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CHEMISTRY YEAR 09 Class activity sheet-20 (Fuels and world energy consumption)

Lesson objectives:
By the end of this lesson, about 70% of the learners should be able to:
 Define renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
 Give examples of renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

Recap of previous lesson:

What can you recall about the last lesson?

Prompt for prior knowledge:

What do you know about energy resources?

Fuels and world energy consumption

- Over the last 20 decades world increasing energy proportion comes from non-renewable sources
such as oil and coal.
- The unfortunate situation is that these resources are fast running out and scientists are left with the
assignment of future energy sources which are renewable.
- Definition: A Fuel is any substance that burns and release heat energy.
ACTIVITY 01: Complete the table below suggest the names of the different common fuels used in
the world.
Solid fuels Liquid fuels Gaseous fuels

Renewable and non-renewable energy resources

- Plants and animals live because the sun is there to provide energy.
- Fossil fuels are non-renewable because they will run out one day. Burning fossil fuels generates
green house gases and relying on them for energy generation is unsustainable.
- Fossil is a bone, a shell or the shape of a plant or animal which has been preserved in rock for a very long
- Hence the need to find more renewable, sustainable ways of generating energy.

Energy sources
- The energy from the sun is finally stored in plants and animals as chemical energy and some of this
energy remains with them when they die.
- The remains of dead plants and animals over millions of years make up fossil fuels.

(A) Renewable energy source is defined as an energy source that can be replenished (made
again) naturally in a short period of time. Examples of renewable (infinite) energy resources:
- Wave: created by the wind blowing across the sea
- Geothermal: heat that comes from deep rocks under the surface of the Earth
- Hydro-electric: generated from running water
- Wind: energy generated by movement of air cause by a difference in temperature of air
above the land and above the bodies of water.
- Biomass: Energy generated from plants and waste remains e.g wood, animal droppings
- Solar: energy obtained from the sun
- Tidal: energy generated as a result of the rise and fall of tides
ACTIVITY 02: Given the picture of the energy source below

(a) Write the name of each energy source below its picture given above.
(b) Why should each energy source above be classified as renewable?
(c) Under what condition will wood be considered as:
(i) a renewable energy resource? ……………………………………………………………
(ii) a non-renewable energy resource? ……………………………………………………….

(B) Non-renewable energy source is defined as an energy source that cannot be replenished
naturally in a short period of time. Examples of non-renewable (finite) energy resources:
- Fossil fuels: coal (solid), petroleum and natural gas are all considered fossil fuels because
they were formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of
years ago. Fossil fuels burn to generate much energy
- Atom: Uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are valuable sources of nuclear energy.
Power plant

ACTIVITY 03: The pictures above show some sources of energy.

(a) From the picture suggest examples of fossil fuels. ………...

……………………………………………………………………………................... ...............
(b) Why do you think that there will be energy crises in future if we rely on the energy sources
shown on the picture above?
Comparing non-renewable energy resources
Type of fuel Where it is from Advantages Disadvantages
Coal (fossil Formed from fossilised plants and Ready-made fuel. It is When burned coal gives off
fuel) consisting of carbon with various relatively cheap to mine and atmospheric pollutants,
organic and some inorganic compounds. to convert into energy. including greenhouse gases.
Mined from seams of coal, found Coal supplies will last
sandwiched between layers of rock in longer than oil or gas.
the earth.
Oil (fossil fuel) A carbon-based liquid formed from Oil is a ready-made fuel. When burned, it gives off
fossilised animals. Lakes of oil are Relatively cheap to extract atmospheric pollutants,
sandwiched between seams of rock in and to convert into energy. including greenhouse gases.
the earth. Pipes are sunk down to the Only a limited supply.
reservoirs to pump the oil out.
Natural gas Methane and some other gases trapped Gas is a ready-made fuel. It When burned, it gives off
(fossil fuel) between seams of rock under the earth's is a relatively cheap form of atmospheric pollutants,
surface. Pipes are sunk into the ground energy. It's a slightly including greenhouse gases.
to release the gas. Often used in houses cleaner fuel than coal and Only limited supply of gas.
for heating and cooking. oil.
Nuclear Radioactive minerals such as uranium A small amount of Nuclear reactors are
are mined. Electricity is generated from radioactive material expensive to run. Nuclear
the energy that is released when the produces a lot of energy. waste is highly toxic, and
atoms of these minerals are split (by Raw materials are relatively needs to be safely stored for
nuclear fission) in nuclear reactors. cheap and can last quite a hundreds or thousands of
long time. It doesn't give off years (storage is extremely
atmospheric pollutants. expensive). Leakage of
nuclear materials can have a
devastating impact on
people and the environment.

ACTIVITY 04: Of the pairs of fossil fuels given below. Which has an advantage over the other
suggest at least a reason?

(a) ……………………………………………

(b) ……………………………………………

(c) ……………………………………………

[Grand total = ………mks]

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