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Name: Nguyễn Anh Duy Student code: 4501701031

*Topic: The prediction about my future life.

Last Tuesday, I was really interested in a mini game called “Dixit” which my
teacher organized for us to practice the writing skill. All of the members in my class
picked up 3 cards which symbolized for wealth, health and love. Furthermore,
everyone wasn’t allowed to turn over them to see until the teacher required. At that
time, I was really looking forward to seeing how future life would be. When I picked
up my own cards in hand, I came up with many wonderful things in my mind such as
becoming a sucessful teacher, having a small cozy family,etc.

First of all, my teacher asked us to see the card of wealth. Surprisingly, the picture
consisted of one wealthy man dressing up with a formal suit. Perhaps, he was a
sucessful business with many precious possesions. Besides, he might be a well-know
billionare who was very influential in the world. I was completely impressed by the
professional apprearance of the person in picture. Personally, I was glad when I
picked that card because it made a wonderful start and encouraged me more with the

With the second card of health, it was mainly focused on the bottle containing the
image of the sun which was setting down the sea. On the top of bottle, it looked so
unique because there was two faces of a woman and a man being leaned their own
back on each other in two other sides. In my opinion, when I got old, I would always
have a companion who cared for me with the best things as possible as she could do. I
faithfully said that I really looked like be on over the moon because everything came
to me wonderfully.

Th last one of love, the main theme of that card was about one person playing the
violon and a big strange animal falling asleep very well. As I guessed, that animal was
a dinosaur being lulled to sleep by the sound of the violon and the ground was full of
many gold. The card made me think about the magnificent scenery of a warm family
replenished with much happiness and peace.

In conlusion, Dixit helps me have a look about my future life within 3 cards about
wealth, health and love. I’m completely surprised at what I see about my future. I can
become a powerful and influential businessman and always have many companions
following me wherever I turn up. These people are my family and best friends who
will protect me from anything dangerous, help me get over many difficulties in my
life and be able to a peaceful place for me to come back when I fall through. I hope all
of things that I see and understand will become true one day.

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