Unilab Pfa For Learners

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Become Your Own Superhero

A Learner's Playbook


Grade level:
Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Table of Contents

01 Introduction

02 Pre-Evaluation

03 Module 1 - I AM: A Superhero with Feelings

10 Module 2 - I HAVE: My Strength is a Superhero Story

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing

19 the Effects of COVID-19

25 Let’s Reflect About Your Superhero Training!

27 Post-Evaluation
Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Hello Superhero!

Yes, you are a Superhero –-a person who is strong and has superpowers
to overcome challenges and save others!

If you are not yet sure that you have superpowers, don’t worry because
we will help you discover it. In this Learner’s Playbook, you will discover
your superpowers through fun and exciting Play Activities!

Just make sure that while you are on “Superhero Training Mode”, your
parent or guardian is with you to help and guide you. It is also a perfect
opportunity to have fun with them!

Let’s start!

Before we go on “Superhero Training Mode”, let us examine first how
you feel about yourself right now. Encircle the face that corresponds
to your answer for each statement. Rest assured that your answers
will be kept confidential.


Notes to parent/guardian:
Help the learner understand the following words before they start answering.

Feelings are something that people consciously feel from within or inside themselves that
are brought about by different situations like the pandemic.
Coping mechanisms are skills that can help us adapt to stressful situations.


I can identify the different feelings that I am feeling.

I can share my identified feelings to my classmates, peers,

teachers and parents/guardians.

I can appreciate the value of identifying and sharing my feelings.

I can identify my strengths.

I can demonstrate my identified strengths.

I can appreciate the value of identifying and demonstrating my

I can identify different healthy coping mechanisms.

I can demonstrate my identified healthy coping mechanisms.

I can appreciate the value of identifying and demonstrating my

healthy coping mechanisms.

What are your expectations about the play activities?

Thank You!

Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Module 1
I AM: A Superhero with Feelings

Let's get ready to:

Identify your feelings such as being happy, sad, angry,

surprised, hopeful, and scared;
Share your feelings and responses through drawing and puppet
making; and
Appreciate the value of sharing and expressing your feelings.

It's Story Time!

Let's talk about what we should do
during story time:

Stay in a quiet place where you
can be comfortable.

Focus and imagine the characters
and scenes in the story.

Be active in the discussion by sharing
your ideas and answering questions.

Note to Parent/Guardian:
ENJOY. Please prepare the COVID-19 Comics #2
Have fun in this activity. for this activity.

Module 1 - I AM: A Superhero with Feelings Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let’s talk about what you have

learned from the story.

Who is the main character in the story?

(Color the picture and write her name.)

What feelings did the main character feel in the story?

(Color the faces and write your answers in each blank.)

Module 1 - I AM: A Superhero with Feelings Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Do you know what feelings are?


(Malungkot) ANGRY


are something that we

(Umaasa) consciously feel inside
ourselves that are brought (Gulat)
about by different


You feel happy when you are able to eat your favorite food.
You feel sad when you cannot play outside with your friends
because of COVID-19 restrictions.

Note to Parent/Guardian:
If the learner is having difficulty to identify different feelings, please
help by providing more examples.

Module 1 - I AM: A Superhero with Feelings Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let’s identify basic feelings.

Draw faces showing the different feelings you felt about the story of Nina
and her family.

Module 1 - I AM: A Superhero with Feelings Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let’s create a puppet!

Notes to Parent/Guardian:
Help the learner prepare the following materials:
Old socks
Art materials
Recyclable materials (old newspaper or magazine, used papers, empty cardboard
boxes etc.)
For younger kids, please assist them in using sharp objects like scissors, etc.

Like Nina, we also have a similar experience where we are

also fearful of getting exposed to the virus. Share how you
feel by creating a puppet.

Bring out your creativity!

Start making the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth for your puppet using the
1) available art and recyclable materials.

Get your old sock and start sticking the different facial parts you just
2) created using tape or glue.

For the final touch, do not forget to

3) add a nice hair for your puppet!

Using the puppet you have created,

4) describe what you are feeling.

Enjoy playing with your

5) parent or guardian.

Module 1 - I AM: A Superhero with Feelings Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Optional Activity:
Show your feelings through a face mask!

Note to Parent/Guardian:
Help the learner prepare the following materials:
Washable face mask
Art materials
Recyclable materials (old newspaper or magazine, used papers, empty
cardboard boxes etc.)
For younger kids, please assist them in using sharp objects like scissors, etc.

Bring out your creativity!

1) Get your washable face mask.

Using your art and recyclable materials,

2) design the face mask with a mouth that
will show how you feel right now.

3) Once you finish, try on your mask.

4) Optional: Take a 'selfie' with your parent or guardian.

You can make a mask showing different feelings and choose which one to wear
based on how you feel that day.

You are a Superhero

with feelings!
Like Nina in the story, there are times when you feel happy,
sad, angry, surprised, hopeful, and scared depending on the
situation. Remember that it’s all normal and okay.

Module 1 - I AM: A Superhero with Feelings Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let’s draw or write some notes.

What did you think and feel during the activity?

What touched your heart while doing this activity?

Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Module 2
I HAVE: My Strength is a Superhero Story

Let's get ready to:

Identify your strengths on how to manage stressful situations;

Demonstrate your skills to manage stressful situations; and
Appreciate the value of identifying and demonstrating skills to
manage stressful situations.

Let’s recap our last activity!

Last time, we read the story of Nina.
In the story, we have identified and learned about the different feelings that
Nina and her family felt.
We also talked about your own feelings and shared it with your peers,
teachers, and family members using the puppet you have created.

Happy Sad Angry

(Masaya) (Malungkot) (Galit)

Surprised Hopeful Scared

(Gulat) (Umaasa) (Takot)

Module 2 - I HAVE: My Strength is a Superhero Story Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Nina’s Superpower!
In the story, Nina felt different feelings. To understand and overcome her feelings,
she shared to her parents what she felt.

We can say that Nina showed strength just like what a Superhero does.

(Masaya) (Malungkot)

Nina's superpower is
naming her own feelings
HOPEFUL and understanding why ANGRY
(Umaasa) (Galit)
she feels that way.

(Takot) (Gulat)

Did you know that you also have the ability to do the same?
Let’s do an activity.

Module 2 - I HAVE: My Strength is a Superhero Story Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Your Superpower Symbol

Notes to Parent/Guardian:
Help the learner prepare the following materials:
A piece of short bond paper or recycled paper
Art materials
Safety pins (optional)
For younger kids, please assist them in using sharp objects like scissors, pins, etc.

Let’s create your Superpower Symbol!

1) Think of a picture or symbol that represents your strength (kalakasan).

Big heart that is full of love.
Strong hands to help other people.

2) Draw and color the symbol of your

chosen superpower on a piece of short
bond paper or recycled paper.

Take your time.

Be creative and have fun.

3) Once you are finished, attach your drawing

on the back of your shirt.

You can use masking tape or safety pins.

You may ask your parent or guardian to
help you.

Note to Parent/Guardian:
Optional: Wearing a Superhero cape.
Help your child create a cape using old towels, old shirt, old newspaper, or scratch papers.

Module 2 - I HAVE: My Strength is a Superhero Story Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Show your Superpower!

Write or draw ways how you can use your strength to help other people.

Module 2 - I HAVE: My Strength is a Superhero Story Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let’s dance Superhero!

Note to Parent/Guardian:
In this activity, please prepare a dance music.
Motivate your child to do this activity by dancing and enjoying the activity with them.

Why dance?

Dancing is a fun and enjoyable activity that

can help you release stress and negative

1) Choose your favorite dance music.

Express your feelings through different

2) dance movements.

Have fun with your parent/guardian

3) while doing this dance activity.

Optional activity:

Have fun dancing the 'Superhero' song by Rocksteddy

Watch and follow the steps in the video found on this link:

Note to Parent/Guardian:
In this activity, please prepare the video of the Superhero Dance.
We encourage you to join and demonstrate to your child how to do the Superhero Dance.

Module 2 - I HAVE: My Strength is a Superhero Story Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

You have a superpower!

Your superpower symbol will remind you of your
strength to help not just yourself but also other people
especially in difficult situations. Remember that your
strength and ability to understand and express your
feelings is also a superpower. Focus on your strengths!

Let’s draw or write some notes:

What did you think and feel while creating the symbol of your superpower?

What did you feel when you were dancing?

Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Module 3
I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the
Effects of COVID-19

Let's get ready to:

Identify how you can lessen the effects of COVID-19;

Demonstrate your skills on how to lessen effects of COVID-19;
Appreciate the value of taking steps to lessen the effects of
COVID-19; and
Appreciate the ways you can help so COVID-19 does not spread
to your loved ones and other people.

Let’s recap our last activity!

Last time, we learned

that it’s a
superpower to
identify and share
(Masaya) (Malungkot)
our feelings.

We were also able to

I have a superpower
identify and create
HOPEFUL to identify and share ANGRY
your superpower
(Umaasa) my feelings! (Galit)
symbol to remind
you that you have
that superpower to
help you and other
people overcome
difficult situations.
(Takot) (Gulat)

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the Effects of COVID-19 Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

What can you do to overcome

negative feelings?

In the story, Nina had a bad dream

and woke up with negative
feelings. To understand what made
Nina feel this way, Nina’s parents
let her share what happened in her

The different effects of the

pandemic in Nina's life that she saw
in her dreams made her feel sad,
scared, and angry.

Whenever you feel negative feelings, it will be helpful if you:

Try to relax by taking a deep breath.

Talk to your parent/guardian to share your feelings.

Note to Parent/Guardian:
Encourage your child to always share their feelings by:
Telling them that you are always there to listen and understand.
Acknowledging your child's effort to talk to you and share their feelings.

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the Effects of COVID-19 Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Things you should know about COVID-19.

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a sickness that its caused by a virus that

can make the body sick. The virus that's causing it is
called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome -
Coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2.

Why is it dangerous?

This is because if the virus gets into the cells of our lungs, it can
stop the cells from doing their job, which is to help us breathe.

Who can catch this virus?

Both children and adults are at risk of catching the virus and become infected.
Older people and people with existing medical problems like high blood pressure,
heart problems, diabetes, and asthma are at a higher risk.

What are the common signs of COVID-19?

Difficulty in breathing

Other people may also have the following:

Sore throat Muscle pain

Chills Headache
Repeated shaking of the body with chills Lost of taste or smell

Some people can become infected but don't develop any symptoms.

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the Effects of COVID-19 Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let's discuss the steps we can do

to lessen the spread of COVID-19.
Superheroes fight against bad guys. But this time, the bad guy
is called COVID-19! It’s a small but powerful virus.

1) Wash your hands frequently and properly.


Get your hands wet.

Rub soap all over your palms, the back of your hands,
and in between your fingers.

Do this process for at least 20 seconds, or sing

the entire "Happy Birthday" song twice, before rinsing.

Gently wipe your hands with a clean cloth or paper towel.



After coughing or sneezing

When taking care of a sick patient

Before, during, and after preparing food

Before and after eating

After touching money and other things outside the house

After using the comfort room

After touching pets

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the Effects of COVID-19 Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Use a disposable or washable face mask to cover your

2) nose and mouth when going out.


Make sure that the face mask is clean and isn't damaged.

Clean your hands before and after touching the face mask.

Adjust the face mask to your face so it covers your nose, mouth, and
chin. Do not leave gaps on the side of your cheeks.

For disposable face masks: Throw the face mask immediately in the
trash bin after using.

For washable face mask: Wash and dry properly after using.

Cover your mouth and your nose when you cough

3) or sneeze using your bent elbow or a tissue.

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the Effects of COVID-19 Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Practice physical distancing by keeping at least 6 feet

4) away from other people.

5) Stay at home more.

6) Practice healthy habits.

Eat a well-balanced diet.

Get regular exercise.

Take vitamins that can help

strengthen your immune system.

Increase your water intake.

Get a good night's sleep.

Note to Parent/Guardian:
Encourage your child and all your family members to always practice these safety tips.

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the Effects of COVID-19 Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

You do these safety steps because

you are a Superhero with values.

1) You don't want others to get sick.

2) You are aware that others should not get sick.

3) You are following the rules set by the health officials.

You can help fight COVID-19

like a Superhero!
You can be a Superhero and save yourself and your loved
ones from COVID-19 by frequently and properly washing
your hands, observing physical distancing, and properly
wearing your face mask when going outside. Doing these
steps also means that you are a Superhero that shows
love, respect, and discipline.

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the Effects of COVID-19 Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let’s Fight COVID-19!

Draw what you can do to fight against the spread of COVID-19 based on what
you’ve learned today. You may also color Nina's picture fighting the virus.

Before your next meal, show to your

parent/guardian how to properly wash your hands.

Module 3 - I CAN: Empowering Learners in Reducing the Effects of COVID-19 Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let’s draw or write some notes:

What did you feel after you have learned that you can help fight COVID-19?

Which of the safety steps is your favorite?

Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Let’s Reflect About Your Superhero Training!

Note to Parent/Guardian:
For younger learners, tell them to express their answers through drawing or simple words.

Now that you have identified and demonstrated your superpower, share with us
your ideas about this Superhero Training.

What did you think and feel while doing the activities?

Which activity did you like most and why?

Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

Which activity did you find difficult to do and why?

How do you think these activities will help you as a learner?

As we end your “Superhero Training”, let us examine how you feel
about yourself right now. Encircle the face that corresponds to your
answer for each statement. Rest assured that your answers will be
kept confidential.


Notes to parent/guardian:
Ensure that the learner understand the following words before they start answering.

Feelings are something that people consciously feel from within or inside themselves that
are brought about by different situations like the pandemic.
Coping mechanisms are skills that can help us adapt to stressful situations.


I was able to identify the different feelings that I am feeling.

I was able to share my identified feelings to my classmates, peers,

teachers and parents/guardians.

I was able to appreciate the value of identifying and

sharing my feelings.

I was able to identify my strengths.

I was able to demonstrate my identified strengths.

I was able to appreciate the value of identifying and

demonstrate my strengths.
I was able to identify different healthy coping mechanisms.

I was able to demonstrate my identified healthy coping mechanisms.

I was able to appreciate the value of identifying and

demonstrating my healthy coping mechanisms.

What are your comments about the modules and the facilitator?

Thank You!

Learner's Playbook on Becoming a Superhero

We hope that you have enjoyed your
Superhero Training!

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