Legions of Steel Rulebook V201001

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This is the beta version of the Core Rules for Legions of Steel: Operation Anvil.
Your input will help make this rulebook better. We will update the book fixing
any typos and clarifying rules. Each version will be labeled by a new date. This is
version 201001 If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate
to contact me at rayboxgames@gmail.com.

Happy gaming,

Marco Pecota
Designer and Creative Director

Updates to Version 200908

Sideways movement cost 2 instead of 1 and can not be performed when Running.
Grenade Deviation rule updated
EK-Pulse Grenade rule updated

The Assault Fiend was in play. Howls and shrieks of rage began to fill the air, as something massive
plunged through the wreckage, tossing heavy equipment aside like toys. Despite knowing Assault Fiends
were designed to be terrifying, Brennick still found his heart racing as he fired his blaster blindly into the
room. The actuators in his PBA whined as he pushed ammo bins over, anything that slowed it and allowed
his troops to gain a few seconds lead.

“Gunnarson, drop your force wall after I'm in.” he said as he tossed a grenade on a ten second timer into a
bin of Deadbolt rounds. “Put it right in the doorway and go!” He signalled the others to keep falling back
and let his blaster hang from it's sling. Using both hands he toppled the heavy weapons racks into the aisle,
filling it with loose weapons and shelving.

There was a crackle and flare of discharge as the Assault Fiend punched the blade of its halberd through
the force wall, clearing it's path into the next room. It hunched forward and began to bull it's way through
the tangle of debris Brennick had created. Using the pole arm, it tossed wreckage to the side clearing a
path for the G12s to flank and open fire on the commandos in the hallway.

“To the surface hatch!” Yelled Brennick to his team. He saw them disappear down the twisted hallway
before turning to confront the enemy. His visor filters automatically saved his vision from the sudden white
flare as the EK-Pulse grenade went off just behind the Mark VII knocking it onto it's face. A sound like hail
on a tin roof but hugely louder, echoed off the walls as the propellant in loose rounds exploded from the
concussive wave.

CREDITS Lead Playtesters:

Kevin Pavlick, Henry Richardson, Fabio Calzolari, Chris
Original Game Design: Gruber, Steve Reiber, Larry Sturgeon, Chris Jachimowicz,
Clark Browning, Marco Pecota and Derrick Villeneuve David Jachimowicz, Lembit Tohver, Michael Litwack,
Eliezer Litwack, Chris Cavasos, Warren Loewen, Seba
Edition 2020 Design: González, Michael Martin, Peter Flögel, Josh Peter
Marco Pecota Playtesters:
Hanh Vu, KeleighAn Loewen, Justin Le, Andrés Villaseca
Colour Illustrations: Cádiz, Ignacio Toro García, Sebastián González Martínez,
Wadim Kashin Sophie Martin, Zandra Murray, Kelvin Putt, Stefan Dehnert
and Tobias Brütsch.
Miniature Design: Wadim Kashin, Ludwik Łukaszewski, THE COST, TO KEEP THE PEACE AND PROVIDE A
Fiction: LEGIONS OF STEELTM Copyright 1992,
Wes Johnson Operation Anvil Copyright 2019
RAYBOX Map Tile Systemtm Copyright 2020
Editorial Contributions: Copyright 2020: Marco Pecota
Josh Peter, Steve Reiber, Kevin Pavlick Produced and distributed by RAYBOX Games

Legions of Steel: Operation Anvil boxed set will include: Rule Book with Tutorial/Scenarios, Figures (1 Commando
Sergeant, 1 Command Heavy Weapon Trooper, 2 Commando Troopers, 5 G12 Nightmares, 1 Mark 7 Assault Fiend), 32
5x5 inch map templates (the RAYBOX Tile System), 16 Doors, Marker Sheet, Action Dice, Dice, Storage system plus more.
Introduction Advanced Rules
Suppression 23

Table of contents
In the Beginning… 6
100 Years Later – Where we are today 7
What is Legions of Steel 8 Optional Rules
Components 8 Stress 24
Glossary 9 Move Through 24
Figure Descriptions 10 Grenade Recovery 25
Kneeling 25
CORE Rules Snap Fire 25
The Game 14
Round 15
Movement 15 EXTRAS
Squad Control Sheet 26
COMBAT Charts and Tables 27
Attack Actions 16
Hand to Hand 16
Covering 17
Arc of Fire 17
Line of Fire 17
Weapon Characteristics 18
Scoring a Hit 19
To Hit Modifiers 19
Grenades 20

Assigning Leadership 21
Using Leadership 21
Assigning Leadership 22
Leadership Actions 22

At the edge of darkness something stirred. No living being diplomats returned from space with warnings of dire

witnessed the arrival of the Machines when they consequences should they refuse to join the League,
emerged from the intergalactic rift. Huge hulks of melted objections were quickly forgotten and the United Nations
metal slowly advanced to the edge of the Milky Way of Earth (UNE) was formed.
galaxy. The severely damaged ships wandered the sparse
Earth's technology was quickly upgraded. Human
edge of the galaxy searching for new homes.
scientists acquired a full knowledge of the theories and
The luckiest of the hulks crash landed on mineral rich science behind the enhancements by reproducing the
planets, moons, and other astronomical bodies; the new technology under the League's direction. Eventually,
rebuilding program commenced. Surviving mechanical understanding of the principles led them to new
systems were quickly retooled to burrow into the surface, breakthroughs, allowing the development of new
beginning the construction of massive Machine applications for the technology. Even some of the elder
production complexes. Decades passed before the first of races were impressed by the ingenuity of the Humans.
the hordes of emerged. Earth factories were retooled to manufacture new
armaments and interstellar vehicles. Earth mobilized for
The newly energized Machine empire grew quickly at
first. The widely dispersed planets along the outer rim
contained few intelligent life forms; these were quickly Initial battles against the Legions of Steel were costly for
and quietly overwhelmed. By the time star faring races the UNE as they gained experience in space combat and
became aware of the growing threat, the Machines had became more familiar with the new technology and
established a firm foothold in the galaxy. tactics. Eventually however, the UNE produced an elite
lightning response force widely recognized for its prowess
Only the combined might of the interstellar races stood a
and aggressiveness in combat. Given humanity's warlike
chance at resisting this Legion of Steel; ancient enemies
past, this should not have been surprising.
became fast friends in order to repel the invaders. The
eleven most advanced and powerful races began to During the next three years, it became apparent that the
negotiate a defense pact. Once the terms of the pact League was fighting a losing battle. The League's
were solidified, lesser races possessing interstellar defensive strategy created a war or attrition. While the
military capability were approached and offered the League and Legion traded losses, the League's forces
opportunity to join. Qualification for membership was would take years to replace as young members of each
based on the raw resources and military capability of the race grew to a combat-ready age; the Machines quickly
applicant. As more races were added to the pact, the produced combat replacements through their massive
INTERSTELLAR LEAGUE FOR MUTUAL HOME WORLD production planets. It became painfully obvious that it
DEFENSE FROM EXTRA- GALACTICS was formed. was time for a change in strategy.
Eventually, other lesser races whose home worlds lay in The first offensive assault sent planet destroying drone
the path of Machine conquest were offered membership weapons against the enemy’s planetary production
into League. Races invited to join would be given access complexes. These failed to breach the formidable
to advanced technology in exchange for their help in Machine point-defense network. Assault fleets
repelling the Machine hordes. One such race was the conducted raids to bombard Machine planets from space.
humanity of Earth. Initially the Humans were sceptical of Unfortunately, the Machine's screens concealed the true
the story of destruction told by the League’s “alien” size and depth of the complexes. The assault ships'
envoy; meeting at the United Nations, the world’s leaders barrages succeeded only in destroying the enemy's
demanded proof of the unstoppable extra-galactic surface facilities, leaving much of their underground
invaders. The League took two diplomats from each complex intact. Despite widespread destruction on the
country to witnesses the encroaching Legions of Steel. planets’ surface, it later became apparent that the
Machines were still capable of producing ships from these
Although humanity had progressed towards a state of
planets. The attacks had been unsuccessful and cost the
world peace, the Earth still consisted of many
lives of over four billion indigenous sentients. The
independent nations. The “League of Aliens (LOA),” as the
Machines used their massive ships to blockade the
humans refer to it, had no desire to deal with these on an
planetary production complexes.
individual basis. Humanity was given an ultimatum: form
a centralized world government or forgo any aid from the A League assembly was convened which would decide the
League. The model and structure of the United Nations fate of many worlds. A bold plan was devised to turn the
was suggested as the basis for the new government; the tide of the war; Operation Planetstorm was believed to be
United States, Japan, Germany and China stood strongly the League’s best hope. The League would mount an all-
opposed to any centralized authority. When the human out offensive against the Machine blockade and enable
the “Stormfleet" to break through. Stormfleet would then On the Periphery the men and women of the UNE,
break up and proceed to several of the Machine despite the fading attention of the core worlds, continue
production complexes. These smaller groups would have along the path of valour that began with the Cherkassy
to evade planetary defenses and land as many soldiers on campaign so long ago. Troops are forced to scavenge and
the surface as possible. These elite ground troops would salvage battlefields for damaged gear and ammunition.
then destroy the Machine production facilities. Field expedients are the norm while supply convoys have
become sporadic for all forces. The leaders of the LOA
Operation Planetstorm was a success. Earth had several
may seem to lack the unity of purpose and desire of a
ships in the Stormfleet and was tasked with the
century ago but on the Periphery the fiery furnace of the
destruction of two Machine planet bases – Tutken and
Machine War has forged bonds between brothers and
Permotus. Experience paid off and both human missions
sisters of battle, regardless of race. Here, blood and
successfully landed on the planets. While larger battles
valour are the foundations of friendships that ignore
raged on the surfaces of each, UNE commandos made
politics. Primal Tribe Krayl's Volcanoes mount Fantasian
their way into the below ground production facilities.
Katusha racks, UNE Recce troops use gauss grenades to
Only the complete destruction of the complex's Overlord
ambush Runaway packs, dedicated Komisar’s cite heroes
Computer could shut down the facility, denying the
like Sergeant Patterson to maintain the fighting spirit of
Machines valuable production capacity. Commandos
their men, regardless of their blood colour. Here and now,
then needed to battle their way back to the surface
the only division that matters is that between the Legions
against overwhelming Machine forces if they planned to
of Steel and anyone else.
leave the planet alive.
It has been 100 years since the League of Aliens and
100 YEARS LATER: Where we are today Legions of Steel learned the worth and bravery of the
For over a hundred years, Humanity and their allies have UNE. Now, refined in the fires of a century of fighting,
fought the Legions of Steel, holding the line against an their sacrifices lost in time, the UNE draws a line and
implacable foe. 100 years since UNE forces at Tutken and prepares to again teach one lesson: Earth Dogs still die
Permotus landed like a steel rain in Operation hard!
Planetstorm and purged those worlds of the enemy. 100
years since alien allies and enemies learned that “Earth It has been 100 years, and on the edge of the Periphery…
Dogs die hard.” something stirs....
Make no mistake, the cost has been high. Worlds have
been burned and shattered; famous units now exist only
as names on monuments. Factional rivalries in the
League of Aliens have weakened the resolve that unified
races in the drive to push the Legions of Steel from the
Milky Way Galaxy. League home worlds and first colonies
have been safe for decades; Sentients in the outer
reaches of the galaxy’s spiral arms, known as “the
Periphery,” still endure Machine raids and assaults.
The past century has seen the Legions of Steel hammered
to scrap on hundreds of worlds in dozens of systems by
the combined forces of the UNE, Fantasians, Infranites
and League of Aliens. The population of the core worlds
mistake the promise of victory as a certainty; flare ups of
conflict in the fringe colonies are as usual, out of sight, out
of mind. Meanwhile, the Black Empire fights its own
battles against the Matrix Entity and even the LOA. For
the human civilians and troops on the rim of known
space, it's business as usual, scrambling to repair,
resupply and dig in before the next Machine raid.
Infranites conduct pre-emptive raids of their own against
the Legions’ strong points, denying the chance of a new

Welcome to the LEGIONS OF STEEL Operation Anvil Print also print out the Tutorial and Scenario book. These,

and Play Core rule book. LEGIONS OF STEEL is a science- however, may remain in a digital format. If you have
fiction combat boardgame played with miniatures and set access to miniatures you can substitute the standees for
in the frontiers of our Milky-Way galaxy, the Outer Cygnus
Arm on a desolate planet nick-named Abandon.

Each player takes control of a faction, either the human

forces of the United Nations of Earth or the robots of the
Machine Empire.

It is played at squad level which is to say that each figure

on the board represents one soldier. When playing the
game, you are determining the fate of each trooper or
machine in your unit.

The Commando unit is known as a Group and is

comprised by a Leader, Heavy Weapon Trooper and two
Troopers. The Machine unit is called an Internal Security
Pack and is comprised of five G12 Nightmare robots and
one Mark VII Assault Fiend

Fighting, for the most part, is below ground, in the

machine complexes, abandoned human outposts and
ancient catacombs. Each game is set up as a scenario
where you lay out the map tiles to create a replica of the
battlefield you will be playing in. There are 32 map tiles in
the Core set, allowing for thousands of combinations. We
have provided numerous scenarios to get you started but
also provide a system of creating your own scenarios. The
possibilities are endless.

Along with expansions and accessories, RAYBOX Games is

producing an extensive line of figures to represent the
combatants of the future. There are regular line units as
well as Hero figures. These can be collected and added to
the Core boxed set for additional challenges and fun.

Rules and procedures have also been compiled on a

Charts and Tables reference sheet. A Unit Sheet has also
been provided to list troops being used and their
loadouts. Permission is granted to print both items for
reference and use during your games.

If you have any questions about the rules, please do not

hesitate to contact us at rayboxgames@gmail.com.
Let’s begin.

To play our PnP version you need only print out all of the
provided components. These include the Core Rules with
charts and tables sheet, the squad control sheets, map
your own miniatures. Legions of Steel miniatures can be
tiles, markers, doors and standees. You may choose to
purchased from HERE.
In the game there are specific words or phrases UNE: The United Nations of Earth.
that pertain to aspects of the rules and lore. Please review
Impact Square: The square on the map tile where a
them here for easier understanding as you read the rules.
thrown or launched weapon lands, i.e. grenades.
Player: The real life person controlling your troops.
Group: A group of four UNE Commandos comprising of
Figure: The miniature or standee representing your Sergeant, 2 Troopers and a Heavy Weapon Trooper.
Leadership Points: Used by leaders to influence game
Scenario: A single game of Legions of Steel detailing your events like chances to hit and additional movement.
forces and victory conditions.
Round: comprised of an initiative roll, and two player
turns. Each player turn is made up of three phases.
Turn: Part of the round where one player activates,
moves and attacks with their figures. In includes 3 phases.
Phase: The specific part of the player turn where the
player performs actions.
Activation: When touching a figure, it becomes activated.
Actions: The task or activity that a figure performs Desperation Fire: Used when your hit number is greater
including moving or attacking. than 6. (Optional Rule).
Attack Modifier: numbers that lower or increase your Sergeant: The leader of the UNE Group
chance to succeed.
One-Hit: A figure which can take one hit before being
Covering: A defences stance taken by troopers who have eliminated.
not attacked during their turn.
Two-Hit: A figure which can take two hits before being
Diagonal Movement: Moving your figure from one square eliminated.
to another square which is diagonal to it.
Unit: Represents a group of figures.
Hit Number: The number or great needed to be rolled on
one six sided die. Also referred to as the HIT#. Map Tile: The 5x5 inch rigid map pieces that are
assembled to create the game board.
Target: The figure you are attacking.Target Square: The
square on the map you are attempting to hit. Abandon: The desolate desert planet on which many of
the conflicts between the Machines and UNE occur.


New Perth
Machine: The Legions of Steel, a malevolent mechanical
New Perth is one of humanity's youngest functioning on New Perth and part of the UNE New Perth Guard,

Figure Descriptions
colonies. Eighty years after it's founding, the settlements they are tasked with reconnaissance as well as ferreting
are little more than frontier towns. Outside of the main out Machine strong points and taking out any
military outpost, Patterson Prime Base, there are no underground Machine bases on the planet Abandon.
towns larger than twenty thousand souls. Most people They are well trained, have high morale and are armed
live a pioneer type of existence, trying to build their with short range assault weapons including the LZ9v3
futures. Blaster, T19v4 Forcewall Grenade and SX119 Enhanced
Kinetic Pulse Grenade.
The UNE presence planetside is a division of combat
troops, plus intelligence and logistics elements. The bulk 🌐🌐SERGEANT: The leader of a commando Group. If
of the troops are commandos, troops trained on Earth there are 2 Groups (making a SECTION) the 2nd group is
and a multiyear tour. The planet is administered by the commanded by a corporal. A unit under command of a
UNE, but this far from central authority and leader, such as the Sergeant, is better able to react to
communications lag effective control of the system the enemy because of the leader's experience and ability
difficult, to say the least. Nonetheless, the resourceful to boost morale.
colonists and hardened troops are up to the challenges.
🛡🛡 7GEN PALADIN P.B.A.: The 7th generation Paladin
Powered Body Armour was put into service 78 years
after Planetstorm and incorporates the use of compact
light weight components which give a smaller target
profile as well as saving space on drop ships and

At it's core it is akin to an energized “skin suit” whose

technology allows it to intelligently funnel the necessary
rigidity and strength to the body part needing it. On top
of this suit is mount ablative armour with specific
reinforcement on the lower legs. Advancements in
nanobot combat armour weave (NCAW) technology
have allowed for this generation to become the
backbone of the UNE forces.

Power is derived from a small nuclear fusion reactor in

the back of the armour which drives a hydraulic turbine
and electrical generator. It is environmentally sealed and
comes in different designs with trade- offs between cost,
speed, protection and various options.

Paladin armour is the happy medium between heavy

protection and good mobility. Although it does not
enhance a Trooper's speed, it does allow one to move as
if almost unencumbered. For indoor combat it is
typically outfitted with the 360 degree camera option,
multi frequency com unit and auto-grey face plate.

🌐🌐COMMANDOS: Commandos are the close quarter

shock troops of the United Nations of Earth. Stationed

Figure Descriptions
💥💥LZ9V3 BLASTER: This high-gain plasma weapon is also
connected to the armour's power pack. The plasma is
placed into a magnetic bottle which is fired out of the
weapon as a bolt. While the damage is not as great as
the Plasma Projector, range and accuracy is improved.
Its reliability has been proven under fire and it is now the
standard issue to UNE Commandos.

💥💥T19V4 FORCEWALL GRENADE: This small device is

designed specifically for indoor combat. When
set off it creates a magnetic energized force
field approximately two meters in diameter.
This field can withstand heavy impacts and is
typically used for quick escapes, cover from fire
or to hinder and enemies advance. Designed as a one
shot device the energy core burns out after a few
minutes, well after the end of most engagements. Issued
one per Trooper, it is used judiciously.


gravitational inversion, the EK-Pulse grenade
emits a strong concussion wave outward in a
circular area. The impact strength decreases
as the wave moves further from the point of
detonation. Although this could kill a normal 💥💥X32 PLASMA PROJECTOR: This weapon consists of a
human at a range of 20 meters, it has little or no effect hand unit connected to the armour’s back mounted
on heavily armoured personnel beyond 6 meters. fusion pack. Plasma (super heated water broken down
into its component particles) is drawn directly from the
🌐🌐COMMANDO HEAVY WEAPON power pack into the hand unit. A magnetic field then
TROOPER: Armed with the Plasma fires these charged particles in a spray. This wash of
Projector, the Commando Heavy plasma has a wide area of fire and does tremendous
Weapon Trooper provides vital damage but has limited range. The Plasma Projector is
close range support for the standard support weapon of the UNE Commandos.
commando operations.

The Legions of Steel

The Legions of Steel produce a number of different of Steel. This sophisticated firearm fires a collapsed steel
Figure Descriptions

robot designs assault, security, local defense or round. Although in close quarter fighting it is inferior to
industrial purposes. Their hideous anthropomorphic the LZ9 Blaster it has better accuracy at longer ranges.
designs is used to strike fear into the enemy. The most Many commandos and other soldiers have met their
common unit is the Internal Security Pack which contains maker due to this ubiquitous weapon.
five G12 Nightmares commanded by a Mark VII Assault
Fiend. Nightmares have modular left arms and can be
outfitted with a variety of weapons.

💥💥M-G9 NACHTMACHER GRENADE: Nachtmacher is

German for "night maker". The grenade creates a six
metre diameter globe of utter blackness. When
detonated, it creates a field which absorbs all light
energy in the visible spectrum as well as infrared and
ultraviolet. Issued mainly to Nightmare robots, it is
utilized in an attack to cover their advance or on the
defense to protect moving forces. The G12 model is
immune to the effect of the blackness.

💢💢MARK VII ASSAULT FIEND: This hulking demonic

featured robot stands three meters tall. Its typical
weaponry includes the Napalm­X Flame Weapon with

💢💢G12 NIGHTMARE: These humanoid, skeletal robots

are the cannon fodder of the Legions of Steel. They have
limited independent thought and are generally
controlled by the Overlord Computer or more advanced
robot types. Untold numbers of these have been
produced. Typically, Nightmares are armed with
Deadbolt Launchers and a Nachtmacher grenade but can
be outfitted with a variety of weaponry including two
handed frames as well as the familiar 1 hand, 1 hard
point configuration.

💥💥 M-2 DEADBOLT LAUNCHER: This is the standard

weapon for the Nightmare robots fielded by the Legions
Figure Descriptions
and a Power Halberd. Heavily armed and armoured, it is series of Assault Fiends. On the Mark VII it is installed
deadly at close range. The Mark VII's intellect is more into its’ mouth for extra terrifying effect.
sophisticated than the Nightmare and usually controls 4
to 10 Gl2's. 💥💥 M- H17 POWER HALBERD: This hand to hand
weapon is issued in limited numbers. It is generally
💥💥 M-4M NAPALM-X FLAME WEAPON: This high-tech issued to medium size Machines for indoor defense. The
flame thrower is a terror when used against lightly energy discharger built into the head of the weapon
armoured opponents. Its high rate of fire of a super allows it to rip through even the heaviest of personal
heated sodium compound can suppress large areas and armour.
take out several soldiers at once. Its effective range is
short, but as an indoor weapon it is excellent. It is mainly THE GAME
issued to the medium sized robots such as the Mark

Now lets delve into the Core Rule Set. All of the rules you BASICS
Game Rules

will need to play the Core Boxed game can be found in the
following pages. If you would like to be eased into the DICE
rules please read the Tutorial book first which will guide Legions of Steel is played using common six-sided dice.
you through the rules using 3 introductory scenarios. Players may be required to roll one or more dice to
You will find in the Core Rule Book the basic rules, resolve an action. The number of dice required for a roll
advanced rules and optional rules. It is recommended to is abbreviated as Xd6 where “X” represents the number
play with the basic rules a few times before delving into of six-sided dice to be rolled. The result of each die is
the advance and optional one. usually read separately. The sum of the dice will only be
used for the to hit number roll for grenade throwing.
Rules and procedures have also been compiled on a
Charts and Tables reference sheet and a Unit Sheet has ACTION DICE – In Boxed Game
been provided with a list of your troops, there statistics Action dice are used as markers to indicate the status of
and weapons. Permission is granted to print both items the Figure. Each figure gets one.
for reference and use during your games.
If you have any questions about the rules, please do not
hesitate to contact us at rayboxgames@gmail.com.
Let’s begin. From left to right they represent Covering Zero, Covering
1, Covering 2, Suppressing, Fired and the 6th one is a “wild
card” which can represent different things at players
FULL COMBAT LOAD discretion.
 7GEN Paladin P.B.A. Mp: 4
 LZ9v3 Blaster Rifle UNITS
 T19v4 Forcewall Hits: 1 Every unit within a game of Legions of Steel is comprised
Grenade of one or more figures. Each unit may contain a different
 SX111 EK Pulse number and type of figures depending on the race and
Grenade Lp: 0
unit type. In the Core Boxed Set the 2 races are the
Humans and the Machines.
Am: 0
Each figure in a unit has several characteristics:
Movement Points (Mp) represent the number of
movement actions a figure can take in one turn. Actions
include moving into adjacent squares, opening doors, and
turning the figure.
Hits represent the vitality of the trooper or machine.
When a figure receives hits equal to its Hits number, it is
removed from the game. In the Core Boxed Set only the
Mark VII Assault Fiend has more than one hit.
Leadership Points (Lp) represent the leadership abilities
of certain figures. Using Lp, a figure can take extra actions
or modify die rolls, sometimes interrupting the turn of the
opposing player to do so.
Armour Modifiers (Am) represent the strength of the
target figure’s armor or the difficulty in destroying an
UNE Commando Trooper object such as a door.
Full Combat Load (FCL) identifies the armament carried
by each figure. All figures carry a weapon of one type or
another. Some figures carry more than one weapon,
including grenades.


Game Rules
Each Round comprises an Initiative Segment, two player Movement points (Mp) for each figure are identified in its
turns and an End Segment. Each player turn is made up of profile. A figure can only move while activated. When the
three phases. Active player activates a figure, they should first state
whether the figure will be walking, running, or stationary
during the turn. A walking figure may move up to its
In the basic game, each player rolls 1d6. Leadership points normal movement points. A running figure may move up
can be used to influence the die roll. Each point of to double its movement points. A stationary figures
leadership spent gives a +1 to the die roll. The player who cannot move, open/close doors, or turn 90 degrees.
rolls highest gains the initiative and determines who will Figures may not move through a space occupied by other
become the Active player. In the event of a tie, players roll figures.
again with including Leadership modifiers.
The first diagonal square moved into costs 2 Mp. The
1) Start Phase
second, costs 1 Mp and then then the next costs 2 Mp and
2) Action Phase
so on (alternating 2-1-2 for the length of the turn.) A
3) Final Phase
figure may not move diagonally across the corner of an
The player performing their phases is referred to as the obstacle (wall, Forcewall etc.).
Active player while the opponent is the Passive player.
After resolving initiative, the Active player performs their 6 Mp

three phases. After they have finished, their opponent

becomes the Active player and the three phases are 5 Mp
the 3rd square costs 2Mp again making the total Mp spent 5.

repeated. The round ends after the second player has

completed their final phase.
3 Mp
the 2nd square costs 1Mp making the total Mp spent 3.

the first square costs 2Mp.

Remove covering and fired markers from the Active

players figures. Surviving leaders recover Leadership
Points and may assign them. Those figures which have MOVING AND FIRING
been supressing may continue or the suppression Figures may combine move and attack actions. A figure can
markers may be removed. use some of its’ movement points, make an Attack, and
ACTION PHASE then continue using remaining movement points. A figure
is not required to use all of its’ movement points but any
The Active player activates each of their figures, moving
points not used while the figure is activated are lost.
and firing them. Each figure can only be activated once
per player turn. Only one figure can be activated at a time.
A figure becomes inactive once the player completes all MOVEMENT TABLE
that figure's actions or starts to activate another figure.
The opposing player may conduct covering fire, resolve
Walking Running
Suppression or use Leadership.
Move 1 space forward 1 1
FINAL PHASE Turn 90 degrees 1 2
In the basic game no actions are performed in the final Open/Close Door* 1 2
phase. 2
1 Space Sideways Not Allowed
End Segment 1 Space backwards 2 Not allowed

In the end segment flip over black Nachtmacher markers Move Diagonally 2 then 1 then 2 2 then 1 then 2
etc. etc.
to their grey side and remove expired grey Nachtmacher
markers. Move through a figure Not allowed Not allowed
*A door can not be closed if a figure is occupying the square. A figure
At any point during the Round a figure may use its must be adjacent to a door and have it in either its front or side arc to
covering fire and leadership points. open or close it.

COMBAT Examples of Spread-Fire
Game Rules

Combat is divided into two sections: Attacks and Combat 1. Private Romano, shown in the diagram below, wants
Mechanics. to eliminate Nightmares #1 through #4. She autofires
ATTACKS with her Plasma Projector (4 dice) and begins with
robot #1. The player rolls the first die and gets a 1
When a figure is activated it has one attack available for which misses. For the second roll, the player chooses
use at any time until it is no longer active. The figure may to fire at the same target and eliminates it. The third
use its attack before, during, or after its movement. The die is then assigned to robot #2 in an adjacent square.
player chooses one of the standard attacks described The player rolls a 6 and eliminates it. The figure's
below. Once an attack is declared, the figure must fourth die could be placed on either robot #3 or #4. In
perform the attack if able to do so. Upon resolving the this case, the player decides to roll the last die against
attack, a Fired marker is placed next to it. robot #3. As luck would have it, Romano misses with
The figure fires at a target with a ranged weapon (e.g. 2. Romano, from the previous example, wants to
Blaster, Plasma Projector, Napalm X Weapon). A player eliminate robots X and Y which are separated by a
who selects Fire Ranged Weapon as a figure's Attack then vacant square. The Commando autofires with her
chooses one of the firing options listed below. Plasma Projector (4 dice). The first die is directed at
1. Normal Fire: The player selects a target and rolls a robot X which eliminates it. She must lose a die in the
number of dice equal to the rate of fire (ROF) of intervening vacant square and then roll her last two
the weapon. If the rate of fire is two or more, the dice against robot Y, toasting it easily. What a hero!
player can score multiple hits against the same
2. Automatic Fire: A figure using automatic fire
(autofire) rolls a number of dice equal to twice
the ROF of the weapon. A +1 is added to the Hit
Number. The player can score multiple hits
against the same target.
3. Spread-Fire: The benefit of spread-fire is that
more than one target can be hit with a single
attack. The amount a figure can spread its attack
is determined by the ROF of the weapon. A
weapon must have a ROF of at least two in order
to spread-fire. Therefore, a Deadbolt Launcher
and a Blaster must autofire (doubling their ROF)
to be able to spread-fire as they only have a
normal ROF of 1. The player selects their first
target and fires their first shot (one die). At this
point they may either fire again at the same
target or move to a target in an adjacent square.
If another target is available, but more than one
square away, the figure may still attempt to fire Hand-to-Hand Combat is resolved the same as Fire
at it, however the player loses one die for each Ranged Weapon combat, except that the attacker must
square separating the targets. have the target in its front square. The exception is the
4. GRENADE: Throw grenade. May not be used Assault fiend that can attack any figure in its front arc up
while covering. to range 2. Automatic Fire may not be used for hand-to-
5. SUPPRESSION: Covered in Advanced Rules. hand attacks but can be used in Covering fire.


Game Rules
In combat you are often in a “wait-and-see” situation ARC OF FIRE
where you know there are enemies “out there” but you A figure has four arcs of fire: front, right, left and rear.
do not yet have a target. Soldiers train their weapons in These are 90-degree arcs as shown in the diagram below.
the direction where they “feel” the enemy will present
themselves, waiting for a shot. In Legions of Steel, this is
represented by the Covering rule.
You can use covering fire as a reaction to anything (except
Leadership Actions) your opponent does including move,
open door, turn attack etc.
A figure which does not use its Attack while activated may
be placed on Covering. Place a Covering marker with the
appropriate modifier (see below) next to the covering
figure. A Covering figure can select Fire Ranged Weapon
or Hand to Hand Combat as their Covering Attack. No
A figure may only attack at a figure within its front arc.
Throwing grenades is the exception.
Did not move (stationary) Covering 0 Line of Fire determines whether a figure can attack an
Walked Covering +1 to Hit# opposing figure. To determine LOF, trace a straight line
Ran Covering +2 to Hit# from the center of the firing figure’s square to the center
of the target figure’s square. Any squares through which
Covering fire can be taken against any target in the the line passes are in the Line of Fire. A figure can only fire
figure's front arc of fire, however, once a Covering figure at a target if it can trace unblocked LOF to its target. Line
fires, it loses its Covering status and the marker is replaced of Fire is blocked by doors and walls. Intervening figures
by a Fired marker. do not block LOF but do impose a +1 modifier per figure
to the Hit Number.
Covering fire takes place before the opponent’s active
figure’s attack. The covering player can wait for the most
opportune moment to act, including interrupting the
opponent’s active figure’s movement. When a target
presents itself, the covering player can wait right up to
when the Active player declares their attack (but before
their roll) to perform Covering Fire. If the target is
eliminated by the Covering Fire it loses its Attack and is
removed from the board.
Covering Fire may take place during the opponent’s turn.
Example: Nightmare X114A is covering from behind a
closed door. Larry, a Heavy Weapon Trooper opens the
door, exposing himself. He chooses to fire at the
Nightmare, but the covering Nightmare elects to fire first.
Poor Larry is eliminated, and his attack canceled.

WEAPON CHARACTERISTICS Range is the maximum number of squares between the
Game Rules

attacker and target. The attacking player determines the

range by counting the number of squares from the firing
figure to the target figure including the target figure’s
square but not the firing figure's square. Counting
diagonal squares for range is done in the same way as it
is for movement, with the first square adding 2 to range,
Hit# the second adding 1, and so on.
ROF Wpn 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+

1 Blaster N/A 5 15 25 35 45 6
Rate of Fire (ROF) indicates the number of six-sided dice 5 the 3rd square adds 2 to the range making the range

rolled for the weapon when it fires.

3 the 2nd square increases rabnge by 1 making the total range

LZ-9 Blaster: This high-gain plasma weapon is connected

to a commando’s armour power pack. The plasma is
2 the first square has a range of 2

created in a magnetic bottle which is fired out of the

weapon as a bolt.
Hit Number (Hit#) is the base chance for a figure to score
a hit against a target with each d6 rolled. The modified Hit#
or greater must be rolled to score a hit.

SCORING A HIT Corner Modifiers are

Game Rules
Consult the weapon table and cross-reference the not cumulative. If both
calculated range with the weapon being used. For each corners are on the
die roll result which equals or exceeds the Hit#, the target same side, then the roll +1 to Hit#
figure takes a hit. Do not add dice together but rather modifier is still +1. If
calculate the result of each roll separately. corners are on the
opposite sides of the
Example: A Blaster has a hit number of 3+ up to 5 squares LOF, then the attack is
away from the target, a hit number of 4+ from 6 to 15, 5+ blocked.
from 16 to 25 and 6+ from 26 to 35 and 7+ from 36 to 45.
Attack Modifiers
In the basic game, only the Machine’s Mark VII Assault
Attack modifiers are determined by the movement of the
Fiend requires more than one hit to be eliminated; it has
attacking figure and/or the Attack chosen.
a 2 Hits. Any other target receiving a hit is removed from
the board. If the Assault Fiend takes a hit, place the "1 HIT"
marker on the board next to the figure.
Roll modifiers reflect circumstances making it harder or Nightmare 0
easier to hit a target. A positive modifier makes it harder Mark VII Assault Fiend +1
to hit a target while a negative modifier makes it easier. Door +1
Modifiers are cumulative and apply to each die rolled. It Forcewall +1
is possible for a figure to have enough modifiers to make LOF MODIFIERS
a hit impossible. Firing past a Trooper +1 per
There are three types of Roll Modifiers: Armour, Line of Firing past a Nightmare +1 per
Fire, and Attack. Firing past a Mark VII +2 per
Armour Modifiers Automatic Fire +1
Armour Modifiers represent the strength of the target Through corners +1
figure’s armor or the difficulty in destroying items such as Through Nachtmacher +2
doors. In the basic game, only the Mark VII Assault Fiend ATTACK MODIFIERS
has an Armour Modifier other than zero. Stationary -1
Line of Fire (LOF) Modifiers Walking 0
LOF Modifiers represent adjustments for obstacles which Running +1
hinder but do not block the attacker's LOF to the target. Automatic Fire +1
When an attacking figure traces LOF through any portion Throw grenade w/o LOF -1 die
of a square containing an obstacle, a penalty is incurred
SCORING A HIT using roll modifiers
for each obstacle in the LOF between the attacker and its
target. Consult the weapon table and cross-reference the
calculated range with the weapon being used. This is the
Through Corner: If Line of Fire is drawn through one or base Hit#. Add in any roll modifiers to obtain final Hit#.
more corners of a wall or other obstruction, there is a +1 For each die roll result which equals or exceeds the final
modifier. This is shown in the diagrams below: Hit#, the target figure takes a hit. Do not add dice
together but rather calculate the result of each die
Example: You are playing the Commandos and your
Sergeant encounters George, a Mark VII Assault Fiend 5
squares away. Your Sergeant is armed with an LZ9 Blaster,
which has a 3 Hit# at range 5. She is walking this turn so
her Movement Modifier is zero. The Assault Fiend has an
The line indicates the figure's Line of Fire. As can be seen Armour modifier of +1. This is added to your base Hit# of
LOF is drawn through a corner of a wall in both cases. A 3 to give a final Hit# of 4. You roll a 2 and since you needed
+1 is added to the Hit#. a 4 or more, your attack failed. ☹

GRENADES Forcewall can be shot down; They have an Armour
Game Rules

Throwing grenades is a Fire Ranged Weapon attack and are Modifier of +1 and require one hit to destroy.
single-shot devices. There are three types of grenades If a Forcewall is created in a square occupied by a figure
used in the basic game: Forcewall grenades, EK- Pulse the figure is pushed to an unoccupied adjacent square.
grenades and Nachtmacher grenades. The first two are Both players roll two dice. The player with the higher total
used by the Commando player, while the latter grenade chooses to which open square the figure is moved. If
is used by the Machine player. Markers are provided to there is no such square then the figure is eliminated, i.e.
keep track of available grenades. when occupied by another figure, door or wall.
SCORING A HIT WITH GRENADES When a figure is "pushed" by the Forcewall grenade it
A player's base Hit# on 2d6 is equal to the range to the maintains the same facing and becomes fired; a Fired
target square. When throwing into the side arc a +2 marker is placed beside it.
Modifier is applied. The diagonal rule applies. A player EK-Pulse grenades
may not target a square that has zero chance to hit.
Using gravitational inversion, the Enhanced Kinetic Pulse
Example: If the target is 5 squares away you need to roll 5 grenade emits a strong concussion wave outward in a
or more on 2d6. circular area.
All roll modifiers apply. Grenades may be thrown into a Roll to hit the target square as per usual. The Hit Number
figure's front or side arc of fire. for the grenade’s damage is determined by the range of
Throwing Grenades without LOF: Grenades may be each figure from the target square. One die is rolled for
thrown at target squares which are not in Line of Fire. This each figure or other target (i.e. doors, force wall etc.) in
rule reflects the ability to throw grenades around corners these squares to determine if any are hit (all modifiers
or bounce them off walls. Only 1 die is used to attack apply). The Hit Numbers for the various ranges are given
when LOF is blocked. below:
Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge
3 3 2 3 3
6+ 6+ 5+ 6+ 6+
Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge
3 2 1 2 3
6+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 6+
Ra nge Ra nge Target Ra nge Ra nge
2 1 Square 1 2
5+ 4+ 3+ 4+ 5+
Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge
3 2 1 2 3
6+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 6+
Example: A covering Nightmare is around a corner from Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge Ra nge
Trooper Kowolchuk. Kowolchuk does not have LOF to the 3 3 2 3 3
6+ 6+ 5+ 6+ 6+
Nightmare so he will roll 1 die. The Nightmare is 5 squares
The Assault Fiend is harder to kill with this grenade,
away. His Hit# is 5 so he must roll a 5 or 6 to hit the target
therefor it has an additional +1 modifier to be hit (i.e. it
would require a 5+ to hit in the target square).
Misses: If a grenade fails to land on target the attacker Nachtmacher Grenades
must roll 2 dice to determine where the grenade lands.
Using light dampening technology combined with anti-
Based on the direction of throw the first die represent
refracting chaff, this grenade creates a six-meter
whether the grenade goes left or right. On a roll of 1-3 it
diameter globe of utter blackness.
goes left and on a 4-6 it goes right by 1 square. The second
die represent whether the grenade goes short or long. On Nachtmacher, or “Night Maker,” grenades create a field
a roll of 1-3 it lands short and on a 4-6 it lands long by 1 of darkness which affects LOS in the target square and the
square. eight squares surrounding it. The player rolls to hit as
normal, and the Nachtmacher marker is placed with its
If the square is blocked, ignore that roll.
Turn 1 side up on the target square. Opposing figures
Forcewall grenades firing through, into, or out of, one or more darkened
Forcewall grenades create a magnetic energized force squares do so at a +2 LOF Modifier. In the end segment
field approximately two meters in diameter. flip over black Nachtmacher markers to their grey side
and remove expired grey Nachtmacher markers.
These grenades create an opaque wall of energy in the
target square. The Forcewall blocks movement and LOF. The G12 Nightmares ignore the +2 modifier.
Once detonated, it remains on the board until destroyed.
LEADERSHIP “Leadership Actions” chart below). Keep track of the

Game Rules
A unit under command of a leader, such as the Sergeant, leadership by placing a Leadership marker next to the
is better able to react to the enemy because of the figure to which leadership has been assigned.
leader's experience and ability to boost morale. Leaders USING LEADERSHIP
accomplish this indirectly by giving subordinates radio
Leadership can be used at any time during the Round.
instructions on how to proceed, or by telling troops in line
When leadership is spent, the player flips over the
of sight what to do. This makes the leaders more valuable
appropriate number of markers for the action chosen
to the player in that they may take additional actions or
(see the Leadership Actions Chart pg 22) to their “USED”
order their subordinates to do so, even out of turn.
side and executes the action. Once spent, leadership
LEADERSHIP FOR INITIATIVE markers cannot be used again until recovered during the
Before rolling for initiative, the players must decide player's next Start Phase. Leadership points always take
whether leadership will be spent to modify the roll. These precedence over any other actions (except Suppression,
leadership points can only come from the player’s see advanced rules).
highest-ranking leader still on the board. This is only In any of the other parts of the Round (including the
possible if the leader has leadership left over from the last opponents turn), the Sergeant uses one or more
game turn. Leadership to command a friendly figure in Line of Sight
ASSIGNING LEADERSHIP (LOS) to perform an action (see Leadership Actions Chart).
The Sergeant has two (2) Leadership Points which may be The player traces a LOS between the leader and the figure
assigned each Round. Leadership can be assigned at any receiving the command. If there is nothing blocking the
point during the Round. leader’s view (Forcewall, Nachtmacher, wall, door etc.),
the leader may command the figure; this represents the
Start Phase: In the Commandos Start Phase, after leader giving specific directions to that figure (“Move!”,
removing Covering and Fired markers, one Leadership “Return Fire!”) which must be executed immediately.
point can be assigned to any figure on the board; this
represents the Sergeant discussing a situation with A Leader may use leadership on itself.
subordinates via radio link and discussing a possible plan
of action. Leadership assigned this way in the Start Phase
must be kept with the figure to which it was assigned.
They may use it in any way they see fit (see the

LEADERSHIP ACTIONS Leadership and movement
Game Rules

Leadership can be used to perform the following actions. When using leadership points, a figure’s movement status
(stationary, walking, running) is not otherwise affected.
LEADERSHIP ACTIONS For instance, a stationary figure which spends one
ACTION Lp REQUIRED leadership points to move forward one space is still
Increase Initiative Roll by +1 1/per considered to be stationary.
-1 to an Attack Hit# (max -1) 1
Take an additional Attack 2 Instances may occur in which several different types of
Throw a grenade 2 Attacks happen simultaneously or interrupt one another.
Go on Covering 0 2 In these instances, refer to the priority chart below to
Move one space any direction-no 1 determine what happens first. The chart lists the priority
facing change fire from highest to lowest (highest goes first).
Open/Close door 1
Change facing 90 degrees 1 PRIORITY ACTION
1 Suppression already laid down**
Examples of Using Leadership: 2 Leadership*
1. After failing to hit an approaching Nightmare with 3 Covering Fire
covering fire, a Commando figure with 2 leadership 4 Any other Attacks
points assigned in the Start Phase can elect to fire *In this case. leadership is not restricted to firing but also includes
again. other actions such as moving a figure or closing a door.

2. Sergeant Osbourne moves into an intersection in ** Used in the advanced rules.

Line of Fire of a Nightmare Covering at +1. The
Machine player elects to take the figure's covering fire
against the sergeant. Before the roll however, the Full Combat Load (FCL) means that the forces indicated
commando player has Osbourne spend one point of are fully outfitted with all of their standard issued
leadership to move ahead one square and out of the weapons and equipment. A summary of each figure’s FCL
room. As the Nightmare no longer has a LOF to the is given below.
sergeant, it automatically misses. The Machine player
must still remove the Covering marker and replace it
Figures are assumed to begin a scenario with a full
with a Fired marker. Osbourne ducked away just in
combat load. In the event any units do not have a FCL, the
scenario will describe the changes to their equipment.
3. Private Chavez moves into an intersection in line of Special units which do not have a standard full combat
sight of a Nightmare covering. The Machine player load will have all of their equipment described.
elects to take the figure's covering fire against the
private. Before the roll however, the commando FCL=Full Combat Load
player has Sergeant Osbourne (a leader within sight UNE
of Chavez) assign one point of leadership to Chavez to Commando: 7Gen Paladin PBA, Blaster, 1x Force
move ahead one square and out of the room. As the Wall and 1x EK-Pulse, Concussion Gauntlet
Nightmare no longer has a line of sight to Chavez, it Commando Sergeant: 7Gen Paladin PBA, Blaster, 1x
automatically misses. The Machine player must still Force Wall and 1x EK-Pulse, Concussion Gauntlet, 2
remove the covering marker and replace it with a fired Leadership Points
marker. The Private ducked away just in time. Heavy Weapon Commando: 7Gen Paladin PBA,
Plasma Projector
Leadership Points always take precedence over any other MACHINES
actions (except Suppression, see advanced rules). The G12 Nightmare: Deadbolt Launcher,
player may wait until the most opportune moment to use 1x Nachtmacher, Electrified Claw
them. Thus, even after the enemy has declared their fire Mark VII Assault Fiend: Napalm X, Power Trident
but not rolled the dice, the player can spend leadership
before the opponent rolls.

Unit Point Values Suppression itself has a Hit# modifier of 0. You can not
suppress and autofire at the same time.
Robots and troopers in Legions of Steel possess a certain
amount of combat power which is expressed in terms of Additionally, any squares which are in the line of fire, are
Unit Point Values (UPVs). UPVs can be used to select considered to be secondary target squares. If in doubt,
forces and determine victory conditions. Players can now use a straight edge to determine the secondary target
replay scenarios with forces of their own choosing to try squares. Secondary target squares are considered to be
different tactics or use new miniatures as they become suppressed at a +1 Hit# modifier to the roll. See the
available. example below.

The Unit Point Value for each figure, Group and Pack is
listed below:

Commando Trooper in 7Gen Paladin 65 UPV
Commando Sergeant in 7Gen Paladin 159 UPV

Commando Hvy. Wpn. Trooper in 7Gen Paladin 86 UPV
UNE Commando Group 383 UPV
2 Troopers
1 Heavy Weapon Trooper
1 Sergeant

Legions of Steel
G12 Nightmare 48 UPV
Mark VII Assault Fiend 168 UPV

Sierra Foxtrot Internal Security Pack 408 UPV
5 G12 Nightmares
1 Mark VII Assault Fiend


Suppression is a military tactic whereby soldiers fire into EXAMPLE
an area to deter movement from the enemy.
In example 1, the Commando is suppressing the square
A figure can choose to suppress an area as it’s only action with the “A” in it. The squares marked with an “X” are
if it has not moved during the player’s turn. The player secondary target squares. The activated Nightmare
places the small “SUPPRESSING” marker beside the moves forward one space. This puts the Nightmare in the
figure, and the larger “SUPPRESSED” marker in the suppressed square and the Commando player rolls a die
suppressed square(s). A figure can suppress a number of to try and hit it. If the Machine survives, it can move
squares, adjacent to each other squares, equal to the ROF forward again out of the suppressed square and LOS of
of his weapon. Thus, a Plasma projector could suppress the Commando. If the robot player stays put, there are
two squares and a Blaster only one. also no further consequences. If the robot decides to turn
The player can choose to suppress the same square more and face the Commando, he does not take another attack.
than once, placing the appropriate number of The figure is only attacked when it moves into the square
“SUPPRESSED” markers on each square. The figure being suppressed. If it moves again towards the
continues to suppress until the beginning of the player’s Commando, it takes another die for each “X” square it
next Start phase at which point the player chooses to moves through at a +1 Hit# modifier as these are
continue suppressing or remove the markers. The player secondary target squares.
must fire at any figure, friend or foe, moving through the
suppressed squares. The number on the “SUPPRESSED”
marker indicates the number of dice to roll. The chance
to kill is determined by consulting the range table and
applying any modifiers.
optional Rules

A figure already suppressing an area which becomes The following optional rules can be used, with the
obstructed (e.g. by a Forcewall grenade or closing door) agreement of both players, to provide a different
is considered “blocked”. The figure must roll one die for atmosphere for the game or to explore some new
each die of suppression blocked in an attempt to destroy possibilities in gaming styles.
the obstruction. The +1 Hit# modifier for a secondary
target does not apply. If the roll(s) fail to destroy it, all of STRESS RULES
the blocked “Suppressed” markers are moved to the These are designed to add even more excitement to the
square directly on the obstruction. An example is given game and push the tension level up to maximum.
below. BEWARE: these rules may prove frustrating to new
players or when trying out new scenarios.
Time: Each player has only three minutes to complete
their entire player turn. Time used by the opposing player
for taking covering fire does not count against this. The
time limit may be extended by 30 seconds for each
leadership point spent. These points need not be spent
until the normal time allotment has expired and they may
come from any leader.
Activation and Movement: If you touch it, it’s activated. If
nothing is done with the figure, put a covering marker
next to it and move on. If a figure is physically moved into
a new square or has its’ facing changed, it is considered
to have spent those movement points. Moves cannot be
taken back or changed.
Turn Sequence: If you forget to do something , you cannot
In example 2 above, the Commando was suppressing the go back and perform that action out of sequence. For
squares indicated by an “S” with a Plasma projector. The instance, if a player touches a figure, thereby activating it,
suppression was interrupted by a stray force wall grenade before assigning leadership, that leadership cannot be
thrown by another Commando. Because two dice of subsequently assigned. In fact, no actions which take
suppression have been blocked, the Commando must roll place in the initial phase could be performed at that point
two dice against the force wall. If none of the dice destroy as the player’s action phase was considered to have
the wall, then all of the “suppressed” markers are placed begun as soon as the figure was touched.
on the square with the force wall in it. If any of the dice
rolled is a successful hit then the wall is destroyed and all
of the “suppressed” markers remain where they are on the Some players feel constrained by the rule that figures
S. cannot move through squares occupied by friendly
figures. This rule gives players more flexibility in deploying
their figures and is somewhat advantageous to the
When a figure suppresses an area which already contains Commandos.
targets, either on the suppressed squares or secondary
Certain scenarios can be unbalanced by its use.
target squares, it must fire at all of these immediately as
if they had just entered the square. Begin with the closest Figures may move through squares occupied by friendly
target proceed away from the suppressing figure. Line of figures. An additional movement cost of +1 MP is imposed
Fire modifiers still apply. A figure can suppress beyond an for each figure moved through. A moving figure may not
obstruction such as a closed door. In this case, the figure move onto an occupied square unless it has enough
must roll against it and destroy it or the “SUPPRESSED” movement points to exit that square.
marker is then placed on top of the obstruction (see
“blocked” suppression in the previous example).


optional Rules
Figures can recover grenades from their fallen comrades. A figure may sidestep out from behind cover, fire and step
When a figure is eliminated, any of its unused grenade back for 2 MP (walking only). The figure fires with a + 1
markers are placed in the square which it last occupied. roll modifier. Any fire from opposing figures is also at a +1
Other ally figures may then pick up the grenades and use roll modifier. One point of leadership can be used instead
them at a later time. To pick up a grenade, a figure must of movement points to allow snap fire.
move onto the square the grenade is in and use a fire
action. The grenade should be placed under one of the
figure’s grenade markers or replaced by a used grenade
of the same type. Carrying excess grenades does not
hinder a figure’s movement or fire.
A kneeling position can be adopted for a cost of 1
movement point while walking or 2 if running. There is no
movement point cost to stand up. Movement costs are
doubled while kneeling.
Kneeling allows an adjacent figure to fire or be fired at,
past the kneeling figure, without the standard - 1 penalty.
A kneeling figure can have an adjacent figure suppress
past it without automatically being attacked by the EXAMPLE
Trooper Hansen is around the corner and wants to “pop
EXAMPLE out” and fire at the Nightmare which is covering at +2.
Two commandos are facing a G12 Spending 2 MPs, Hansen moves midway into the next
Nightmare. Trooper Hine is kneeling, and square as shown. The nightmare would normally take its
Corporal Logsdon is standing behind them. attack at this point. However, it incurs an additional +1
Both commandos can fire at the Hit# Modifier as Hansen is Snap Firing. The Nightmares
Nightmare with no hit modifier. The G12, if chance to hit is 7+ (Hit# of 4 for the weapons range +2
returning fire at either, would not incur Covering and +1 Snap Fire). With a final hit number of 7,
any modifiers as well. When Hine decides it can not score a hit. Hansen rolls a 1 and hits. The
to stand, no MPs are used. machines recover some slightly used replacement parts.
After firing Hansen must move back to the original square.

When a modified Hit# is 7 desperation fire is used. For
each 6 rolled on their modified To Hit die. they then must
roll an additional die. If the additional die rolled is a 5+ a
hit is scored.
Assault Fiends are a special case due to their larger size
(two hits). While standing, they may fire past a “one hit”
adjacent figure at no penalty. While kneeling, they may CORNER COVER
fire past a “one hit” adjacent figure while it is kneeling.
“One hit” figures can never fire past a larger (two hit)
figure without the penalty regardless of whether the
larger figure kneels.


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