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Cornell Notes

Unit 4 Section 4 Political Parties and Elections


Big Ideas, questions, Notes, details, definitions, answers to your

main Ideas, vocabulary questions, examples, sentences, pg. numbers…
The begining Raise a lot of money
Win the primaryand caucus elections in the different states
Got the Party nomination at the concention
Primaries Canidates appeal to the far right or far left in the primary and cacus election
Presidential election, canidates move to the middle to gain independence
Presidential Election First Tuesd Electoral college - 538

270 or more needed to win

3 electors frim D.C
Election Cont. Election are elected on Election
Jan. Electotal votes counted. Winner declared

How does a party play a role. Fundraising acts, mailers ,door to door ,meetings, speeches

Themes I see in the information:

Very Competitive and desisive. Also, completely chaotic

Other questions I might have about what we covered today:

Are swing states really that fair? Like, whats the point of campaigning if it's pretty much pre determined?

Please list 3 things you learned today:

1. I learned that swing states can determine election

2. 270 votes needed to win
3. Presidential canidates worry about the middle votes. Independents

Please explain how one thing you learned today relates to you:
Well, understanding how swing states/ just which states belong to which party cna help me decide whicj
party I am/ where I want to live.
Notes Continued….
cacus election

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