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PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta, Inc. Leader/Videographer: Zedrick P.

Oral Communication in Context Scriptwriter: Allecel Mae D. Castillo
1st Performance Task Editor:
11 GHT 5, Social Interaction, Group 2 Actors: Harriette Degyem, Marie Fhey
Ignacio, Lance Dionio, Zedrick

Scene 1

Harriette: My name is Harriette. I have social anxiety disorder. I have an immoderate and
unreasonable fear of social situations. I’m scared that I will make mistakes, look bad, and be
embarrassed or humiliated in front of others.
I don’t like interacting with people and I also don’t like being the center of attention. I get easily
shy and I always avoid people, afraid that I’ll say the wrong thing and people would hate me
because I don’t belong and different since I am not used to do social interactions. That’s what I
used to believe until someone came to prove me wrong.

(Marie Fhey, Harriette’s neighbor, approached Harriette.)

Marie Fhey: Hey, I’ve been observing you for a while as your neighbor.
Harriette: Why?
Marie Fhey: Not to gossip, but just to observe.
Harriette: Okay, what did you observed?
Marie Fhey: I just noticed that you seemed always lonely and you look intimidating that’s why
this is just the only opportunity I could approach you.
Harriette: Ah, I see.
Marie Fhey: Then why are you always lonely?
Harriette: I’m just a quiet person and also…
Marie Fhey: Also what?
Harriette: Never mind, gotta go, sorry. I appreciate your approach. (walked out)
Marie Fhey: Wait. Also what? (Stopped Harriette)
Harriette: I have social phobia.
Marie Fhey: That’s it? Then, let me help you overcome your phobia then.
Harriette: It’s not that easy.
Marie Fhey: Challenge accepted. Just trust me. By the way, I’m Marie Fhey. (offers hand)
Harriette: Harriette. (Marie Fhey and Harriette shaked hands)

Scene 2

Somehow, Harriette became comfortable with Marie Fhey. Since she already received good
vibes from her neighbor and she couldn’t wait to interact with her neighbor again. So, from that
day, she decided to face and planned to overcome her social anxiety.

The next day…

(From Harriette’s house. Marie Fhey visited her.)

Marie Fhey: Hello, Harriette. How are you?
Harriette: Hey, I’m doing fine. How about you?
Marie Fhey: Doing good as always.
Harriette: Come in! Make yourself at home.
Marie Fhey: Remember the challenge I accepted yesterday?
Harriette: Yes, why?
Marie Fhey: I brought my friends here and I’d like to introduce them to you so that you can
have more friends than 1.
Harriette: Really? Actually, I’m getting shy. But I would like to meet them.
Marie Fhey: Wait, they’re on their way.

(2 guys arrived. Zedrick and Lance.)

Lance: Hello! ( Zedrick: waved)

Marie Fhey: Here they are!
Harriette: Uhm, hi.
Marie Fhey: Harriette, this is Zedrick.
Zedrick: ‘Sup.
Harriette: Hi.
Marie Fhey: Then, this is Lance. They are my friends.
Zedrick: And we want you to be in our circle of friends.
Harriette: I would love to.

Harriette and her new friends spend a lot of time with each other. They already shared tears,
laughters and memories with each other and Harriette already overcame her social phobia and
she’s happy that Marie Fhey won the challenge and she’s thankful with it.

Harriette: Marie Fhey, I really appreciate your efforts and you really helped me overcome my
phobia. I’m so lucky to have afriend like you.
Marie Fhey: No worries! You can always run into me! And I’m so happy to watch you grow
and overcome your fear. (Marie Fhey and Harriette hugged.)


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