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Past time expressions

Complete the sentences with a word from the box. Careful! Sometimes no word is

Example: I arrived home at six o’clock-

I saw Jane _- yesterday.

ago last in for at when on

1 – I was born in Africa ______ 1970.

2 – My parents moved back to England ______ I was five.

3 – We lived in Bristol ______ three years.

4 – I left college three years _______.

5 – I found a flat on my own _______ last year.

6 – I usually go home _______ the weekend.

7 – I didn’t go home _______ weekend because some friends came to stay.

8 – They arrived _______ three o’clock _______ the afternoon.

9 - _______ Saturday evening we went out to a concert.

10 - _______ we got home we listened to some music.

11 – We got up late ________ Sunday morning.

12 - _______ the afternoon we went for a walk.

13 – I bought a car a few weeks ______ .

14 – I had an accident _______ last night.

15 – It happened _______ seven o’clock _______ the evening.

16 – I took my car to the garage _______ this morning.

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