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Miracle deliverance

George Bush Travel Warning

Ps 47:6-7 : Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises.7 For God
is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding.

Jesus Lord to Me I Call Him Lord Your’re Still Lord I am

Lift the name of Jesus up to your Family members

Books Available on
George Bush issued travel warning by human rights organizations

Former president vulnerable to 'torture' prosecution, says US

group after Swiss trip cancelled amid protest and arrest there

ELITISM. The "anointed"

men and women of god
whatever they feel to say -
and there is NO forum for
evaluating it or spiritually
discerning it - except for the
George Bush – with his wife, Laura – was the subject of a public internet. You cannot
2,500-word 'indictment' by the Centre for Constitutional ask questions in the
Rights. Photograph: Abacausa/EMPICS Entertainment meetings, for that would
bring disorder. You cannot
ask questions AFTER the
meeting, for the ELITE leader or guest speaker simply has no time or availability for such discussions.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 1

Former president vulnerable to 'torture' prosecution, says US group after Swiss trip cancelled
amid protest and arrest threats1

Human rights groups have vowed to track George W Bush round the world after their success in
forcing him to cancel a trip to Switzerland amid concerns over protests and a threatened arrest

Katherine Gallagher, a lawyer with the New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights, said:
"The reach of the convention against torture is wide. This case is prepared and will be waiting
for him wherever he travels next.

"Torturers, even if they are former presidents of the United States, must be held to account and

Although Bush has travelled freely round the world since leaving the White House in January
2009, human rights groups believe he is vulnerable to prosecution after admitting in his
autobiography last November that he authorized water boarding and other interrogation

"Water boarding is torture, and Bush has admitted, without any sign of remorse, that he approved
its use," said Gallagher, who is also vice-president of the International Federation for Human

Bush's staff, as well as US embassies around the world, will have to factor into their planning of
future trips whether a country is a signatory to the convention on torture, as most countries are,
which should at least theoretically trigger near-automatic action by legal authorities, and
negotiate with governments to ensure there will be no arrest warrants. They will also seek
assurances that Bush has diplomatic immunity.

Since the arrest of the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet in London in 1998 over alleged
murders, senior politicians linked to war, internal conflict and oppression have had to be more
careful in their travel plans.

The Centre for Constitutional Rights, backed by other human rights organizations, has published
a 2,500-word "indictment for torture" against Bush. It was to have been filed with a Swiss court
today, but that plan had to be dropped when Bush cancelled a visit to Geneva on Saturday to
deliver a speech. Under the original plan, a criminal complaint would have been brought on
behalf of two former Guantánamo prisoners who claim they were tortured.2

A previous article addressed torture as official US policy under Bush,

accessed through the following link:

Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) speaking at CPAC added that “the American people walked
away from us, so now we’re in the wilderness.”

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 2

I can tell you that you are not coming out of the wilderness unless you get some back bone and
become true America resisters of the great socialist agenda that is pounding you in your faces.


Mrs. Jesse Penn-Lewis defines the

satanic forces described in
Ephesians 6:12 as: Principalities -
force and dominion dealing with
nations and governments. Powers -
having authority and World Rulers
- governing the darkness and
blindness of the world at large.
Wicked Spirits in heavenly places,
the forces being directed in and
upon the Church of Jesus Christ;
they operate in wiles, fiery darts,
onslaught, and every conceivable
deception about doctrine which
they are capable of planning."
"All teaching originating from
deceiving spirits weakens the
authority of the Scriptures; distort
the teaching in the Scriptures; add
to the Scriptures the thoughts of
men; or put the Scriptures entirely
aside . . . The test of all thought
and belief therefore is its harmony
with the written Scriptures in its
full body of truth, and the attitude
to the cross and sin."3
This clearly shows that these
demons are powerful ruler demons
as shown in (Eph. 6:11-12), “Put
on the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to stand against the wiles (schemes/trickery) of the devil. 12 For we
wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Principalities - Strong's 746 "arche" defined as: chief in various applications of order, time place
or rank (cf, the English words: architecture, archangel) (Rom. 8:38, Eph. 3:10, Col. 1:16, Col.
2:15, Titus 3:1).

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 3

Powers - Strong's 1849 "exousia" defined as:
mastery; magistrate, superhuman, potentate: delegated
influence, authority, and jurisdiction. (Elk. 12:11,
Rom.13:1, 2, Eph. 3:10, Col. 1:16, Col. 2:15).
Rulers Strong’s 2888 "kosmokrater" defined as: an
epithet of Satan, a world ruler, (only use of this word in
the NT). From 2889 (orderly arrangement) & 2902 (to use
strength; i.e., to seize or retain).
High - Strong's 2032 "epouranious" defined as: above
the sky; celestial; heavenly.
The reverse side of the
Great Seal of the United SATAN’S ARMY
States (1776). The Latin
phrase "novus ordo
Satan’s army is shown in (Rev. 9:1-9); these
seclorum", appearing on
the reverse side of the supernatural beings are described as powerful warriors,
Great Seal since 1782 and terrorists and ready to kill en masse. They have shapes,
on the back of the U.S forms, and minds. They have supernatural life to perform
one-dollar bill since 1935, their evil deeds. They are described as an army that was
means "New Order of the being directed by the King Hell, Abaddon.
Ages" and only alludes to “And they had hair as the hair of women, and
the beginning of an era
their teeth were as the teeth of lions,” And they had
where the United States of
America is an independent breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the
nation-state, but is often sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of
mistranslated by many horses running to battle. 10 And they had tails
conspiracy theorists as like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails:
"New World Order".[1] and their power was to hurt men five months. 11 And
they had a king over them, which is the angel of the
bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is
Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. 13 And the sixth angel
sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God.”
All teaching originating from deceiving spirits weakens the authority of the Scriptures;
distort the teaching in the Scriptures; add to the Scriptures the thoughts of men; or put the
Scriptures entirely aside . . . The test of all thought and belief therefore is its harmony with the
written Scriptures in its full body of truth, and the attitude to the cross and sin." 1
These are the paranormal influences that operate behind the human agents who are working
bring in the world power to establish the Seat of Satan in order to rule the world.

. ibid., Penn-Lewis, pg. 2

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 4


So, it was show biz as usual for the weak, so-called

“Conservatives at the annual CPAC gathering. Like
Nero playing his harp while Rome burned, The
Conservative Republicans continued to play the
outlandish tune of politics as usual while America
and the world is crashing into an utter state of
bewilderment and despair. People in our country
have lost their homes, retirement pensions, old
people are trying to find jobs that are no longer
available because our elected officials voted to send
our manufacturing base to China so that its
pampered CEO’s could get cheap, enslaved labor
while the Democratic leadership grovels at the feet
HELLO/GOODBYE of union leaders whose people are jobless because
we cannot compete globally.

Friends, our entire manufacturing base is gone and we are now selling our ports and
infrastructures to foreigners while the America’s no longer can afford to buy the cheap, poisoned
trinkets and the polluted food send into our nation by people who hate us.
Then, our banks are given massive bailouts and the systems are still stuck in the mud of
Congressional confusion because the money was spent by the greedy CEO’s buying failing
banks and gold. Our Automotive Companies have been nationalized after massive bailouts are
still in mayhem and are going to move to Brazil.
Meanwhile, Congress and the Senate has passed two large so-called "Stimulus Bills" and
another in the making, designed to break the Constitutional back of our nation and enslave our
The US was hit by its most brutal slump in a quarter of a century at the end of last year as
consumers and businesses reined in spending, fuelling fears that the world recession may be
deeper than already feared.
In the interim, conservatives aren’t sure who the Republican presidential frontrunner is in 2012.
They disagree over how sharply to attack President Barack Obama and on the question of
whether a back-to-basics approach is the path back to majority.
 Conservative icon Newt Gingrich, the former House Speaker, railed against the
“Bush Obama continuity in economic policy” and the “Bush-Obama big spending
program” in a speech Friday.
 Former Mitt Romney said, “I wish the president would have laid [a stimulus
package] out before he left office, so that in September, October, November,
December, there would have been a stimulus plan ”
 Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, like Romney an unsuccessful candidate for
president in 2008, pointed to the Bush administration’s failed response to Hurricane
Katrina in 2005. “You know what kind of conservatives we need most? Competent

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 5

conservatives,” Huckabee said in a speech Thursday. “It’s when we lose our
competence, that Americans lose their confidence.” “We’re no longer Reagan’s
shining city on a hill; we are the ruined city by the sea,” he added.
 Sam/Joe Wurzelbacher/Plumber was, as the Politico reported, "a headliner at
a Thursday panel titled 'Conservatism 2.0.' " A headliner, mind you: an itinerant,
"Man, this CPAC thing is crazy," observed Mr. Samuel Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. Joe
the Plumber, to fellow attendee Mike Huckabee -- and that's probably the sanest
thing we'll ever hear Sam/Joe utter.
 Ann Coulter – American political commentator, syndicated columnist, and best-selling
author. She frequently appears on television, radio, and as a speaker at public and private
events. Known for her controversial Show business as usual.
 David Joel Horowitz is an American conservative writer and activist. The son of two life-long
members of the Communist Party, and a former supporter of Marxism as well as a former
member of the New Left in the 1960s, Horowitz later renounced his "left-wing political...
 Key note speaker, Rush Limbaugh, scheduled to bellow and bray at 5:00pm
EST, then -- get this -- receive at 5:30 the "Defender of the Constitution Award."
(America's Constitution?) Limbaugh said, “President Barack Obama wants to
“punish” those who succeed and who helped make America great,” radio talk show
host Rush Limbaugh told a wildly cheering crowd at the Conservative Political
Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday.
Not a word was spoken concerning the Great
Deception of letting our Constitution fall to the
ground while allowing, unopposed, the usurper,
Now, so-called President of the United States take
the Oath to defend our Constitution by the Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court.
“We can take this country back. All we need is to nominate
the right candidate,” Russ said.
What ever happen to the idea of a solid American agenda?
Just before Limbaugh spoke, CPAC released the results of
its straw poll of attendees. For the third year in a row, Mitt
Romney won the poll. Of the 1,757 conservative activists
who cast votes, 20 percent favored the former
Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate.
http://www.deesillu Romney was followed by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, with 14 percent of the vote. Texas Rep. Ron Paul and
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin each received 13 percent.
With the exception of, Gov. Jindal, there simply were no new faces to spread the news that
Republicans deserve to be heard. Jindal definitely is no competition to the” Great Orator of the
century," that even conservative talk show hosts compares to Ronald Reagan. However,
everyone has noticed that Obama cannot speak well without a monitor.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 6

America is simply not looking for yesterday’s disastrous Republican politics of showboat
characters of self deceit of pride. There’s basically nothing new; missing are the new showcase
of new blood fueling the revolutionary ideas needed to save the vanquished Republican Party.


The issues of the wicked witch from the west, creating and ramming through the largest,
secretive, socialist agenda of the century was barely mentioned. The 850 trillion dollar “Stimulus
Bill was pushed through by the former President Bush, (where was he hiding?) Henry Merritt
"Hank" Paulson Jr. United States Treasury Secretary, and Federal Reserve Board:
Chairman Bernanke were
totally ignored.
1. These measures gave the new
usurper dictatorial powers that
most Communist dictators only
wished that they had when they
ruthlessly ruled the enslaved
sheep of their countries.... Oh yes,
what about the evil witch from
east, Hilary Clinton, Secretary of
State, now the guardian of our
peace and safety... She must give
every thinking person a false
security blanket chill while trying
to sleep at night.
2. The absence of two of the party’s
most recognizable conservatives,
Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) and
Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.), only
added to the uncertainty since
CPAC has traditionally served as
an early proving ground for GOP
United States Secretary of State, presidential contenders and their
Condoleezza Rice ideas.

John Derbyshire, a National

Review contributing editor writing
this for The American Conservative:

Why have we allowed carnie barkers to run away with the Right?

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 7

Did Limbaugh, Hannity, Savages, and Ingraham lead us to this sorry state of affairs? They surely
did. At the very least, by yoking themselves to the clueless George W. Bush and his free -
spending administration, they helped create the great debt bubble that has now burst so


In place of the permanent things, we get Happy Meal conservatism: cheap, childish,
familiar. Gone are the internal tensions, the thought-provoking paradoxes, and the ideological
uneasiness that marked the early Right.
However much this dumbing down has damaged the conservative brand, it appeals to
millions of Americans....
If conservatism is to have a future ... it will need to listen to more than the looped tape of
lowbrow talk radio. 4
In the meantime, hundreds of important issues are ignored:
* Barack Obama is not qualified as President of the United State because he is
* Major General says president's eligibility needs proof

'Most important, what I really want is the truth’ 1st Lt. Scott Easterling confirmed ~
He speaks for Millions who just want to know the truth!5 NOT A WORD SAID.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 8

* "Funny Money: How Barack Obama Bought the White House for $668

Rep. Bob Latta, an Ohio Republican, told WSPD AM in Bowling

Green that when he looked at the latest cover of Newsweek, he
Obama's popularity is dropping was "looking for the hammer and sickle someplace on there."
like a brick. American people
are waking up concerning that Newsweek's latest issue declares in big bold type: "We Are All
Obama’s not a liberal Socialists Now" and compares the current political landscape in
Democrat but he a Socialist. this country to European socialism. "If you want government to
Also, many are very concerned take everything, if you want government to take more and more
about his "Change rhetoric," over with the banks, more of the industries, all of a sudden
translates simply to his puppet you're going to have a government auto czar, right there, right
submission to the same inside down the line, that's socialism," said Latta.6
government of G.W. Bush, such
as Henry Kissinger, the Mr. Latta has it backwards — the government is not taking over
Rockefellers, plans to rule the the banks. In fact, the banks long ago took over the government.
European socialism is the model: more precisely, the globalist
European Union. It is not the sort of socialism one reads about in
political science books — a broad set of economic theories of
social organization advocating public or state ownership and
administration of the means of production and distribution of
goods, and a society characterized by equal opportunities for all
individuals, with a fair or egalitarian method of compensation.

It has nothing to do with the egalitarian distribution of wealth. It

has to do with the in egalitarian distribution of wealth upward,
to the bankers and transnational corporations. It is more akin to
National Socialism, that is to say fascism. 7

* Acorn’s voting fraud issues and money coming to
them from the so-called Stimulus bill to build a stronger
Archives/articles/PH/Newslette socialist agenda for Obama. NOT A WORD SAID.
Obama Wants to Censor the Net!

. The Late Senator Byrd: Obama in power grab

Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), the longest-serving Democratic senator, is criticizing
President Obama’s appointment of White House “czars” to oversee federal policy, saying
these executive positions amount to a power grab by the executive branch.

. Hate Bills Move Forward In House Judiciary

The previous version of hate bill HR 256 passed overwhelmingly in the House two years

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 9

ago. Today, the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary could move these bills onto the
floor of the House with blitzkrieg rapidity. NOT A WORD SAID.
Unless Americans determine not to let our nation turn into an "anti-free-speech"
police state like Canada and shout "NO!" right now.

To stop these hate bills, we must repeat the sensationally effective and simple strategy that
helped defeat the hate bill two years ago:

1. Phone or email the House and Senate members from your state.
Call toll-free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-225-3121.



3. Stop sleeping with the liberal enemies and seek some strong, articulating statesmen
AND women to articulate true conservative ideologies and drop the weak, show
business, self absorbing supporting, book selling personalities that have nothing to
say about the serious issues we are face.

4. Americans are ready to consider a positive future debate, especially since they have
no future as it stands now.

5. And finally, listed are just a few things that should have been said at CPAC. As
Russ Limbaugh confessed, “We must stop speaking to the America people as if they
are children.”
6. A few things this book writers and talk show hosts may consider revealing to their
adoring millions.



Resolutions to affirm U.S. Constitution cause uproar

THE REPUBLICAN'S JUST DON'T GET IT.... There is a revolution going on for
the life of our country and the Republican's have their annual CPAC meeting. They
Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 10
showcased a group of the same old, same old failures as potential candidates for the
election of 2012.

US Gives China Eminent Domain over US Property beyond High Treason

JP Morgan Chase Continues Foreclosure Proceedings Despite Promised Freeze



Fear of global depression rises as US reveals true extent of decline



Nothing against these people, however, the country needs true, powerful leadership for
such a time as this.



Led down trails of Darkness

Col. 1:13-16 – “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath
translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:14 In whom we have
redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: 15 Who is the
image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him
were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and
invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:
all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things,
and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church:
who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might
have the preeminence. 19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all
fullness dwell; 20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by
him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 11

in earth, or things in heaven. 21 And you, that were sometime alienated and
enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled 22 in the
body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and
unreproveable in his sight:” KJV

Pat Holliday, Ph.D.

9352 San Jose Blvd., 2804

Jacksonville, Florida 32257

904 733 8318

Miracle Outreach Church

1537 Mill Creek Road

Jacksonville, Florida 32211

Come and visit us on our web site.

key words
NEW WORLD PAGAN RELIGION, MYSTICAL WITCHCRAFT,Barack Obama, hate bill, abortion, Alex Jones, Russ Limbaugh,
Hannity, Savages, and Ingraham, Hannity, George Bush Laura Bush, Oboma , Obama, Oprah Winfrey, HYMAN, Obama's Kenya
ghosts, Raila Odinga, Bree Keyton, Biblical Truths That Explain The Supernatural World, ufos,ghosts, satan, Republicans,


War on the Saints, Jesse Penn-Lewis, Thomas E. Lowe, 1 Pen Plaza, Suite 1500 , New
York, NY 10001. P. 17.

Kurt Nimmo Infowars February 14, 2009 Republicans are trotting out the "S" word in response to
Obama's historically unprecedented borrow and spend bill. "S" stands for socialism.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 12


Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 13

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