1surgery One Liner

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One liner pointers

Dr. S p rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Triad of CBD stones- Jaundice, chill and fever.

 Saint’s triad- Diverticulitis of colon, hiatus hernia, Gall stones.

 Common site of diverticulitis – sigmoid colon.

Dr. S P rajawat
 Tenesmus occur in lesion of – sigmoid colon Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Wilm’s tumor- nephroblastoma most common
malignant tumor in children.
 Triad of wilm’s tumor-abdominal mass,fever, wt loss.
 Achlasia cardia triad- Dysphagia, regurgitation, wt
 Most common cause of lower GI tract bleeding in
adults – diverticulitis. Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

• Most common cause of lower GI tract bleeding in

children – juvenile polyp.
• Most common cause of lower GI tract bleeding in
infants –anal fissure
 Most common malignant tumor Metastasis to spine-
breast cancer.
 Cock’s peculiar tumor is- Infected sebaceous cyst. Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Honeycomb Liver seen in = Actinomycosis
 Most common type of Actinomycosis = Cervical
or Facio cervical.
 Normal portal venous pressure = 6 to 12 mm/Hg.
 commonest symptoms of ca. bronchus =
 Most common site for thyroglossal cyst = Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Subhyoid. Dr. Deepali yadav

 Esophageal carcinoma - (length of

Oesophagus 95cm)
 Squamous cell ca. usually affect upper 2/3.
 Adenocarcinoma- Lower 1/3rd
 most common site – middle 1/3rd.
 Commonest benign tumour oesophagus - Dr. S P rajawat
Leiomyoma Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 In Ca breast bloody discharge per nipple seen
in – duct papilloma.
 Green discharge from nipples is seen in –
 Burning epigastric pain is due to- Reflux
 Hydrocele in an example of -> Exudated cyst.
Dr. S P rajawat
 Battle sign is indicative of- Posterior cranial fossa Dr. Naman nigam
bleeding. Dr. Deepali yadav

 Commonest type of hernia in female is-femoral.

 M/C type of persoration in duodenal ulcer is-
 M/C of anorectal Abscess is – perianal.
 Plummer wilson syndrome – increased tendency
to post cricoid cancer, Esophageal involvement,
common in iron deficiency anaemia. Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Klatsin tumor, is located at junction 4 hepatic
 M/C site of peptic ulcer is -1st part of duodenum
 Mallory weiss syndrome is associated with
• DIC is seen in –ca pancreas ,prostate, colon Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Most common site of thyroglossal cyst- Beneath the

 Most common type of intussusception is found in –
 Blood group ‘O’ is associated with-duodenal ulcer.
 Lumbar puncture is dangerous in – Intracranial
tumor. Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 features of the Grawitz tumour in persistent pyrexia,
Pathological fracture,polycythemia.
 Tumour arises from undescended testes Is- Seminoma•
 Parrot’s beak appearance is seen in = Achalasia cardia.
 Saint’s triad includes- Hiatus hernia, colonic diverticulitis,

Dr. S P rajawat
Investigation to diagnose the peritonitis - x-ray abdomen
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Charcot triad are – fever, Jaundice, Pain

 Haemobllia is charniterzed by = Abdominal
pain, Jaundice, GI bleeding
 Pyloric-stenosis will lead to = hypokalemia.
 Adenocarcinoma of esophagus occurs in =
Cardioesophageal junction
Dr. S P rajawat
 According to rule of 9 head and neck covers = Dr. Naman nigam
9% Dr. Deepali yadav
 Milroy‘s disease is = Congenital lymphoma.
 Most useful investigution Of choice for amoebic liver
abscess = Ultrasound.
 Phossy jaw is seen in match stick work.
 Commonest cause of AV fistula is = Penetrating Injury
 Hypospadias > Spatulate glans, Meatal stenosis,
 M/C tumour of the jaw >> Ameloblastoma Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Commonest cause of surgical obstructive

jaundice is=) CBD Stones.
 Dumping syndrome due to =) Hypertonic
content in small intestine.
 Potato tumor is = carotid body tumor.
 Battle’s sign (Mastoid Echymosis) Middle cranial
Fossa bleeding. Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 ♦️ Varicoceleo=obstruction of left festicular
vein by growth along left renali Vein.️
 Renal cell carcinoma features are =)
Polycythemia, Hypertension,Renal thrombosis.
 ♦️Paget's dis. of breast =) Eczematous skin
lesion,Intraductal invasive carcinoma,
Multifocal invasive ca.
Dr. S P rajawat
 ♦️Cancrum oris is=) Localised gangrene of Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 ♦️glanadenitis suppurativa infectionion occurs in =)

Apocrine gland
 ♦️Intestinal TB =) Commonest site is ileocecal region,
presented wuth the mass in the right iliac fossa
 ♦️Horse - shoe kidney =it is a fused kidney that
occupies space and both sides of veritable column,
fusion is ordinarly at the lower poles with the isthmus ant-
to Qorta, IVP shows inward rotation & inf. calyx, Always Dr. S P rajawat
ectopic Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 .Crush Syndrome= Myoglobinuria, oligaemic shock,
Dialysis may be life saving in uremia
 ♦️Papillary Ca. Of Thyroid shows =) Slow growth,
psammoma body, Rarely metastasize through
 ♦️Features of esophageal rupture => pain, Fever,
low BP.
 ♦️Most common malignant tumor of spleen =)
Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 ♦️Peyronie's disease in characterized by =)

Bend on eruction, Puin on erection,
unpredictable history
 . ♦️1° biliary cirrhosis shows increased level of -
 ♦️Blister & Bullous, are form in 2nd Stage burn -
2nd degree
 ♦️Best prognosis of Ca. Breast is = Medullary CaDr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Most seriously affected organ in shock is =
 Commonest Hernia of abdominal wall =
inguinal hernia.
 Most common site of metastasis in ca prostate
is= pelvis
 Best prognosis in which thyroid cancer=
Dr. S P rajawat
papillary cancer. Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Obstructive jaundice shows =excess billirubin in urine.

 Feature of bulbar uretheral injury= Perineal hematoma,
uretheral haemorrhage, retention of urine.
 Most common cause of painless haematuria=
 Most common cause of fistula in ano= Anal gland
Dr. S P rajawat
 In fistula of anal which rule is used= Goodsall’s rule Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Biochemical feature in chronic pyloric obstruction =
hypernatremia, Hypochlorimia, hypokalemia.
 Shape of tuberculosis ulcer= horizontal.
 Most common organ damage in blunt trauma= spleen.
 Most commonly sympathectomy is iseful in=
 Carcinomatous changes seen in breast in = duct Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Commonest first degree brain tumor is= glioma.

 Commonest tumor of urinary bladder is=
transitinal cell carcinoma.
 Features of deep vein thrombosis = swelling,
tender calf muscle, discoloration.
Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Bunch of hairs is found in --- Spina bifida oculta*
 Foley's catheter is numbered according to ---
 Osteoblastic secondaries are pri. in --- Prostate*
 Virchow lymphnodes are ---- Left
supraclavicular LN
Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 * Thierch operation is done in ---- Prolapse of

 Glomus tumour ---- Distal extremity, Resection is
curative,Regulate of the temp of skin*
 Pigmented lesion of nipple c erosion is
commonly associated c ---- Ductal
 Swelling c moves c movement of the tongue ---Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Thyroglossalcyst* Dr. Deepali yadav
 C tumour seeds through CNS ---
 Commonest site of carcinoma tongue is ----
Lateral border of anterior 2/3*
 Brilliantly translucent ---- Cystic hygroma (
lymphangioma) *
 Most direst complication of splenectomy is ---- Dr. S P rajawat
Haemorrhage Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Component of saint's trial are --- Gall stones

Diverticuli coli Hiatus hermia*
 A gall stone gets impacted most commonly in
C part of CBD --- Supracluodenal*
 Strawberry gallbladder is seen in ---
 Collor stud abcess--- Tuberculosis Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 •M/C post operative complication of
splenectomy is --- Left lower lobe atelactaris•
 The most reliable radiological evidence of
splenic rupture --- Obliteration of splenic outline*
 Commonest cause of hemobilia is ---
 * Hemobilia is characterized by --- Fever* Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 lntestinal obstruction due to meconium occur in

= mucovescidosis.
 Coffee bean sign is usually seen in =intestinal
 Earliest symptoms of Ca rectum= Bleeding Per
 Villous polyp Of rectum manifest= Bleeding PR.
Dr. S P rajawat
 Rectal stricture is a common manifestation of = Dr. Naman nigam
granuloma inguinalae. Dr. Deepali yadav
 In pancreatic cholera all are seen=
Achlorhydria, hyperkalemia, watery diarrhea.
 Amoebic abscess rupture most commonly in=
pleural cavity.
 Most common site of amoebic abscess is=
 Massive splenomegaly is seen in = chronic Dr. S P rajawat
myeloid leukemia Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Cancer of anus is commonly = squamous

 Klatskin tumor is = at the junction of bile duct.
 Absence of air in the posrtal vein is suggestive
of= necrotizing enterocolitis.
 Complications of hydatid cyst in liver =
jaundice, suppuration, rupture Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Thumb printing is characteristic of = Ischemic
 Internal sphincter of Rectum is formed by =
circular muscle fibres condensation.
 Commonest position of appendix is = retrocecal.
 Jejunal biopsy is diagnostic in = whipple’s
disease. Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Typhoid perforation occurs during Which week

=3rd .
 Rectal polyp usually present with– Bleeding
 Esophageal ca with paraneoplastic syndrome
presented in= Hypercalcemia
Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Commonest cause of esophageal perforation
is= Instrumentation.
 Sentinel pile indicate = Anal fissure.
 Commonest site of intestinal atresia=Duodenum.
 Commonest cause of acute intestinal
obstruction = adhesion.
 Billious vomiting is found in= Jejunal atresia, Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
duodenal atresia, volvulous of small intestine Dr. Deepali yadav

 Paralytic ileus is caused by= Peritonitis.

 Carcinoids are associated with= asthma and
diarrhea ,bronchospasm, flushing, pallegra like
 Acute appendicitis is due to= faecolith.
 Muscle which is Primarily responsible for rectal
continence =puborectalis Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Radiolucent stones, are- Uric acid calculus.
 Wolffian duct give Rise to = vas difference
 Double bubble sign is seen in cases of - Annuler
 Hirschsprung’s disease is characterized by-
name absence of myenteric plexus. Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Bronchogenic carcinoma which produce

paraneoplastic Syndrome =) Out Cell Carcinoma
 Sup. Vena cava syndrome is due to which type of lung
ca... )= Small cell.
 Critical narrowing of coronary blood vessel is of =80%.
 Commonest posterior mediastinal tumour =
 Small cell carcinoma of lung presents with = Dr. S P rajawat
hyponatremia, Hypokalemia, watery diarrhoea Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 M/c type of diaphragmatic hernia is = Hiatus
 Diagnosis of lung sequestration by cT Scan.
 Most common cause of superior vena caval
obstruction is a Squamous cell Ca Lung
 Most common artrey used for coronary artery
bypass is internal mammary artyey
Dr. S P rajawat
 Meigs Syndrome contents of → Ascites, Dr. Naman nigam
Hydrothorax, Benign ovarian tumor Dr. Deepali yadav

 Most common renal tumour is Renal cell Ca.

 Peau D’ orange develops due to = lymphalic
 Peau D‘orange is seen in = Ca. breast,
 Commonest site of carcinoma breast - Upper
outer quadrant Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 Ca. Stomach is associated-e bd. Grp ='A’
 barrets ulcer is due to = reflux esophagitis
 m/c type of gastric polyp is = hyperplastic
 in pylori stenosis the following changes occur =
hypokalemic hyponatremic alkalosis
Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 Commonest site of peptic ulcer perforation is =

Ant. Aspect of 1st part of duodenum.
 decubitus ulcer = pressure sore.
 erosive gastritis commonly occurs at = funclus
 presenting symptom of Ca. Stomach is =
weight loss.
Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav
 most common site of GIT atresia is = duodenum.
 first to appear in a case of acute intestinal
obstruction is = colicky pain
 the most common cause of painless bleeding
P.R in man is = piles
Dr. S P rajawat
 toxic megacolon is seen in = ulcerative colitis Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

 serum amylase level is raised in = acute

pancreatitis, perforation of stomach, strangulated
small intestine.
 linitis plastica is commonly sees is = Ca. Stomach
 curling ulcer is seen in = burn patient
 investigation of choice in peptic ulcer perforation is
= CT scan
Dr. S P rajawat
Dr. Naman nigam
Dr. Deepali yadav

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