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Summer Project Part 1: English Steven


periods of time and be more ADHD cure completely, relieve a

BENEFITS OF happier every time we wake up. person’s anxiety levels and

EXERCISE FOR OUR For mental health, exercise can

lastly, regular exercise can even
cure a person’s depression and
relieve and cure a lot of mental
WELL-BEING AND health problems such as ADHD,
prevent suicidal thoughts.

anxiety, depression and more And did you know that when we
MENTAL HEALTH commonly, stress levels. are carrying bags, riding our
bikes and even walking to a bus
Exercise is essential for our We do exercise whether it is
stop or school can even count
lives, we do them daily, once a daily, once or twice a week or at
as 150 minutes of regular
week or at P.E. lessons at a local gym so that we can
exercise, it is also fact that
secondary school, whatever improve our memories.
even every day activities can be
exercise you or I are doing, it
Studies show that an average considered exercise and that
always helps relieve stress, cure
adult should do at least 75 to can have benefits for our
depression, strengthen our
150 minutes of exercise a week wellbeing and mental health too!
bones and decrease time for our
and that could be either running,
injuries to heal; Physical activity
rope skipping, aerobics, rock
can also help us improve focus
climbing or even swimming,
when we are at school or work
anything that gets a person’s
and improve our sleep cycles so
heart beating faster and
than we can get a good, long
his/her's breath faster is
nights rest for our brains and
considered exercise and doing
bodies, exercise can also
more of these activities every
improve our energy levels so
week can help a person to stay
than we can be active for longer
strong and calm, help a person’s

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