Satorre Hidy L AT 3

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Table of Specifications

Name of Instructor: Hidy L. Satorre Subject: Biology 1

Knowledge Evaluation Comprehension Analyzing Applying Subtotal

Type of Test
Cell Theory 1,2 26,27 4
Cell Structure and 11 14,15,16, 5
Functions 18
Prokaryotic Cells 21 1
Eukaryotic Cells 19,20 2
Cell Type 17 1
Cell Modifications 3 1
Cell Cycle 4,5,6,7,8 24 25 7
Cell Cycle: Mitosis 23 1
Cell Cycle: 28,29,30 3
Transport 22 9,10, 5
Mechanisms 12,13
3 3 6 6 12 Total

Name:_______________________________________________ Score:________________

Section:__________________________ Date:_________________
General Direction: This is a 30-item test, read each direction written in every type of test,
answer this test in one hour. If you have questions, raise your hand and ask your


Directions: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on the blank space

1. It is a branch of science that deals on the study of life is called ____________.

2. The basic component and structure of life is called cell ____________.

3. Life is classified in five different kingdoms namely: Plantae, animalia, Protista, monera and



Directions: Below are the five stages of mitosis, arrange the rambled stages according

to its proper position during mitosis. Write the letter your answer on the blank provided at the

right side of the test paper.

a.34512 b. 24135 c. 45123 d. 32154 4-8 (5 Points).______________

1. The sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes and are moved apart.

2. The chromatin condenses into chromosomes. The centriole separates and the spindle begins

to form and the nuclear membrane breaks down.

3. The chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell and lose their distinct shape, then two

nuclear envelopes form.

4. The chromosomes line-up at the center of the cell, each chromosome is connected to a

spindle fiber at its centromere.

5. The chromosomes change back to chromatin; the nucleoli reappear and the spindle

III. Modified True/False

Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the underlined word(s) or
phrase to make the statement. Write your answer on the space provided below the

9. Facilitated diffusion is the kind of passive transport that causes your hands and feet to look
wrinkled when you stayed in the bathtub for too long.


10. Facilitated diffusion allows certain kinds of compounds that are normally blocked by the cell
membrane. Sodium, potassium and water are examples of compounds that move by facilitated

11. A student examines a cell using a microscope. He sees a nucleus, a cell wall, and
chloroplasts. The one conclusion he can draw about the cell is that it could be an animal cell.


12. If a freshwater plant is placed in saltwater, water will enter and exit the plant’s cells.


13. A potato slice is placed in water and water molecules from inside the potato move into the
surrounding water requires cell transport for chemical energy.

IV. Matching Type

Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only the letter of answer on
the blank provided at the right side of the number. Answer whether you would use a
phase-contrast light microscope, a fluorescence microscope, an electron microscope,
compound light microscope, all of the above or none of the above to do the following
things in Column A:

Column A (Procedure) Column B (Type of microscope)

____14. look at unstained living animal cells. A. phase-contrast light
____15. look at ribosomes. B. electron microscope
____16. look at an electron. C. compound light microscope
____17. look at unstained living plant cells. D. fluorescence microscope
____18. do confocal microscopy E. none of the above
F. all of the above


Directions: Read each question carefully, and then CIRCLE THE ANSWER that best fits
the question.

Use the data in Table 12.1 to answer the following questions in numbers 24 and 25.
The data below were obtained from a study of the length of time spent in each phase of the cell
cycle by cells of three eukaryotic organisms, designated beta, delta, and gamma.

19. Given the following choices, what do you think is the best conclusion concerning the
difference between the S phases for beta and gamma?

A) gamma contains more DNA than beta.

B) beta and gamma contain the same amount of DNA.
C) beta contains more RNA than gamma.
D) gamma contains 48 times more DNA and RNA than beta.
E) beta is a plant cell and gamma is an animal cell.
20. The best conclusion concerning delta is that the cells
A) contain no DNA.
B) contain no RNA.
C) contain only one chromosome that is very short.
D) are actually in the G0 phase.
E) divide in the G1 phase.

21. Which of the following statements concerning procaryotes are TRUE?

A) They have no nucleus and hence no DNA.
B) They have no Golgi apparatus.
C) They can form simple multicellular organisms.
D) They include bacteria, yeast, and protozoans.
E) They are all able to live on inorganic energy sources

22. Movement of the chromosomes during anaphase would be most affected by what mode of
action of a drug?
A) reduces cyclin concentrations.
B) increases cyclin concentrations.
C) prevents elongation of microtubules.
D) prevents shortening of microtubules.
E) prevents attachment of the microtubules to the kinetochore.

23. Why do chromosomes coil during mitosis?

A) to increase their potential energy
B) to allow the chromosomes to move without becoming entangled and breaking
C) to allow the chromosomes to fit within the nuclear envelope
D) to allow the sister chromatids to remain attached
E) to provide for the structure of the centromere

24. Which term describes two centrosomes arranged at opposite poles of the cell?
A) telophase
B) anaphase
C) prometaphase
D) metaphase
E) prophase

25. If cells in the process of dividing are subjected to colchicine, a drug that interferes with the
functioning of the spindle apparatus. At which stage will mitosis be arrested?
A) anaphase
B) prophase
C) telophase
D) metaphase
E) interphase


Directions: Explain each question, before you begin writing, read the passage
carefully and plan what you will say. Your essay should be as well organized and as carefully
written as you can make it.
26-27. What is the essence of studying Biological science? (2 points)

28-30. You fertilize egg cells from a healthy plant with pollen (which contains the male germ
cells) that has been treated with DNA-damaging agents. You find that some of the
offspring have defective chloroplasts, and that this characteristic can be passed on to
future generations. This surprises you at first because you happen to know that the male
germ cell in the pollen grain contributes no chloroplasts to the fertilized egg cell and thus
to the offspring. What can you deduce from these results? (3 points)

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