Boundary Layer Measurement Over A Flat Plate: Nurul Safinas Binti Zulkifly

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Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.

1, 2014


Nurul Safinas Binti Zulkifly*

Tel :+6019-5743211 Email:

Sohana Binti Ismail*

Tel :+6019-6834366 Email:

Mohd Firdaus Bin Ibrahim*

Tel :+6012-7361974 Email:

*Mechanical Department, Politeknik Seberang Perai,

Penang, Malaysia.

Boundary layer measurement over a flat plate is made to investigate the characteristics of boundary
layer development, parameters and characteristics of fluid flow over a flat plate. This experiment was
conducted in the wind tunnel at Turbo Machinery Laboratory of Unimap. Readings of the boundary
layer measurements were taken at three measuring sections along a flat plate with three different
frequencies; 15 Hz, 20 Hz and 25 Hz. The height of boundary layer growth along the flat plate at
frequency 15 Hz is ranged from 0.935 mm to 1.021 mm, at frequency 20 Hz ranged from 0.985 mm to
1.025 mm and at frequency 25 Hz ranged from 0.825 mm to 0.987 mm. Displacement thickness and
momentum thickness values were calculated using the velocity profile by applying numerical method

Keywords: Boundary layer thickness, Displacement thickness, Momentum thickness, Velocity profile


This project is concerned about boundary layer measurement over a flat plate. Boundary layer is a
layer adjacent to a surface where viscous effects are important. When fluid passes through the object,
the fluid particles at the flat plate surface have zero velocity and they act as a retardant to reduce
velocity of adjacent particles in the vertical direction. Similar actions continue by other particles until at
the edge of the boundary layer where the particle’s velocity is 99% of the free stream velocity. Figure
(1) below depicts the flow of a fluid over a flat plate.

Figure 1: Flow over the flat plate


J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.1, 2014
The velocity of the fluid flow is increasing from the wall to maximum in the main stream of the flow.
As consider as a flat plate in the middle of a fluid flow, the velocity profile does not exist but it is
build up as the fluid moves over a flat plate. The characteristics of the boundary layer growth can
be determined by measuring the important parameters of the boundary layer. The important
parameters considered are the displacement thickness and momentum thickness. Once the free
stream velocity, U and velocity, u are known, all the parameter will be determined. The
displacement thickness and momentum thickness will be determined by applying numerical
analysis method which is Trapezoidal rule because of the increment of height is not constant.

The objective of this project Boundary Layer Measurement over a Flat Plate is:

I. To design and fabricate a new test section suitable for the boundary layer measurement over
a flat surface.
II. To learn how to make a probe for the measurement of boundary layer.
III. To learn the measurement technique.
IV. To learn how to calculate the boundary layer parameters by applying numerical analysis


2.1 Experimental Setup

 Design and Fabricate Test Section

Similar test section as the existing test section provided in the laboratory must be designed and
fabricated first before measuring the boundary layer development. The existing test section is not
suitable to measure boundary layer at different sections over a flat plate. This new design of test
section must be done to fix the flat plate in the test section properly.
The new test section is provided with a horizontal slot on the side wall of the test section as well as
a slot on the top surface of the test section. Horizontal slot on the side wall enables us to fix the
plate on which boundary layer measurements have to be made. The slot on the top surface
facilitates the boundary layer probe to be moved at different measuring stations. Holes are drilled
at the section where boundary layer measurements are made, for the static pressure
measurement. Pressure taps are fixed in these holes. Figure (2) below shows the new design of
the test section.

Figure 2: New design of test section


J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.1, 2014

 Design and Fabricate Pitot tube

Another Pitot tube as similar as provided has designed and fabricated. The existing Pitot tube is not
suitable for measuring the formation of boundary layer due to very large diameter of probe. The
formation of boundary layer is usually in small regime and could not be measured if the probe is too
thick. The new Pitot tube with thinner diameter of probe can measure for very small increments of
height as shown in figure (3) above.

Figure 3: New Pitot tube assemble with Digital Traverse Gear

 Test piece (Aluminium Flat Plate)

Aluminium flat plate with dimensions 390 mms long, 300 mm width and 6 mm in thickness is used
as a test piece. One side of the test piece edge must be chamfered to form wide separation of
boundary layer. At the end of chamfer side, two pieces of wire with diameter 0.1 mm has stick
together with the test piece. The main objective to install these small diameter wires is to increase
the boundary layer formation over the aluminium flat plate.

Figure 4: Aluminium flat plate

2.2 Experimental Measurement

 Pressure Differential

Pressure different is differential pressure between stagnation pressure and static pressure. The
pressure differentials were taken at three different frequencies which are 15 Hz, 20 Hz and 25 Hz.
For each frequency, reading has taken respectively at three desired section which is section 1 is
6.2 cm, section 2 is 12.4 cm and section 3 is 18.6 cm apart from leading edge.
The pressure differential was measured within the boundary layer with the height interval
increment for each section. At each interval height, the mean pressure differential was averaged

J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.1, 2014
over 10 data points and recorded manually. The digital traverse gear manually slide up the scale
for every point of increment.

 Velocity Profile

Velocity profile form whenever the boundary layer growth along the flat plate. Velocity profile is
presented by plotting graph of height of pressure point against the velocity component inside the
boundary layer. Value of velocity for every point is obtained by applying Bernoulli equation to the
value of the pressure different as expressed below:

Pt  Ps
V 2
 (1)

Where V is fluid velocity

Pt is stagnation or total pressure
Ps is static pressure
and ρ is fluid density

 Boundary Layer Thickness

Boundary layer thickness,  is distance from wall to point where u  0.99U . The value of  will
increase with distance from the point where the fluid first starts to pass over the boundary layer.
Once the velocity profile graphed, the boundary layer thickness will find out by calculated the value
of velocity that is 0.99 of free-stream velocity and find out the height from the graph plotted.

 Displacement Thickness

Once the free stream velocity and velocity component inside the boundary layer at each interval
height are known, the displacement thickness,  * can be calculated according to equation (2)
below and applying Trapezoidal Rule:

 u  (2)
   1 
* dy
 U 
0 
Where u is velocity component inside the boundary layer and U is mainstream velocity

 Momentum Thickness

Momentum thickness,  is another main parameter of boundary layer. Momentum thickness can
be calculated by applying equation (3) below to Trapezoidal Rule.

u u
  1  dy (3)
U U

Where u is velocity component inside the boundary layer and U is mainstream velocity

J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.1, 2014

 Shape Factor

Shape factor equation (4) given below:

 (4)

Where  is displacement thickness and


 is momentum thickness

 Trapezoidal Rule

In mathematics, the trapezoidal rule is an approximate technique for calculating the definite

 a
f ( x).dx

In practice this method deals with integration of unequal segments. The trapezoidal rule
works by approximating the region under the graph of the function f(x) as a trapezoid and
calculating its area. The integral value gathers by applying the trapezoidal rule to each segment
and sums the results [3]:

b f (a)  f (b)
f ( x).dx  (b  a)
2 ( 6)
f ( x0 )  f ( x1 ) f ( x1 )  f ( x2 ) f ( xn 1 )  f ( xn )
I  h1  h2 
2 2 2


3.1 Velocity Profile

Using the data of pressure differential obtained, the mean velocity profile graphed at each location
of different frequency.


J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.1, 2014
Velocity Profile for Frequency 15



3.625 L2=12.4cm
L3= 18.6cm


8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.0010.5011.0011.5012.0012.50
Figure 5: Velocity profile for frequency 15 Hz

The mean velocity profiles are drawing in figure (5) above. It show the velocity distributions within
the boundary layer. This figure show that the boundary layer grows as L is increased along the flat
plate and the curves tend to have larger tangent of the surfaces as the velocity increase.
Summarizely for every different frequency, the velocity profile distribution differs at different section.
Furthermore, the trend of the distribution is still same. The boundary layer growth becomes smaller
as frequency increase.

3.2 Boundary layer thickness

Once the velocity profile graphed, the boundary layer thickness will find out by calculated the value
of velocity that is 0.99 of free-stream velocity and find out the height from the graph plotted. Table
(1) below give summary of boundary layer thickness grows for every length and frequencies.

Table 1: Summary of boundary layer thickness

L Freq. 15 Freq. 20 Freq. 25
(cm)  u  u  u
0.93 9.73 0.98 14.90 0.82 17.44
5 2 5 9 5 3
12.4 10.7 0.82 15.37 1.02 18.75
4 5 5 4 3
18.6 1.02 11.8 1.02 15.85 0.98 20.14
1 8 5 0 7 7
u  0.99U
 is boundary layer thickness


J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.1, 2014
Growth of boundary layer is increase as length increase as expected. Boundary layer thickness
should be decrease whenever frequency is increase. But, at frequency 20 Hz, there may some
error happen due to larger boundary layer thickness compare to frequency 15 Hz.

3.3 Displacement thickness

Displacement thickness measured by using Trapezoidal rule which sum the results of area under

Displacement Thickness for Freq. 15

3.125 L1=6.2cm
2.125 L2=12.4cm
1.125 L3= 18.6cm
-0.001 0.009 0.019 0.029 0.039 0.049 0.059 0.069 0.079 0.089 0.099 0.109 0.119 0.129 0.139
Figure 6: Displacement Thickness for frequency 15 Hz

Figure (6) above represent the displacement thickness for other frequencies. The trends of these
frequencies same as shown in figure (6) above.

Table 2: Summarize of displacement thickness

Data Set Length (cm) Displacement Thickness,  *
Freq.15 1 6.2 0.04759
2 12.4 0.08809
3 18.6 0.08950
Displacement Thickness, 
Data Set Length (cm)
Freq. 20 1 6.2 0.05296
2 12.4 0.06595
3 18.6 0.07007
Displacement Thickness, 
Data Set Length (cm)
Freq. 25 1 6.2 0.03001
2 12.4 0.03211
3 18.6 0.03311


J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.1, 2014
From table (2) above, displacement thickness at every frequency increase as the length from the
leading edge increase. Based on theoretical, displacement thickness should decrease whenever
frequency is increase Furthermore, compare for these three frequencies some doubtful happen at
frequency 20 Hz, displacement thickness at 6.2 cm is larger than frequency 15 Hz. Another result is
present as expected.

3.4 Momentum Thickness

Momentum thickness also measured by applying Trapezoidal rule which sum of the results of area
under graph.

6.125 Momentum Thickness for Freq. 15


3.625 u

3.125 u
-0.001 0.019 0.039 0.059 0.079 0.099 0.119
Figure 7: Displacement Thickness for frequency 15 Hz

Figure (7) above as a representative the momentum thickness for other frequencies. The trends of
these frequencies same as shown in figure (7) above.

Table 3: Summarize of displacement thickness

Data Set Length (cm) Momentum Thickness, 
Freq.15 1 6.2 0.04454
2 12.4 0.08180
3 18.6 0.08488
Data Set Length (cm) Momentum Thickness, 
Freq. 20 1 6.2 0.05229
2 12.4 0.06357
3 18.6 0.06605
Data Set Length (cm) Momentum Thickness, 
Freq. 25 1 6.2 0.02764
2 12.4 0.03008
3 18.6 0.03239


J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

Journal of Mechanical Manufacturing (J-Mfac), Vol.1, 2014

Analysis continued for momentum thickness at three different frequencies. The value of momentum
thickness is respectively increases whenever the length is increase. By comparing with frequency
before, some doubtful happen when value of momentum thickness at 6.2 cm frequency 20 Hz give
larger value than frequency 15 Hz. Others, is present as expected.

3.5 Shape Factor

Table 4: Summary for Shape Factor

Data Length Shape factor, H
Set in cm
Freq.15 Freq.20 Freq.25
Hz Hz Hz
1 6.2 1.06847 1.01282 1.08542
2 12.4 1.07693 1.03738 1.06754
3 18.6 1.05448 1.06087 1.02207

The objectives stated at the early part of the report have been achieved. The boundary layer
parameter and characteristics successfully developed by applying numerical method analysis which
is Trapezoidal rule.
Data at each measuring station at every frequency graphed, to obtain the mean velocity profiles.
These graphs matched expected profiles. Roughly, for every frequency increase, the boundary
layer thickness is decrease as expected. For frequency 15 Hz, the height of the boundary layer
ranged around 0.935mm to 1.021 mm. While for frequency 20 Hz, the height of the boundary layer
ranged around 0.985 mm to 1.025 mm. Then, for frequency 25 Hz, the height of the boundary layer
ranged around 0.825 mm to 0.987 mm.
Boundary layer thickness along the flat plate is increase as the length from the leading edge
increase. As the frequency increase, boundary layer thickness going decrease. This characteristic
goes same with other important parameter of boundary layer. Momentum thickness and
displacement thickness increase along the flat plate. Besides, these parameters will decrease when
frequency increase is applied. But there are some errors occur while doing the measurement. Then
it is causing the parameters get some doubtful value.


Kay Gemba (2007), Measurement of Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate. California State University,
Long Beach.

Doughlas J F, Gasiorek J M and Swaffield J A, Fluid Mechanics, Longman Publisher.

Donald F. Young, Bruce R. Munson & Theodore H. Okiishi (2004), A Brief Introduction to Fluid
Mechanics Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Steven C.Chapra & Raymond P.Canale (2006), Numerical methods for Engineers, Fifth
Edition,McGraw Hill International Edition Matching Approach and GA search


J-Mfac | Vol. 1, 2014

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