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szorn Jul 16, 2011, 05:41 PM

UPDATED 1/25/12

I have started a list of various books that emphasize bodyweight training. Some of these are real books while others
are digital products, those that you download. This is not a complete list and I am sure that I have forgotten some
titles. It does not include all of the various "gymnastics" books or bodyweight training books written in the late 1800's
and early 1900's, nor does it include titles emphasizing self-resistance, dynamic tension, or isometrics. I have
included one title on "manual resistance" by Dan Riley. There are also quite a number of videos out there that are not
on this list. I do not own every single title on this list but I do own many of them. That being the case I can't
comment on the quality of those titles I don't own or haven't seen. This is just a reference list for those that may
have interest. They are in no particular order-

Bodyweight Exercise Revolution by Adam Steer (digitial product)

Tacfit Commando by Scott Sonnon (digital product)
Tacfit Warrior by Scott Sonnon (digital product)
Tactical Gymnastics by Scott Sonnon (digital product)
No Gym Necessary by Virgil Aponte (digital product)
The Muscle Experiment by Mike Thiga (digital product)
Solitary Fitness by Charles Bronson
Convict Conditioning by Paul Wade
The Weightless Workout by Health for Life
Hardcore Fitness by Steve Hansen
Never Gymless by Ross Enamait
Gymless by Alistair Ramsay (digital product)
Dinosaur Bodyweight Training by Brooks Kubik
Building The Gymnastic Body by Christopher Sommer
7 Weeks to 100 Push-Ups by Steve Speirs
7 Weeks To 50 Pull-Ups by Brett Stewart
You Are Your Own Gym By Mark Lauren
Bodyweight Exercises For Extraordinary Strength by Brad Johnson
The Power of Push-Ups by Rodney C. Womack III
Animal Workouts by David Nordmark
Natural Fitness by David Nordmark
The Ultimate Guide To Push-Ups by David Nordmark
The Naked Warrior by Pavel Tsatsouline
Weight-Free Workout by Men's Health Magazine
The Essence of Bodyweight Training by Juan Carlos Santana
Max Capacity Training by Samy Peyret
Body Sculpting Bodyweight Exercises for Women by Eddie Baran
Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne (multiple digital products)
Monkey Fit: 21 Functional Bodyweight Drills & Exercises by Tim Jones
Grinder Strength Pull-Ups by Brad McLeod (digital product)
Fitness On A Swing Set by Karen M. Goeller
Hand-Balancing for Muscular Development by Bill Hinbern
The Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-Ups by Christopher Logan
Maximum Muscular Fitness by Dan Riley
The Gravity Advantage by Paul Zaichik
The Gravity Advantage Max by Paul Zaichik
The Power of One by Paul Zaichik
Ultimate Wrestling Power by Steve Preston (digital product)
Workout Without Weights by Eddie Lomax (digital product)
Parallettes One (P1) by Ryan Hurst & Gold Medal Bodies (digital product)
Rings One (R1) by Ryan Hurst & Gold Medal Bodies (digital product)
Lean Hybrid Muscle- Bodyweight Edition by Elliot Hulse (digital product)
Final Phase Fat Loss- Bodyweight Edition by Adam Steer (digital product)
Primal Blueprint Fitness by Mark Sisson (digital product)
Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey
Working Out Without Weights by Chuck Gaylord
List of Bodyweight Books [Archive] -

NHB Strength Training by Lloyd Irving

Wildman Training Manual & Course by John Grube
The Body Weight Solution by Tim Bell (digital product)
The Silverback Program by Tim Bell (digital product)
The Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss by Adam Steer (digital product)
Ultimate Gymless Workout by Eddie Lomax (digital product)
Lightning Speed Fitness by Roger Haeske (digital product)
Death, Taxes, & Push-Ups by Ted Skup
Fit by Nature by John Colver
The **** Seal Workout by Mark De Lisle
The Backyard Workout by Rhadi Ferguson (digital product)
The Bodyweight Blitz by Brian & Shawn Fitzmaurice (digital product)
TBK Fitness Program Tamir Katz
Lose The Weights! by Erik Boudreau
Gym-Free and Ripped by Nathan Kendrick
Bodyweight Power by Bryce Lane
Fitness Secrets of the Road Ninja by Bryce Lane
Bodyweight Bodybuilding Secrets by Zach Even-Esh (digital product)
Zen Martinoli's 5 Minute Fitness by Zen Martinoli
Convict Conditioning 2 by Paul Wade
A Mighty River of Steel by Bryce Lane
Bodyweight Blast X by Ryan Cooper (digital product)
Overcoming Gravity by Steven Low
Felon Fitness by William Kroger & Trey Teufel
Free Machine Workout Push-Up Report by Stan Hersk (digital product)
7 Weeks To getting Ripped by Brett Stewart
Hillfit by Chris Highcock
The Official Guide To Mastering Handstand & Handstand Push-Ups by HIT Richards (Calithenic Kingz)


madknight Jul 23, 2011, 12:16 PM

Very nice list. A lot of stuff I've never heard of. I might have to do some researching to find out more about these
books and which ones are worth picking up.

szorn Jul 23, 2011, 01:39 PM

Very nice list. A lot of stuff I've never heard of. I might have to do some researching to find out more about these
books and which ones are worth picking up.


I do own a good many of them and have seen / previewed many that I don't own. If you are interested in my
personal opinion of any specific titles just let me know.


Jetacid Jul 23, 2011, 01:42 PM

Do you own The Muscle Experiment? If so, can you comment on how good it is?

szorn Jul 23, 2011, 02:21 PM

Do you own The Muscle Experiment? If so, can you comment on how good it is?

Yes , I do own it. I was a bit skeptical because of the cost and the hyped-up ad but decided to check it out. To be
honest I wish it had been a little less expensive but overall I am glad that I got it.

The program itself is based on very basic bodyweight exercises and a simple progression. The full-body workouts
require approximately 45 minutes 3 days per week. He provides a 6 month beginner program and a 6 month
advanced program. There is a lot of emphasis on form, tempo and time under tension. Mike is also a big believer in
allowing the body to adapt to an exercise before changing it or adding reps. Intensity tools include static holds and
giant-sets. Most of the workouts are low to medium volume but there are a couple of high volume workouts. Overall,

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