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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75, 041401共R兲 共2007兲

Spin-orbit gap of graphene: First-principles calculations

Yugui Yao,1 Fei Ye,2 Xiao-Liang Qi,2 Shou-Cheng Zhang,3 and Zhong Fang1,4
1Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
2Center for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Department of Physics, McCullough Building, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-4045, USA
4International Center for Quantum Structure, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China

共Received 5 December 2006; published 2 January 2007兲

Even though graphene is a low-energy system consisting of a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of carbon
atoms, its quasiparticle excitations are fully described by the 共2 + 1兲-dimensional relativistic Dirac equation. In
this paper we show that, while the spin-orbit interaction in graphene is of the order of 4 meV, it opens up a gap
of the order of 10−3 meV at the Dirac points. We present a first-principles calculation of the spin-orbit gap, and
explain the behavior in terms of a simple tight-binding model. Our result also shows that the recently predicted
quantum spin Hall effect in graphene can occur only at unrealistically low temperature.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.041401 PACS number共s兲: 73.43.⫺f, 71.70.Ej, 73.21.⫺b

Recently, the electronic properties of graphene, a single- in one unit cell. The ␲ band consisting of the remaining 2p
layer graphite sheet, have attracted great interest both theo- orbitals controls the low-energy physics of graphene and
retically and experimentally. The key difference of graphene makes it a semimetal. One can describe the ␲ and ␴ elec-
compared with most other two-dimensional materials is the trons by two tight-binding 共TB兲 Hamiltonians separately,
linear energy spectrum around two nodal points in the Bril- which in momentum space is a 2 ⫻ 2 matrix H␲共kជ 兲 for the ␲
louin zone, which makes the low-energy dynamics of elec- band, and a 6 ⫻ 6 matrix H␴共kជ 兲 for the ␴ band.11 If the spin
trons in this system equivalent to that of relativistic fermions, degeneracy of electrons is taken into account, the dimensions
as described by the massless Dirac equation.1 The two sub- of these two matrices are doubled. The diagonal entities of
lattices in the graphene honeycomb lattice play the role of the matrices are the on-site energies of different orbitals and
pseudospin degrees of freedom. In Refs. 2 and 3, the quan- the off-diagonal entities are the possible hopping between
tum Hall effect in graphene is observed; it shows the non- different sublattices.
conventional quantization rule ␴H = 共2e2 / h兲共2n + 1兲, n 苸 Z. The SOC is a relativistic effect described by a Hamil-
Such an “abnormal” quantum Hall effect agrees with theo- tonian with the form ប␴ ជ V ⫻ pជ 兲 / 共4m2c2兲 ⬃ Lជ · ␴ជ . ␴ជ is the
ជ · 共ⵜ
retical calculations based on the massless Dirac equation un- Pauli matrix. For a single carbon atom, there is no SOC
der external magnetic field,4–6 and can be considered as a between 2s and 2p orbitals due to their different azimuthal
consequence of the chiral anomaly in two-dimensional mass- quantum numbers, and SOC exists only among the 2p orbit-
less fermions. Moreover, a recent experiment on the low- als. Its magnitude ␰0 can be estimated to be of order 4 meV
field magnetoresistance7 shows that graphene remains metal- by directly computing the overlap integral of SOC between
lic under temperatures as low as T = 4 K, which confirms that 2pz and 2px orbitals. Note that the SOC changes the mag-
any possible gap opened at the Dirac cones cannot be larger netic quantum number accompanied with a spin flip of elec-
than kBT ⬃ 0.34 meV. trons; hence no SOC exists within the same atomic orbital.
Nevertheless, it has been proposed that a small gap can For graphene, only the SOC in the normal direction with
open on the two Dirac points of graphene due to spin-orbital the form Lz␴z has a nonzero contribution due to the reflection
coupling 共SOC兲,8 which at the same time makes the system a symmetry with respect to the lattice plane. Even this term
spin Hall insulator9 with quantized spin Hall conductance. vanishes for the ␲ orbitals between nearest neighbors 共NNs兲,
Physically, this proposal is a spinful version of Haldane’s since there is an additional vertical reflection plane along the
model for the quantum Hall effect without magnetic field,10 nearest-neighbor bond. Under mirror reflection at this plane,
in which a spin-dependent next-nearest-neighbor hopping the 2pz wave functions of the adjacent atoms are unchanged;
term is introduced to induce opposite mass terms for the two however, the angular momentum Lz changes its sign, and
Dirac cones. Reference 8 estimates the spin-orbit gap in hence the matrix element of Lz␴z between NNs vanishes.
graphene to be 2.4 K. In this paper we provide systematic This is different from the carbon nanotube12 where the cur-
calculations of the spin-orbital gap in graphene by both first- vature effect can provide a SOC between 2p orbitals of NNs
principles calculation and the tight-binding model, and show although it is still vanishing for large tube radius. Thus, to
that the actual gap is much smaller compared to the crude realize the SOC effect of the ␲ band within the NN approxi-
estimate given in Ref. 8, this explains the 共near兲 gaplessness mation we need the aid of the ␴ band. This process turns out
observed in experiments and also defines a much more nar- to be a second-order one, which is three orders of magnitude
row temperature range for the quantum spin Hall effect to be smaller than ␰0. On the other hand, the SOC can act directly
observed. within the ␴ band; it will open a gap at some degenerate
The sp2 hybridization of the 2s orbital and two 2p orbitals points with the same order of magnitude as ␰0 ⬃ 4 meV.
of the carbon atom creates ␴ bonds to form the honeycomb The SOC mixes the ␲ and ␴ bands and the total Hamil-
lattice of graphene, which is bipartite with two carbon atoms tonian reads

1098-0121/2007/75共4兲/041401共4兲 041401-1 ©2007 The American Physical Society


YAO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75, 041401共R兲 共2007兲

冉 冊
冢 冣
H␲ T 0 0 0
H= . 共1兲
T †
H␴ E= 0 0 0 共8兲
0 0 ⌬␧
Here, H␲ and H␴ should be enlarged to be 4 ⫻ 4 and 12
⫻ 12 matrices, respectively, by the spin indices. The SOC 2
if we arrange the three sp hybridized orbitals in the se-
term T bridging the ␲ and ␴ bands is a 4 ⫻ 12 matrix of quence of 兵2py , 2px , 2s其. Here, ⌬␧ is the energy difference
order ␰0; its explicit form is not important at present, and will ␧2s − ␧2p between the 2s and 2p orbitals. ⌺ describes the
be given later. The wave vector kជ is omitted for simplicity hopping between the two sublattices in the momentum space.
hereinafter because it is always a good quantum number. To give its exact form, we first consider the hopping between
Since we are concerned with the low-energy physics, an the two adjacent atoms in real space, which can also be de-
effective ␲-band model with SOC derived from the original scribed by a 3 ⫻ 3 matrix. Suppose the two adjacent atoms
Hamiltonian Eq. 共1兲 is more advantageous. For this purpose, are placed on the horizontal x axis, i.e., the bond angle is
one can perform a canonical transformation zero; then this hopping matrix can be written as follows:

冢 冣
H → HS = e−SHeS , V pp␲ 0 0
⌺0 = 0 V pp␴ Vsp␴ . 共9兲

S= 冉 0
−M †
冊 , 共2兲
0 Vsp␴
One can obtain the hopping matrix ⌺共␪兲 for arbitrary bond

angle ␪ by a rotation R共␪兲 in the xy plane as

where M should satisfy
⌺共␪兲 = R†共␪兲⌺0R共␪兲,
MH␴ − H␲M = T, 共3兲

冢 冣
so that HS is block diagonal up to order ␰20. Clearly M is also cos ␪ − sin ␪ 0
a 4 ⫻ 12 matrix. The effective Hamiltonian Hef f is then ex- R共␪兲 = sin ␪ cos ␪ 0 . 共10兲
tracted from the diagonal part of HS as
0 0 1
1 The parameters V pp␲, V pp␴, Vsp␴, and Vss␴ correspond to the
Hef f ⬇ H␲ − 共TM† + MT†兲. 共4兲
2 ␴ or ␲ bonds formed by the 2s and 2p orbitals, whose em-
pirical value can be found in textbooks, for example, Ref. 11.
The second term is just the effective SOC for the ␲-band Note that we do not consider the wavefunction overlap ma-
electrons. trix in our TB approximation scheme for the sake of simplic-
The matrix M can be calculated iteratively through Eq. ity. Then the hopping matrix in the momentum space reads

⌺共kជ 兲 = 兺 ⌺共␪␣兲eik·d␣ ,

M= TH␴−1 + H␲TH␴−2 + ¯. 共5兲 ␣

Around the Dirac points, the spectrum of H␲ is close to zero where dជ ␣ with ␣ = 1 , 2 , 3 are the bond vectors connecting the
measured from the on-site potential of the 2p orbital, while carbon atom and its three nearest neighbors and ␪␣ is the
that of H␴ is of order several eV; hence we can take M angle between dជ ␣ and the x axis.
⬇ TH␴−1 approximately. The effective SOC of the ␲ band For T, as we have described above, the spin flip on the
then reads same atom takes place only between the 2pz and two in-
plane 2px,y orbitals. A straightforward calculation leads to the
− TH␴−1T† , 共6兲 on-site spin flip
whose magnitude is roughly estimated as ␰1 ⬃ 兩␰0兩2 / ⌬ with ⌬ T0 = ␰0共− ␴x, ␴y,0兲, 共12兲
being of the order of the energy difference at the Dirac points
between the ␲ and ␴ bands. ␰1 is of the order 10−3 meV, with ␴x,y the Pauli matrices. Then T can be written as

冉 冊
since ⌬ is of order eV.
So far we have not used the explicit forms of H␴ and T in T0 0
T= . 共13兲
the above discussions. To derive ␰1 and the SOC analytically, 0 T0
we need more details of H␴ and T. H␴ can be written as
Notice that there are two T0 terms in the above matrix cor-

H␴ = 冉 E
⌺ †

冊丢 I, 共7兲
responding to different sublattices.
Since H␴ has a large gap near the Dirac points K and K*,
ជ 兲 = H 共K
we can expect that H␴共kជ + K ជ
␴ 兲 + o共k兲, which means we
−1 ជ
where I is the identity matrix for the spin degrees of free- can substitute H 共K兲 into Eq. 共6兲 as a good approximation.

dom. The matrix E represents the on-site energy of different Finally we get the effective Hamiltonian with SOC at the low
atomic orbitals, which can be written as energy scale,



ef f ⬇ ␰1 + 冉 ␰ 1␴ z
vF共kx − iky兲
vF共kx + iky兲
− ␰ 1␴ z


ef f ⬇ ␰1 + 冉 − ␰ 1␴ z
vF共kx + iky兲
vF共kx − iky兲
␰ 1␴ z
冊 . 共14兲

The off-diagonal terms in the above equations come from the

well-known form of H␲, and vF is just the Fermi velocity of
␲ electrons at the Dirac points. The effective SOC ␰1 in our
TB scheme has the explicit form

␰1 ⬇ 兩␰0兩2共2⌬␧兲/共9Vsp
␴兲. 共15兲
Equation 共15兲 is the key result from our tight-binding calcu- FIG. 1. Calculated relativistic band structure of graphene.
lation. Equation 共14兲 leads to a spectrum E共kជ 兲
= ± 冑共vFk兲2 + ␰21. Taking the values of the corresponding pa-
convergence of gap size with respect to the number of k
points and cutoff energy is better than 1 ⫻ 10−4 meV; 共4兲 the
rameters from Ref. 11, one can estimate ␰1 to be of order Kramer doublet degeneracy can be reproduced down to
10−3 meV, so the energy gap is 2␰1 at the Dirac points. 10−5 meV. Nevertheless, it is clear that the gap induced by
Equations 共14兲 are similar to those in Ref. 8, except that SOC at the K point is of order 10−3 meV. Considering that
the SOC constant ␰1 is three orders of magnitude smaller graphene may be typically deposited on substrates, the
than their estimate. We can also consider the SOC of ␲ or- graphene layers are generally strained due to small lattice
bitals between next nearest neighbors 共NNNs兲 which is not mismatches; thus the lattice mismatch strain can tune the
forbidden by the symmetry. In this case the electron moving splitting gap at the K point. We have calculated the band
between NNNs will be accelerated by atoms other than the structure for different lattice constants of graphene, and have
two NNN ones, which provides the corresponding SOC. This found that the splitting gap increases a little with compres-
will involve three-center integrals, i.e., two orbital centers sion while the gap decreases with tensile strain.
and a potential center, which are different with each other. In conclusion, we provided a careful calculation on the
Generally speaking, such integrals are very small, which spin-orbit gap of graphene, which leads to the same mass
leads to SOC of order at most 10−3 meV by our estimate, and term for the relativistic Dirac fermions in the continuum
it may actually be smaller. limit,8 but with a much smaller magnitude of the gap
The argument above is supported by accurate first- 10−3 meV. The physical reason for the smallness of the spin-
principles calculations based on density-functional theory. orbit gap can also be understood from the tight-binding
The relativistic electronic structure of graphene was calcu- model as coming from the lattice C3 symmetry, which leads
lated self-consistently by the plane-wave method13 using a to the vanishing of the leading-order contributions. Such a
relativistic fully separable pseudopotential in the framework small gap is consistent with the experimental observation of
of noncollinear magnetism.14 The exchange-correlation po- semimetallic behavior of graphene. It shows that the pro-
tential is treated by the local density approximation 共LDA兲 posed quantum spin Hall effect in graphene cannot be ob-
whose validity for the system considered here has been dem- served until temperatures as low as T  10−2 K. In addition,
onstrated by many other studies. The experimental lattice impurity scattering in a disordered sample may also destabi-
parameter a = 2.456 Å is used in the calculation. The conver- lize the effect.
gence of calculated results with respect to the number of k
points and the cutoff energy has been carefully checked. This work is supported by the Knowledge Innovation
Figure 1 shows the band structure of graphene. We can Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the NSFC un-
see that the gap induced by SOC for the ␴ orbit is 9.0 meV der Grants No. 10404035, No. 10674163, and No. 10534030
at the ⌫ point. The figure also indicates that there is a gap 共for Y.G.Y.兲, No. 90303022, No. 60576058, and No.
induced by SOC for the ␲ orbit at the K point, and the 10425418 共for Z.F.兲, and No. 10374058 and No. 90403016
magnitude of the splitting gap is 0.8⫻ 10−3 meV, which is in 共for X.L.Q.兲. S.C.Z. is supported by the NSF through Grant
good agreement with the estimate obtained from the tight- No. DMR-0342832 and by the U.S. Department of Energy,
binding model discussed above. Since the number discussed Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-
here is so small, a few notes are necessary: 共1兲 the calcula- AC03-76SF00515. We would like to acknowledge helpful
tions are valid within the LDA; 共2兲 the numeric accuracy of discussions with C. Kane, A. MacDonald, Z. B. Su, and B. S.
the present calculations reaches 10−6 meV per atom; 共3兲 the Wang.

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