Valuing of Working Collaboratively With Others Reflection

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Working Collaboratively with Others

Valuing of Working Collaboratively with Others Reflection


Wenzhou Kean University

GE1000, W03

Dr. Leah Li Echiverri

14 November 2020
Working Collaboratively with Others

Valuing of Working Collaboratively with Others Reflection

For collaborative working, I value five aspects most which are Sharing ideas and

stimulating each other’s thinking, so everyone gains more ideas, gaining new and diverse

perspectives, achieving greater outcomes than I could alone, picking up general tips, such as

hearing about useful new study apps, Giving and receiving support.

Group working always needed when facing a problem or task, but everyone’s thought is

different. Everyone’s idea is limited, but if everyone shares his/her idea in a group, members

could get more inspiration from it. For example, when we are solving math problems at high

school class, everyone probably can only think out 1 method to solve the problem while there

are many solutions when everyone shares his/her idea in the group, which can be called do

more with less in Chinese idioms.

Also, gaining new and diverse perspectives is another benefit we can get from working

collaboratively with others. For example, taking pictures from different perspectives usually is

greater than the photos taken from single perspective, so do working collaboratively with

others, we can always find some method that greater than ours when working with others.

I also think that we can pick up general tips, such as hearing about useful new study

apps is the benefit of working collaboratively with others. For example, when I perform bad in

my group at an English class, the group members would suggest me use some apps that can

exercise my listening, speaking, reading, writing in English, and I found them useful for me.

There is no doubt that giving and receiving support is the best benefit of working in

groups for me because every time I fail or afraid of performing, my group members would
Working Collaboratively with Others

encourage me gently and tell me how excellent I am, which comfort me a lot and give me

courage to stand up again.

What’s more, I also think that I can achieve greater outcomes than I could alone when

working in groups because the power of unity of working in groups is huge, we can achieve

something cannot achieved by single person.

In the future careers, through gaining new and diverse perspectives I can find the

shortcoming of my work and improve it, and I can come up with more and more inspiration

through sharing ideas and stimulating each other’s thinking, so everyone gains more ideas by

working with groups, and achieving greater outcomes than I could alone. For example, in my

future career there might be project should be done by groups, everyone can share his/her

opinion, and we vote for the best idea, then our efficiency and quality of work would be

improved a lot. Besides, everyone who perform well or not would be encouraged so that the

group can be more and more unity, which can improve the relationship or the atmosphere

among group members. Whether the result is good or bad, as long as the all the members in

the group have pay all of their efforts, our group is the best! What’s more, sometimes we can

also recommend or share the apps which helps improve our working efficiency to facilitate the

life of group members. In conclusion, working collaboratively cannot only improve individual

work but tighten the relationship with each other, making the group more unity. We cannot

work without groups.

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