the seeds before planting in some
water to which some Silicea has been added. The seeds will
subsequently sprout strong roots and firm shoots. They will also be
resistant to damping off and less prone to insect attack.
Silicea Produces Beautiful and Prolific Flowers.

One spray of Silicea as flower buds are forming has been shown to
increase the size and number of flowers produced.

Medical Tourism
Medical tourism can be broadly defined as provision of 'cost effective' private medical care in
collaboration with the tourism industry for patients needing surgical and other forms of specialized
treatment. This process is being facilitated by the corporate sector involved in medical care as well as
the tourism industry - both private and public.

In many developing countries it is being actively promoted by the government's official policy. India 's
National Health policy 2002, for example, says: "To capitalise on the comparative cost advantage
enjoyed by domestic health facilities in the secondary and tertiary sector, the policy will encourage the
supply of services to patients of foreign origin on payment. The rendering of such services on payment
in foreign exchange will be treated as 'deemed exports' and will be made eligible for all fiscal incentives
extended to export earnings". The formulation draws from recommendations that the corporate sector
has been making in India and specifically from the "Policy Framework for Reforms in Health Care",
drafted by the prime minister's Advisory Council on Trade and Industry,.

While our facilitates all aspects of your trip overseas, it is not an actual provider of travel agency
services, medical/hospital services or insurance products

substantial expenditure on services aimed towards women’s and children’s health.

Currently, India is focusing on strengthening its efforts in the 235 districts that account for
nearly 70% of all infant and maternal deaths. Between now and 2015, India will provide
technical assistance to other countries and share its experience, and will support the
creation of a platform for global knowledge management to oversee the dissemination of
best practices.


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

(SAMHSA) conducted a comprehensive National Survey on Drug Use
and Health in 2002, and found that more than five million
individuals meeting criteria for serious mental illness “perceived
themselves as having an unmet need for treatment in the year prior
to the survey” (Bender, 2003). Of these, nearly 2.5 million severely
mentally ill individuals cited insufficient financial resources as the
primary reason that they were unable to receive appropriate

This means that, as of 2002, nearly 1% of the entire population of

the United States is comprised of severely mentally ill individuals
who want treatment but are unable to afford it (U.S. Census Bureau,
2003). This figure does not include individuals whose mental
illnesses are distressing but not debilitating, who likely number in
the tens of millions, nor does it include individuals suffering from
substance abuse disorders, of whom there may be more still. The
magnitude of the problems we face in ensuring treatment of
psychological and addictive disorders constitutes a public health

This crisis reaches beyond the mental health system by putting an

undue strain on the nation’s medical infrastructure. According to
O’Donohue & Cucciare (2005), “research consistently shows that
patients with psychological problems use more [medical] services
than those without diagnosable psychological problems.” For
example, one recent study tracked a sample of individuals admitted
for inpatient treatment of various medical conditions. At four years,
patients who demonstrated psychological factors such as depressive
or aggressive tendencies had been readmitted for further medical
treatment at a rate twice that of their counterparts with no
psychological comorbidity. The total number of days of inpatient
care utilized for the treatment of physiological conditions also
doubled for these patients (Saravay, Pollack, Steinberg, Weinschel,
& Habert, 1996).

The good news is that psychotherapeutic treatment reliably reduces

medical service utilization. Mumford, Schlesinger, Glass, Patrick, &
Cuerdon (1998) describe a history of research demonstrating that
the delivery of mental health services is strongly predictive of
decreased utilization of medical services across the board. They
conclude that the evidence for a general cost-offset effect following
outpatient psychotherapy is “widespread and persistent” (p. 85),
with the most substantial savings coming from a decrease in
inpatient service utilization.

Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA).

The MHPAEA addressed a number our concerns regarding the MHPA.
It required that employers whose insurance plans include mental
health and/or substance abuse coverage eliminate any remaining
disparity with medical coverage, including co-payment amounts,
total out-of-pocket expense limits, deductibles, and annual limits on
inpatient and outpatient visits (Bernstein, 2008).




What better way to remind women about their health than through sexy red
dresses. The Heart Truth is a national awareness campaign for women about
heart disease. The campaign is sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute. The Heart Truth introduced the Red Dress as the national
symbol for women and heart disease awareness in 2002 to deliver an urgent
wakeup call to American women.

The fashion show itself was amazing. It was great to see celebrities strutting
their stuff and sort of out of their comfort zone…some more confident than
others, some owned the runway more than others. HOWEVER, all were
fabulous. They walked the catwalk for a great cause. Susan Lucci, Nia Long,
Valerie Bertinelli and Kristi Yamaguchi looked wonderful. Vivica Fox really
wow’d the crowd. But the lady that stole the show was--Cicely Tyson. She was
so cute! Time Gunn gave awesome breathless (literally) opening remarks—
stating so sincerely that "being healthy never goes out of style."
1. a plan for action, a
plan for change
Over the last few years a new direction of travel has been mapped
out for health policy and for the NHS in
Scotland. There will always be differences of emphasis and
opinion, but there is a broad consensus for the
policy framework now in place. The challenge is to translate
policy into practice, identify good practice and
make it universal and ensure that additional investment delivers
results. This Plan signals a shift from the
development of policy to the delivery of change. It sets out our
priorities for investment and reform and
provides a platform on which we can build for the future.
We have a clear commitment to improve the health of the people
of Scotland and to tackle the inequalities
in health between the rich and the poor. Good health cannot be
achieved by the action of Government
alone. We must work together to build a national effort to achieve
our goal.
The NHS is our biggest and most important public service. Every
day the NHS cares for thousands of
Scots. Every day the NHS saves hundreds of lives. We can be
proud of our NHS Ð the skills and dedication
of its staff and, in many areas, world-class clinical practice. But,
while we have a solid foundation upon
which to build, there is work to be done to deliver a genuinely
modern 21st century NHS where patients
really do come first.
There are no magic solutions or quick fixes to many of the issues
we face. Some changes will take years
not months to achieve. But we now have an unparalleled
opportunity. Record investment and a
widespread appetite for change combine with the determination
and commitment to work together to
bring that change about.
The Plan is a milestone and a signpost on the way to a healthier
Scotland. For key parts of the health and
healthcare system, it:
¥ describes where we are now and where we are going
¥ sets out core aims, drawing on the views and concerns of a wide
range of individuals and organisations
¥ describes what needs to change and sets out how we are going
to take that action forward.
It is the responsibility of Government to lead. That is why this
Plan makes explicit the ExecutiveÕs key aims
and priorities. In turn, however, we are providing an opportunity
for a wide range of people and
organisations to contribute to the development and
implementation of this Plan and to influence the
delivery of policy at a local level.
This Plan is the start of a process not an end in itself. It does not,
nor should it, address every action and
every area of work that is necessary to bring change about. It
sets direction. It identifies priorities.

Better Health, Better Care: Action Plan

The NHSScotland Quality Strategy is an approach which aims to put

quality right at the heart of NHSScotland and it recognises that
patients' experience of the NHS is about more than speedy
treatment - it is the quality of care they get that matters most to

For the first time, the quality of care provided by NHSScotland will
be measured through the experience of patients and the
information will be used to drive up standards.

Patients will be encouraged to be partners in their own care and can

expect to experience improvements in the things patients have said
they want from their health service
India has made rapid strides in the health sector since
Independence: life expectancy has gone up markedly, the
infant mortality rate has been halved, 42 per cent of
children receive the essential immunisations. We have a
huge private healthcare infrastructure. And yet, critical
health issues remain: infectious diseases continue to claim
a large number of lives, babies continue to die needless
deaths from diarrhoea and respiratory infections, and
millions still do not have access to the most basic

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