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▪ Member 1 : Josue David Nolasco Aguilera - 20191003658

▪ Member 2: Julissa Michelle Zelaya - 20183000171

▪ Topic: Asking and giving directions.

▪ Objetives: Practice the pronunciation.
Julissa: Hi! Excuse me
Josue: Hello , How can I help you?
Julissa: Could you tell me how I can get to the
Josue: Oh yes .It's that way. Keep walking
straight ahead on Green street ,then before
you pass the school ,you have to turn left on
the corner of Garden Road street then you will
see the library across the street. You cannot
miss it!
Julissa: Oh I´m sorry could you repeat it, when
I´m on the corner of Garden Road Street
,Where I go?
Josue: turn left and go ahead one block on
Garden Road Street and you Will see the
library across the corner.
Julissa: Got it , thanks you so much.
Josue:You´re welcome and good luck.

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