Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College: Maloro, Tangub City

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Maloro, Tangub City
COURSE: Strategic Management DATE:
Final Examination IBFS, Program Head - MM


IBFS, Faculty Dean, IBFS

Test I. Case Study. Answer the questions briefly but concisely. Write your answer on the space provided

Scales Performance Description
10-8 Uses correct grammar and spelling with accuracy and effectiveness. Facts are presented in
detail, precise and relevant.
7-5 Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified; occasional grammar or spelling
errors, but still a clear presentation of ideas; lacks organization.
4-3 Lacks substantial details and examples to support ideas. Grammar and spelling require
editing. Provided few details in addressing the question.
2-1 Addresses the question with lesser details. Grammar and spelling are poor and require

The Dissatisfied Employee

Tony and Fenny, both supervisors in the trust department of the CBA Banking Corporation, are
in the employee lounge having a cup of coffee and discussing a point of mutual concern. Tony said “ I’m
beginning to get frustrated. When I joined CBA four year ago, I really felt that I could make a career
here. Now I’m not sure. I spoke with the boss last week about where I might be in the next few years
and all she kept saying was, “There are all kinds of possibilities.” I need more than that. I’d like to know
what specific opportunities might be available if I continue to do a good job. I’m not sure if I want to
spend my career in the trust department. There may be better chances of advancement in other areas.
This is a big bank.”

Fenny replied, “ I’m having the same trouble. My boss told me that “the sky’s limit.” I’d also like
to know where I might progress if I decide to stay with CBA. I wonder what the “limit” means to him.


1. If you were the supervisor of Tony and Fenny, how will you encourage them to stay with the
company for good?
- If i will be the supervisor of tony and fenny the things that i will do for them to stay in our
company for good is that, i will recognized, valued and respect them, i will communicate
constantly coz it's one of the vital thing to share the common goals and work together to hava a
great flow in the company, i will provide good leadership because it is main factors in employee
motivation, i will encourage them to develop a positive environment , encourage teamwork and
recognize reward.
2. What would you do if you were Tony or Fenny?
-In my own perception, the things that i will do if I am tony or fenny , i will find another job or
specific opportunities that i feel comportable and continue to do a good job. We don't need to
stay on that job if we feel uncomfortable or frustrated instead we need to find better
oppurtunities we're we can progress ourself, enjoy and most especially you are satisfied on
that specific job.

Test II. Picture Analysis. Analyze the pictures carefully and explain it with the best of your logical
reasoning. Write your answer on the space provided below.

Scale Description

9-10 points The illustration included all the required elements and is easy to read. It has no
spelling or grammatical errors.
7-8 points One required element is missing and is easy to read and most elements are placed
well. It has one spelling or grammatical error.
4-6 points Two required elements were missing. The illustration is hard to read and is missing
some has two spelling or grammatical error.
1-3 points Three or more required elements were missing. The illustration is hard to read and
cannot tell where it starts and finishes. It contains three or more spelling and
grammatical errors.

Picture A

As my observation about this illustration, I can say that there's a lot of employees but some of them
are not satisfied on their job, they leave for a purpose, or they leave because they find another job or
oppurtunities which suit or they can feel comfortable to work will and enhance their capabilities.
There's a lot of employee leave becuase they are not treated them will and valued. As I say on this
picture also they kick other employees which are not deserving or loyal to the company and they
priorities their employee who work better and with determination.

Picture B.
All I can say on this picture is that there's a lot of achievements , we're they receive rewards, incentives
and they are promoted to other certain position. They have good result on their job and achieved their
specific goals. They have a great teamwork to work together to progress their company and they have a
good communication to their co-workers to make a plan or decision making for their company and they
valued individual and this are they fruits of their preserverance and determination in achieving those

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