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Adal a dekalidad, dur-as ti panagbiag.


S.Y. 2020-2021


Course: Date: 11-08-20


TEST 1. INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT PAPER.Answer each question briefly in not more than 60
words. Use the space provided for each number. 5 points each (Clarity of discussion 2 points.
Organization and grammar 2 points. Quality of writing and composition 1 point)

1. Project attributes are used in project analysis to keep an eye on milestone.Explain.

Based on module 1, project attributes illustrates project performance and activity

condition. In project analysis, project attributes are very significant to keep an eye on milestone.
Milestone are the signs of project progress therefore without the illustration of project
performance and activity condition(project attributes) then there is no way to know how the
project is advancing.

2. Do you think that the interest of the client is the most challenging component of the
project cycle?Defend your answer.

Yes it is, we all know clients or customer is the lifeblood of any organization. Knowing
the client’s interest is very significant in starting a project yet the most challenging one because
not only achieving the client’s interest but the goal is to exceed their expectation in the project.

3. Why is it that the presence of uncertainty makes it impossible to complete the project in
a routine manner?

The reason why uncertainty makes it impossible to complete the planned project is
because this are the unpredictable issues or risk that may occur during the product development
and was not identified during project planning and there is no planned solution. Often, project
ends up with final result that are completely different from the original project intent.

4. Explain ‘conflict’ as an attribute that characterizes a project.

Projects often interacts and compete with other departments such as functional
department for resources and personnel. Typically, these interactions take the form of
competition for scarce resources between project. Therefore, both team are in almost constant
conflict in solving project problems.

5. What do you think is the most critical sign that the project is not important? Explain

I think the most critical sign that the project is not important is the top management does
not talk about it. Top management involves in all projects and has the authority to approve
proposed project. Knowing that the top management doesn’t talk about it then it means the
organization senses that the project generally doomed to fail.

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