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12/02/2020 Hyper English

 Hyper Feed Conversação Labs
 Marcelle de Fátima da Silva

Grammar Lab  Both/either/neither/nor


Both, either e neither são usados quando queremos falar sobre duas pessoas ou coisas.
John has got two dogs and a cat. Both      John tem dois cachorros e um gato. 
dogs are black.      Ambos os cachorros são pretos.
I saw two films last weekend but       Eu vi dois filmes o fim de semana 
neither film was good.      passado, mas nenhum deles foi bom.
There are two ways to get to school.       Há dois caminhos para a escola. Nós 
We can take either way.      podemos seguir por qualquer um deles

1. Usamos both antes de um substantivo contável no plural ou após um pronome objeto.
Both books were very good. (plural countable noun)
I spoke to both teachers. (plural countable noun)
She phoned us both before leaving. (an object pronoun)
2.Both of é usado antes de the, your, these, ... + substantivo no plural. Nesse caso não precisamos usar of.
Both (of) the books were very good. (before the)
Both (of) your sisters study English. What about you? (before your)
3. Também podemos usar both of antes dos pronomes objetos no plural you, us, them; nesse caso devemos usar of.
She called both of us to the party. (before us)
4. Após both usamos and para unir idéias.
Both my mother and my father are Brazilian.
I like both classical and pop music.
Either, neither and nor
1.Either of e neither of são usados antes de the, your, these,... + substantivo no plural e antes dos pronomes objetos no plural you, us, them.
We could go to the cinema on Saturday or Sunday. Either day is fine with me.
There are two dogs there. Neither dog is mine.
2.Either of and neither of are used before the, your, these,... + plural noun and before the plural object pronouns you, us, them.
Either of us can take you home.
Neither of these children speak English.
3. Também podemos usar neither of antes de um verbo no singular ou plural.
Neither of these children speaks/speak English.
Neither of these buses goes/go to the stadium.
4.Nor é usado com neither para unir idéias e usamos or com either.
He neither phoned nor wrote a letter.
We can either study French or Spanish. 1/1

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