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Asia Pacific Equity Research

06 October 2020

Indonesia Strategy
ALERT: Omnibus Bill for Job Creation finally passed
into Law

Omnibus Law Approved. President Jokowi vowed to initiate reform to Head of Indonesia Research &
boost investments and create more jobs during his inauguration speech as Strategy
2nd term president in October 2019, while for the first time introducing the Henry Wibowo AC
Omnibus Law as a new concept to jumpstart the initiative (see: Indonesia (622-1) 5291 8526
Strategy: A Dawn of New Era). Fast forward a year, and after facing
multiple delays from COVID-19 and endless pushback from labor union
PT J.P. Morgan Sekuritas Indonesia
groups, parliament has finally approved and passed the Omnibus Bill on
Rajiv Batra
Job Creation (Cipta Kerja) into Law on 5th October 2020. Several key (65) 6882-8151
points to highlight: 1) Parliamentary hearing for Omnibus Law approval
was discreetly fast-tracked from the initial schedule of 8-Oct to 5-Oct, J.P. Morgan Securities Singapore Private
likely to avoid a potentially big clash with a planned demonstration by
labor union groups on 6-8 Oct to oppose the Omnibus Law. 2) Said Iqbal, Arnanto Januri
(622-1) 5291 8047
head of leading labour union KSPI and strongly opposed to the Omnibus
Law, was invited to the palace to meet with President Jokowi on 5-Oct to PT J.P. Morgan Sekuritas Indonesia
have closed door discussions. 3) Under the new law, corporate severance
payment liability will be reduced roughly 40% from previously max. 32
months to max. 19 months (but with an additional 6 months paid by the
Government, totaling 25 months). 4) Other noteworthy changes include
minimum wage calculations, outsourcing and contract work regulations.
Our thoughts? We believe this is a positive development for Indonesia’s
Equity market and could result in a near-term tactical rally, driven by
sentiment and potentially reduced pressure from foreign outflow. Our
YE20 JCI target of IDR5250 (6% upside) might be reached faster than
expected. Nonetheless, to see the market go beyond that level, COVID-19
cases need to come down and the economy needs to reopen again from
the current partial lockdown, in our view. Sectors that might react
positively from Omnibus Law sentiment: Infrastructure (JSMR, INTP),
Property (PWON, SMRA), Financials (BBCA), and Communication
 Potential pushback issues. 1) Near term uncertainty from labor union
protests to oppose the Omnibus Law for Job Creation that might create
economic disruption and also risk new COVID-19 clusters from large
demonstration gathering. 2) Severance package revision that is still
perceived as very high at max. 19-25 months vs. other Asian countries
that compete as a manufacturing supply chain destination (worry that
lower liability is not enough incentive to encourage relocation), and
possibly adds more fiscal burden to the Government by subsidizing 6
months of severance package. 3) Realization of actual FDI post Omnibus
Law execution during COVID-19 pandemic and global recession that is
notably more challenging. 4) Next stage of Omnibus Law on Financial
Regulation that might install a monetary board as governing body for BI,
OJK, LPS which might lead to risk of reduced independence.

See page 4 for analyst certification and important disclosures, including non-US analyst disclosures.
J.P. Morgan does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the
firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in
making their investment decision.
Henry Wibowo Asia Pacific Equity Research
(622-1) 5291 8526 06 October 2020

Table 1: Changes under "Job Creation Act" between Old Labor Law vs. Omnibus Law Draft 1 (May-2020) vs. Omnibus Law Final
Potential Changes in Omnibus Law -
Existing labor law (2003) Omnibus law draft (May 2020) Omnibus law final (October 2020)
Job Creation Act
Working day and leave
6 working days and 1 off day in a week
Weekly working days OR 5 working days and 2 off day in a 6 working days and 1 off day 6 working days and 1 off day
Female workers are allowed to take
leave during the first and second day
Gender-specific leave of menstruation cycle; and during Removed Removed
pregnancy or pregnancy failure
(reasonable amount of days)
Employers are obligated to allow
Religious leave employees to take leave for religious Removed Removed
reasons (reasonable amount of days)
Time period salary: daily, weekly, Time period salary: daily, weekly,
monthly monthly
Salary based on unit produced or time period No specific standard
Unit based salary: based on an Unit based salary: based on an
agreed amount of unit produced/sold agreed amount of unit produced/sold
Minimum wage only based on Removed minimum wage based on
Minimum wage is determined by each
Provincial region job sector. Minimum wage can be
Minimum wage per region region: Province, District
determined based on Province or
(Kabupaten/Kota), and job sector
District (Kabupaten/Kota)
First look seems similar with existing
formula with inflation rate and/or GDP
Minimum wage (t+1) = Minimum wage Minimum wage (t+1) = Minimum
Minimum wage formula growth as two variables of the
(t0) * inflation rate * GDP growth wage (t0) * regional GDP growth
formula. But, more details will come
out on a separate regulation (PP).
Must be in accordance with the length
of working period. Maximum bonus
Bonus (Might be a one-off payment for
N/A amount is 5x salary applicable for Removed
transition to new Omnibus Law)
employees who have worked for 12
or more years
Severance package (for more details, see Table 2)
Maximum 25x monthly pay
(potentially 19 months max paid by
Maximum 32x monthly pay
corporate and 6 months by
Severance package (including: Severance Max. severance formula: 2*9x (max.
Pay, Compensation for Working Period, and base severance) + 10x (max. Maximum 17x by corporate
Max. severance formula: 9x (max.
Compensation for Reimbursements) compensation for working period) +
base severance) + 10x (max
15%*(18x+10x) = 32x monthly pay
compensation for working period) =
19x monthly pay by corporate
Social guarantee
Must include employee in the pension
Removed fines and sanctions for Removed fines and sanctions for
guarantee program (BPJS) or else
Pension guarantee company who does not participate in company who does not participate in
company will be fined and charge
pension guarantee program pension guarantee program
Cash benefits and skill enhancing Cash benefits and skill enhancing
Employee dismissal guarantee No rule programs through Program Jaminan programs through Program Jaminan
Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP) Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP)
Ease of doing business
Company that hires foreign workers
must have a plan for the use of foreign
Foreign workers Removed Removed
workers that is approved by the
Ministry of appointed official
Only allowed for non-core lines of
Outsourcing Removed Removed
business, supporting roles
Requirements for contract workers: (1)
only eligible for
specific roles (seasonal job, temporary
Removed maximum length of 2
job, new project and/or trial
years. Essentially, no time limitation
Contract workers phase), (2) cannot substitute full-time Removed
for contract workers, however
positions, and (3)
requirements (1) and (2) still apply
maximum length of 2 years and can
only be extended once
for an additional 1 year
Source: RUU Cipta Kerja - Government, J.P. Morgan
Henry Wibowo Asia Pacific Equity Research
(622-1) 5291 8526 06 October 2020

Table 2: Changes in Severance Package between Old Labour Law vs. Omnibus Law Draft 1 (May-2020) vs. Omnibus Law Final
Article no. Omnibus law draft (May
under existing Existing labor law (2003) 2020) Omnibus law final (October 2020)
Maximum 32x monthly pay Maximum 17x paid by Maximum 25x monthly pay (19
corporate months max paid by corporate and
Max. severance formula: 2*9x (max. 6 months by Government)
base severance) + 10x (max. Max. severance formula: 9x
Total Severance Package
compensation for working period) + (max. base severance) + 8x Max. severance formula: 9x (max.
15% compensation for (max compensation for base severance) + 10x (max
reimbursement*(18x+10x) = 32x working period) = 17x monthly compensation for working period) =
monthly pay pay by corporate 19x monthly pay by corporate
<1 year (working period) = 1 <1 year (working period) = 1 month
<1 year (working period) = 1 month pay
month pay pay
1 - <2 years = 2 month pay
1 - <2 years = 2 month pay 1 - <2 years = 2 month pay
2 - <3 years = 3 month pay
2 - <3 years = 3 month pay 2 - <3 years = 3 month pay
3 - <4 years = 4 month pay
3 - <4 years = 4 month pay 3 - <4 years = 4 month pay
Severance pay structure 156 4 - <5 years = 5 month pay
4 - <5 years = 5 month pay 4 - <5 years = 5 month pay
5 - <6 years = 6 month pay
5 - <6 years = 6 month pay 5 - <6 years = 6 month pay
6 - <7 years = 7 month pay
6 - <7 years = 7 month pay 6 - <7 years = 7 month pay
7 - <8 years = 8 month pay
7 - <8 years = 8 month pay 7 - <8 years = 8 month pay
8+ years = 9 month pay
8+ years = 9 month pay 8+ years = 9 month pay
3 - <6 years= 2 month pay 3 - <6 years= 2 month pay
3 - <6 years= 2 month pay
6 - <9 years = 3 month pay 6 - <9 years = 3 month pay
6 - <9 years = 3 month pay
9 - <12 years = 4 month pay 9 - <12 years = 4 month pay
9 - <12 years = 4 month pay
Compensation for working 12 - <15 years = 5 month pay 12 - <15 years = 5 month pay
156 12 - <15 years = 5 month pay
period 15 - <18 years = 6 month pay 15 - <18 years = 6 month pay
15 - <18 years = 6 month pay
18 - <21 years = 7 month pay 18 - <21 years = 7 month pay
18 - <21 years = 7 month pay
21 - <24 years = 8 month pay 21 - <24 years = 8 month pay
21+ = 8 month pay
24+ years = 10 month pay 24+ years = 10 month pay
Unused (unexpired) leave days,
Compensation for transportation expense, relocation ONLY unused (unexpired) leave
156 Removed
reimbursements expense, medical expense max. 15% of days and transportation expense
severance pay amount
Severance pay by specific case
(1) severance pay, (2) compensation for
Laid-off following 3 warning
161 working period, (3) compensation for Removed Removed
letters (SP)
(1) 2x severance pay, (2) compensation
Laid-off due to company
163 for working period, (3) compensation for Removed Removed
merger/change in ownership
Laid-off due to company making (1) severance pay, (2) compensation for
net loss for 2+ years or 164-165 working period, (3) compensation for Removed Removed
bankruptcy reimbursements
(1) 2x severance pay, (2) compensation
Laid-off due to company doing
164 for working period, (3) compensation Removed Removed
efficiency measures
for reimbursements
Heir is to be given: (1) 2x severance
pay, (2) compensation for working
Passing away of employee 166 Removed Removed
period, (3) compensation for
Heir is to be given: (1) 2x severance
pay, (2) compensation for working
Laid-off due to pension 167 Removed Removed
period, (3) compensation for
Source: RUU Cipta Kerja - Government, J.P. Morgan

Henry Wibowo Asia Pacific Equity Research
(622-1) 5291 8526 06 October 2020

Companies Discussed in This Report (all prices in this report as of market close on 05 October 2020)
Bank Central Asia (BCA)(BBCA.JK/Rp27600/OW), Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa(INTP.JK/Rp10550/OW), Jasa
Marga(JSMR.JK/Rp3580/OW), PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk(TOWR.JK/Rp1035/OW), PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
Tbk(TLKM.JK/Rp2650/OW), PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk(TBIG.JK/Rp1330/N), Pakuwon
Jati(PWON.JK/Rp344/OW), Summarecon Agung(SMRA.JK/Rp555/OW)
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"Other Disclosures" last revised September 26, 2020.
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Completed 06 Oct 2020 03:06 AM HKT Disseminated 06 Oct 2020 03:09 AM HKT

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