Welcome To An-Nur Sofia

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Izzatul Sofia Date of birth: 14 March.


Learning priority: Exploring new ideas and experiences with confidence

Sofia, Assalamu alaikum. We are so pleased to welcome you and your family to An-Nur Child
Education and Care Centre. You just started to come to An-Nur a couple of weeks ago, it seems
you settled with us very quickly and having a wonderful time from the very beginning. You
were feeling a bit shy first few days, and reluctant to speak with your teachers of peers. We
are pleased to see that you have started to open up and how clever girl you are! Masha Allah.

In sha Allah you will have wonderful and memorable time at An-Nur and will build a strong
bond with all the teachers and children. We are looking forward to getting to know you better,
build good relationships with you and learn and grow and have many exciting learning
adventures together in sha Allah.

Sofia, , In our An- Nur childcare centre there are so many opportunities for you to enhance
your learning. We will assist you to develop your skills and knowledge through providing
support and encouragement throughout all areas of our programme in sha Allah.
Te Whariki goal
Wellbeing: “Their emotional wellbeing is nurtured”
Contribution: “They are encouraged to learn with and alongside others”
Exploration: “They learn strategies for active exploration, thinking and reasoning”
Written by – Teacher Rosy. November, 2020

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