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Alcantara, John Laurence G.

Contribution: 80% MEXE 3101

Jacinto, Joevylea R. Contribution: 20%

Google Search Activity 1

A. Absolute instrument & Secondary instruments

1. Absolute instrument

Absolute instrument measures the process variable directly from the process
without the use of conversion. Two of the common absolute instruments are the
Rayleigh Current Balance and Absolute Electrometer.

Rayleigh Current Balance Absolute Electrometer

The Rayleigh Current Balance was used by Edward B. Rosa, Noah E. Dorsey,
and Miller in 1912 in their classic determination of the absolute value of the ampere.
(NIST Digital Archives, 1999).

The absolute electrometer is a device used historically to determine potential

difference directly by measuring the electrostatic force between the plates of a charged
capacitor (Metz, 2005).
2. Secondary instrument

These instruments are so constructed that the deflection of such instruments

gives the magnitude of the electrical quantity to be measured directly. These are
classified as (a) Indicating instruments, (b) integrating instruments, and (c) recording

a. Indicating instrument

Frequency Meter Power Factor Meter

Frequency Meter is an instrument for measuring the frequency of periodic

processes (oscillations). The frequency of mechanical vibrations is usually measured by
means of mechanical vibration frequency meters and by electrical meters equipped with
transducers to convert the mechanical vibrations into electrical oscillations. (Mirskii,

The power factor meter measures the power factor of a transmission system.
The power factor is the cosine of the angle between the voltage and current. The power
factor meter determines the types of load used on the line, and it also calculates the
losses occurring on it. (Circuit Globe, 2018).

b. Integrating instrument

Kilovolt-ampere-hour (kVARh) meter Ampere-hour Meter

Kilovolt-ampere-hour (kVARh) meter measures the total amount of either quantity
of electricity (kVARh) or electrical energy supplied over a period of time
(AutomationForum.Co, 2018).
The ampere hour meter registers ampere-hours and is an integrating meter
similar to the watt-hour meter used to measure electricity usage in a home. Typical
ampere-hour meters are digital indicators similar to the odometer used in automobiles.
(Ajinkya Electronic Systems, 2020).

c. Recording instrument

ECG Machine Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

An ECG recording machine will usually show your heart rhythm and electrical
activity as a graph displayed electronically or printed on paper. For an ambulatory ECG,
the ECG machine will store the information about your heart electronically, which can be
accessed by a doctor when the test is complete. (NHS, 2020)

The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is a type of electrical instrument which is

used for showing the measurement and analysis of waveforms and other electronic and
electrical phenomena. It is a very fast X-Y plotter that shows the input signal versus
another signal or versus time. The CROs are used to analyse the waveforms, transient,
phenomena, and other time-varying quantities from a very low-frequency range to the
radio frequencies (Circuit Globe, 2018).

B. Analog and Digital instrument

1. Analog instruments

The signals of an analog unit vary in a continuous fashion and can take on an
infinite number of values in a given range. Two of the common analog instruments are
the Wristwatch and Fuel Gauge.
Wristwatch is a watch whose display is not digital but rather analog with a
traditional clock face. Analog watches have a quartz mechanism that enables the
“ticking” of the hands to indicate the time on the dial. Quartz-based watches have a
battery-powered circuit that produces electricity and passes the electric current to the
quartz crystal. (Arslan, 2020).

Wristwatch Fuel Gauge

Fuel gauges work by measuring the voltage across a variable resistor within the
sensing system, to determine the level of fuel; which is then relayed to the driver via the
indicating system (Critchley, 2019).

2. Digital Instruments

Signals that vary in discrete steps and that take a finite number of different
values in a given range are digital signals and the corresponding instruments are of
digital type. Two of the common digital instruments are the Digital Caliper and Digital

Digital Caliper Digital Tachometer

The Digital Caliper (sometimes incorrectly called the Digital Vernier Caliper) is a
precision instrument that can be used to measure internal and external distances
extremely accurately. The example shown below is a digital caliper as the
distances/measurements are read from a LCD display (Ryan, 2009).

A digital tachometer is an optical encoder that determines the angular velocity of

a rotating shaft or motor. Digital tachometers are used in different applications such as
automobiles, airplanes, and medical and instrumentation applications (Elprocus, 2020).

C. Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Instruments

1. Mechanical instrument

Mechanical instruments are very reliable for static and stable conditions. As they
use mechanical parts these instruments cannot faithfully follow the rapid changes which
are involved in dynamic instruments. Two of the common mechanical instruments are
the Caliper and Micrometer.

Micrometer Caliper

A micrometer is a measuring instrument that can make extraordinarily precise

measurements. Most micrometers are designed to measure within one one-thousandth
of an inch! That's a close fit. Exact measurements like this are necessary when even the
smallest of space between objects can cause problems or difficulties (Grainger, 2020).

A caliper is a type of measuring tool that measures the distance between two
opposite sides of an object. Calipers are meant for measuring thicknesses and internal
or external diameters inaccessible to a scale (The Home Depot, 2020).

2. Electrical Instruments
When the instrument pointer deflection is caused by the action of some electrical
methods then it is called an electrical instrument. Two of the common electrical
instruments are the Ammeter and Voltmeter.

Ammeter Voltmeter

An ammeter can measure a wide range of current values because at high values
only a small portion of the current is directed through the meter mechanism; a shunt in
parallel with the meter carries the major portion (Britannica, 2020).

Voltmeter is an instrument that measures voltages of either direct or alternating

electric current on a scale usually graduated in volts, millivolts (0.001 volt), or kilovolts
(1,000 volts) (Britannica, 2020).

D. Self-operated and Power-operated Instruments

1. Self-operated instruments

These instruments don’t need any outside power for its working. Two of the
common Self-operated instruments are the Dial Indicator and Mercury-in-Glass Type
Dial Indicator Mercury-in-Glass Type Thermometer

Dial indicators are one of the primary measuring tools used in precision engine
building. They are typically used to measure deck clearances, crankshaft thrust and
straightness, lifter travel and other measurements that involve the distance between two
surfaces or small amounts of component travel. The most commonly used type of dial
indicator reads in .001-inch increments over a range of one inch. For everything except
cam checking, many builders use an indicator with only .250-inch total travel which is
sufficient for most precision measurements (Hot Rod Engine Tech., 2020).

In a mercury thermometer, a glass tube is filled with mercury and a standard

temperature scale is marked on the tube. With changes in temperature, the mercury
expands and contracts, and the temperature can be read from the scale. Mercury
thermometers can be used to determine body, liquid, and vapor temperature (United
States Environmental Protection Agency, 2020).

2. Power operated instrument

Power operated instruments need external power for its working. Two of the
common Self-operated instruments are the Electro-Mechanical Measurement System
and Digital Revolution Counter.
Electro-Mechanical Measurement System Digital Revolution Counter

Electromechanical level systems measure the level in bins or silos with dusty,
fine-grained or coarse-grained bulk solids in tanks by using a sensing weight (Endress,

The digital revolution counter is a passive device. The power to drive the
solenoid comes from the A.C. power lines and not from the rotating shaft (Louman,

E. Deflection and Null Output Instruments

1. Deflection-type instrument

In a deflection-type instrument, the deflection of the instrument indicates the

measurement of the unknown quantity. The measured quantity produces some physical
effect which deflects or produces a mechanical displacement in the moving system of
the instrument. Two examples of this are the pressure gauge and Pressure-Measuring

Pressure Gauge Pressure-Measuring Device

The pressure gauge is a good example of a deflection-type instrument, where the
value of the quantity being measured is displayed in terms of the amount of movement
of a pointer (AllMeasurements.Com, 2020).

The pressure measuring device indicates how much higher or lower the
measured pressure is in comparison to the atmospheric pressure (pressure measuring
device for overpressure) (WIKA, 2020).

2. Null-type instruments

In null-type instruments, a zero or null indication leads to determination of the

magnitude of the measured quantity. The null condition depends upon some other
known conditions. These are more accurate and highly sensitive as compared to
deflection-type instruments. Two examples of this are the deadweight gauge and DC

Deadweight Gauge DC Potentiometer

An alternative type of pressure gauge is the deadweight gauge which is a

null-type instrument. The device does not require recalibration unless the components
have excessive wear of weights.It can be easily transported and set up in the field,
requires minimum maintenance and is simple to operate (Chandler, 2020).

A DC potentiometer can measure voltage directly and measure resistance,

current, power, and temperature indirectly. A DC potentiometer is a potentiometer in
which the supply is a battery and the balance is under direct current conditions (Collins,

A. Websites, Books, Journals, and Dictionary

AllMeasurements.Com, (2020). ​Null or Deflection Type Instruments. ​[online] Available

[Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Arslan, B., (2020). ​What is An Analog Watch? ​[online] Available at: [Accessed: 18
Sept. 2020]

AutomationForum.Co, (2018). ​Classification of measuring instruments. ​[online]

Available at:
[Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Britannica.Com, (2020). ​Ammeter. ​[online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Britannica.Com, (2020). ​Voltmeter. ​[online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Chandler Engineering, (2020). ​Deadweight Testers & Gauges. ​[online] Available at:
uges/ [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

CircuitGlobe.Com, (2018). ​Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO). ​[online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

CircuitGlobe.Com, (2018). ​Power Factor Meter. [​ online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Critchley, L. M. Sc., (2019). ​How Does a Fuel Level Sensor Work?. ​[online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Elprocus, (2020). ​Digital Tachometer Circuit Operation using Microcontroller and their
Types. ​[online] Available at:
[Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Endress, (2020). ​Electromechanical level measurement. ​[online] Available at: [Accessed:
18 Sept. 2020]
The Home Depot, (2020). ​How to Read Calipers. ​ [online] Available at:
52391/ [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Hot Rod Engine Tech., (2020). ​How to Use a Dial Indicator. ​ [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Granger.Com, (2020). ​How to Read and Use a Micrometer. [​ online] Available at:
er/ [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]
Metz, R.N., (2005). “The Absolute Electrometer Revisited.” ​American Journal of
Physics, 41. ​Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Louman, S.S., (2019). ​CLASSIFICATION OF INSTRUMENTS. [​ online] Available at:
[Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Mirskii, (1975). ​Frequency Meter.​ [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept.

NHS, (2020). ​Electrocardiogram (ECG). [​ online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

NIST Digital Archives, (1999). ​Rayleigh Current Balance Coils. ​[document] Digital
Collections of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Available at:
[Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

Ryan, V., (2009). ​The Digital Caliper. ​[online] Available at:
20(sometimes%20incorrectly,read%20from%20a%20LCD%20display./ [Accessed: 18
Sept. 2020]

United States Environmental Protection Agency, (2020). ​Mercury Thermometers.

Available at:
[Accessed: 18 Sept. 2020]

​ vailable at:
WIKA, (2020). ​Pressure measuring device. A [Accessed:
18 Sept. 2020]
B. Photographs

Absolute Electrometer​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Ammeter​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Ampere-hour Meter​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Caliper​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Cathode Ray Oscilloscope​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Continuous Reading Dial Indicator​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Dead weight piston gauge p​ hotograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Digital Caliper​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Digital Revolution Counter​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Digital Tachometer​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


ECG Machine​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


EE Series Electromechanical Level Measuring System​ photograph, viewed 18

September 2020,

Frequency Meter​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Fuel gauge​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Kilovolt-ampere-hour (kVARh) meter​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Mercury-in-Glass Type Thermometer p ​ hotograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Power Factor Meter p ​ hotograph, viewed 18 September 2020,

Pressure Gauge ​photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,

Rayleigh Current Balance​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Slant Thimble Outside Micrometer p ​ hotograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Wristwatch​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


Voltmeter​ photograph, viewed 18 September 2020,


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