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I recommend this book

To my God, the Creator of the universe.

I received the information in the book from divine guidance.

To my mother, who taught me to pray and believe:

God hears and answers all prayers.

To my husband, who helped me write the book and was always there with me,
when I taught this method all over the world. I can’t express in
words how much I appreciate him.

To my children who are my inspirations, my friends and those born with them
they are intuitive.

Dear to my grandchildren who have brought blessings and joy into my life.

To all ThetaHealing educators and consultants, to all the magical people who have
brought this method to life around the world. It is a great pleasure for these wonderful
people. They are encouraging now
also while using these amazing methods and ideas
i share it with the world.

Also to all those with whom fate will later come together.
I wish them their way to the greatest peace and inexhaustible goodness
lead them.
Don't believe anything. No

matter where you read it.

No matter who said it.

Even if I said so.

Only if you came to your senses.


Foreword 9
Acknowledgments 10
1. The creation of ThetaHealing® 11
2. The creation of the courses 18
3. The basics (readings and healings) 25
4. Map of Aming 40

5. The reading 46

6. Opening spiritual centers through the chakras 54

7. ThetaHealing 57
8. Group healing 69
9. Why don't people be healed? 72
10. Belief systems 79
11. How do you work at the four levels? 89
12. Creating emotions 108

13. Key Basic Beliefs 114

14. Advanced healing processes in the work of faith 126

15. The law of truth 145

16. The seven planes of existence 151

17. "Healer, heal yourself!" 178
18. Gates of Death, Initiation, and Death 187
19. Guardian angels 194
20. Wandering spirits, fallen, obsession, tapping, curses and implants

21. Contact and healing with animals 217

22. Things of the soul 219

23. Creation 227

24. Reading the future 234
25. DNA 238
26. Activation of DNA 241
27. Gene replacement 250

28. Vianna's intuitive anatomy 256


29. Consultation secrets of intuitive reading 270

30. Rainbow children 277

31. Children's development 288

32. The first spiritual initiation: Jesus, the Epilogue of Christ 318

Appendix I. 322

Brief Summary of ThetaHealing Appendix

II. 332

Recommendations, personal reports

About the author 342


In this book, I share with my readers one of the most powerful energy therapy techniques
ever published in writing. It's called ThetaHealing®. Theta-Healing is a process of
meditation that brings physical, spiritual, and spiritual healing through focused prayer
addressed directly to the Creator. The Creator has voluntarily and freely given us all the
fascinating knowledge that I will soon share with you. It changed my life, as did many other

There is one absolute requirement for this technique: you must have deep faith in the
Creator of the universe. I realized that the Creator has many names, such as God,
Buddha, Siva, Goddess, Jesus, Yahweh, and Allah, but they are all part of the flow to the
seventh plane of existence, the universe-creating energy. ThetaHealing has no religious
implications. No process is tied to any age, gender, race, skin color, creed, or religion.
Anyone who sincerely believes in God or the creative power can have access to any
branch of the ThetaHealing tree.

This book is my two previous works, the Rise up and seek God - Rise up and work with
God ( Go Up and Seek God, Go Up andWork with God), and a DNS2 Advanced Manual ( The
DNA 2 Advanced Manual) and complemented everything I had developed since I wrote

Although I share the knowledge, I am not responsible for any changes that may occur
during their application. As soon as you realize that you have the power to change the
lives of yourself and, with their consent, others, you have a responsibility to take on.

Please note that the cures, approaches, and techniques described herein are not
intended to be supplements or substitutes for professional medical care and treatment. Do
not treat serious illnesses without prior consultation and professional medical advice.


Special thanks to Sky A’Hearn for her commitment to taking notes at ThetaHealing
trainings over the years.



It has come a long way from the birth of the Orian technique in 1994 to the development of the
current form of ThetaHealing®. Along the way, I was accompanied by ThetaHealing users and
educators who still support my work today. ThetaHealing, like a flowering spring tree, continues
to grow and is fueled by people around the world.


I'm Vianna. I created what is called ThetaHealing today. I was born with this instinctive
ability, although it was not part of my original plans to use my knowledge for healing. I
originally studied Taoism, nutrition, and herbs because of my own health problems. In fact,
it was from this interest that the path that led to my business called Nature’s Path came
into being.

The story began in 1990, when I divorced my husband after ten years of marriage and
had to take care of three children. I learned that the government has prescribed a quota for
women in the Ministry of Energy, so a certain number of female employees are being
recruited. I was living in Idaho Falls, Idaho at the time, and had a Department of Energy
plant nearby. I planned to get one of the jobs and I would work in the field of nuclear safety
while still following my interest in art. I knew it would take a long time to go to work, but I
hoped it would be worth the effort because of the salary and benefits.


In 1991, one year of nuclear safety guard training began. The competition was tough
and I had to learn dogs that really put me to the test. After completing the training, I got a
job at a nearby manufacturing plant until a safety permit was issued, with which I could
then work for the government.

In the early days, I kept in mind what I was really interested in. During the breaks, I
drew sketches of the others or read something to them. I worked in shifts, often on duty
from midnight to morning. I realized pretty quickly that security guard work in a
manufacturing plant didn't give a single mother the future the family wanted. I knew
something had to change.

Health problems provided the impetus, which then turned to the study of natural
remedies. As soon as I graduated as a naturopath, I opened my business in March 1994
and began working full-time in massage, nutrition counseling and natural remedies.

I only realized that I was actually going my own way when the doors opened to me one
after another. I met a medium who suggested taking readings 1 make money. It magically
became a place where I could work and I had clients from the first minute. Already in the
first week, I met the man who became my best friend and recruited regular participants for
my readings. It was at this time that I realized that if I listened to the voice of the Creator,
He would give me guidance. I became a pretty good medium and was asked to start
teaching my methods. This is how I started as an intuitive healer. From then on, my
metaphysical experiences skyrocketed, leading me to become who I am today.

In the meantime, however, I had a very serious problem with my right foot. At times, it
swelled to double the normal size, became inflamed, and was very sore. I decided it was
time to seek traditional medical help. In August 1995, I was diagnosed with bone cancer. I
was told I had a tumor in my right femur. All tests performed confirmed the diagnosis. The
bone specialist said he had encountered only two similar cases so far. He also informed me
that amputation would be the best solution for me. So maybe I could save some time, he

1 Reading is a form of channeling that was later incorporated into ThetaHealing. In doing so, the counselor asks for
information about the client's affairs (physical assessment, emotional and mental difficulties, future, etc.) about the seventh
plane of existence and the Creator of all things, which he then shares with the client and uses in healing. ( The translation.)


I felt darkness over me and my attempts were not over. My doctor sent me to the
University of Utah for a biopsy. I was told in advance that my leg would be opened for the
procedure so that the doctor, with good access, would break out a piece from inside the
femur for sampling. I had no choice but to undertake the four-hour journey amid extreme
pain for this examination. Blake, my husband at the time, took me by car to Utah, where he
was admitted to the hospital. The intervention had to be done awake, so I was forced to
listen to the drilling and carving. I should have been in bed for a day, but Blake told the
staff we had no insurance, so we were leaving the hospital. I didn’t have the strength to
argue with him. So I let him get into the car in incredible pain, and we spent the night with
his brother,

At the hospital, doctors even told me that if I stood on my feet, my bone could break,
and then really amputation would remain the only way to prevent the cancer from
spreading. They also added that maybe I only have months left anyway.

The test forced me to ride a crutch for six weeks. The pain caused by the tumor was
still unbearable. My life seemed to fall apart. I limped on a crutch amid constant pain and
doubt as to how long I could live at all. But I didn’t stop, I received my clients - not because
I would have been so particularly brave or determined, but because I had to make money
and my kids needed me. Although I recently married Blake, I couldn’t call our marriage a
real relationship, it was more of a burden that I was already having a hard time carrying
with my deteriorating health. But I couldn’t just give up and die leaving my kids alone. Even
the idea of leaving them to relatives or their paralyzed and sick father down from the
waist was unbearable.

Although I was very ill, my innate abilities became more and more refined as I
connected with the Creator. When I was seventeen, I made a vow to him because I always
felt I had a higher purpose in life. Now, however, I was unsure whether I would be able to
redeem it.
Crying in my confusion and sadness, I quarreled with him, “Why me? Why am I losing
my leg? God, will I die? I still have so much to do! ”

In the midst of my bargaining, I heard a voice as clear and unambiguous as if someone just
around me had said, "Vianna, with your feet or without your feet, but here you are, come to terms
with that."


I was very shocked by this answer, and although I didn’t know it then, I needed exactly
that. At that moment, I was firmly determined to figure out how to heal my body.

Healers in the area found out I was in a state, and people started pouring in from all
over to help. There were wonderful healers among them who helped us through the most
difficult times. The prayers said for me also kept me alive. To this day, I am grateful to
Alice and Barbara for helping to alleviate the pain.

With a pathetic sigh, I limped to my office, leaned on the massage bed, massaged my
feet, and struggled with the pain, trying to get myself to read energetically. The trouble was
compounded by the development of a staphylococcal infection on my leg. Then I said to
myself that
what a lot a lot from now on I will treat myself.
I must say that I have never opposed traditional medicine. I think we need to respect
the opinion of qualified doctors, which in most cases is also completely correct. Yet I felt
that I was wrong to diagnose bone cancer.

I relied on my intuition and the suggestions I received from the Creator and began to
turn my knowledge of naturopathy to my own advantage. I realized I needed to focus on a
strong cleansing of my body. I started cleaning treatments with lemon and sauna. I spent a
lot of time in the sauna - four hours a day for two and a half weeks. I took vitamins and
minerals and kept praying. Meanwhile, I believed throughout that the doctors ’diagnosis
was wrong. Despite all this, I was still very sick.

In the meantime, a biopsy result has also arrived that showed no bone cancer. Doctors
were confused by this, as all previous tests had shown the tumor. However, the biopsy
found nothing but dead bone cells in addition to healthy ones. The results were sent to the
Mayo Clinic, where lymphatic cancer was diagnosed; they think it caused cell death in my
femur. I knew this diagnosis was correct and also that mercury poisoning caused the
disease. Where? From looking up, I turned to God (the Creator) and from there I got the
answer that I had mercury poisoning.

I set out to find the answer to how to expel mercury from my body. Throughout, I relied
on the information I received from the Creator and continued the cleansing cures.
Meanwhile, my legs began to shrink physically, and my doctors said that once I survived
all this, I would need physiotherapy to be able to walk properly.


I knew to the very depths of my being that God could heal me in the blink of an eye, so
despite what had happened, I continued to trust my intuition. I simply felt that I knew how
to heal myself. Only one thing was missing. I used everything - traditional medicine,
cleansing treatments, supplements, oils, vitamins, internal reinforcement and visualization
- but I was still sick. Every time I asked the Creator, I always got the answer that I already
know everything, I just have to recall how to ask God.

The answer to my prayers came when I was in the mountains. Some of my friends and
I came together for a camp and put together dinner together. Each participant brought
some food with them. My aunt in Oregon showed up completely unexpectedly and
complained of a stomach ache. He fell down in one of the tents, and I went after him to
help him. He knew I understood natural medicine, but I just didn’t have any herbs. He
complained of intense pain and suspected appendicitis based on the symptoms. I scanned
his body, as I had done with hundreds of patients before. As I do during the readings, I
stepped out of my body through the crown chakra and stepped into my aunt’s space and
asked the Creator. I got the answer that it is a giardial (parasitic) infection. I told the
disease to go away, and I could witness the Creator relieve stomach pain. It's been a few
seconds. My aunt felt much better and was able to get up. This interlude was so
thought-provoking that it encouraged him to try again.

The next day a man came to my office with severe back pain. After what happened to my
aunt, I did the same with her. His back pain was immediately gone.

In the evening, I thought through the events of the last few days and decided it was
time to try the same for myself.
The next day, as I limped into my office, I was excited to imagine what it would be like
to treat my feet the same way. In the meantime, I thought it couldn't be that simple.

I stopped at the door of my office, stepped out through the crown chakra, and prayed to
the Creator. Then I ordered healing for myself - and it worked! My right leg, which had
already shrunk seven centimeters shorter than the other, immediately returned to its normal
size. The pain subsided and my legs healed.

I was so incredibly enthusiastic about healing that I tried the strength of my freshly
recovered legs all day and kept watching to see if the pain had really gone away.


My femur is still healthy to this day, all tests show that everything is fine and I don’t
have lymphoma. I swore to the Creator that I would pass this technique on to anyone who
wanted to learn it. This is how ThetaHealing came into being, which we know and love
I keep x-rays of my feet to this day. A few years ago, I referred him to a bone specialist
who declared that the person whose foot this image was taken of had certainly died.

The next one I used this technique was a little girl. A woman named Audrey Miller
brought her great-granddaughter with serious health problems to heal me. He knew
nothing about the immediate healing of my foot.

I asked him why he brought his grandson to me.

Audrey looked at me with her expressive gaze and replied, "God told us to come to
I still remember the way he approached me and put the child in my hands. The little girl's arm was
very thin, her weight had not increased for two years. He was born with Combficam and had a heart
attack, plus - unfortunately, I can’t find a better word for it - he also had a “bad nature”.

I knew I was already healed, so I told Audrey that it would take six days for the child to
heal — and in the meantime, I hoped it would be enough time. I was excited about the new
technique, but I was also worried. He prayed to the Creator, “Dear Lord, please help heal
this child! Please, my God, please heal this child! ” Then I applied the operation that came
to my attention.

Audrey traveled two hours each day to bring her granddaughter for a half-hour
treatment. I laid the child under colored lights and used a new healing technique.

The little girl walked with crutches attached to her hand. On her third day, she got to her feet,
saying she could walk alone and want to go to her grandmother without a crutch. "Honey, you
can't do this yet, you're not strong enough yet," I told me. However, he was stubborn. He stood up
and walked a meter or two toward his grandmother. This was the first time in his life he had been
without help. Absolutely impressed!

His back gradually straightened and I drove the tapeworms out of him. The heartbeat
also stopped and he started physiotherapy to learn to walk normally. He became so strong
that he could teach his body the right movement. The most amazing part of the healing
process was that she gained one pound in three days and another two pounds in the next six


Something has worked! I was so excited that everyone started using this technique. I
treated all sorts of illnesses and problems and started working with end-stage patients.
They took my news and all kinds of people found it. I found the healings very successful
with my existing clients, and new ones were constantly arriving from all over the world.
Many recovered immediately, others required more treatment, and many missed out on

Since his success rate varied, I thought about how it would work. I have come to the
conclusion that healings occur in the theta state. I knew about the theta state because
Blake — by then only my ex-husband — was engaged in hypnosis and had many books on
the subconscious that I read into at times. I hypothesized that successful healing would
require a theta state. If my theory is correct, it would be a breakthrough in healing and at
the same time make healing by faith scientifically measurable.



I knew that theta was not a new theory in healing. Many hypnotists work with their clients in a
theta state. By bringing the treated individuals and themselves into a theta state, they achieve
amazing results. It has become my conviction that if we turn to God in a theta state, we are
directly connected to Him — as if we are just plugging in a plug — and healing will happen
immediately. I was able to get very good results, but I also knew that in order to improve, I
needed to better understand what I was actually doing, so I started researching.

There are five different brain waves in the human mind: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and
theta. They are in constant motion because the brain constantly generates frequencies in
all wave ranges. Everything we do or say is controlled by the frequencies created by brain

Theta is a state of extremely deep relaxation used during hypnosis. In theta, brain
waves slow to a frequency of 4 to 7 cycles per second. The sages meditate for hours to
get into this state and achieve complete silence. Theta brainwaves can also be considered
subconscious, as they control the area between the conscious and unconscious contents
of our minds. They contain memories and perceptions, and they are responsible for our
way of thinking, our beliefs, and our behavior. Theta brain waves are characterized by
creators, stimuli, and spiritual perception. In this state, we seem to be able to act below the
level of the conscious mind.

Theta is a very potent condition. It is similar to the trance in which children completely forget
about the environment around them when playing a video game.


buyer world. Another possible example of the theta state is the Tibetan monks. In winter,
the monks put wet cloths on their shoulders, which dry completely within minutes. In
ancient times, Hawaiian kahunas walked on hot lava in a theta state.

I started teaching this technique in my local trainings. For the first time, one of the
participants stood up and stated that it was completely impossible to consciously “keep” the
theta state. He said he had been working with biofeedback for years, and the patient was unable
to maintain a theta state unless he was in deep hypnotic sleep because he was disturbed by
other brainwaves. He thinks my theory is beautiful, but it is clearly an impossibility. I found his
post fun and only made me even more determined in proving my theory.

Verification of the theta state occurred when a friend and disciple became interested in
my work. He was a physicist and worked at a nuclear site outside the city. He made an
electroencephalograph and things started to get exciting. During the trainings, we started to
examine the users of different healing methods with the machine. It has been found that
healers with reiki use alpha brain waves. Alpha is a wonderful wave of healing. Many
Japanese scientists believe in it because alpha brain waves eliminate pain and relax the

We have also found that the technique we use for healing takes us to the theta state.
Everyone got into a theta state, even those who had just learned the technique. It was also
found that not only the treatment providers but also the recipients entered a theta state. We
hypothesized that healing would occur in what I call “God-consciousness”.

We kept training people as fast as we could. The courses were filled with great people
who were enthusiastic about the technique. The results confirmed us, my practice
expanded day by day, but I still met people who had no recovery.

One such case of mine was a diabetic woman. My pains disappeared, my legs got
better, and there were improvements in many other areas, but I was unable to control my
diabetes. Her blood sugar levels continued to fluctuate dangerously. I knew that this type
of diabetes was caused by a chromosome, so I also tried to instruct his body to restore the
perfect chromosome stock. I got the answer that I am not successful because my body
finds itself perfect in this state.

Working with this woman, I made a very interesting discovery. When I ‘went up’ and asked for a
picture of the chromosome that causes diabetes, the theta-


I was shown another chromosome responsible for youth and vitality in the rapture of the
condition. I heard the voice of the Creator, who introduced me to the history of human
DNA. He said that this chromosome had changed during human evolution. Over time, and
with the awareness we have lost in the meantime, we can rejuvenate our bodies. We lost
this ability thousands of years ago, so this chromosome is now imperfect. However, in this
age of enlightenment, we are ready for a re-created youth.

I have also heard that in the times to come, the lost key to youth and vitality encoded in
DNA will be vital to human survival - in part because of the toxins we are exposed to in the
modern industrial age. I also learned that the greater the proportion of the population that
becomes intuitive, the more sensitive they will be to the physical world, and the restoration
of the chromosomes of youth and vitality can help them survive.

I was so excited about the new discovery that I even forgot about the chromosome of
diabetes. I hugged the woman, promised to work with her for the next few days, and sent
her home.
At the time, we shared the practice with my friends Chrissie and Kevin. I told them with
radiant enthusiasm what I had seen and heard. I also said that I was given instructions on
how to restore the chromosome. They listened in amazement to my idea and watched
intently as I told them the process. I activated myself first, then Chrissie and Kevin. I
received even more information and guidance that night. For days, I was told how to fix the
chromosome of youth and vitality until the Creator was sure I understood the information
exactly. This is how DNA activation began (see Chapter 26 for details).

The Creator said to start with DNA activation so I could activate the phantom DNA
strands in the body. We need to know that in this process we do not add anything to the
DNA, but awaken what is already in it. I learned that during activation, the patient's intuition
improves, his body detoxifies, and he can effortlessly access different planes of existence.
When I activated myself, I noticed that my wrinkles of laughter had faded and my body had
rejuvenated. I felt younger.

It was at this time that he was invited to a radio show. They asked me to talk about the
theta technique. When the radio crew asked what the name of the technique was, I replied
that I called it ThetaHealing. I suggested I look for another name instead because it sounds
like Scientology.


I told Kevin and Chrissie and together we shook our heads what new names we could
come up with. I remember sitting on the floor barefoot and just laughing. Even now, I can
see Kevin, the long redhead, infecting us with his laughter, and Chrissie is taking on a
serious metaphysical pose.

We went through the names of the technique. The first thing I remember was the
Wilson method, which was used in 1928 for long-distance vision. Then we could go back
even earlier when Kevin and I recalled the name Orian (yes, with a). We mostly used the
name Orian technique.

For the first few years, I mentioned our method by that name, and then I liked
ThetaHealing better. We still use the name ThetaHealing today, referring to the brainwave,
which got its name from the Egyptian and Greek theta letters, and which means “soul,” among
many other things. The Orian technique was originally associated with DNA activation, but the
healing method is collectively called ThetaHealing, which has grown from thousands of
readings and hundreds of trainings over the years. Both names - the Orian technique and
ThetaHealing - are in use, yet ThetaHealing is more dominant.

After appearing on the radio, ThetaHealing became more and more embarrassed to be
a phenomenon that existed in its own right. It received a message from the Creator. I
replied that I was not the right person for the job. In fact, we debated this for hours. It is
true that I made a promise at the same time, but by then I also felt the real weight of

I remember arguing with the Creator. I said, “Okay, if you want to share the information
with the world, send me a doctor who can prove that chromosome restoration really works
and is so spiritual that you can listen through what needs to be mon - I tell him. And you
need to send someone who can write a book about it because I’m too busy to do that. ”

I had good reason to ask that. At that stage in my life, both my daughter and my wife’s
wife were expecting a baby, and we all lived together. I took care of everyone alone while I
was in the middle of a nasty divorce. Again, all I saw was my life falling to pieces before my
eyes, while the Creator asked me to share ThetaHealing with the world. I just didn’t
understand what else I could do that I didn’t do anymore.

I was confused when the Creator said, "Vianna, you're going to write a book." But I also knew that
God would never ask for something that He would not show us the way to.


Shortly afterwards, Audrey Miller visited me completely unexpectedly and announced

that I was attending the Universal Lightworkers Conference. I saw the flyers for the event
and wanted to go, but I couldn't afford it.

However, this wonderful woman insisted on paying for the conference and covering all
my expenses, including meals and all other needs. He also said I needed to see a doctor
give a lecture on DNA. Audrey knew I was dealing with DNA activation, so she wanted me
to meet the performer. That was enough confirmation for me.

I was somewhat frightened as the day of departure approached because I did not want
to leave my children alone at this difficult stage in their lives. The more I thought about this,
the worse I felt, and I ended up getting quite anxious. I was almost torn apart from going
and staying. Needless to say, I arrived at the conference pretty worn after that.

The first person I stumbled upon was the doctor I asked God for. At the time, he
studied DNA and laser very extensively. He seemed a fairly open-minded person, so I tried
to tell him everything I had visualized about DNA activation. During the conversation, he
told me the name and function of everything I saw inside the chromosome — such as
shadow chromosomes and telomeres — and not only justified it, but added that I could
only know about it by giving guidance. I betrayed that God showed me this, and I also told
him that there is a “central cell” (as Kevin called it) in the pineal gland in the brain, and that
this “master cell” (as the doctor called it) creates all the messages that are transmitted to
the body.

Apparently I managed to arouse the curiosity of the doctor. After our meeting, he asked
me to look at his patients from a distance as he examined them. He wanted to test and
asked me to tell me what I “see” in patients ’bodies. He acknowledged what I had seen and
was so interested in my ability to “see in the flesh” that he also betrayed every time that I
saw reality.

At the same conference, I met Robert, the owner of a publishing house. He was
interested in metaphysics before, and after our conversation, he became very curious about
what we know about DNA. We arranged for him to visit Idaho and take notes on what I was
conveying. I made an audio recording of the DNA activation technique for him and undertook
to be his co-author in a book writing. Returning to California, however, the recording


based on his own name, he published a booklet under his own name, and he just mentioned
me. To my greatest desperation, he changed a lot of the original material, adding a lot to fill in
the gaps, so in the end it was no longer possible to recognize the knowledge I had shared with
him. The book was published in 1997. The abuse of my trust was a great disappointment, but it
also encouraged me to rewrite and publish the book under my own name.

At the time, I felt that I could not trust anyone — even my closest friends — to compile
the ThetaHealing book. I have chosen to write down the information myself, in the form I
have received from the Creator, so that no vital detail is lost. Again, God only worked in a
strange way and moved me according to the divine plan. The first ThetaHealing book Arise
and seek God ( Go Up and Seek God).

True to my promise to the Creator, I began teaching throughout the United States in 1998.
These were the DNA1 trainings in which I taught DNA activation and the early version of the Orian
technique. In 1999, I compiled the first teacher training curriculum, on the basis of which teachers
of Orian technology could obtain a qualification. The first such course was held in La Bell, Idaho, at
a location called Triple Creek. Since then, there have been several such occasions each year, and
I am constantly training qualified instructors. For this purpose, I have compiled a constantly
updated DNS2 Instructor Manual et. The Creator was right — I scattered the method in the world.

I continued to receive people, and by the end of 1999 I had more than twenty thousand
readings and treatments. As time went on, more and more information came into my
possession in 2000 Arise and work with God ( Go Up andWork with God). In this book, I first
put on paper the faith work shared with me. The original two-day DNA1 training was then
transformed into the current three-day DNA2 training to include faith work in the
curriculum. I have been teaching worldwide since 2000.

The biggest thing I discovered while working with my clients is that we have the key to
our health, our body and our vitality. Thanks to the information you share with me, we can
immediately change the belief system that determines our decisions. We have compiled
these beliefs and instincts from our experiences in our childhood and in other areas of life.
Not one of them is passed down from generation to generation.

By reading on, you will learn how to work on all four levels of what you are. The four
levels a level of central beliefs, the genetic level,
the historical level and the soul level. The body will be able to overcome physical ailments and
remove emotional barriers if these four levels are exceeded.


write or remove programs. By applying faith work, you can create for yourself the life you
want, as we create our own reality and are all connected to God. I will soon share with you
the tools you can use to change your previous belief system from a limiter to a supportive
one, and to create a life that meets your desires.

In 2000, I was also shown a new training that I originally had To spiritual anatomy I
named it and then ever since For intuitive anatomy I was renamed. The first such course
was held in my old practice on Channing Way in Idaho Falls. I intended ThetaHealing’s
technical aid to help people learn to “see” the inside of the body for healing. The
knowledge material of the course was published in 2003 Intuitive anatomy ( Intuitive
Anatomy Manual) and instructors can now be certified on this topic as well.

By the end of 2002, I had nearly thirty-five thousand readings. The content of this book
is based on the techniques I learned in these meetings and trainings.

In 2003, faith work was supplemented with emotional work. I started dealing with this
because I learned that there are those who have never experienced certain emotions and
don’t even know how to evoke them. I have been informed that if they contribute, I can
“download” their feelings from the Creator.

THE DNS2 Advanced Training Manual ( The Advanced DNA 2 Class Manual) already
summarizes significant body of knowledge. The first advanced group was held in 2003 in
Santa Rosa, California, followed in 2004 by the first group of advanced instructors. The aim
of the advanced groups was to prepare for DNA3 training and to clarify the planes of
existence - you can read more about the latter later. As we move toward enlightenment,
remove restrictive programs, and download more and more emotion, we get closer to DNA3.

The tree of AThetaHealing continues to grow as more and more information begins to flourish.
This book is a summary of the information I have gathered from readings, healings, and teachings
that have been available to me from my spontaneous healing to the present day.


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