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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 235423 共2009兲

Curvature-induced anisotropic spin-orbit splitting in carbon nanotubes

L. Chico, M. P. López-Sancho, and M. C. Muñoz

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain
共Received 22 February 2009; revised manuscript received 5 May 2009; published 19 June 2009兲
We have theoretically explored the spin-orbit interaction in carbon nanotubes. We show that, besides the
dependences on chirality and diameter, the effects of spin-orbit coupling are anisotropic: spin-orbit splitting is
larger for the higher valence or the lower electron band depending on the specific tube. Different tube behav-
iors can be grouped in three families, according to the so-called chiral index. Curvature-induced changes in the
orbital hybridization have a crucial role, and they are shown to be family dependent. Our results explain recent
experimental results which have evidenced the importance of spin-orbit effects in carbon nanotubes.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.235423 PACS number共s兲: 71.20.Tx, 73.22.⫺f, 71.70.Ej

I. INTRODUCTION theory, reporting the appearance of a gap and spin splitting in

the CNT band spectrum due to SOI. Three effective SO cou-
Improvements in the quality of carbon nanotubes 共CNTs兲 plings are derived 共intrinsic, curvature, and electric field兲
have enabled the fabrication of quantum dots 共QDs兲 aiming from the intra-atomic SO coupling for a continuum model of
at the realization of spintronics devices.1–4 CNTs present a the graphene ␲ bands at the K and the K⬘ points of the
high Fermi velocity and a twofold orbital degeneracy origi- honeycomb lattice Brillouin zone 共BZ兲.13 These authors ex-
nating from the topology of the honeycomb lattice. The tend the graphene continuum model to CNTs, considering
unique fourfold degeneracy of CNT energy states 共spin plus the SO interaction in a cylinder; by integrating over the tube
orbital moment兲 has been observed in CNT QDs by magnetic circumference, the SO term is obtained at the K and the K⬘
field spectroscopy measurements5 and makes them particu- points of the CNT. Moreover, SOI effects have been recently
larly interesting since, besides the spin degree of freedom, studied in CNT quantum dots.14,15 Starting from the
they present the orbital moment to allow for quantum ma- graphene Dirac Hamiltonian and taking into account the in-
nipulation. In a recent experiment,6 spin-orbit 共SO兲 coupling trinsic SO mechanism16 and the extrinsic SOI 共Bychkov-
has been directly observed in CNTs as a splitting of the four- Rashba type兲 of graphene, SOI effects are derived for CNTs,
fold degeneracy of a single-electron energy level in ultra- finding a level splitting at zero magnetic field.14 In Ref. 15
clean QDs. This important finding seems to be in contradic- SOI effects are found to intrinsically lift the fourfold degen-
tion with the interpretation of earlier experiments in defect- eracy of a single electron in a CNT quantum dot studied in
free CNTs, from which independent spin and orbital the low-energy limit.
symmetries and electron-hole symmetry have been deduced.7 Here we show that, besides the dependences on the diam-
Besides showing the importance of spin-orbit effects in car- eter and the chirality, SOI effects in CNTs exhibit an
bon nanotubes, Kuemmeth et al.6 pointed out an unexplained electron-hole anisotropy which is specific to the tube. Dis-
anisotropic splitting of electron and holes in carbon nanotube tinct nanotube behaviors with respect to SOI are grouped
quantum dots, which deserves further exploration. into three families, which have also arisen with respect to
In an earlier work, we showed that the inclusion of the other electronic properties.17 We relate such differences to
full lattice symmetry is essential for deriving SO effects in changes in hybridization of the valence and the conduction
CNTs.8 Employing an empirical tight-binding 共ETB兲 model, bands 共CBs兲 in nanotubes belonging to different families.
we demonstrated an intrinsic symmetry dependence of spin- The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II the theoret-
orbit interaction 共SOI兲 effects. As confirmed by recent ex- ical model is presented and results are discussed in Sec. III.
perimental results,6 we showed that, in the absence of a mag- Finally, our conclusions are given in the last section.
netic field, CNTs present spin-orbit split bands at the Fermi
level. In addition, SOI induces zero-field spin splitting in
chiral CNTs, while Kramers theorem on time-reversal sym- II. MODEL AND METHOD
metry alongside the spatial inversion symmetry preserves the
spin degeneracy in achiral—i.e., 共n , n兲 armchair and 共n , 0兲 We have performed a Slater-Koster 共SK兲 共Ref. 18兲 ETB
zigzag—nanotubes.9 Because of the small value of SOI in calculation employing a four-orbital 2s , 2px , 2py , 2pz basis
carbon atoms, its effects were previously investigated on set using the Tománek-Louie parametrization for graphite.19
CNTs by deriving an effective-mass Hamiltonian with a The CNT unit cell is formed by rolling up a portion of a
weak SOI in carbon orbitals to the lowest order in perturba- graphene sheet; thus, the actual discrete nature of the lattice
tion theory.10 Band splitting was found considering surface- and curvature effects are taken into account.
curvature effects,11 as well as in the electron-spin-resonance The spin-orbit interaction arises from the coupling of the
spectra of achiral CNTs derived by low-energy theory.12 electron spin with the magnetic field resulting in the rest
More recent works13 have indicated the importance of cur- frame of the electron due to its orbital motion in an electro-
vature of SOI effects in graphene, fullerenes, CNTs, and NT static potential V. The SO coupling term in the Hamiltonian
caps investigated with a continuum model by perturbation is given by

1098-0121/2009/79共23兲/235423共5兲 235423-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society


HSO = ␴ · 共ⵜV ⫻ p兲, 共1兲
4mc2 (8,0) (9,0) (10,0)
where ␴ represents the Pauli spin matrices and p represents
the electron momentum operator. Equation 共1兲 stems from

the quadratic v / c expansion of the Dirac equation and rep-
resents a nonrelativistic approximation to the relativistic 0
Dirac equation.
In a crystalline environment, in the absence of external
fields, the major internal contribution to V arises from the
microscopic crystal potential. Thus, the magnetic field acting -1
on the electron is modified by the presence of neighboring
atoms, and therefore its effects are related to the crystal sym-
metry. However, the relevant contribution of the crystal po- Γ XΓ X Γ X
tential for the spin-orbit interaction is close to the atomic
cores, so one can assume spherical symmetry. In this way,
SO effects are considered by adding to the SK-ETB spin- (8,0) (9,0) (10,0)
independent Hamiltonian H0 the atomiclike spin-orbit term 1

HSO = ␭L · ␴ , 共2兲

where ␭ is a renormalized atomic SO coupling constant and Energy(eV) 0

L stands for the orbital angular momentum of the electron.
The spin-quantization direction z has been chosen parallel to
the carbon nanotube axis. Employing the raising and the
lowering operators, L+ = Lx + iLy, L− = Lx − iLy, the complete
Hamiltonian of a nanotube with N atoms in the unit cell, -1
H = H0 + HSO, is a matrix of dimensions 8N ⫻ 8N, which in
the 2 ⫻ 2 block spinor structure is given by

冉 冊
H0 + ␭Lz ␭L−
H= . 共3兲
␭L+ H0 − ␭Lz FIG. 1. Band structures calculated around the Fermi level for
three zigzag CNTs: 共8,0兲 tube from the 共3q − 1 , 0兲 family, 共9,0兲 pri-
The HSO term of the Hamiltonian couples states of equal mary metallic nanotube from the 共3q , 0兲 family, and 共10,0兲 tube
angular momentum in the same atom,20,21 i.e., p orbitals in from the 共3q + 1 , 0兲 series. The top panel shows the results without
the present case. We solve the problem by direct diagonal- including SO effects; the band structures of the bottom panel have
ization of the Hamiltonian matrix. Although our discussion is been calculated including the SOI term with ␭ = 0.2 eV.
focused in the bands around the Fermi level, our calculation
is valid for the full band structure, in contradistinction to the III. RESULTS
effective-mass model. A. Achiral tubes
The spin-orbit interaction considered in our model is the
so-called intra-atomic spin-orbit interaction; extrinsic effects We focus first on achiral zigzag nanotubes with a chiral
due to external potentials are not considered here. The HSO angle ␪ = 0°, where curvature effects are expected to be
term in the Hamiltonian includes all the spin contributions largest.22,23 Zigzag 共n , 0兲 tubes can be classified as primary
arising from the NT crystal potential. Therefore, it contains metals23 if n = 3q, with q being an integer, or semiconduct-
the intrinsic ⌬int and the curvature ⌬curv contributions of the ing, if n = 3q ⫾ 1. Without curvature effects, primary metallic
effective spin-orbit Hamiltonian derived by perturbation zigzag tubes have a band crossing at the Fermi level; this
theory.10,13 occurs at the center of the BZ. The bands crossing at ⌫ are
Different estimations of ␭ have been done,10,13 always fourfold degenerate, and inclusion of curvature opens a small
assuming a very small value, considerably reduced in gap. Zigzag tubes with n = 3q ⫾ 1 are semiconducting with
graphite/graphene and CNTs with respect to the value for the band gap at ⌫; the top valence and the bottom conduction
atomic C 共⬇12 meV兲. However, the recent experiments of bands are also fourfold degenerate.
Ref. 6 point out an enhancement of the role of SOI in CNTs Inclusion of SO interaction partially removes the band
with respect to that of graphene; thus, the exact value of the degeneracy, although the split bands remain spin degenerate,
SO coupling parameter is still under discussion. In the i.e., the SO coupling lifts the fourfold degeneracy into two
present work, SO-induced energy splittings are given relative Kramers doublets. However, the energy splittings induced by
to the strength of the SOI, and only in band-structure results the SO interaction term are different for the highest valence
we have chosen an artificially large value of ␭, for the sake band 共VB兲 and the lowest CB: in two of the families, for
of clarity in the figures. CNTs 共3q , 0兲 and 共3q − 1 , 0兲, the splitting is larger for the


(3q,0) electrons
0.5 (3q,0) holes 0.2
(3q−1,0) electrons

ky (Å−1)
(3q−1,0) holes
∆ E /λ

(3q+1,0) electrons 0
(3q+1,0) holes

0.1 0.4

0 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2

0 10 20 30 kx (Å−1)
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Contour plot of the graphene band struc-
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Normalized spin-orbit splitting of the top ture calculated around the Fermi K point. The quantization lines
valence and bottom conduction bands as a function of the tube corresponding to the 共7,0兲 共green dashed line兲 and 共8,0兲 共blue dotted
diameter for the three zigzag families. line兲 CNTs closer to this point are also shown.

VB, whereas for NTs 共3q + 1 , 0兲 the splitting is larger for the if we choose the K⬘ Fermi point to classify the nanotube
CB. In Fig. 1 we show one particular example of each of the families, the relative positions 共right and left兲 of the quanti-
three zigzag families, namely, the 共8,0兲, the 共9,0兲, and the zation lines yielding the gap are reversed with respect to K.
共10,0兲 CNTs. Although our analysis concentrates on those For simplicity, henceforth we will refer our discussion to the
bands closest to the Fermi level, it can be seen that the split- K point with coordinates given above.
ting of all other bands is also anisotropic and specific to each In Fig. 3 we illustrate this general classification for the
band. In particular, note that the second CB and VB show case of zigzag CNTs, with two examples belonging to differ-
opposite behaviors to those of the bottom CB and the top VB ent series. The allowed quantization lines of the 共7,0兲 and the
共see below兲. 共8,0兲 tubes closer to K are shown over the graphene
In Fig. 2 the SO energy splitting of the top valence and ␲-band-structure energy contour plot. The trigonal warping
the bottom conduction bands is represented as a function of effect is clearly seen in these contours: quantization lines at
the tube diameter for the three zigzag CNT series, showing opposite sides of K correspond to graphene bands with ap-
the family behavior described before. preciably different slopes, although they are at similar dis-
The curvature effect is clearly seen: the SO energy split- tances. As the ␲ graphene bands crossing at K have a differ-
ting is much higher for CNTs with the smallest diameters; it ent symmetry, the character of the conduction band changes
can be noted as well how the differences among the three from antibonding along the ⌫K line to bonding along the KM
series decreases with increasing diameter. We have checked line. Furthermore, the character of electron and hole bands is
that the splitting is not negligible for larger NTs: for ex- interchanged at the K point. This explains why tubes belong-
ample, the 共80,0兲 tube, with a diameter of 62.64 Å, which is ing to ␯ = ⫾ 1 families show an opposite behavior in their
roughly the same size of the CNT measured in Ref. 6, has a conduction 共or valence兲 bands: the two bands closest to the
top VB normalized splitting of 0.04. An analogous family Fermi energy have a different symmetry. In addition, it clari-
behavior of zigzag CNTs has been observed in other physical fies why in a given tube, as described above, the second VB
properties, such as the band gaps,24–26 and it has been related 共CB兲 has a reverse behavior with respect to the first VB
to the trigonal warping effect. The three families can be un- 共bottom CB兲: these second bands arise from quantization
derstood by resorting to the zone-folding approach. Within lines at opposite sides of K with respect to the first. Further-
this approximation, the energy bands of a general 共n , m兲 more, the similar behavior of the metallic and the semicon-
CNT are given by imposing periodic boundary conditions to ductor ␯ = −1 families can be explained by noticing that cur-
the graphene sheet: if the lines of allowed k vectors touch the vature effects shift the Fermi K point in Fig. 3 to the right, in
Fermi points 共K or K⬘兲 of the hexagonal graphene BZ, the such a way that the allowed quantization lines of the metallic
nanotube is a metal. This occurs when n − m = 3q with q as an tubes closer to K fall onto the same side as those correspond-
integer; otherwise it is a semiconductor. The two semicon- ing to the ␯ = −1 family.23
ductor families, n − m = 3q ⫾ 1, correspond to nanotubes for On the other hand, curvature changes the hybridization of
which the quantization lines yielding the energy gap are at the orbitals. The linear graphene bands crossing at K are of a
opposite sides of the Fermi point K 共or K⬘兲. Thus, CNTs can pure ␲ character around EF; however, rehybridization of ␴
be classified into three families: n − m = 3q + ␯ with and ␲ orbitals is very important for small radii nanotubes
␯ = 0 , ⫾ 1 being the so-called chiral index, hereafter referred and is non-negligible in general. In order to show the ␴-␲
as family index.27 Denoting as K the BZ special point with hybridization of the zigzag nanotubes, we have calculated
coordinates 共 43a␲ , 0兲, ␯ = −1 has the closest quantization line the contribution of each of the four orbitals forming the basis
yielding the gap to its left, over the ⌫K line, whereas the set for the valence- and conduction-band states closest in
␯ = +1 family has it to the right, over the KM line. Of course, energy to the Fermi level at ⌫; the results summed over all


TABLE I. Electronic densities. 0

共8,0兲 共9,0兲 共10,0兲
0.4 20
␴ 0.057 0.087 0.058 0.103 0.121 0.061 0.3

␲ 0.943 0.913 0.941 0.897 0.879 0.939

the atoms of the unit cell are shown in Table I. NTs belong-
ing to the ␯ = +1 family have a larger contribution of the ␴ 0.1
orbitals—that is, a larger ␴-␲ rehybridization—in the con-
duction band than in the valence band; however, in tubes of 0.0
the ␯ = 0 , −1 families the ␴-orbital density is larger in the 5 10 15
valence band. Spin-orbit effects are more important for diameter(Å)
bands with larger curvature-induced rehybridization; there-
fore, curvature effects are responsible for the observed FIG. 5. 共Color兲 Normalized energy-band splittings for chiral
CNTs versus diameter. Squares stand for ␯ = +1 family, triangles for
electron-hole anisotropic SO splitting. The different mixing
␯ − 1, and circles for ␯ = 0; full 共open兲 indicate the top VB 共bottom
of ␲ and ␴ orbitals, due to the curvature of the tubes, was
CB兲 splittings. Symbol color indicates the nanotube chiral angle.
shown to affect the energy gaps of semiconducting
Full 共dashed兲 line: bottom CB 共top VB兲 splittings for metallic zig-
nanotubes24 with a similar family dependence. Here we have zag tubes.
shown that it also influences the value of spin-orbit splitting
in CNTs.
B. Chiral tubes
1 We consider now chiral NTs 共n , m兲 with n ⫽ m ⫽ 0 that do
not have an inversion center. As mentioned above, curvature
effects induce a shift of the Fermi wave vector kF, opening a
small gap at the Fermi energy in the primary metallic chiral
(6,4) (9,3) (8,4) CNTs, 共m − n兲 = 3q. But, in contrast to the results shown for

achiral zigzag NTs, in both metal and semiconductor chiral

0 NTs the SO interaction lifts all degeneracies.
The calculated energy splittings for these tubes follow the
same behavior as those obtained for achiral zigzag CNTs: for
tubes with ␯ = 0 共n − m = 3q兲 and ␯ = −1 共n − m = 3q − 1兲 the en-
ergy splitting is larger for the highest VB, while for tubes
with ␯ = +1 共n − m = 3q + 1兲 the splitting is larger for the low-
est CB. As an example for chiral tubes, the band structures
X Γ calculated including the SOI for three particular tubes, 共6,4兲,
共9,3兲, and 共8,4兲 belonging to each of the three families, are
1 shown in Fig. 4.
However, chirality has an important effect in SOI: this is
illustrated in Fig. 5, where the band splittings vs the diameter
for chiral tubes belonging to the three families are depicted.
(6,4) (9,3) (8,4) The symbol color indicates the NT chiral angle. As a guide to

the eye, the zigzag metallic ␯ = 0 results are also shown. It

can be seen how chiral tubes follow the family behavior
0 already described; notwithstanding, chirality effects intro-
duce deviations from the zigzag monotonic behavior, due to
the different orientation of the relevant quantization lines
with respect to the K point. In general, the higher the chiral
angle, the larger the deviation from the behavior of zigzag
FIG. 4. Band structures around the Fermi level for three chiral
CNTs: the 共6,4兲 tube from the ␯ = −1 family, the 共9,3兲 primary me- In summary, we have shown that spin-orbit induced split-
tallic nanotube, and the 共8,4兲 tube from the ␯ = +1 family. The top ting in carbon nanotubes is anisotropic and band dependent.
panel shows results without SO effects; the bottom panel shows the The energy splittings induced by the SO interaction term are
bands calculated with SO coupling ␭ = 0.2 eV. different for the highest valence band and the lowest conduc-


tion band depending on the tube family: for ␯ = 0 , −1 the generacies will be removed. The coupling of orbital and spin
splitting is larger for the top valence band, whereas for tubes angular momenta induces a different slope in the energy vs
with ␯ = 1 the lowest conduction band has larger splitting. We magnetic field dependence of the electronic levels, as ob-
have related the magnitude of the SO splitting with the ␴-␲ served experimentally.6 Therefore, SO effects should be con-
hybridization induced by curvature, which is family depen- sidered in the modeling of CNT transport properties when a
dent. The dissimilar ␴-␲ hybridizations of the valence- and magnetic field is applied.
conduction-band states, which in turn depend on the position
of the quantization lines yielding the gap with respect to the
graphene K point, are the reason for the experimentally ob- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
served anisotropy in SO splitting in the absence of external
fields. The natures of the NT electronic states and of the We acknowledge fruitful discussions with A. Ayuela, J. I.
spin-orbit coupling have to be taken into account in order to Cerdá, and A. Ruiz. This work was partially supported by the
understand the behavior of the electrons and the transport Spanish DGES under Grants No. FIS2005-05478-C02-01,
properties in the presence of applied fields. In particular, No. FIS2008-00124, No. MAT2006-05122, and No.
since a magnetic field breaks time-reversal symmetry, all de- MAT2006-06242.

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