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Designation: D 1742 83 -

Reprlnlsd trom t h e Annual Book of A S N Standards, Copy'right ASTM

If not lirtsd in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.
Standard Test Method for
Thi! standard,is issued under the fixed designation D 1742: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
ong~naladopt~on,or,in the case o r revision. the year of last revision. A n u m b in parenthem indicata the year of last reapprod.
A superscript cpsllon (t) indicates an editorial change s i n a the last revision or m p p r o b d .

This mahod h a been adopred for m e by governrnenr agencies ro replace M e f h d 322 of Federal Tesf MerhodSrandard No. 791b.

1. Scope 5. Apparatus
I . I This test method covers the determination 5.1 Tesf ApparafuS-The assembled appara-
of the tendency of lubricating grease to separate tus consists of a tightly fitting cup and cover
oil during storage in either normally filled or which contains a 75-pm (No. 200) sieve strainer
partially filled containers from which some grease for supporting the grease, a funnel for collecting
has been removed leaving a crater. separated oil, and a 20-mL beaker for retaining
1.2 This srandard may involve hazardous ma- the separated oil. A fitting is provided in the
ferials, operafions and equipmenf. This standard cover for inlet air (0.25 psi) and a hole is provided
does no! purporf 10 address all oJfhesaJefyprob in the side of the cup to prevent back pressure.
[ems associated wifh ifs use. I f is !he responsibil- Figure I is a photograph of a dissassembled ap-
ify oJ whoever uses !his slandard lo consul1 and paratus. Photographs of the two types of appa-
csfablish appropriale saJely and healrh pracfices ratus which are available commercially are
and deferminethe applicabilifyoJregulafor-ylimi- shown in Figs. 2 and 5. The details of construc-
falions prior to use. For specific precautionary tion are given in Figs 3 and 4.
statement, see 6.1. 5.2 Air Pressure Supply and Regulafion-An
2. Applicable Documents air pressure supply, controlled by reducing valves
or regulators, should be used. A manometer, or
2.1 ASTM Standards: other suitable pressure indicating device, and a
D484 Specification for Hydrocarbon Dry- pressure relief valve to protect against pressure
cleaning Solvents2. surge should be. included in the pressure system.
E I I Specification for Wire-Cloth Sieves for
NOTE I-The 75ym (No. 200) stainless steel sieve
Testing P ~ r p o s e s . ~ shall conform to the resuirernents of Specification E 1 1.
3. Summary of Method The diameter of the 75IPm (No. 200) sieve shall be 4%
in ( 104 mm)clear (no solder).
3.1 The sample of grease, supported on a 75-
pm (No. 200) sieve, is subjected to 0.25 psi
( 1 .72kN/m2) air pressure for 24 h at 77°F (25°C).
Any oil seepage that occurs drains into a beaker
and is weighed. 'This lrst method is under the jurisdiction of the ASTM
Comrnittcz D-2 on Petroleum ProduN and Lubricants and is
r h e d i m rrspansibility of Subcommitla DO2.G on Lubricating
4. Significance and Use Grease.
4.1 The results correlate directly with oil sep C u m n t edition approved Ocl. 28. 1983. Published January
1984. Originally published as D 1742 60. Last previous edition
aration which occurs in 35 Ib pails of grease -
D 1742 64 (1978).
during storage. This method is not suitable for ' AnnuaI Book of A S T M Sinndards. Vol 05.0 I.
' A n n d Bmk of ASTM Smndards. Vol 14.0 1.
use with greases softer than NLGI No. 1 consist- 'Thc apparatus shown in Figs. 2 and 3 is available from
ency, because of a tendency for the grease to seep Koehlcr Instrument Co., Inc.. 1595 Sycamore Ave.. Bohemia.
through the screen. It is not intended to predict LI., NY. 11716 as Catalog No. K189; the apparalus shown in
Figs. 4 and 5 is available from L a b t i n e Instruments. Inc., 15th
the oil separation tendencies of grease under and Bloomingdde Aver. Mclrou: Park, 111. M)lbO, 8s Catalog
dynamic service conditions. No. 4 170. OLhcr appropriately designed quipmen1 may k d.
nearest 0.01 g and iecoid the weigh'( pemfrtof
6.9 ThoroughBy clean the strainer, cup, and oil separated.
oil-collecting beaker with a suitable solvent and NOTE2-Wen using the apparatus as shown In
Fig. 5, the strainer is placed sieveside down in fbe
follow by air drying. funnd.
NOTE 3-Tbe ana occupied by the grease $hail have
7. Reagents a depth of 0.50 & 0.01 in. (12.7 .f 0.3 mm).
7.1 Stoddard Solvenr, (Cautioas-Combusti-
ble. Vapor harmful. See Annex Al. I), conform- 9. Report
ing to Specification D 484. 9. Report the percentage weight of the oil
8. Procedure
8.1 Place the stainer sieve side up in the funnel
and tare the assembly. By means of a spatula, 10.1 The precision of the method as deter-
completely fill the space between the strainer mined by statistical examination of interlabra-
sieve and the top of the funnel with grease. Avoid tory results is as follows:
unnecessary working and the occlusion of air. 10.1.1 RepeucabiIity(Note 4)-The difference
Use the straight edge of the spatula to remove between two test rtsufts, obtained by the same
excess grease and provide a level surface. Take operator with tbe same apparatus under constant
care to avoid fbrcing any of the grease through operating conditions on identical test material,
the sieve. Then determine the wei@t of the Sam- would in the Iong m, in the normal and corrtd
ple to the nearest 0.5 g, place the tared beaker in operation of the test method, exceed the follow-
the positioning retainer at the center of the cup, ing vaIues only in one case in twenty
and assemble the entire apparatus as indicated in 10 96
Fig. 1. & ~ e C t a suitable length of rubber tubing 10.1.2 Reproducibiliiy (Note 4)-The dia'er-
to the air inlet fitting in the cover. Bring the ence between two single and independent results
apparatus and the sample to 77 f 2'F (25 * obtained by d i K i n t operators working in direr-
ent laboratories on identical test material would,
1.1.C) before starting the test; regulate the air
pressure to 0.25 rt 0.01 psi (1.72 f 0.07 kN/m2) in the long run, in the normal and correct om-
and continue the test for 24 h at this pressure ation of the test method, exceed the following
and temperature. At the end of the test, weigh values only in one case in twenty:
the beaker containing the collected oil to the
FIG. 2 Ressmc Bleeding Test Cell B

FIG. 1 Rtssmc Bkediq Tar Ce(I A

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