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Nama : Imam Adit Khalit

Nim : 18072042

1. Why Part of Speech is important in mastering English !

Answer :

by mastering part of speech we can structure sentences properly and correctly. And part of
speech very influential on sentence structure.

2. Can you explain about Affixes!

Answer :

Affixes is an affix word which consists of two forms, namely a prefixes which can be
called a prefix and a suffiesx which can be called a suffix. In English the affix serves to
create a new word from an existing word, the new word that is created has a new meaning
as well.

3. Why by mastering affixes enable to enrich your vocabulary!

Answer :

Understanding affix We can ascertain the meaning and also the meaning of the word and
can enrich us with words that may not be found in the dictionary

4. Make sentence from these words: a coin, a triangle, a sphere, a hemisphere, a cylinder, a
rectangular prism, a cube, a triangle, a square. Example: A coin is shape like a circle. It is
circular in shape.

Answer :

 a sphere like a circle. it is circular in shape

 a hemisphere like a semicircle. It is semicircular shape
 a cube like a square. It is square shape
 a triangle has three angles and three sides
 cylinder like a tube. it is circular shape
 a rectangular prism like a box. it is square shape
 a square like a box. it is square shape
 equilateral triangles have three equal sides
 A coin is shape like a circle. It is circular in shape
5. . Write six sentences about your own Town/City, using these words: Is/are situated, is/are
located, is/are found, is/are distributed throughout, to the east of, to the west of, in the north of, in
the south of.


 Lubuk Alung is situated area in Padang Pariaman

 Tugu ikan is found in Lubuk Alung
 Lubuk Alung is located on the south of from padang
 Nyarai is found in the Lubuk Alung
 Tofu is distributed throughout the Lubuk Alung area
 Lubuk alung to the east of hutan gamaran.
 lubuk alung to the west of pariaman.
 Lubuk alung in the north of bukittinggi
 Lubuk alung in the south of padang.


Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs

Signify Signification Significant Significantly
Institute institution Institusional Institusionally
Theorize theorizetion Theoretical Theoretically
Function function functional functionally
Labor Laboratorium laboratory laboriuosly
Visualize Visualization Visual Visually
Analyze Analysis Analytical analitically
Impulsive impulse Impulsive impulsively
Rotate Rotation Rotational Rotationally


Vernier Calipers, Screw Driver, Spanner, Lathe, Spur Gear, by using these prepositions; at the
top, at the bottom, in the middle, on, above, under, below, on the left, on the right, inside, out
side, beside, on either side, between, among, over, in front of, behind, beyond then translate them
into Indonesian.

 spur gear in the inside of lathe machine

( roda gigi di dalam mesin bubut )
 vernier calipers on above of lathe machine
(jangka sorong diatas mesin bubut)
 A lathe machine in the position on floor.
( mesin bubut terletak di atas lantai )
 spanner at the top of lathe machine
( kunci inggris terletak di atas mesin bubut )
 Screw driver on the right spanner
( sekrup berada di sebelah kanan kunci pas)
 A vernier caliper is at the top a spanner
(Kaliper Vernier ada di bagian atas kunci pas)
 A screw driver is in the middle spur gear
(Sebuah obeng berada di gigi taji tengah)
 A Lathe is at the bottom a vernier caliper
(Bubut berada di bagian bawah jangka sorong)

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