PA205 LGU Sustainable Rural Economic Conceptgram

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Sustainable Rural Economic Intervention Concept Gram

Purchase of Heavy
Equipment More agricultural
More people stay products will be Processing More
M. Assessor Construction of farm to in the barangay to produced such as: Plant for the employment
market road / bridges & engage farming rice, corn, copra, agri products Opportunity for
M. Treasurer Finance Development other infrastructures activity rubber, banana, will be the people to
T Projects
More people will
established work in the
A Tax Collector Provision of Potable More cattle, goats, processing plant
engage in Hog,
Debt Management Water Supply
Faculty / cattle and Hog & Faculty
Others products produced
O Finance the establishment of Provision of Common
goat raising in the
C Many Others LGU Public Enterprise service facilities
More people
A Finance LGU Operation employed
Subsidize Expenditures of
the Poor Pay LGU Loan from
LBP/DBP and other Processing Plant for agri-fishery products
G Eco Tourism and other tourist attraction Increase people
Ensure security of people in
O the community Established LGU Public Public Market/slaughter house and others
V Integrated Bus Terminal
Others More
E Internal Revenue Salary of LGU Bagsakan Market area More income
R N Allocation Employee Buy and Sell of Farmer’s Products for LGU
O Public Transportation for hire/rental implemented
LGU Income/Rentals Implement LGU
Post Harvest Facilities for rental
of Public Enterprise Programs & Projects
M Conversion of commercial & household waste into organic More employment
Increase buying
E T Sale of LGU Property fertilizer for sale to farmers at reasonable price opportunities
capacity of the
Health Service
N A Micro credit assistance to the people engage in business people
Grants & Aides
T X Farm Inputs
Fish Ports and Sea Ports

Others Many others

More investors
will invest in the
U area
Livelihood training
N Encourage people to engage in farming
I Support facilities to the More people stay in barangays
on-going entrepreneurial
T activities of the people
T Responsible indivi- Encourage graduates to engage in self employment
Religious Group Mould the character dual in the society Entrepreneurship More Tax
A of the individual
Encourage graduates to engage in productive economic activities
Collection of
X Encourage graduates to put up business enterprise the LGU

Non-Profit Educated & talented

E people in the community
Non-Stock Educate people Encourage graduates to put up small business enterprise
X Educ. Institutional Encourage graduates to tap local resources& convert it into marketable products
E Institution Provide employable
skills Generate employment opportunity in the community Encourage poor
M to take higher
P education
Establish business
T Cooperative enterprise Answer needs of
I member
Create employment Less problematic Peaceful More More business enterprise
N opportunity people in the society community investor will established Equipped
come in people with
Prepared by:
Eulalio B. Lumactod

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