Global Trigger Factors

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CAGADAS SoSt 116- Geography 3


MODULE 1:The Study of Urban Geography

LESSON 1.1 : Urban Geography: From Global to Local



 Economic force are considered as the dominant influence on

urban changes. Economic systems' potency was enhance with
Fordism(economic philosophy) which evolved a beneficial
ECONOMY relationship between capital, labor and mediation of the

 In here the study og urban geography brought a better

appreciation of the economy and on what goes on within cities
and recognize the inter-dependencies involved in local,
national and international economic development in an
increasing globalized world.

 Its new phase of capitalism ivolved changes in what was

produced , where it was produced, and how it was produced
brought great impact to urban geography.

 The study of transformation of technique, tools and machines

created b humans. Innovations such as advent of global
telecommunications have mark on the structure of functioning
TECHNOLOGY of global economy.

 Elevated trains carried passengers across the cities allows

people to move around more easily. Public transportation also
allowed the suburds to grow-areas just outside the cities.

 Is the study of statistics such as biirths, deaths, income, or

inidence of disease, which illustrates the changing structure of
human population. This also examines the size, structure,
movement of population over space and time.

 Urban natural increase explain why the cities of the

DEMOGRAPHY developing are highly congested today.

 Any urban growth slowdown contributed to increasing the

urban capital-labor ratio and prevent congestion efffects from
kkicking in and urban planning could help mitigate teh
negative externalities of high fertility rate on urban resources.

 Urban politics provides a rich opportunities for comparative

analysis and political variables are offered as the key to

 Studies of industrial country try to account for the ability of

POLITICS system to be developed, influential and effective.

 Developed policies helps control the urban environment and

studies of developing countries attempt to analyze patterns of
distribution, social mobility and class formation.

 This are the people, organized in group, working together or

periodically meeting beacause of commoon interests, beliefs
or profession. This includes their social attitudes their
SOCIETY education, employment, and residential status.

 Macro-scale changes bring about a significant impact on the

character of towns and cities.

 They are the once who utilized resources in its maximum level
to meet a well satisfying service that brought up development
on the urban geography.

 Culture was recognized as an integral part of people’s well-

being and local development and equity were linked with
acknowledging diversity in cultural heritage and values. This
explains and gives meaning to the identity of people and
 Promotion of cultural diversity and cultural activities, with a
renewed concept of citizenship and preservation of heritage
contributes to urban geography. As well as it contributes to
economic progress in a multitudes ways (creative industries
that leads to economic progress and become economically

 Environment is the aggregate of social and cultural conditions

that influence the life of the an individual or community. It
refers to the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors
(such as climate, soil, and living things) that brought natural
 Aside from that environment is where people mostly
depended thier living as it becomes the sources of
consumption of food, energy, water, and land and on how
people are innovative enough in utilizing those resources
found that leads to productivity that basically contributes to
urban geoggraphy.

 Globalization creates greater opportunities for firms in less

industrialized cuntries to top into more and larger markets
around the world. Thus, bussinesses located in developing
GLOBALIZATION countries have more access to capital flows, technology,
human capital, cheaper imports, and larger exports markets.

 Indeed globalization is important for urbanization and orban

economic growth because it affects spatial allocation of
resources and creates spatial impacts.

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