Proposal of Guidelines For Cinema Operations - Final - 0607

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The Multiplex Association of India (MAI) is a nationwide association of multiplex operators that informs,
educates and advocates issues on behalf of the cinema exhibition sector in India. It works with regulatory
bodies and industry partners nationwide to raise the profile of the cinema exhibition sector, highlight
opportunities, and address various challenges faced by the sector. The MAI was established in 2002 under
the auspices of the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) by leading multiplex
operators, and is the only national association of multiplex operators.
The Indian Film Industry is perhaps one of the most important service industries in the country. For most of
us, cinema is the main, if not the only, form of entertainment. In terms of economic power, the Indian Film
Industry is a powerhouse of global proportions. There are more than 1800 films released in India. Also, there
are more than 3 Bn tickets sold in India, collecting over INR 115 Bn at the Box Office, which accounts for
more than 60% of a film’s revenues.
The phenomenal creative talent of the content creators, on the one hand, and the infinite passion of the vast
Indian populace to watch movies on the silver screen, on the other, is bridged by omnipresent cinema
theatres. To this end, cinema theatres are an important cog in the wheels of the Indian Film Industry value
The Indian theatrical exhibition industry not only provides direct and indirect employment to lakhs of persons,
providing livelihood and sustenance to their families, but also is the focal point of various other consumption
spends. Food and beverages sold in cinemas provide business to hundreds of local food processors and
suppliers, most of which are SME’s and MSMEs. The positive impact of going to watch a movie in the
cinema theatre goes far beyond just films and spills over to the F&B, retail and many other sectors. Indian
cinema also contributes significantly to the national exchequer, in terms of both direct and indirect taxes. It
provides vital social infrastructure, and improves the quality of life and happiness quotient of a city and the
Numerous consumer surveys commissioned recently have indicated that movie goers are keenly awaiting
the reopening of cinemas. Outcome of a survey held by media consulting firm Ormax Media showed 82%
respondents are missing cinema and 75% would return to cinemas within 2 months of the lockdown being
lifted. Another survey by one of India’s ticketing aggregator BookMyShow reveals that 54% of the cinema
enthusiasts are willing to visit a cinema within 90 days of reopening.
While these are obviously welcome indicators, the MAI very strongly believes that the safety and security of
our patrons is extremely important. The MAI believes that if there is any compromise on safety and security
of our customers, the cinema exhibition industry, and on its back, the entire Indian Film Industry, will not be
able to survive, much less flourish.
Recognising the importance of consumer safety, and as a step towards helping the Government of India in
its efforts towards enhanced safety and precautions for COVID-19, the MAI has proactively collaborated
with the captains of industry, drawn references from global best practices, and identified measures to create
a comprehensive set of stringent guidelines and strict protocols that define the ‘new normal’ of safety for
cinema lovers. The MAI has urged all its members to implement these Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs) in letter and in spirit.
The appended SOPs delineate critical measures towards social distancing, disinfecting and sanitization of
common spaces and touch-points, training of staff on protocols and mandatory guidelines as well as food
and beverage sale. The SOPs also outline initiatives for spreading awareness of these measures through
various mediums inside cinema theatre complexes.

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MAI is keen to work together with the Government in putting a formal structure in place to ensure that these
SoPs are followed across all cinemas in the country and the roll out across the States is efficient. We
sincerely hope that the SOPs will help the Government of India in fast-tracking decisions to allow cinemas
to restart and provide the much-need relief to the larger Indian Film Industry.
We remain available for any discussions and consultations on this matter, to further strengthen these
measures, where required, in order to ensure that our patrons feel safe, secure and comfortable in watching
their favourite movies at their favourite cinema.

Deepak Asher
President, Multiplex Association Of India

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................... 5

1. OBJECTIVE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6

2. AUTHORITY GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................................................. 7

3. PRE-OPERATIONAL READINESS ....................................................................................................................................... 8

3.1 EMPLOYEE TRAINING & BRIEFING.............................................................................................................................................. 8

3.2 EMPLOYEE ROSTERING ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

3.3 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT READINESS .......................................................................................................................... 8

3.4 BOX OFFICE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

3.5 ENTRANCE & LOBBY ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

3.6 AUDITORIUM......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

3.7 FOOD & BEVERAGE AREAS....................................................................................................................................................... 9

4. GUIDELINES FOR CUSTOMERS ....................................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 TICKET BOOKING AND ENTRY .................................................................................................................................................. 10

4.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 10

4.3 CUSTOMER SCREENING ......................................................................................................................................................... 10

4.4 SOCIAL DISTANCING.............................................................................................................................................................. 10

4.5 SEATING ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10

4.6 FOOD ORDERING & CONSUMPTION ......................................................................................................................................... 10

4.7 WASHROOMS...................................................................................................................................................................... 11

4.8 EXIT................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

5. GUIDELINES FOR EMPLOYEES ........................................................................................................................................ 12

5.1 HYGIENE AND SAFETY............................................................................................................................................................ 12

5.2 SOCIAL DISTANCING.............................................................................................................................................................. 12

5.3 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 12

6. DISINFECTION & SAFETY MEASURES DURING OPERATIONS .......................................................................................... 13

6.1 GENERAL GUIDELINES ........................................................................................................................................................... 13

6.2 BOX OFFICE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13

6.3 CINEMA ENTRY .................................................................................................................................................................... 13

6.4 LOBBY ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

6.5 AUDITORIUM ENTRANCE AISLE ............................................................................................................................................... 13

6.6 AUDITORIUM....................................................................................................................................................................... 13

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6.7 AIR CONDITIONING & VENTILATION......................................................................................................................................... 14

6.8 FOOD & BEVERAGE AREAS..................................................................................................................................................... 14

6.9 WASHROOMS...................................................................................................................................................................... 14

6.10 OFFICE & OTHER BACK AREAS .............................................................................................................................................. 14

6.11 DISPOSAL OF PPE .............................................................................................................................................................. 15

7. SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES DURING OPERATIONS ................................................................................................ 16

7.1 THE ONE-LINE SYSTEM USING FLOOR STICKERS .......................................................................................................................... 16

7.2 BOX OFFICE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16

7.3 CINEMA ENTRY .................................................................................................................................................................... 16

7.4 LOBBY ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

7.5 AUDITORIUM....................................................................................................................................................................... 16

7.6 FOOD & BEVERAGE AREAS..................................................................................................................................................... 16

7.7 WASHROOM ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16

7.8 OFFICE & BACK AREAS .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

8. COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS FOR EMPLOYEES & CUSTOMERS ........................................................................ 18

8.1 TOWARDS EMPLOYEES .......................................................................................................................................................... 18

8.2 TOWARDS CUSTOMERS ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

9. PREVENTION & CONTROL RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................. 19

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The outbreak of the infectious coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported from China in December, 2019.
About 1 in 5 people who get COVID-19 end up with a severe condition and experience breathing difficulties. Older
people and those with previous medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart or lung problems, diabetes,
or cancer are more likely to develop severe conditions.
A person can get COVID-19 through contact with someone who is infected with the virus. The disease is spread
mainly from person to person through droplets that fly out of an infected person's nose or mouth by coughing,
sneezing, or talking.
These droplets can fall on objects and surfaces around the person such as tables, doorknobs, and handrails.
People can become infected by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth.
COVID-19 symptoms
The main symptoms that occur are:
1. Fever
2. Tiredness
3. Dry cough
Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, rhinorrhoea, sore throat, or diarrhoea. These
symptoms are usually mild and appear gradually. The incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days and is generally
around 5 days.
Some people become infected, but only have very mild symptoms or no symptoms. Most people recover without
the need for hospital treatment.
Possible causes of Infection
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), anyone with symptoms similar to acute respiratory infection
(sudden appearance of any of the following symptoms: cough, fever, and dyspnoea) of any severity and if in last
14 days prior to the appearance of symptoms one meets any of the following criteria:
1. Travel history from areas or countries with evidence of community transmission.
2. History of close contact with a possible or confirmed case.
Close contact is defined as:

 Anyone who has provided care to a possible or confirmed case, while the case had symptoms such as
health workers who have not used appropriate protective measures, family members, or people who
have similar physical contact.
 Anyone who has been in the same place as possible or confirmed case, while the case had symptoms.

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The objective of this document is to establish the procedures and measures to be taken by the multiplex personnel,
following the health contingency caused by the SARS-COV2 virus, which causes COVID-19 disease. The objective is to
safely re-open the multiplexes and follow the guidelines issued by all relevant authorities in the country, taking
preventive measures and execution of action plans to mitigate the risks of infection to employees and customers.

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The following authorities and their protocols have been referred to, in the process of preparing this document.
1. WHO (World Health Organization)
2. FSSAI: (Food Safety Standards Associations of India)
3. MOHFW (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
4. ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers)
5. CPWD (Central Public Works Department)

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3.1 Employee Training & Briefing

1. Employees to be trained on the safety requirements and protocols to ensure the prevention of spread of COVID-
19 and to give a safe environment for the customers and colleagues.

3.2 Employee Rostering

1. Roster to be prepared in an appropriate manner, so that while operational areas are manned, social distancing
is maintained.
2. In addition to the routine responsibility, allocate responsibilities assigned as Prevention and Control

3.3 Personal Protection Equipment Readiness

1. The following PPE items to be maintained in sufficient quantity as per employee count:
a. Gloves
b. Face Mask

3.4 Box Office

1. Hand sanitizer to be kept readily available and used regularly.

2. PPE Kits to be stocked for sale to customers

3.5 Entrance & Lobby

1. The following should be made available at the entry:

2. Pedal-operated touch free hand sanitizers are placed at the strategic locations
3. Contactless Temperature Gun
4. Handheld Metal Detector
5. The lockers (if available) for customers and tokens to be disinfected after every shift
6. It must be ensured that customers are not frisked while entering

3.6 Auditorium

1. Disinfection to be carried out thoroughly

2. Ensure that Preventive measures also displayed on-screen before the show and during interval
3. Staggered row-by-row exits to be rehearsed

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3.7 Food & Beverage Areas

1. Adequate quantity of disposable non- consumables to be stored in the rack or the holders for serving.
2. Counter surfaces to be disinfected

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4.1 Ticket Booking and Entry

1. Customers to be encouraged to utilize digital platforms like website, mobile applications for booking tickets
2. In case of ticket sale at Box Office, customers to be encouraged to pay digitally through mobile wallets and other
acceptable payment apps, promoting cashless transactions
3. For ticket verification, customers to be asked to scan the QR code
4. Use of paper tickets to be discontinued

4.2 Personal Protective Equipment

1. The customer must wear a facemask mandatorily during the visit.

2. PPE Kits, containing gloves, masks and sanitizers to be kept available for sale

4.3 Customer Screening

1. Customers must be screened for body temperature and visual symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, running
nose and difficulty in breathing.
2. Customers, if found with above visual symptoms and body temperature 99.14ºF (37.3ºC) or higher will be
restricted to enter
3. For safety and security purposes, customers may be asked to empty their pockets and open their bags

4.4 Social Distancing

1. Customers must maintain social distancing guidelines at all the times

4.5 Seating

1. Customers must sit as per the seat numbers allocated to them

4.6 Food Ordering & Consumption

1. Customers must be encouraged to use cinemas apps for ordering food as much as possible
2. Customers must be encouraged to scan QR codes for accessing food menus and food ordering
3. Digital receipts will be issued to the customers

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4.7 Washrooms

1. Customers to be encouraged to follow the social distancing guidelines at all the times even in the washrooms

4.8 Exit

1. Customers to be encouraged to follow the social distancing guidelines at the time of exiting the auditorium
2. Customers may be requested to avoid rushing towards the exit at the end of the show
3. Customers will be asked to exit row by row ensuring social distancing
4. Customer may dispose their PPE in pre-designated bins

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5.1 Hygiene and Safety

1. Employees to always wear PPE

2. Wash or sanitize hands frequently.
3. Avoid touching face, especially the nose, mouth, and eyes.
4. Cover the face with the inner angle of the elbow, when coughing or sneezing
5. Duty allocation and guidelines to be briefed on arrival
6. Employees must get their body temperature screened as per the norms before entering the multiplex
7. Checking for visual symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and running nose or shortness of breath
8. All employees must have the “Aarogya Setu” app installed on their phones
9. Employees to stay home and report to the cinema if unwell or have symptoms related to COVID-19.

5.2 Social Distancing

Employees must
1. Always remain present in their designated duty areas as much as possible
2. Always follow the guidelines for social distancing
3. Avoid greeting with a direct physical contact like a handshake and use the traditional way of greeting as

5.3 Personal Protective Equipment

1. Employees must use personal protective equipment as per below recommendations:

Box House
Supplies Lobby Food Areas Auditorium Security Management
Office Keeping
Face Mask

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6.1 General Guidelines

1. Employees must always wear a mask and ensure social distancing.

2. Areas in direct customer contact must be sanitized frequently.

6.2 Box Office

The Manager on Duty must encourage that:
1. Customers pay digitally through digital wallets and other payment apps, promoting contactless transactions.
2. Customer sanitizes his/her hands after the transaction in case of cash or card transaction.
3. Digital tickets are issued to the customers
4. Ensure that disposable glasses are given to customers for normal 3D cleaned and disinfected 3D glasses for
5. Box Office areas such as floor and counter surfaces must be disinfected regularly.

6.3 Cinema Entry

The Manager on Duty must ensure that:

1. Customer Screening must be executed as mentioned in Section- Customer Screening.
2. During ticket verification, the digital ticket is scanned by cinema staff at the entry and any physical contact is
3. The area must be cleaned and disinfected every 2 hours.
4. Customer locker ( if available), and tokens must be disinfected after every shift

6.4 Lobby

The Manager on Duty must ensure the following:

1. Pedal-operated touch-free hand sanitizer dispensers to be placed at strategic locations

2. Lobby areas must be cleaned and disinfected every 2 hours

6.5 Auditorium Entrance Aisle

1. The Manager on Duty must ensure that the auditorium entrance is not crowded at any point in time.

6.6 Auditorium

The Manager on Duty must ensure the following:

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1. Before Show Starts:
a) Disinfect the high-risk touchpoints such as Door, Door Handle, and Handrail.
b) Request customers to maintain social distance along with keeping digital ticket handy for inspection.
2. During the Show
a) Ensure that the customers are seated as per allocated seats.
3. After Show Ends
a) Guide customers to exit row-by-row following social distancing.
b) Clean and disinfect the auditorium with special attention to be paid at high-risk touchpoints as
described below:

6.7 Air Conditioning & Ventilation

1. AHU filters and coils to be cleaned periodically

2. Ensure fresh air intake in the ventilation
3. Washrooms and Kitchen exhaust fans to kept operational at all the time

6.8 Food & Beverage Areas

The Manager on Duty must ensure that:

1. All consumables to be pre-assembled and served
2. Employees working in F&B areas must wear gloves & masks and their hands are sanitized regularly
3. The next customer waiting in the queue is not called until the one who is being served at the POS has left the
4. Payments through digital modes of payments are encouraged for F&B purchases

6.9 Washrooms
The Manager on Duty must ensure that:
1. Washroom elements such as sink, taps, mirror, soap dispenser, hand dryer, door & handles, urinals, WC areas,
floor and dustbins must be disinfected every 2 hours

6.10 Office & Other Back Areas

The Manager on Duty must ensure that:
1. Tea and Lunch breaks must be staggered, limiting employees in the cafeteria.
2. Employee room equipment must be cleaned and sanitized at regular intervals.

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6.11 Disposal of PPE
1. PPE to be disposed only in designated dustbins

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7.1 The One-line system using Floor Stickers

1. Applicable to Box Office, Entry & Food Areas.

2. The floor marking or stickers must ensure social distancing

7.2 Box Office

1. Social distancing is ensured while booking of seats

2. Distancing measures and protocols must be displayed on Digital Poster LCD or Poster Box.
3. Encourage customers to arrive well in advance to avoid crowding

7.3 Cinema Entry

1. Distancing measures and protocols to be made visible to the customer entering inside the multiplex.
2. Communication on contactless ticket scanning should be displayed at the scanning point.

7.4 Lobby

1. Ensure that the right social distance is maintained between the set of furniture in lobby area

7.5 Auditorium

1. Customers must be seated only as per the seat number assigned as per the tickets
2. Distancing measures and protocols to be made visible to the customers before the entry into the auditorium
3. Customers to be made to exit in a row-by-row manner at the end of the show

7.6 Food & Beverage Areas

1. The One-Line system to be followed using floor stickers

2. Distancing measures and protocols to be made visible to customers
3. Ensure F&B counters do not get over-crowded

7.7 Washroom

1. Ensure washrooms do not get overcrowded

2. Distancing measures and protocols to be made visible

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7.8 Office & Back Areas

1. Ensure that the right social distance is maintained between the set of furniture and chairs
2. Unauthorized entry to be restricted in the area.

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8.1 Towards Employees

1. Briefing of staff to ensure that the guidelines and protocols are followed
2. Avoid situations of fear, anxiety between the employees, rumours and inaccurate information.

8.2 Towards Customers

1. Display the communication at key locations, announcing the measures being taken for the safety, cleanliness,
and hygiene to prevent COVID-19 infection.

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The Cinema Manager/Manager On Duty must assign prevention and control monitoring responsibilities in following
- Box Office
- Entry
- Lobby
- Auditorium
- Food & Beverage Areas
- Washrooms
- Back Office & Back Areas

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