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Electric Control of Spin-Orbit Coupling in Graphene-Based

Nanostructures with Broken Rotational Symmetry
Alessandro Ciattoni,* Claudio Conti, Anatoly V. Zayats, and Andrea Marini

governed by the spin angular mo-

Spin and orbital angular momenta of light are important degrees of mentum (SAM) and orbital angular
freedom in nanophotonics which control light propagation, optical forces, and momentum (OAM).[1–3] In the paraxial
information encoding. Here, it is shown that graphene-supported plasmonic regime (weak localization), SOI is usu-
nanostructures with broken rotational symmetry provide a surprising spin to ally negligible[4] but may be augmented
by inhomogeneities,[5–8] , anisotropy,[9,10] ,
orbital angular momentum conversion, which can be continuously controlled and epsilon-near-zero materials.[11,12]
by changing the electrochemical potential of graphene. Upon resonant Non-paraxial focusing[13,14] by small
illumination by a circularly polarized plane wave, a polygonal array of indium- particles[15,16] or a doped graphene[17]
tin-oxide nanoparticles on a graphene sheet generates the scattered field enhances SOI and results in spin-
carrying electrically-tunable orbital angular momentum. This unique photonic dependent directionalities and optical
vortices.[3] In the case of the extreme con-
spin-orbit interaction occurs due to the strong coupling between graphene
finement at the subwavelength scales,
plasmon polaritons and localized surface plasmons of the nanoparticles SOI is dominant[18–21] with applications
and leads to the controlled directional excitation of graphene plasmons. in quantum optics,[22,23] high-resolution
The tuneable spin-orbit conversion paves the way for high-rate information microscopy,[24,25] beam shaping with pla-
encoding in optical communications, electric steering functionalities in optical nar metasurfaces,[26] optical forces[27–29] ,
tweezers, and nanorouting of higher-dimensional entangled photon states. and nanophotonics.[30,31]
The physical origin of the strong
SOI in the highly confined electromag-
netic fields[32–37] is the large longitudinal
1. Introduction field components of the evanescent waves that produce a SAM
orthogonal to the direction of propagation (transverse SAM).
The uncertainty principle rules the localization of particles Under the reversal of the direction of the wave-vector, the trans-
and has fundamental implications in many new technolog- verse SAM changes sign and the spin-momentum locking[38–40]
ical developments. The large momentum components of a can be regarded as an analogue of the quantum spin Hall ef-
strongly localized wave-packet entail complex field dynamics fect (QSHE).[41] QSHE has been observed with surface plasmon
absent in the case of a weak confinement. Many physical phe- polaritons at metal/dielectric interfaces,[27,42–44] guided waves,
nomena accompany sub-wavelength localization of photons, graphene plasmon polaritons (GPPs),[45] and structured guided
including the photonic spin-orbit interaction (SOI) between the waves.[46]
polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light, which are SAM to OAM conversion is among the most important
SOI phenomena and enables optical micromanipulation,[47]
Dr. A. Ciattoni entanglement,[48,49] and quantum protocols with higher-
CNR-SPIN, c/o di Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche dimensional quantum states.[50] Many strategies have been
Via Vetoio, 67100 Coppito, L’Aquila, Italy proposed for OAM generation, including anisotropic media,[51]
E-mail: inhomogeneous liquid crystals (q-plates),[52] metasurfaces,[53]
Prof. C. Conti and whispering-gallery mode resonators.[54] All these methods
Institute for Complex Systems
National Research Council (ISC-CNR)
operate in the paraxial regime and generate macroscopic optical
Via dei Taurini 19, Rome 00185, Italy vortices with defined topological charge, ruling out the possibility
Prof. A. V. Zayats of a continuous tuning of OAM with the external control signal
Department of Physics and London Centre for Nanotechnology (tuneability has only been achieved by changing the polarization
King’s College London state of the input optical beam). OAM to SAM conversion can
Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK take place on the nanoscale leading to subwavelength features
Dr. A. Marini of spin-skyrmions.[25] SAM to OAM conversion is, however,
Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences
University of L’Aquila difficult to achieve at the nanoscale as it requires spatial manip-
Via Vetoio, L’Aquila 67100, Italy ulation of the beam on subwavelength scales, and the external,
continuous control of SOI is practically unexplored. At the same
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article time, the fast encoding of OAM states is important for the
can be found under
development of its applications in optical communications.[58]
DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202000214

Laser Photonics Rev. 2020, 2000214 2000214 (1 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 1. Graphene-nanoparticle system for electrically tunable SAM to OAM conversion. a) Schematics of the system: the ITO nanospheres of radius R
positioned at the vertices of a regular polygon of radius a on a graphene sheet. A normally incident circularly polarized plane wave feeds the nanostructure
with SAM. The scattered field (whose amplitude is sketched in a sample situation as the colour plot) carries highly tunable OAM and the linear momentum
density distribution (black arrows) swirls around the polygon axis. b,c) The dependences of (b) the imaginary part of the normalized graphene surface
conductivity 𝜎 (Z0 is the vacuum impedance) and (c) GPP wavenumber k⊥ (red surface) and the spatial spectral width Δk⊥ of the reflected evanescent
field mediating the coupling between the nanoparticle LSPs and GPPs (blue surface) on the wavelength 𝜆 and the graphene Fermi energy EF . The green
dashed curves in (b) and (c) indicate the GSC threshold when the spectrum of the field generated by the nanoparticles and reflected from the graphene
sheet contains the GPP wavenumber k⊥ < Δk⊥ (grey region).

Here, we describe a novel optical SOI mechanism in a hy- 2. Hybrid Plasmonic Resonances
brid system of a graphene-supported plasmonic nanostructure
with broken rotational invariance and report electrically tunable We begin by analyzing the collective dynamics of a polygo-
SAM to OAM conversion at the nanoscale, exploiting graphene nal array of N nanoparticles placed near an extended graphene
doping by an external electric bias. We also show that this pro- sheet illuminated by a plane wave carrying only SAM (Fig-
cess is accompanied by the emission of confined grahene plas- ure 1a). The system is not invariant under the full group of
mon polaritons, which can also be electrically controlled. We con- rotations around the z-axis, but only with respect to the sub-
sider a polygonal array of doped indium-tin-oxide nanospheres group CN of discrete rotations of angles 2𝜋r∕N (r = 0, … , N − 1).
deposited on top of a graphene sheet that–once illuminated by Therefore, the z-component of the radiation angular momen-
a circularly polarized plane wave–generates the scattered field tum is not conserved in a scattering processes. The graphene
carrying OAM. This OAM can be continuously tuned by dop- sheet lies on the plane z = 0 between the half spaces z <
ing graphene under the external bias.[59,60] The doping results in 0 and z > 0 which are filled by two transparent dielectrics
the modification of coupling between localised surface plasmons of permittivities 𝜀1 and 𝜀2 , respectively. The nanoparticles of
(LSPs) of the nanoparticles and GPPs. Therefore, ultrafast elec- radius R are arranged at the vertices of a regular polygon
tric modulation of OAM can be achieved. The coupling between of radius a lying on the graphene sheet. The nanoparticle
LSPs and GPPs leads to the precession of the spin of a circular centers are at r(q) = a[cos(2𝜋q∕N)ex + sin(2𝜋q∕N)ey ] − Rez (q =
dipole moment[61,62] of the nanoparticles resulting in the polar- 0, … , N − 1). We here consider indium-tin-oxide nanoparticles
ization ellipses out of the graphene plane. Due to the tilted rota- of permittivity 𝜀S (𝜆). The nanoparticles have a localised plas-
tion axis, the dipoles excite spin-momentum locked GPPs. The mon resonance at a target infrared wavelength 𝜆S which can
near-field interference of these circulating plasmonic fields pro- be controlled by the doping. The infrared response of graphene
duces a non-vanishing OAM. Changing the graphene Fermi en- is governed by the wavelength-dependent surface conductivity
ergy tunes the value of the generated OAM, because of the spec- 𝜎(𝜆) (Figure 1b), which we calculate in the random phase ap-
tral shift of the graphene plasmonic resonance and the resulting proximation (RPA).[64] The incident radiation E0 = E0 eL eik1 z is a
modification of the coupling between GPPs and LSPs. We note monochromatic (e−i𝜔t ), left circularly
√ polarized plane wave, with

that, although experimentally challenging, the fabrication of the k1 = 𝜀1 𝜔∕c and eL = (ex + iey )∕ 2.
polygonal arrangement of nanoparticles should become accessi- Since the infrared wavelengths are much larger than the
ble in the near future due to the present large scientific interest particles radius, the q−th nanosphere responds with
( an)induced
in graphene-nanoparticle composites (see ref. [63] and references 𝜀S −𝜀1
dipole p(q) = 𝛼E(ext) (r(q) ), where 𝛼 = 4𝜋𝜀0 𝜀1 R3 𝜀S +2𝜀1
is its

Laser Photonics Rev. 2020, 2000214 2000214 (2 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

electric polarizability and E(ext) (r(q) ) is the external field at the The evolution of the hybrid plasmonic resonances with the
nanoparticle center. We calculate multiple scattering of all orders graphene Fermi energy shows a clear graphene strong coupling
by generalizing the discrete dipole model[55] to account for the in- (GSC) threshold (Figure 2). Below the threshold, graphene is
teraction between the nanoparticles and the effect of a graphene not resonant and the dipole excitation is not affected by the weak
substrate. The field E(ext) (r(q) ) contains the incident field, the field reflected from graphene. In this region, the longitudinal po-
fields of all the other N − 1 dipoles, and the total field reflected larizability 𝛼̄ z is negligible because the dipole-dipole interaction
by graphene. The dipole moments are then determined by fields are in plane with the graphene sheet. Furthermore, the
polarizability 𝛼̄ R produced by the dipole–dipole direct interaction
between the nanoparticles is also small, because the impinging
1 (q) ∑ ̃ (q,s) (s)
p − H p = [eik1 R rTE (0) + e−ik1 R ]E0 eL , (1) CLP field only interacts with the polarizability 𝛼̄ L of the nanopar-
𝛼 s=0 ticles. When the wavelength is close to 𝜆S , both 𝛼̄ L and 𝛼̄ R are
large owing to the LSP excitation. In this case, the hybridization
where H ̃ (q,s) is the interaction matrix and rTE (0) is the reflectivity due to the dipole–dipole interaction in the nanoparticle polygon
of the graphene sheet for the normally incident (transverse- produces the splitting of the LSP resonance into two peaks,
electric) plane waves (details in the Supporting Information). clearly observed when the distance betwen the nanoparticles
Using the dipole moments from Equation (1), we find the become smaller as in the case of a N = 13 polygon (Figure 2d,e).
scattered field from its angular spectrum representation. The The impact of graphene on the dipole excitation process dra-
3N hybrid plasmonic resonances of the graphene-nanoparticles matically increases above the GSC threshold (Figure 2a–f). In
system, corresponding to the 3N components of the coupled this regime, a significant longitudinal polarizability 𝛼̄ z arises
nanoparticle dipoles, can be found from Equation (1), assuming from the excitation of GPPs with a giant z− component of
the incident plane wave is absent (E0 = 0). This hybridization is the electric field, which orients the dipoles in the longitudinal
due to the coupling between nanoparticle LSPs and GPPs. The direction. Resonance hybridization is particularly important
spatial spectrum of the reflected field is dominated by the evanes- for the wavelengths close to the nanoparticle LSP wavelength
cent waves with an asymptotic tail e−2k⊥ R , where 2R is the total 𝜆S . The dependence of the hybrid resonances on the number
distance traveled by the field from the polygon plane (z = −R) of nanoparticles in the polygon shows that as N increases, the
to graphene (z = 0) and back. The coupling to GPP occurs when dipole-dipole interaction splitting of the nanoparticle resonance
the spectrum of the reflected field scattered by the nanoparticles increases, because the distance between the nanoparticles de-
contains a GPP wavenumber k⊥ < Δk⊥ (Figure 1c). creases (Figure 2g). The quality factors of hybridized modes also
The invariance of the graphene-nanoparticles system under increase with the number of nanoparticles.
the group CN implies that the 3N dimensional dipoles space
breaks into N tri-dimensional invariant subspaces each carrying
an irreducible representation of the group (see Supporting Infor- 3. Tunable SAM to OAM Conversion
mation). The impinging plane wave E0 eL selects only one of these
invariant subspaces that is characterized by the appropriate rela- As discussed in the above section, the incident LCP plane wave
tion between the dipole moments (q = 0, … , N − 1): generally excites dipoles at the nanoparticles which are not purely
left circularly polarized owing to their mutual interaction and the
2𝜋 evanescent coupling with the graphene sheet. Due to their polyg-
p(q) = ei N q Rq p(0) , (2)
onal arrangement with the CN symmetry, these coupled dipoles
radiate fields with non-trivial chirality. The densities of the en-
where Rq is the dyadic operator which rotates a vector around ergy, linear and angular momenta of the field in the substrate
the z-axis by an angle 2𝜋q∕N. The q−th dipole coincides with the (z > 0) can be calculated as[56]
0−th dipole rotated by the angle 2𝜋q∕N, multiplied by the phase
1( )
factor ei N q , in accordance with the Bloch theorem for discrete U= 𝜀0 𝜀2 |E|2 + 𝜇0 |H|2 ,
rotational symmetry. This symmetry enables to cast Equation (1) 4
as a single equation for the 0−th dipole moment 1
P = [[p]] ̂ ≡ Po + P s ,
̂ + ∇ × [[S]] (4)
( ) 2
p (0)
≡ 4𝜋𝜀0 R 𝛼̄ L eL + 𝛼̄ R eR + 𝛼̄ z ez E0 ,
̂ + [[S]],
J = [[L]]
where eR = e∗L is the right-hand circular unit vector and 𝛼̄ L , 𝛼̄ R ,
and 𝛼̄ z are the dimensionless generalized dipole polarizabilities ̂ and Ŝ = ek ( 1 𝜀knm en em ⋅) are the linear
where p̂ = 1i ∇, L̂ = r × p, i
in the circular basis. and orbital angular momenta and spin operators, respectively,
In the numerical calculations, we consider 𝜀1 = 2.0136, 𝜀2 = and we used the notation
2.0851, R = 30 nm, and a = 2 sin(𝜋∕N) corresponding to the poly- ( )
̂ = 1 Re 𝜀0 E ∗ OE
[[O]] ̂ j + 0 H∗ OH
̂ j . (5)
gon edge of 3R. We model the ITO permittivity with the Drude 4𝜔 j
𝜀2 j
model 𝜀S (𝜔) = 1 − 𝜔2 +i𝜔Γ
. The plasma frequency 𝜔p can be
tuned in such a way that the particles resonate at the vacuum The linear momentum density P = 2c12 Re(E × H∗ ) is the well
wavelength 𝜆S = 2𝜋c∕𝜔S (i.e., 𝜀S (𝜔S ) = −2𝜀1 + 0.1i) in order to known Belinfante’s decomposition,[57] where the orbital contri-
achieve strong coupling. ̂ is equal to the canonical momentum density,
bution Po = [[p]]

Laser Photonics Rev. 2020, 2000214 2000214 (3 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 2. Dipole excitations and hybrid plasmonic resonances. a–f) Dimensionless generalized polarizability amplitudes of a polygon with (a–c) N = 5
and (d–f )N = 13 ITO nanoparticles resonating at (a–c) 𝜆S = 5 𝜇m and (d–f) 𝜆S = 8 𝜇m. The green dashed lines indicate the GSC threshold as in
Figure 1. Below the GSC threshold, the longitudinal polarizabililty 𝛼̄ z is always negligible, whereas it is comparable with the other components 𝛼̄ L,R
above the GSC threshold due to the graphene plasmon excitation. g,h) Dependences of |𝛼| ̄ for (g) 𝜆S = 8 𝜇m and EF = 0 (nonresonant graphene) on
the wavelength 𝜆 and (h) 𝜆 = 8.6 𝜇m on the Fermi energy EF for several nanosphere numbers N.

proportional to the local phase gradient. The spin contribution nanostructure-graphene system during the scattering process
̂ corresponds to a transverse spin of evanescent
Ps = 12 ∇ × [[S]] and the orientation of the induced dipoles. It is now clear that
waves. In order to quantify the SAM to OAM conversion, we the generated OAM is also tunable as ⟨Jz ⟩ dramatically depends
consider the quantity (introducing r⊥ = xex + yey ) on EF , which can be electrically controlled via a gate voltage
applied to graphene.
( ) To illustrate such a tunability, we consider three specific config-
d 2 r⊥ Jz r⊥
∫ urations as indicated in Figure 3a: i) a generic non-resonant con-
⟨Jz ⟩ = 𝜔𝜀2 , (6) figuration with ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ 1.01, and two configurations correspond-
( )
d 2 r⊥ U r⊥ ing to ii) the maximum ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ 5.72 and iii) the minimum ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃

−6.14. The dependence of ⟨Jz ⟩ on EF is particularly interesting
which is a dimensionless average value of the longitudinal angu- near the resonant wavelengths, which shows that the external
lar momentum density Jz on the plane z = 0+ . From Equation (4), gate voltage can continuously tune the scattered angular momen-
it follows tum. The weights of the total angular momentum eigenstates
generated by the polygonal array depend on the dipole orientation
⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩
⟨Jz ⟩ = r⊥ × Po⊥ + [[Ŝ z ]] , (7) p(0) . Owing to the CN symmetry, only eigenstates with eigenval-
ues m = nN + 1 are excited, where n is an integer (see Supporting
which implies that the OAM contribution is entirely due to Information). The average angular momentum can be expressed
the orbital part of the linear momentum density.[46] Since the as a weighted average of the eigenvalues
eigenvalues of Ŝ z are ±1 and 0, the SAM contribution is bounded +∞

and satisfies the inequality |⟨[[Ŝ z ]]⟩| ≤ 1. Correspondingly, when ⟨Jz ⟩ = (nN + 1)w̃ n , (8)
|⟨Jz ⟩| > 1, the OAM contribution in the left-hand side of Equa- n=−∞

tion (7) is necessarily not vanishing. Below the GSC threshold where w̃ n is the normalized distribution of angular momentum
(Figure 3a), ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ 1 and the angular momentum of the scattered eigenvalues. As we can see from the distributions of the eigen-
field is dominated by the SAM retained from the input. How- values m = 5n + 1, w̃ n goes rapidly to zero as |n| increases. In the
ever, when the GSC is achieved, ⟨Jz ⟩ is significantly enhanced nonresonant configuration (Figure 3b), the distribution is nearly
|⟨Jz ⟩| ≃ 6. The most relevant spectral region for the OAM gener- symmetrical with respect to m = 1 (n = 0) and the average is very
ation is around the nanoparticle resonance 𝜆S = 5 𝜇m. The SAM close to 1. In the resonant configuration (Figure 3c,d), the dis-
to OAM conversion is associated with the OAM generated by the tributions are not symmetric around m = 1 and for ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ 6 is

Laser Photonics Rev. 2020, 2000214 2000214 (4 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 3. Tunable SAM to OAM conversion. a) The dependence of the dimensionless average ⟨Jz ⟩ at z = 0+ (Equation (6)) on the wavelength and
the graphene Fermi energy. The green dashed line indicates the GSC threshold as in Figure 1. Below the GSC threshold, ⟨Jz ⟩ is practically equal to 1
(the impinging angular momentum determined by the SAM only), whereas in the resonant region above the threshold, ⟨Jz ⟩ spans the range between
approximately −6 and 6. The conditions considered in (b–d) and Figures 4 and 5 are indicated by the coloured disks: (red) a non-resonant case with
⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ 1.01, (blue) and (white) the maximum and minimum average angular momenta ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ 5.72 and ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ −6.14, respectively. The left and bottom
cross-sections of ⟨Jz ⟩ correspond to the red, blue and white lines in the main plot. b–d) The distributions ̃
∑ wn of the scattered angular momentum
eigenvalues m = 5n + 1, corresponding to the red, blu and white conditions indicated in (a). Since ⟨Jz ⟩ = +∞ ̃ n , its departure from 1 (the
n=−∞ (nN + 1)w
SAM of the incident plane wave) is produced by the asymmetry of eigenvalues distribution around m = 1 (n = 0).

dominated by the eigenvalue m = 6, while for ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ −6, the most negligible everywhere else, therefore, yielding a very small OAM
important are the eigenvalues m = −9 and m = −4. contribution ⟨r⊥ × Po⊥ ⟩ in Equation (7). Accordingly, ⟨Jz ⟩ ≃ 1 and
the angular momentum exchange upon scattering is absent.
The situation is completely different in the resonant configu-
rations (Figure 4b,c). The electric field magnitude is an order
4. Excitation of GPPs with Defined Rotation of magnitude larger than the input (due to the plasmonic field
Direction enhancement), and the pattern has the shape of a ratchet wheel
It is interesting to note that during the observed SAM-to-OAM with a marked 2D chiral trait. The vector fields P̄ o⊥ swirl around
conversion, the scattered angular momentum can have opposite the z-axis and their positive and negative swirling directions
sign with respect the incoming SAM: the scattering can flip produce positive and negative OAM contributions (⟨r⊥ × Po⊥ ⟩ in
chirality of light. In order to examine this effect in more detail, Equation (7)). This is in agreement with the sign of the average
we evaluate the electric field and the transverse orbital linear mo- angular momentum in each case. Because the orbital linear mo-
mentum density in the plane z = 0+ , |Ē (T) | = |E(r⊥ )∕E0 | and P̄ o⊥ = mentum density Po produces a mechanical force on an absorbing
[Pxo (r⊥ )ex + Pyo (r⊥ )ey ]∕P0 , normalized by the impinging field mag- particle, these results suggest a novel way of manipulating the
√𝜀 𝜀 motion and rotation of nanoparticles through electric gating
nitude |E0 | and linear momentum density P0 = 2c12 0 1
|E0 |2 , of a graphene substrate.
respectively. The spatial shapes of these real quantities are invari- The SAM to OAM conversion mechanism has a simple and
ant under discrete rotations (by angles 2𝜋r∕N) around the z axis. clear physical interpretation in terms of unidirectional excitation
In the non-resonant case (Figure 4a), the scattered electric field of GPPs with defined rotation direction. The transmitted angular
nearly coincides with the incoming field, with the exception of momentum depends on the dipole moments of the nanoparticles
five lobes, spatially overlapping the position of the nanoparticles. forming the polygon, which are all rotated doppelgangers of p(0)
The orbital linear momentum P̄ o⊥ spreads out of each lobe and is with a geometric phase factor (Equation (2)). The time-dependent

Laser Photonics Rev. 2020, 2000214 2000214 (5 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 4. Excitation of GPPs carrying OAM. a–c) The spatial distributions around the polygon (r⊥ < 3a) of the normalized electric field magnitude
|Ē | = |E∕E0 | and transverse orbital linear momentum density P̄ ⊥ = P⊥ ∕P0 in the plane z = 0+ under the conditions indicated by the coloured disks
(T) o

in Figure 3. In the non-resonant conditions (a), the electric field does not show an overall spatial chirality, P̄ ⊥ does not circulate around the z-axis, and

there is no net angular momentum exchange upon scattering. In the resonant conditions (b) and (c), the electric field patterns have a marked spatial
2D chiral trait. The vector fields P̄ ⊥ swirl around the z-axis and produce OAM contributions ⟨r⊥ × Po⊥ ⟩, which agree with the signs of the average angular

momenta ⟨Jz ⟩. d–f) Pictorial representation of the dipole polarization ellipses and corresponding GPP excitation on the graphene sheet (green plane)
under the conditions corresponding to (a–c). In the non-resonant configuration (d), the polarization ellipses are parallel to the graphene sheet and the
dipoles do not excite GPPs. In the resonant configurations (e) and (f), the dipole spins precess with inward or outward orientation toward the polygon
centre and excite the GPPs traveling in anticlockwise or clockwise azimuthal directions, respectively. Their interference results in the GPP field on the
graphene plane clockwise or anticlokwise rotating around the z-axis, which generate the OAM carried by the scattered field.

dipole moment p(t) = Re[p(0) e−i𝜔t ] sweeps a polarization ellipse (Equation (2)). In the non-resonant configuration (Figure 4d),
whose spatial orientation and rotation direction are given by the the polarization ellipses are parallel to the graphene sheet as the
time-independent angular normal vector dipole p(0) is nearly left polarized with nx ≃ 0 and unitary an-
gular momentum. The dipoles rotating parallel to the graphene
dp i𝜔 (0) sheet provide negligible excitation of GPPs. This changes in the
n=p× = p × p(0)∗ , (9)
dt 2 resonant configurations for nx < 0 and ⟨Jz ⟩ > 0 (Figure 4e) and
nx > 0 and ⟨Jz ⟩ < 0 (Figure 4f). Equation (10) supports the inter-
as shown in Figure 4 (Dipole kinematics). In the strong coupling pretation of the SAM to OAM conversion in terms of the GPP
regime, we obtain (see Supporting Information) excitation.[18] For the configuration in Figure 4e, each dipole ro-
𝛾 tates with the normal vector n pointing toward the z-axis and
⟨Jz ⟩ = 1 − n (10) excites respective GPP, which travels in the positive azimuthal
𝜔 x
direction (yellow arrows in Figure 4). The interference of all
with 𝛾 > 0. Equation (10) states that the orientation of the polar- these azimuthally traveling GPPs produces a scattered electro-
ization ellipse of p(0) determines the scattered angular momen- magnetic field rotating around the z-axis in the positive direction,
tum, which increases (decreases) the incident light SAM if the which is responsible for the positive OAM of the scattered field.
polarization ellipse is negatively (positively) oriented with respect The reversed situation occurs in the configuration of Figure 4f,
to the x-axis. The polarization ellipse of the q-th dipole coincides where the normal vectors n point in opposite direction of the z-
with the 0-th ellipse rotated by an angle 2𝜋q∕N. If nx < 0, all the axis, and the excited GPP travels in the opposite direction to the
normal vectors point toward the z-axis and the opposite for nx > 0 previous case.

Laser Photonics Rev. 2020, 2000214 2000214 (6 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 5. Radial excitation of GPPs. a–c) The spatial distributions around the polygon (3a < r⊥ < 12a) of the normalized electric field magnitude |Ē | =

|E∕E0 | and transverse orbital linear momentum density P̄ ⊥ = P⊥ ∕P0 in the plane z = 0+ under the conditions indicated by the coloured disks in Figure 3

(cf. Figure 4). In the non-resonant conditions (a), the GPPs excitation is negligible. In the resonant conditions (b) and (c), each nanoparticle is responsible
for the excitation of a single GPP propagating along the corresponding polygon apothem. d–f) Pictorial representation of the corresponding dipole
polarization ellipses. The GPPs are excited by the radial projections of the dipolar moments. In the resonant conditions (e) and (f), the radial projections
of the dipole moments rotate in clockwise or anticlockwise directions in the radial plane, respectively. Accordingly, in (e), the GPPs are launched from
the nanoparticles toward the polygon center, whereas in (f), away from it.

5. Discrete Radial Emission of GPPs cylindrical coordinates unit vectors, each polarization ellipse
has both azimuthal and radial projections swept by the rotating
The nanophotonic mechanism supporting the SAM to OAM (0) (0) (0)
dipole of complex amplitudes p𝜑 e𝜑 + pz ez and pr er + pz ez ,

conversion is also responsible for another effect of shaping GPPs respectively (Figure 5). The azimuthal projections of the ellipses
beams excited by the nanoparticles outside the polygon central are responsible for the excitation of the azimuthally propagating
region (although it is not connected to SAM-OAM exchange). In GPPs. These GPPs have finite transverse width in the radial di-
the non-resonant configuration (Figure 5a), the scattered electric rection, and the azimuthal projections of the ellipses play no role
field is nearly equal to the incident one and the transverse orbital in the region r⊥ > 3a. On the other hand, the radial projections
linear momentum density is vanishing. In the resonant case of the rotating dipoles are able to excite GPPs along the polygon
(Figure 5b,c), the electric field is enhanced within specific circu- apothems. While in the non-resonant configuration (Figure 5d)
lar sectors over which the orbital linear momentum density is GPP excitation is negligible, in the resonant case (Figure 5e), the
almost radial. These circular sectors are located around the poly- polarization ellipses are inward inclined and this implies that the
gon apothem lines, along the direction from the nanospheres to radial projections of the rotating dipoles launch GPPs traveling
the polygon center (Figure 5b) and from the center to nanoparti- along the direction from each nanoparticle toward the polygon
cles (Figure 5c). The circular sectors, as the whole region r⊥ > 3a, center. Conversely, in the case of Figure 5f, the polarization
provide a vanishing OAM contribution since r⊥ × Po⊥ ≃ 0 every- ellipses are outward inclined and accordingly the radial projec-
where, so that the effect is independent of the above described tions of the rotating dipoles launch GPPs propagating along the
angular momentum exchange. A detailed analysis of the trans- direction from the polygon center toward each nanoparticle.
verse asymptotic field behavior (see Supporting Information) We also stress that such GPPs radial emission is strongly af-
indicates that each circular section hosts the GPP excited by an fected by the Fermi level in terms of efficiency (in Figure 5a there
individual nanosphere and traveling along the corresponding is no emission) and directionality (in Figure 5b,c, GPPs travel
polygon apothem. Such discrete radial emission of GPPs can be along opposite directions of the polygon apothem lines). This im-
understood in terms of unidirectional excitation and interference plies that the beaming of the radial GPPs can be tuned by gated
of graphene plasmon modes produced by the rotating dipoles. electric signals, in the same way as the OAM of the scattered light
(0) (0) (0)
Since p(0) = pr er + p𝜑 e𝜑 + pz ez , where er , e𝜑 , and ez are the described above.

Laser Photonics Rev. 2020, 2000214 2000214 (7 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

6. Conclusions Conflict of Interest

We have described electrically tunable SAM to OAM conversion The authors declare no conflict of interest.
at the nanoscale using a plasmonic nanoparticle arrangement
with broken rotational invariance placed on a graphene substrate.
A polygonal array of ITO nanospheres deposited on top of a Keywords
graphene sheet generates scattered light carrying net OAM un-
der illumination by a plane wave carrying only SAM. The effect nanophotonics, plasmonics, optical angular momentum
originates from the inclined induced dipoles of the nanoparticles
due to the strong coupling between LSPs of the nanoparticles Received: May 18, 2020
Revised: June 9, 2020
and graphene plasmons and, therefore, resonant and strongly Published online:
depends on the graphene Fermi energy. This opens up a possi-
bility to continuously tune the generated OAM via electric bias-
ing of the graphene sheet. The novel nanophotonic mechanism
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