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(BEG499 SM)
Year: IV
Teaching Examination Scheme Total
Schedule Marks
Final Internal

Theory Practical Theory Practical

Marks Marks

L T P Duration Marks Duration Marks

3 2 0 3 80 -- -- 20 -- 100

Course Objective:
To provide the students an understanding of importance of strategic management in
today's competitive business environment.

Course contents:
1. Introduction to Strategic Management (4 hrs)
1.1 Introduction of course,
1.2 Definition of strategic management,
1.3 Concept of strategic management,
1.4 Phases of strategic management,
1.5 Benefits of strategic management,
1.6 Basic model of strategic management
1.7 Strategic decisions

2. Environment Scanning and Industry Analysis (6 hrs)

2.1 Identifying external environmental variables
2.3 Industry Analysis: analyzing the Task Environment,
3.4 Porter's approach to Industry Analysis: threats of new entrants, rivalry among
existing firms,
3.5 Threat of substitute products or services,
3.6 Bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, relative power of other

3. Internal Scanning: Organizational Analysis (6 hrs)

3.1 Corporate Value Chain Analysis,
3.2 Organizational structures,
3.3 Corporate culture
4. Strategy Formulation: Corporate Strategy (4 hrs)
4.1 Directional Strategies: growth, concentration and diversification,
4.2 Stability and retrenchment Portfolio Analysis: BCG Market Growth, Parenting Strategy.
5. Strategy Formulation: Business strategy (5 hrs)
5.1 Porter's Competitive Strategies: low cost, differentiation, focus,
5.2 Cooperative Strategies: collusion, strategic alliances, mutual service consortia,
joint venture, licensing agreement

6. Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy and Strategic Choice (3 hrs)

6.1 Internal factors: marketing & sales, R&D, operations, personnel, finance, strategic
groups, strategic types, McKinsey 7s Framework

7. Strategy Implementation; Organizing for Action- Who, What and How? (3 hrs)
7.1 Who implements strategy, what must be done,
7.2 Developing programs, budget and procedures, Structure follows strategy

8. Strategy Implementation: Staffing and Directing (4 hrs)

8.1 Staffing, Staffing follows Strategy,
8.2 Management by Objectives (MBO)

9. Evaluation and Control (4 hrs)

9.1 Evaluation and control,
9.2 Measuring performance, Types of control

10. Case Study and student presentation (6 hrs)

 Thomas l. Wheelen, J. David Hunger, Krish Rangarajan, 2006, Strategic Management
and Business Policy, Pearson Education, India
 Lawrence R. Jauch, Rajiv Gupta, William F. Glueck, Business Policy and Strategic
Management, 2003, Frank Bros. & Co, India

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